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Global poker variance Global poker variance

04-25-2023 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bonerang
Hey guys, long time lurker, second time poster.

I've been playing on Global Poker for quite a while now and I've been finding that I often lose when I have the best hand preflop and win when I do not have the best hand preflop.

This seems very suspect to me considering that I won a lot of money on UltimateBet in 2005 when 90% of the player pool were complete donkeys who thought that ripping it in for 50bb with complete air was a winning strategy.

Do you think that I should try studying and learn to beat the modern game of online poker, or should I start spamming random hand histories that don't tell anyone anything?
Yes please post hands.
04-26-2023 , 01:34 AM
Long time lurker of this thread and the global 2+2 forum in general, first time actually posting (created this account today to do so)

I’ve played well over 10k games on this site split equally between mtts and sngs so I’d like to assume that’s sufficient volume to be able to comment on this topic. Can’t really speak about the cash game side because my volume in that format is very limited.

I have no real incentive to make this post, in fact it’s almost certainly in my best interests financially to NOT share my honest thoughts as it would be a shame to see Global no longer exist with how insanely soft the player pool is.

However, I think it’s comical to see some people on here blindly defend Global when it’s pretty blatantly clear something is nefarious with the way the site is operating. This opinion is shared with a number of other winning regulars that I’ve spoken with about the site.

In the interest of not turning this post into a book, I won’t go into specific detail as to what I think is potentially going on. Does the OP have some bad takes? Absolutely, the “cashout curse” is not particularly a strong argument. But he does make a good point with respects to some sort of ELO rating being used, as it is pretty clear to me that winning players are being handicapped vs the net-depositors (losing recreationals) to the site.

Global could easily put this matter to rest by releasing hand histories, but since the inception of the site that is the ONE change they have been adamant on not acting upon. I think that is very telling in itself considering how open they’ve been in general to making other improvements in the best interests of the players.
04-26-2023 , 01:19 PM
A good portion of Global's winning players are legitimately bad players who wouldn't be considered regs in any decent pool. The reason why they "can't seem to win" is because they are bad and only had winrate to begin with because it was gifted to them. This is even truer in MTT/SNG format than it is for cash.

If there is some kind of handicapping going on then I feel lucky to have gone under the radar, along with folks like Jeremiah who just continue to print for $200/hr.
04-26-2023 , 02:17 PM
When people say "I've talked to a bunch of other regs" but they have 0 posts on 2p2...they're talking about Facebook, right? Like, they are a Facebook person and chat with other boomers on FB about how poker is rigged because they limped AA and then put in 100bb post with the worst hand? Correct me if I'm wrong, but where are all you brand new posters discussing poker with people you know for a fact are regs?
04-27-2023 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by loveskunk
A good portion of Global's winning players are legitimately bad players who wouldn't be considered regs in any decent pool. The reason why they "can't seem to win" is because they are bad and only had winrate to begin with because it was gifted to them. This is even truer in MTT/SNG format than it is for cash.

If there is some kind of handicapping going on then I feel lucky to have gone under the radar, along with folks like Jeremiah who just continue to print for $200/hr.
Stop the cap and Jeremiah is bum hunter bruh. He not foolin nobody. Fake gto playas look good against fish. Big deal. 50nl and up all nit regs. Don't cap. You right on mtt though. Worst of the worst in them games. If these so called bad regs bum hunt like Jeremiah they probably win 200 an hr too.
04-27-2023 , 09:44 PM
Its honestly pointless to keep going on about this without having a way to track hand histories theres no way we can prove anything to anyone you have 2 options trust Global or dont one things for sure tho there certificate does NOT prove its not rigged as the people who certify the ring have no idea if Globals still using the rng they tested. So either you just trust global or you dont. We cant even see hands that are called to the river so theres almost no possibility of showing any kind of proof to people. As far as daniel jeramiah printing money that proves absolutely nothing have you not watched the casino streamers that post all these million dollar wins everyday and there simply being let to win by the site and its not even all there money. IF global is doing something they wouldnt be stupid enough to do it against a streamer who has thousands up thousands of viewers.
04-27-2023 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sheeeetreg
Long time lurker of this thread and the global 2+2 forum in general, first time actually posting (created this account today to do so)

I’ve played well over 10k games on this site split equally between mtts and sngs so I’d like to assume that’s sufficient volume to be able to comment on this topic. Can’t really speak about the cash game side because my volume in that format is very limited.

I have no real incentive to make this post, in fact it’s almost certainly in my best interests financially to NOT share my honest thoughts as it would be a shame to see Global no longer exist with how insanely soft the player pool is.

