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Account blocked!? Help please Account blocked!? Help please

03-16-2022 , 12:29 PM
So like some other people i had made the mistake of making a second account. So i went threw the whole zendesk customer support steps to get it resolved. I was told to not make any more transactions until it was resolved and the outcome was final. I got the green light to go ahead and continue playing on my new account. I purchased 500.00SC noticed there was the registration bonus was there. I Did not purchase it. I inquired about with zendesk and 3 hours of playing was in tournament and ring game both for SC. I accidentally click on my favorite bar and got redirected. I immediately go back to log in and it said my account was blocked.
Of course this is very frustrating for me and quite anxious about it all because 500 dollars is alot to me.

Can anyone help? Or shed some light on this for me? I will past zen convo below even though it’s really embarrassing for me to put this on public forum and saying what i said in it. Only thing i edited was red removing my name and replaced it with Me: when needed. Thank you


Thank you for contacting Global Poker!

We appreciate you letting us know. Please be informed that we have traced multiple accounts under your name with the same play location; moreover, we would like to take this chance to remind you that creating more than one account with us is strictly prohibited.

Also, it is indicated in our terms and conditions 5.1. You are allowed to have only one Customer Account, including any Inactive Account on the Platform. If you attempt to open more than one Customer Account, all accounts you have opened or try to open may be canceled or suspended and the consequences described in clause 18.3 may be enforced.

As a one-time courtesy, we have activated the account under this email address with the screenname "Valk85". You should be able to access the account and play using Manual Login.

Please feel free to contact us if you have other questions.
Kind regards,
Customer Support Team


Sorry, just one small question to clarify things.

I log into my account username Valk85 and there is the new player registration bonus there. Are u going to get rid of that or do i just let it expire and it will go away after that. I am not asking to use it just being very overly cautious so i dont get in trouble.

15 hours ago

Thank you for contacting us back.

We apologize for any inconvenience and we would like to assist you immediately.

After checking your records, it seems that you have not claimed the verification bonus on either account yet.

It is okay to claim it at Valk85 since you were really entitled to it.

Please be advised though that it can only be claimed once and the offer will no longer appear on new accounts.

We hope that you are doing great and this is to confirm receipt of your email and your concern.

If you have further questions please feel free to send us a message.
Global Poker Customer Support


Ok, so down below i copy and pasted one of the responses from your support center, as you can see that she/he clearly states that i cannot claim it again. That i have already claimed this previously. Now if you say that i can claim it after reading this responses that is showing that i have already claimed it. I will go ahead and claim it. but like I said previously, I am over cautious and do not want to get removed from the site.

Thanks for your time and patience with me. I appreciate all that you and your team. To make GP exp fun and smooth

Thanks for contacting Global Poker via Live Chat Customer Support.

This is regarding your concern with your two accounts under ( Valk85 ) and ( valk ).

In order for us to proceed with our next step, we would like to get your honest explanation of opening these two accounts.

Moreover, if your intention was to claim the verification bonus, we regret to inform you that this offer can only be claimed once regardless of the number of times you've made an account.

Note that you've already received the verification bonus on 2022-01-10 11:04:54 UTC under ( valk ).

We look forward to your response.
Kind thanks,
Global Poker Customer Support

13 hours ago

Thank you for reaching back to us.

To check further, may we please have a screenshot showing the verification bonus on your account?

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Customer Support

8 hours ago
yeah sure no problem will do. I will just leave the bonus there until it expires, not worth it to me. but here is the screen shot anyways like u requested

Thanks as always for you time.

ill be online for a bit playing some poker so hit me up ttyl

bonus shot.png
200 KB Download


6 hours ago
any update on this??

it wont stop looking at me lol

5 hours ago

Thank you for contacting us back.

We appreciate your time and patience regarding your concern.

We are sorry but we will have to endorse you to our relevant team for further review.

We would like to ask for your patience and rest assured that you will be contacted soon.
Global Poker Customer Support

5 hours ago

Soo just now i was in a tournament and a ring game and i accidently closed my browser..

I go to log back in real quick, it is saying that my account is blocked now!!!??

I was told to hold off on any purchases of SC/GC yesterday because of having making a new account, then after i am told i am ok to go ahead and play on my new account and make purchase. i Just got randomly blocked??

I patiently waited on your answer yesterday of being able to continue playing and after getting re assured i was good to go. i make a Purchased of 500.00 dollars worth of GC/SC then now i am blocked...

This is really frustrating and is actually causing me to have panic attack. Because i have been polite and ask permission every step of the way and was extremely cautious and asked your team if it was ok to go ahead and proceed and now i may 500 dollars out for the 3 hours of play time i got to play.

I told you guys i was planning on making a 500 dollar purchase pending the results of my inquires over the last couple of days. At this moment i feel like i got robbed and played. to be honest and i hate to admit this, but i really want to cry because to me this is really really upsetting.

i have no idea what i have done wrong..........

please try to contact to me asap so i am not up all night refreshing this page please

As always thank you for your time and patience with me. I appreciate..

p.s. screen shot it showing i am blocked

90 KB Download


3 hours ago
Now that some time has passed and i have cooled down some and collected my thoughts, i would like to add,

That I would like to apologize for my frantic and stressed message on my most recent response above and sorry if anything i said was at all or remotely out of line.

