Join Date: Mar 2009
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The most useful interpretation of the question is, "What is the chance that after I have gotten quads in hold'em, I get it again on the very next hand assuming I play the next hand all the way to the river?" (or until quads aren't possible). And as Sherman said, that is simply the chance to get it once. In hold'em that's 1 in 595.
It was likely the first occurrence that made it interesting, not that out of the blue someone wants to know "what is the chance I get quads on my next two hands". As pointed out, that's a different question but not a very useful one. If you want to know it, it's just the above squared or about 1 in 354K, and that assumes playing to the river on both of your next hands. And if we are considering it happening to anyone at a 9-player table, then about 9x more likely than that.
Last edited by NewOldGuy; 02-02-2012 at 07:14 PM.