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Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts) Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts)

04-02-2016 , 05:28 PM
Seems like this guy was viewbotted as well. The former pokerstarspro.

with Evans joke im over it. He is innocent.
04-02-2016 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
what are you saying in regards to the wildhungarian claim? That she was hosted/raided last night?

If that were the case bud, some viewers leave. A host/raid is a temporary spike. What her graph shows is that in a matter of minutes she blasts to 500+ and it just stays there. For hours.

Doesn't really make sense, does it. I been a part of bigger streamers when they conducted a raid/host and we all jumped over to the channel. We spam and say hi and whatnot but the viewers end up leaving. ALWAYS.

Then again, you're a mod there and you think gripsed is legit along with the hungarian. Whatevssss bruh.
The Gripsed situation was different because I wasn't in the chat. So I had very little data to go on. All I said was that I didn't want to assume he was behind it, or even that he had viewbots till we got some more data. When we got more data, it did become clear that he had some kind of viewbots in his chat. To my knowledge there has still been no definitive proof that he was the one who did it.

In the case of WildHungarian, I was in the chat as I am a mod there. You can see there is plenty of up and down after the viewer spike. And I would guess that the majority of the viewers stayed in whatever stream was hosting and never came to the chat, which would explain why the numbers stayed so constant. In some sense it is unusual for the numbers to kind of stay high like that, but it's not unheard of. It's not like with every host all the viewers leave as you are claiming.

However I did present the reasons why I thought they were real viewers. Of course you ignored all of that. You want to insult me, that's fine. I like to have proof before accusing people of things.

But as I already said, I would definitely be willing to look into it further and see if there's a way to gather more actual data on these users from Twitch.
04-02-2016 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jinsticker
Seems like this guy was viewbotted as well. The former pokerstarspro.

with Evans joke im over it. He is innocent.
Can't be innocent, he averaged 1k + viewers for more than 4 months. This accusation comes out, and he plummets to 200. Check twinge if you like. Along with wildhungarians, these do not make sense.

Are you guys suggesting that postfloprepop had viewbots on the gripsed channel for 4 months and then decided to blow the whistle? Comical.

Look for yourselves if you like.
04-02-2016 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jinsticker
Seems like this guy was viewbotted as well. The former pokerstarspro.

with Evans joke im over it. He is innocent.
Thanks for sharing this link. I had heard about this situation, but didn't really have a lot of details on it. A few people have mentioned this guy to me over the course of this. AFAIK there was never any resolution to his situation. If somebody does have more information about the Athene situation please share it.
04-02-2016 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
Can't be innocent, he averaged 1k + viewers for more than 4 months. This accusation comes out, and he plummets to 200. Check twinge if you like. Along with wildhungarians, these do not make sense.

Are you guys suggesting that postfloprepop had viewbots on the gripsed channel for 4 months and then decided to blow the whistle? Comical.

Look for yourselves if you like.
Why do you just jumble all the different information together, and even state things in a way that is not true?

I looked at Gripsed Twinge graphs. Only one clear example was presented that definitely showed viewbotting from one Sunday. In all the other graphs I found one other possible strong case. And it was over a period of weeks, not 4 months as far as I know. Where are you getting 4 months from?

And by the way, the fact that Gripsed was shunned by the Twitch Poker community (one of his core audiences) could be a big reason for deflated numbers after his return. Only time will tell what his real numbers will be.

If Gripsed did this himself, it clearly backfired. If somebody did it to him, they screwed him over big time.
04-02-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
You can see there is plenty of up and down after the viewer spike.
One second if you may,

You say plenty of up and downs. Well not really sir. 533 at exactly 10pm ET. At 11pm there was a difference of 7 viewers. In the entire hour.

And then at 12pm we see another spike up. So these downs you were referring to do not exist. This is a mathematical impossibility.

No one left, It goes to 533 and stays there with a difference of 7 in a hour again. I wasn't making fun of you by the way, but someone in the thread earlier said you were like a bot.

I concur.
04-02-2016 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
One second if you may,

You say plenty of up and downs. Well not really sir. 533 at exactly 10pm ET. At 11pm there was a difference of 7 viewers. In the entire hour.