Thank for any help on this
03-16-2022 , 12:31 PM
I will admit i should have to admit I should have never inquired about the bonus and how its staring at me. I was just trying to make ligty of it and make a funny.
03-16-2022 , 03:20 PM
Should i stop my money from going to global poker since it hasn't cleared my bank account and save my self?

But in doing so am i just screwing my self over from playing online ever again by being to impatient?

anyone there lol

GlobalPokerAdmin ??????
03-16-2022 , 07:17 PM
Compared to the other threads/posts where people complain, you are pretty reasonable and patient. Hopefully both sides clear this up!
03-16-2022 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by RoyalFart
Compared to the other threads/posts where people complain, you are pretty reasonable and patient. Hopefully both sides clear this up!
Thank you. I hope we do as well.
I think i need to sleep now i have been awake extra 12 hours then normal, searching the Internet for anything that relates to my complaint and any reasoning of why i got blocked from account for something i was unaware of.

Glad it got me too here

here is hoping this gets resolved. Soo i can post/thread something good so if anyone else ends up in a similuar situation they can get re assurance and a piece of mind

I also decided to let the my transaction go through and went as far as calling the bank to make that it was in process with out any hic ups
03-17-2022 , 04:01 AM
Update 9 hours ago created a new ticket per GP support via Facebook messenger.

So as of right now there has still no response on my ticket or any communication whatsoever on why i am blocked.

Only sliver of hope i have right now, there was activity roughly about 2 hours ago on my ticket and it wasn’t me.

I also called my Bank to see if my transaction of 500 dollars was still there and if it still in process of going to GP. They said yes it is and it should coming out any day now. Which is the same with all my transactions at GP. Just now i am watching it go into my block account..

This is frustrating
03-17-2022 , 02:37 PM
Why is it when i ask for assistance for purchasing there live chat function avaivalble. And are able to get 8 responses from support in a 25 hour period.

But when after making a purchase and account being blocked i cant get a single response in 30 hours???!!!!?

I dont know what to do at this point.

Anyone have any advice??
03-17-2022 , 08:12 PM
My advice is to be patient and stop worrying about it. Right now you have no control over things, and worrying about things that you have no control over is useless. I have a friend who had trouble getting his bank account verified, and it took a couple weeks and many emails. I know that is frustrating, and I know you want to have someone you could call or somewhere you could go to move it along. My guess is that it will move at its own pace. I know this is important to you - but your account and your $500 is not very important to them (I'm not saying that it shouldn't be - just that nobody there is going to be as concerned about you as you are). You are complaining about it taking a little more than a day - and I'd say you are having unrealistic expectations about their service.

Good luck, and I hope you get it resolved.
03-18-2022 , 10:06 AM
Your case is our of CS queues and with the department responsible for handling these matters. I cannot interfere with their work or speed up their processes, you should receive a response as soon as they will get to your case.
03-18-2022 , 09:12 PM
03-20-2022 , 09:34 PM


We take responsible social gameplay very seriously and want all of our customers to enjoy our products whilst playing responsibly. Global Poker recognize that social gameplay should be a fun experience in a safe environment and therefore strive not only to provide a great range of enjoyable products but also to promote responsible gameplay.

In order for us to know you better, could you please answer the following questions:

Thinking about the last 12 months, have you needed to make Gold Coin purchases with larger amounts to get the same feeling of excitement?
What was your reason or requesting a permanent closure in your old Global Poker account?
Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to make Gold Coin Purchases?
Has your gameplay caused you any health problems, including stress or anxiety?
Have people criticized your gameplay or told you that you had a gameplay problem, regardless of whether or not you thought it was true?
Has your gameplay caused any financial problems for you or your household?
Do you ever lose time from work or school due to social gameplay?
Have you ever felt remorse after gameplay?
Did you often make gold coin purchases until all your money was gone?
How much can you afford to spend on Gold Coin purchases each week?
Do you accept and agree that it is your responsibility to game responsibly, meaning that in case you are not enjoying your social gameplay experience anymore due to loss of control or spending too much money/time it is your responsibility to let us know. So that we will then be able to help you?

We hope to hear from you soon and have a nice day!

Kind regards,

a few seconds ago
1. No, most of my purchases have been around 20 to 50 dollars at most. this last purchase was the largest one that I have done. The reason for it was to be able to play in higher stake games.

2. I did not request a permanent closure on this account. This is a new account I made because I requested for you to close the first one for me - User name : Valk. I just needed the account to not be linked to my work email. which I thought was already resolved in prior ticket (REQ ID: #8641863).

3. No I have not borrowed money or sold anything to get money to make Gold Coin Purchases.

4. My gameplay has not caused me any stress or anxiety, but my account being blocked immediately after making 500 purchase was upsetting event because I don't understand why.

5. No

6. None whatsoever, I would never jeopardize my myself and my house hold for a hobby.

7. No it has never interfered in my professional or personal life.

8. No, I do not think there is anything to be remorseful for.

9. No I have never done that.

10. I could afford to spend probably around 300 a week but I wouldn't ever do that much on a regular basis because it is just a hobby that I occupy my time with once in awhile.