However, I think it’s comical to see some people on here blindly defend Global when it’s pretty blatantly clear something is nefarious with the way the site is operating. This opinion is shared with a number of other winning regulars that I’ve spoken with about the site.

In the interest of not turning this post into a book, I won’t go into specific detail as to what I think is potentially going on. Does the OP have some bad takes? Absolutely, the “cashout curse” is not particularly a strong argument. But he does make a good point with respects to some sort of ELO rating being used, as it is pretty clear to me that winning players are being handicapped vs the net-depositors (losing recreationals) to the site.

Global could easily put this matter to rest by releasing hand histories, but since the inception of the site that is the ONE change they have been adamant on not acting upon. I think that is very telling in itself considering how open they’ve been in general to making other improvements in the best interests of the players.
Whats your username on global if you dont mind me asking if you dont want it public you can pm it.
04-27-2023 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Whats your username on global if you dont mind me asking if you dont want it public you can pm it.
Holy **** you are one mentally ill nutcase, I honestly feel bad for you man, joined in 2013 and you're still a rigtard in 2023, I pity you brother.
04-27-2023 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Its honestly pointless to keep going on about this without having a way to track hand histories theres no way we can prove anything to anyone you have 2 options trust Global or dont one things for sure tho there certificate does NOT prove its not rigged as the people who certify the ring have no idea if Globals still using the rng they tested. So either you just trust global or you dont. We cant even see hands that are called to the river so theres almost no possibility of showing any kind of proof to people. As far as daniel jeramiah printing money that proves absolutely nothing have you not watched the casino streamers that post all these million dollar wins everyday and there simply being let to win by the site and its not even all there money. IF global is doing something they wouldnt be stupid enough to do it against a streamer who has thousands up thousands of viewers.
04-28-2023 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Its honestly pointless to keep going on about this without having a way to track hand histories theres no way we can prove anything to anyone you have 2 options trust Global or dont one things for sure tho there certificate does NOT prove its not rigged as the people who certify the ring have no idea if Globals still using the rng they tested. So either you just trust global or you dont. We cant even see hands that are called to the river so theres almost no possibility of showing any kind of proof to people. As far as daniel jeramiah printing money that proves absolutely nothing have you not watched the casino streamers that post all these million dollar wins everyday and there simply being let to win by the site and its not even all there money. IF global is doing something they wouldnt be stupid enough to do it against a streamer who has thousands up thousands of viewers.
It aint rigged bruh. Some playas is sus though. They never lose and they play bad always behind but keep winnin day after day. They supposed to lose like everyone else. I don't see certain ID names lose and they got ton a leaks. But to be real I started I think 500 on global this month. I got 3.5 racks right now all cash games bruh. Came up 3k so far. NO donkament binks. Every month I print. Even igy bruh I started 2k got 7 racks right now on it. All cash games. I do see some sus ass game play though. Poker sites not riggin games or they rig for me to win month after month. Cool Global even gave us some rake back so playin more on it again. And I get bad beat a ton on both sites. Just move on to next hand. Table seem sus leave the table. Plenty other to join bruh.
04-28-2023 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by uwannatrouble
It aint rigged bruh. Some playas is sus though. They never lose and they play bad always behind but keep winnin day after day. They supposed to lose like everyone else. I don't see certain ID names lose and they got ton a leaks. But to be real I started I think 500 on global this month. I got 3.5 racks right now all cash games bruh. Came up 3k so far. NO donkament binks. Every month I print. Even igy bruh I started 2k got 7 racks right now on it. All cash games. I do see some sus ass game play though. Poker sites not riggin games or they rig for me to win month after month. Cool Global even gave us some rake back so playin more on it again. And I get bad beat a ton on both sites. Just move on to next hand. Table seem sus leave the table. Plenty other to join bruh.
Does the voice in your head speak this way? Do you dream in this suspicious ass language, brother?
04-28-2023 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
Does the voice in your head speak this way? Do you dream in this suspicious ass language, brother?
you're totally sus bruh
04-28-2023 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
Does the voice in your head speak this way? Do you dream in this suspicious ass language, brother?
Yo sista like it bruh. We know u on here cause you got no lady bruh. We get it bruh. U need some attention to feel that special feeling inside bruh.
04-28-2023 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by uwannatrouble
Yo sista like it bruh. We know u on here cause you got no lady bruh. We get it bruh. U need some attention to feel that special feeling inside bruh.
You from da hood?
04-28-2023 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
You from da hood?
04-28-2023 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
You from da hood?
I am
04-28-2023 , 05:59 PM
Why does 2+2 allow these flat earth rigtards to slander Global without repercussion? They have never once provided any substantial evidence, disgusting **** regs taking out their terrible play on conspiracy theories, and 2+2 gives them a platform to do it
04-28-2023 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by ChadVersus
Why does 2+2 allow these flat earth rigtards to slander Global without repercussion? They have never once provided any substantial evidence, disgusting **** regs taking out their terrible play on conspiracy theories, and 2+2 gives them a platform to do it
Must be a joe biden voter.
04-29-2023 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Must be a joe biden voter.
Are you an insurrectionist sympathizer? Because that would be a huge tell.
04-29-2023 , 11:38 AM
it would be nice to be able to see some HH, and also seeing hands when they get to showdown should be mandatory. i dont think anything nefarious is going on because im completely running over the cash games, i literally withdraw 2/300 every 2/3 days and im only playing 10 and 20nl. def some sus players, but for the most part its pretty standard from the stuff ive seen. im 12 tabling cash games and winning at a significant rate, there is so much free money to be made on global its literally hillarious that anyone is complaining.