And then at 12pm we see another spike up. So these downs you were referring to do not exist. This is a mathematical impossibility.

No one left, It goes to 533 and stays there with a difference of 7 in a hour again. I wasn't making fun of you by the way, but someone in the thread earlier said you were like a bot.

I concur.
In between 10 pm and 11 pm, there are plenty of fluctuations in the viewer total. The fact that the total is only different by a little when you compare two arbitrary points in time is not a "mathematical impossibility" ... not even close. By the way, this argument is really nothing more than a rephrasing of your prior argument, "The viewers are supposed to leave after a host." I have already responded to that above.

So you aren't making fun of me but I am like a bot? Ok ... I am trying to think rationally about this ... if that makes me a bot then so be it.

The spike around 12 you mention is very strange indeed. That could be due to people coming into her stream because they were wondering "why are there so many viewers in there." It could be because these are troll viewers to begin with, spurred by some forum. Or it could be evidence that there was a viewbot there. But to know which of the 3 it is, we would need some actual server data.

One thing I know for sure. I am willing to look at all the information out there. You will ignore everything that doesn't reinforce the opinion you already have. And you never responded to any of the things I pointed out that were incorrect in your prior statements.
04-02-2016 , 06:25 PM
StrangeRange ... I looked at your profile on here ... it says you signed up for 2+2 today and promptly made 18 random posts, including coming in here to basically state an opinion as if you had been following this for a while.

There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but since this thread is about fake accounts I want to ask some questions.

Have you had 2+2 accounts in the past? And if so what were the names of those accounts? Because if this is just somebody using another account to restate their opinion, that would be a lot like viewbotting.
04-02-2016 , 06:28 PM
I have only posted a couple of times in here, I am new to 2p2. But I have been a member of twitch for some time along with keeping with all the poker streamers. Hence my opinion.
04-02-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
I have only posted a couple of times in here, I am new to 2p2. But I have been a member of twitch for some time along with keeping with all the poker streamers. Hence my opinion.
OK, well you are entitled to your opinion. It's just it seemed like your mission was to create an account to post here in this thread. Which is fine, but then your random posts in other forums look like padding to make your account seem less new than it is.
04-02-2016 , 06:37 PM
As a separate point, many of the bigger streamers went offline around midnight. The spike in viewers at that time could be due to people looking through the poker section and seeing she had the most viewers at that time. Reflecting on it a little bit more, this may be more likely than a few of the other possibilities I listed above. But considering she was getting ready to go offline anyway it does seem a bit strange.
04-02-2016 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
what are you saying in regards to the wildhungarian claim? That she was hosted/raided last night?

If that were the case bud, some viewers leave. A host/raid is a temporary spike. What her graph shows is that in a matter of minutes she blasts to 500+ and it just stays there. For hours.

Doesn't really make sense, does it. I been a part of bigger streamers when they conducted a raid/host and we all jumped over to the channel. We spam and say hi and whatnot but the viewers end up leaving. ALWAYS.

Then again, you're a mod there and you think gripsed is legit along with the hungarian. Whatevssss bruh.
didn't fthuslter/postflop use bruh a lot and spell it the same way.... weiirrd lol
04-02-2016 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by BL42024
didn't fthuslter/postflop use bruh a lot and spell it the same way.... weiirrd lol
Yes he did. He also came in the Wild Hungarian stream from time to time.

On the flip side, he usually wouldn't write quite so coherently.

It is strange that they stopped replying though.
04-02-2016 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
StrangeRange ... I looked at your profile on here ... it says you signed up for 2+2 today and promptly made 18 random posts, including coming in here to basically state an opinion as if you had been following this for a while.

There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but since this thread is about fake accounts I want to ask some questions.

