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Global Poker - RNG Discussion Global Poker - RNG Discussion

04-30-2018 , 09:42 AM
Monterey, Bobo and Co still defending the site as if their livelihood depended on it? Oh wait.... I think it is. New accounts coming in to say how great global is/ legit it is? Yeah... Other posters like staysmacked posting to throw in the white towel? Yeah...

Anyone that continues to play on this site is a SUCKER. I've never ran to an online riggy thread in order to justify/ explain away my losses until this site. People see "fish" on a site and get greedy and justify all the weird **** / suck outs/ bad beats due to "bad play". I certainly fell for it too.
04-30-2018 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by upswinging
Monterey, Bobo and Co still defending the site as if their livelihood depended on it? Oh wait.... I think it is.
My motivations are hardly subtle, and I make them very clear even to the slowest of riggies. I am not here to defend the site, I don't really care what happens to Global Poker as for now I have zero invested in it. I like messing with paranoid riggies who post whines in threads like these as a mild diversion. They tend to enjoy getting all excited with the attention, and everyone has a relatively fun time.

For what it is worth, the guy Bobo just now is debating did make me chuckle mildly in a similar way by assuming threads like this (and the behavior within) matter for anything, as he used an arrogant (which I have no issues with for obvious reasons) and quite insulting approach without at all being aware that he is doing exactly that. That's partially why disposable threads like this amuse me - its fun watching people take them way more seriously than they should, as nothing ever said in threads like this has any impact on the industry, and that includes whining about spooky rigs or people "defending" the sites. What is said in threads like this stays in threads like this and never matters anywhere else, so easy to post, chuckle, then let it fall out of memory until one repeats the process for fun.

A lot of time things are much simpler in reality than people like you want them to be, and when I see that I like to point it out because it generally gets a reaction, and often that is fun to build on for a short while. Hope that helped explain things better to you, although whether you understand or not is not really of much concern. As to your generic whine about the site - meh, kind of boring, but no doubt you fall for things all the time (riggies are very soft targets), much like this post will likely make you want to reply.

All the best.
04-30-2018 , 11:09 AM
Nothing invested yet you post in here every single day, multiple posts per day, ever since this thread was created. Hmmm. you don't play on the site. Your stable doesn't play on the site, and again your in here every single day writing ****ing novels.

You are right up there with Kahn and the equity network fiasco. It says ALOT if a huge shill/ pos like him won't endorse global/ says to stay far away.
04-30-2018 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by upswinging
Monterey, Bobo and Co still defending the site as if their livelihood depended on it? Oh wait.... I think it is. New accounts coming in to say how great global is/ legit it is? Yeah... Other posters like staysmacked posting to throw in the white towel? Yeah...

Anyone that continues to play on this site is a SUCKER. I've never ran to an online riggy thread in order to justify/ explain away my losses until this site. People see "fish" on a site and get greedy and justify all the weird **** / suck outs/ bad beats due to "bad play". I certainly fell for it too.
My livelihood more-or-less depends on this site atm and I don't think it's rigged!

This isn't because I'm a shill or whatever, it's because I'm not a paranoid clown that's sad because he's running badly.

Good luck!
04-30-2018 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by pokerONETWO
My livelihood more-or-less depends on this site atm and I don't think it's rigged!

This isn't because I'm a shill or whatever, it's because I'm not a paranoid clown that's sad because he's running badly.

Good luck!


Let these clowns continue to cry. I’ll continue to inflate my paypal.
04-30-2018 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by upswinging
Nothing invested yet you post in here every single day, multiple posts per day, ever since this thread was created.
I have an average of less than 1 post a day in this thread, and my last post before the one today was a week ago.

Originally Posted by upswinging
Yeah, hmmm. Riggies make up and exaggerate stuff all the time when they get emotional, usually in their rigs, but sometimes in very easily confirmed information.