im sure the correlation between players who say the site is rigged are the overall losing players, i could be wrong but how about some of you guys posting about "sus" and "rigged" post your screennames because im sure we have played at some point.

like i said the only sus thing is that you cant see the HH, and that you cant even see villains hands at showdown if they opt to not show, but i dont think its rigged there is too much money this site is making for them to do anything nefarious.
04-29-2023 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Sheeeetreg
Long time lurker of this thread and the global 2+2 forum in general, first time actually posting (created this account today to do so)

I’ve played well over 10k games on this site split equally between mtts and sngs so I’d like to assume that’s sufficient volume to be able to comment on this topic. Can’t really speak about the cash game side because my volume in that format is very limited.

I have no real incentive to make this post, in fact it’s almost certainly in my best interests financially to NOT share my honest thoughts as it would be a shame to see Global no longer exist with how insanely soft the player pool is.

However, I think it’s comical to see some people on here blindly defend Global when it’s pretty blatantly clear something is nefarious with the way the site is operating. This opinion is shared with a number of other winning regulars that I’ve spoken with about the site.

In the interest of not turning this post into a book, I won’t go into specific detail as to what I think is potentially going on. Does the OP have some bad takes? Absolutely, the “cashout curse” is not particularly a strong argument. But he does make a good point with respects to some sort of ELO rating being used, as it is pretty clear to me that winning players are being handicapped vs the net-depositors (losing recreationals) to the site.

Global could easily put this matter to rest by releasing hand histories, but since the inception of the site that is the ONE change they have been adamant on not acting upon. I think that is very telling in itself considering how open they’ve been in general to making other improvements in the best interests of the players.

ay, whats your screenname on global? pm me if you dont feel like sharing it publicly, im trying to surmise the fact that the majority of players saying things are sus are the losing players, i could be wrong but this is just my opinion. apologize if im wrong but it doesnt feel that way
04-29-2023 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Duncsumn7
it would be nice to be able to see some HH, and also seeing hands when they get to showdown should be mandatory. i dont think anything nefarious is going on because im completely running over the cash games, i literally withdraw 2/300 every 2/3 days and im only playing 10 and 20nl. def some sus players, but for the most part its pretty standard from the stuff ive seen. im 12 tabling cash games and winning at a significant rate, there is so much free money to be made on global its literally hillarious that anyone is complaining.

im sure the correlation between players who say the site is rigged are the overall losing players, i could be wrong but how about some of you guys posting about "sus" and "rigged" post your screennames because im sure we have played at some point.

like i said the only sus thing is that you cant see the HH, and that you cant even see villains hands at showdown if they opt to not show, but i dont think its rigged there is too much money this site is making for them to do anything nefarious.
Do you think saying **** like this is a good thing? Stfu weird ass 10Nl "grinder" lmao
04-29-2023 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Must be a joe biden voter.
Nope just sick of you mentally ill clowns being allowed to slander a site with no evidence other than what we all know, you just suck ass at poker
04-29-2023 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by ChadVersus
Nope just sick of you mentally ill clowns being allowed to slander a site with no evidence other than what we all know, you just suck ass at poker
"Chad"Versus... name makes sense
04-30-2023 , 04:00 AM
Since I started doing cashouts everyday on 4-3 to see if cashouts have any effect on variance on global ive been on a 1000 game breakeven stretch on global the biggest one ive ever seen on any site in 20 years and over 100k headsup sit and goes. I even dropped down to 16$ husngs to make sure that im playing 90% fish so that my "roi" isnt less then it used to be. Ive been doing nothing but sitting first no other winning regs sit me. Take it for what you want feel free to sharkscope me and see my graph.