Have you had 2+2 accounts in the past? And if so what were the names of those accounts? Because if this is just somebody using another account to restate their opinion, that would be a lot like viewbotting.
LOL you want to ask some questions, and you are now investigating profiles of posters that question your credibility.
04-03-2016 , 07:43 AM
Not too long ago (a week or two?) wildhungarian also had a stream that was around 700 viewers and stayed there for several hours, yet her chat was dead. I normally don't watch her (not a fan of spins) but opened her channel to see for myself (this wasn't too long after the gripsed thing came out). I'm not accusing her of anything, but as a regular (every day) viewer of twitch poker for well over a year it's very odd that someone who averages less than 100 viewers will get a big host and retain those viewers for more than 5 minutes, much less 5 hours like she did that night I'm talking about.
04-03-2016 , 12:55 PM
Well whatever gripped did or didn't do looks like he is getting some of that poker news money
04-03-2016 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Grungehead
Not too long ago (a week or two?) wildhungarian also had a stream that was around 700 viewers and stayed there for several hours, yet her chat was dead. I normally don't watch her (not a fan of spins) but opened her channel to see for myself (this wasn't too long after the gripsed thing came out). I'm not accusing her of anything, but as a regular (every day) viewer of twitch poker for well over a year it's very odd that someone who averages less than 100 viewers will get a big host and retain those viewers for more than 5 minutes, much less 5 hours like she did that night I'm talking about.
She has been hosted / raided more than once as I said above.

But I am wondering about you saying "her chat was dead." Never during any of those hosts / raids where her viewership was up did I see a chat that was dead. I will admit that I am not in there 100% of the time but I am definitely able to notice when hundreds of people start chatting in a foreign language. And if it was a couple they might just get timed out but there were too many people for that to even be an option.

The 5 hour claim, once again, was unique to this most recent raid. I don't think she was on that long the prior times after this happened.

I honestly think you might be influenced by what you read here, but if you can really remember a date that fits the description you gave please provide it.
04-03-2016 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
She has been hosted / raided more than once as I said above.

But I am wondering about you saying "her chat was dead." Never during any of those hosts / raids where her viewership was up did I see a chat that was dead. I will admit that I am not in there 100% of the time but I am definitely able to notice when hundreds of people start chatting in a foreign language. And if it was a couple they might just get timed out but there were too many people for that to even be an option.

The 5 hour claim, once again, was unique to this most recent raid. I don't think she was on that long the prior times after this happened.

I honestly think you might be influenced by what you read here, but if you can really remember a date that fits the description you gave please provide it.
I can't recall the exact date (except that it was sometime after the Gripsed allegations came out but not in the last few days) because I am not emotionally attached to any of this, Gripsed or Wildhungarian, and what they are doing. The only reason I recall it at all is because the numbers were so out of whack for what she normally gets. I chalked it up to her getting a host from a big streamer (I know KMart has hosted her in the past) but noticed several hours later that she was still at the same level (~700 viewers). Again I'm not accusing her of anything, just commenting on something I noticed one night since it was brought up here.
04-03-2016 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Grungehead
I can't recall the exact date (except that it was sometime after the Gripsed allegations came out but not in the last few days) because I am not emotionally attached to any of this, Gripsed or Wildhungarian, and what they are doing. The only reason I recall it at all is because the numbers were so out of whack for what she normally gets. I chalked it up to her getting a host from a big streamer (I know KMart has hosted her in the past) but noticed several hours later that she was still at the same level (~700 viewers). Again I'm not accusing her of anything, just commenting on something I noticed one night since it was brought up here.
Yeah speaking generally, it's been a while since a *huge* poker streamer hosted her. She will get the occasional host from poker people, but lately she's been getting hosted / raided a lot from non-poker streamers. Don't know if that is a factor but it could be relevant if more data presents itself.

For sure though, her chat has been difficult to manage. My Polish is not very good.
04-03-2016 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
Yeah speaking generally, it's been a while since a *huge* poker streamer hosted her. She will get the occasional host from poker people, but lately she's been getting hosted / raided a lot from non-poker streamers. Don't know if that is a factor but it could be relevant if more data presents itself.

For sure though, her chat has been difficult to manage. My Polish is not very good.
Seems to me that you continuously miss the point.

He's saying that he chalked it up to a raid/host but the same number of viewers were there hours later. I stated this exact same thing the other day. Viewers don't stick like super glue after a host/raid.

But you think otherwise, and you've blessed us with your 2 cents entirely too often. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS BEING SAID. Thank you sir.
04-03-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
Seems to me that you continuously miss the point.

He's saying that he chalked it up to a raid/host but the same number of viewers were there hours later. I stated this exact same thing the other day. Viewers don't stick like super glue after a host/raid.

