Thanks for your detailed replies.
I still struggle with the effect I was describing, of lucky players betting more and skewing the results that way. It somehow feels wrong.
It reminds me of an argument I often see: "the site is bound to do better than expectation because almost everyone plays until they bust. You can't "borrow" to go anywhere from bust. All these people going bust cause the site to run better than expected".
To counter that, every bet has a 1% house edge built in. The site doesn't care where one player's bet stream ends (due to going bust, say) and the next player's begins. It's just a stream of bets, each with an expection of +1% for the site, so the sum of those bets also has a +1% percent expectation.
But I guess the difference is in the way we're simulating things. The big bets wouldn't have happened unless the big play got lucky, because he couldn't have afforded to lose the >1M BTC he bet (on account of not owning that much).
To make a very simple stupid example: suppose there's only one gambler on the site, and he only has 1 BTC. He's going to bet that 1 BTC aiming to double it twice, then quit.
a) 50.5% of the time he loses his first bet, and ends up 1 unit down.
b) 24.9975% of the time he wins his first bet, loses his 2nd, and ends up 1 unit down.
c) 24.5025% of the time he wins both bets and ends up 3 units up.
We see scenario c happen, with two bets (sizes 1 and 2) and wonder "is the site rigged?"
We run your simulation, and see that the 4 possible outcomes were -3, -1, +1, +3.
We know that -3 is impossible. There is only 1 unit in the hands of the gambler, so that's the most he can lose.
Um... it turns out my simple example clearly demonstrates how confused I am... Is it of any other use?
Originally Posted by jukofyork
As for the trolls, then think of it this way: had the initial bet(s) of these players been lost and the EV of your site significantly over 1%, then it's likely you'd still have just as many "rigtards" being vocal as to how "the site was rigged against the players" and so on - you can't win
Well we get that too of course. Even though the site has been doing badly overall, some players obviously have horrible luck. With 500 million bets to look through you're able to find instances of all kinds of lucky and unlucky streaks. But the ones the unlucky streaks happen to often call foul. So you're right - we can't win. At least with the unlucky players we can point to the provable fairness of the site. Not that it helps once a losing player has made up his mind that he was cheated of course. They tend not to want to listen to reason, especially if it proves beyond doubt that they're wrong.