Originally Posted by upswinging
you don't play on the site. Your stable doesn't play on the site, and again your in here every single day writing ****ing novels.
You must read very short novels. My last one had 322 whopping words, so I will keep this one shorter to match your attention span.

Originally Posted by upswinging
You are right up there with Kahn and the equity network fiasco. It says ALOT if a huge shill/ pos like him won't endorse global/ says to stay far away.
Not sure what to say about this other than that is a pretty weird and non sequitur thing to say (even for a riggie), but people like you make up all sorts of stuff, and my fun is posting to see what new stuff they can make up - so good job coming up with something that I have not seen before, even if it makes zero sense.

Thanks for the reply, especially after I told you that that was the point in my post. Amusing even when one openly telegraphs one's intent that it has no impact on people like you, which makes it more fun, so let's see you come up with something even weirder the next time - perhaps involving Lizard People!

All the best.
05-01-2018 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I'm not sure quite how to respond to this. When someone posts something stupid or irrational, if pointing out the problems with their posts is going to make them look stupid or irrational in others' eyes, so be it.

....I don't use the word "rigtards", and I have no idea how my posts are giving people "a scarlett letter for the rest of their 2+2 career".
This is a terrible(and purposeful) over-simplification of what I was referring to....I know you like to be obtuse in these spots, but come on now. This is getting silly. You can't recognize the difference between pointing out someone's incorrect and/or irrational statements in a constructive helpful manner....and attempting to publicly humiliate and skewer them as to ruin their credibility/respect going forward??

insinuating that I and/or other 2+2 mods were involved in something underhanded in regards to the WPN forums, with zero evidence. And the reason you have no evidence is because it didn't happen.
I am not insinuating anything. Let me be clear with you here:
I know for a fact that the WPN forum was not only moderated inappropriately and over zealously, but also done in an unusually-murky, unofficial the clear benefit of WPN.
Only you know just how much of a role you played in all of that, but from my own personal experience I can say with some certainty, it is/was > 0%.

You're suggesting that I've been abusing moderating powers to limit critical discussions of WPN because it's in my financial interest to do so. You're seriously going to do that while denying being insulting, AND complaining that I'm not being nice to others? Seriously??
Sorry Bobo but as far as I can tell, you are a fallible human being just like the rest of us. You are not immune to making mistakes or having bad judgement or letting your own interests influence your decision making. Likewise, you are not immune to criticism. In fact, as a person in a public position of power/influence, you should expect it.
05-01-2018 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by MerginHosOn24s
I am not insinuating anything. Let me be clear with you here:
I know for a fact that the WPN forum was not only moderated inappropriately and over zealously, but also done in an unusually-murky, unofficial the clear benefit of WPN.
Only you know just how much of a role you played in all of that, but from my own personal experience I can say with some certainty, it is/was > 0%.
And let me be clear with you on two points:

1) You are once again making accusations with no evidence.
2) This is a topic for the WPN advertising thread in ATF. The one where you made similar accusations to which I responded and asked you some questions, which you have ignored ever since. Take it over there. This is the Global Poker forum.

Originally Posted by MerginHosOn24s
Sorry Bobo but as far as I can tell, you are a fallible human being just like the rest of us. You are not immune to making mistakes or having bad judgement or letting your own interests influence your decision making.
Sure, but you're not accusing me of making mistakes or having bad judgement. You're accusing me of intentionally moderating in a way to benefit WPN. Completely false, but again, take it to ATF.
05-03-2018 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by upswinging
Nothing invested yet you post in here every single day, multiple posts per day, ever since this thread was created. Hmmm. you don't play on the site. Your stable doesn't play on the site, and again your in here every single day writing ****ing novels.
It's almost like even if he's not getting paid by the site he's getting something out of posting here... but then again, why am I posting here??
05-04-2018 , 06:15 AM
Can't beat a riggie thread for sheer entertainment.
05-05-2018 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
My motivations are hardly subtle, and I make them very clear even to the slowest of riggies. I am not here to defend the site, I don't really care what happens to Global Poker as for now I have zero invested in it. I like messing with paranoid riggies who post whines in threads like these as a mild diversion.
No offense, but I can only imagine how boring and empty your life is that you find excitement in "messing with paranoid riggies". If you have no interest in Global Poker, you spend a PATHETIC amount of your life defending it online to strangers. Vibes, bro.
05-05-2018 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by goatattack
No offense, but I can only imagine how boring and empty your life is that you find excitement in "messing with paranoid riggies". If you have no interest in Global Poker, you spend a PATHETIC amount of your life defending it online to strangers. Vibes, bro.