11. Yes, I accept and agree that responsibility.

I honestly not sure where this is all coming from but i will see where it leads i guess.
03-21-2022 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by VBAces
My advice is to be patient and stop worrying about it. Right now you have no control over things, and worrying about things that you have no control over is useless. I have a friend who had trouble getting his bank account verified, and it took a couple weeks and many emails. I know that is frustrating, and I know you want to have someone you could call or somewhere you could go to move it along. My guess is that it will move at its own pace. I know this is important to you - but your account and your $500 is not very important to them (I'm not saying that it shouldn't be - just that nobody there is going to be as concerned about you as you are). You are complaining about it taking a little more than a day - and I'd say you are having unrealistic expectations about their service.

Good luck, and I hope you get it resolved.
Thanks, i will be patient then. Just not use to this slower process. Mostly every transaction online has near immediate customer service in my own experience.
03-21-2022 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by GlobalPokerAdmin
Your case is our of CS queues and with the department responsible for handling these matters. I cannot interfere with their work or speed up their processes, you should receive a response as soon as they will get to your case.
Ok thanks for taking the time and responding to my thread. I appreciate it.
03-21-2022 , 10:43 PM
Does it make a difference whether or not i respond via my email vs replying on customer support page? Just wanted to make sure i am not doing anything on my end to slow the process down.
03-22-2022 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Valk85
Does it make a difference whether or not i respond via my email vs replying on customer support page? Just wanted to make sure i am not doing anything on my end to slow the process down.
Simply reply to the emails you receive once. That way it will go to the end of the queue of the team it was sent from.

Since Zendesk tickets are threads, any response is an update to a thread and it will push the ticket to the end of the queue because tickets are served on First-In-First-Out principle. Therefore, if you reply multiple times before you receive a response from them you are pushing your ticket to the end of the queue every time.

Note: creating multiple Zendesk tickets on the same topic can only cause confusion, delays or problems in any organization, I recommend against it.
03-22-2022 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by GlobalPokerAdmin
Simply reply to the emails you receive once. That way it will go to the end of the queue of the team it was sent from.

Since Zendesk tickets are threads, any response is an update to a thread and it will push the ticket to the end of the queue because tickets are served on First-In-First-Out principle. Therefore, if you reply multiple times before you receive a response from them you are pushing your ticket to the end of the queue every time.

Note: creating multiple Zendesk tickets on the same topic can only cause confusion, delays or problems in any organization, I recommend against it.
Ok soo since I received a response and then I replied does that mean I am push back down to the bottom of the que from my response. correct?

Note: I responded 2 times once on zendesk and through email with the same response..
03-22-2022 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Valk85
Ok soo since I received a response and then I replied does that mean I am push back down to the bottom of the que from my response. correct?

Note: I responded 2 times once on zendesk and through email with the same response..
Nevermind u answered the question. Phone was be weird and didnt see half ur response

03-22-2022 , 02:35 PM
I do have to admit that i am not as patient with this as i would normally be. I had surgery on my shoulder and i am just stuck at home with only 1 capable hand for 12 weeks. Bored out of mind with way to time on my hands.. lol as write this i am thinking why am i even posting this right now
03-23-2022 , 01:18 PM
So been about 7 days since i created the ticket, with only one response with no explanation. Just questions to see if i Have a gambling problem and if i am selling my valuable items i have to get purchase more GC/SC.

Is this amount of time normal?

No more stranger, promoted to newbie!!

Last edited by Valk85; 03-23-2022 at 01:25 PM. Reason: I am a noob
03-24-2022 , 02:35 AM
Yeah!!! Account i not blocked any more.
They asked if i wanted to my purchase limit set to 300 a week.

I said yes

Then it was done.

Still have no idea why i got blocked. But that is ok i rather not inquire any further.

Thanks u all for responses and insight.

Biggest take away is be patient.. lol
03-27-2022 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by GlobalPokerAdmin
Simply reply to the emails you receive once. That way it will go to the end of the queue of the team it was sent from.

Since Zendesk tickets are threads, any response is an update to a thread and it will push the ticket to the end of the queue because tickets are served on First-In-First-Out principle. Therefore, if you reply multiple times before you receive a response from them you are pushing your ticket to the end of the queue every time.

Note: creating multiple Zendesk tickets on the same topic can only cause confusion, delays or problems in any organization, I recommend against it.
That's great that Global allowed this multi-accouter another chance. It's also interesting that you allowed an admitted cheater "ItsSpork" to continue playing in your largest cash games on the site, since they said they were sorry.

Could you please comment on the "Global Poker Stole $16,000 from me" thread? Are you really going to hold this players feet to the fire, being a US resident, but initiating a withdrawal outside the country?

You give multi-accouters and known cheats a second chance, but because this player may not be a net-depositor, you are going to keep their money on a technicality?

Not a good look. No need to reply "I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation", just give the dude back his $$$$

Last edited by Shanghai; 03-27-2022 at 10:18 AM. Reason: .