But you think otherwise, and you've blessed us with your 2 cents entirely too often. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS BEING SAID. Thank you sir.
You are the one missing the point. I provide data that can support both sides because I am open minded. But I'm not just going to let misinformation stand because some people want it that way.

And since you disappeared the other day, I never got a chance to ask: are you FTHustla using another account? If you want to repeat your opinion using extra accounts, that's fine. Somebody else brought up the possibility and it seems more likely to me now.
04-03-2016 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
You are the one missing the point. I provide data that can support both sides because I am open minded. But I'm not just going to let misinformation stand because some people want it that way.

And since you disappeared the other day, I never got a chance to ask: are you FTHustla using another account? If you want to repeat your opinion using extra accounts, that's fine. Somebody else brought up the possibility and it seems more likely to me now.
No I am not FTHustla. Would have answered that question earlier but I thought you guys were trolling. And anyone that differs from your guy's opinion would more than likely be FTHustla?

A bit baffling I must admit. So if I may ask again....

Do you think it's normal for 95% of viewers that came in on a raid/host to be there 2 hours later?

Glad to clear some things up here.
04-03-2016 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
No I am not FTHustla. Would have answered that question earlier but I thought you guys were trolling. And anyone that differs from your guy's opinion would more than likely be FTHustla?

A bit baffling I must admit. So if I may ask again....

Do you think it's normal for 95% of viewers that came in on a raid/host to be there 2 hours later?

Glad to clear some things up here.
What is baffling to me is the way you create an account on 2+2 and within an hour are replying in this thread which would take any normal person hours to read.

Having said that, as far as I am concerned even FTHustla has the right to have his opinion heard. I don't have the details on why he was banned exactly. But even though he was accused of things here I will continue to believe the "innocent till proven guilty" when it comes to him too. Even for people who disagree with me, I will stand up for their right to express their "2 cents" as you put it.

Back to your point.... I went to 2 of the streams that were raiding WildHungarian while still streaming. One of them had 4K viewers and the other something on the range of 3500. I don't think it's impossible that many of those viewers will come to the stream, type something, then leave. And as the joke continues, new people come in and out. That's the way a raid usually works. There is zero evidence the same exact people stayed in chat for the entire stream.
04-03-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
What is baffling to me is the way you create an account on 2+2 and within an hour are replying in this thread which would take any normal person hours to read.

Having said that, as far as I am concerned even FTHustla has the right to have his opinion heard. I don't have the details on why he was banned exactly. But even though he was accused of things here I will continue to believe the "innocent till proven guilty" when it comes to him too. Even for people who disagree with me, I will stand up for their right to express their "2 cents" as you put it.

Back to your point.... I went to 2 of the streams that were raiding WildHungarian while still streaming. One of them had 4K viewers and the other something on the range of 3500. I don't think it's impossible that many of those viewers will come to the stream, type something, then leave. And as the joke continues, new people come in and out. That's the way a raid usually works. There is zero evidence the same exact people stayed in chat for the entire stream.
Again sir, for the 8th time, I am not FTHustla. Does your stomach tell you otherwise?

Well then now you know how the rest of us feel on here. Our stomachs say guilty as charged, but as the public defender, you come in here and stir up conversation around.

You have no proof of who I am, yet every comment you keep referring to me as potentially being the douchebag FTHustla.

You say you don't think it's impossible for many of the raid/host viewers to come to the stream, type something, then leave.

This is what I am talking about. We are saying something entirely different sir. We are saying they come there, don't say much, and stay there, for hours. Not as you put it, "leave."

New people come in and out is what you finish your sales pitch with. After the supposed host/raid the other day she had 530 viewers, there was a 7 viewer change within the hour. So you see, you're not really understanding what is being said, you continue saying complete nonsense. What we are saying here is, no one left after the raid. Whoa.

No evidence obviously, but the following statement is what my stomach tells me. You are providing the bots for the accused and come here defending your clients. Hence your passion in the thread. Again, a reg on the forums came in and summed up exactly what you're about/doing. You don't want this to end, you won't stop yapping.

My 7 cents.
04-03-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by strangerange
No I am not FTHustla.
That's exactly what FTHustla would say.... Kappa