05-06-2018 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by goatattack
No offense, but I can only imagine how boring and empty your life is that you find excitement in "messing with paranoid riggies". If you have no interest in Global Poker, you spend a PATHETIC amount of your life defending it online to strangers. Vibes, bro.
Actually, he doesn't defend Global imo. He mostly just points out the faulty reasoning of the riggies.

Full disclosure: I guess I'm a "semi-riggie" in the sense that I do see a lot more suckouts on Global than on any other site I've played on.

But you don't see me posting "Global is Rigged!!!" rants because I don't have objective facts to back up my subjective perceptions.

Last edited by lagtight; 05-06-2018 at 01:19 PM.
05-06-2018 , 03:10 PM
how do you fellow players feel about global pokers rng/varience.... i would like to hear what people think because I think this site is legit bull****
05-06-2018 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by DUSTODAGREAT
how do you fellow players feel about global pokers rng/varience.... i would like to hear what people think because I think this site is legit bull****
Why do you believe that the site is "legit bull****?"
05-06-2018 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by DUSTODAGREAT
how do you fellow players feel about global pokers rng/varience.... i would like to hear what people think because I think this site is legit bull****
Wow dude ur really giving us sum food for thought... oh wait, there's a 93 page thread called the 'RNG Discussion Thread'
05-06-2018 , 09:48 PM
tf is wrong with this thread
05-07-2018 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by SageLee
tf is wrong with this thread
Let's put it back on its rails.

Question: What stakes are you playing? Are you winning? How long have you been playing them? Are the tables softer at a particular time of day for you?

For me, I'm playing $10NL after putting my entire (tiny) bankroll on the line @ $50NL tables and lucking out. I multiplied my buy in times five and left. I'm now committed to trying to win at the $10NL tables.

I'm learning to gather information about villains, to be aware of my blindspots (and work on them) and to stick to ABC poker.
05-07-2018 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by gottalovelife
to stick to ABC poker.
ABC poker does not work on Global.
05-07-2018 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by shawnb4595
ABC poker does not work on Global.
XYZ says otherwise
05-07-2018 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by shawnb4595
ABC poker does not work on Global.
It works for me.
05-08-2018 , 12:09 AM
lol ABC oker
05-08-2018 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
It works for me.
It works for me too!
05-09-2018 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DUSTODAGREAT
how do you fellow players feel about global pokers rng/varience.... i would like to hear what people think because I think this site is legit bull****
Commonly accepted that the RNG is not a traditional RNG. There are many more big hands and bad beats (which has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF PLAY) than on other sites. It's "more fun" and it also generates more rake for the site.

That said, it's also commonly accepted that the RNG is not rigged in favor or against any one player. In other words you're going to be coolered and cooler other people in crazy ways the same number of times, theoretically speaking.

You can still beat the games. Again it's commonly accepted that better players generally end up with money and bad players go broke/leave due to poor play and tilt. Just don't expect to play "normal" poker or expect to win a bunch of money based on the bad play you see.
05-09-2018 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by upswinging
Commonly accepted that the RNG is not a traditional RNG.
lol oh rly?

Have to say that I don't appreciate you paranoid clowns dissuading randos stumbling on this thread from playing poker. Like, even if you were right (which, you're not), it's still not helpful information for anybody on this planet.
