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Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts) Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts)

03-25-2016 , 06:02 PM
I had tweeted about viewbots and 1st one that liked it sells viewbots. I'm sure there are a more expensive and cheaper.
03-25-2016 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by WFKS
I had tweeted about viewbots and 1st one that liked it sells viewbots. I'm sure there are a more expensive and cheaper.
Not sure we should be advertising these services.
03-25-2016 , 06:11 PM
I got snapped banned from the channel for saying "i guess the bots are turned off today" .. Who would ban that ???? I've never chatted before on his channel .. someone guilty obv
03-25-2016 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jinsticker
Link to video of gripsed?
This was the video I watched yesterday. I assume it's still live.
03-25-2016 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by oracle3001
Not sure we should be advertising these services.
People were saying it was $1,000s of dollars to do it, merely showing that it wasn't.
03-25-2016 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
This was the video I watched yesterday. I assume it's still live.
Now the video is showing up as private / restricted. Sorry guys for those who were unable to see it while it was public.
03-25-2016 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by lolstars6969
I mean this thread is about gripsed and based on a hunch, we now have multiple posts questioning the guys sanity - when it is all irrelevant to gripsed's 'crime' without any real hint of proof apart from a line about 'how he can ruin peoples careers' or something along those lines.
is this brilliant sarcasm or are u actually serious?
cause OBVIOUSLY the comment where he said "I f***ed up your friends career because I felt like" is the biggest hint of 'em all.

so, we all know by now that paying for bots isn't that pricey and people have done it before to sabotage someone else. And if u read FThustla his comments/posts and watch some of his streams, plus read what gripsed wrote about him, it seems to me that paying some extra bucks for some chatbots to take it a level further, seems easily in villains range (of crazyness/insanity). i mean, look at some of those chatbot comments from the screenshot Killingbird posted. Something like "where is the donation button, i wanna support your show" seems almost a little too silly, isn't it? could be fun to create such a little charade when u have some light mental issues and like to (quote) "f*** up someone's career", right?

i actually haven't watched the vid (about this issue) gripsed put out there (which is now set as private), but i read his post and he never said he didn't know what a viewbot was (like jaime claimed), he just knew "very little" about them, which seems reasonable considering having a brief discussion with jaime on skype about that topic, one year ago.
but again, the comment from FThustla about "f***ing up people's careers" is obviously the biggest evidence.
FTHustla also now removed the video (which Gripsed linked to in his post) from his youtube channel.

All this evidence, PLUS the speech I heard from Gripsed like 45 minutes ago via his Twitch live stream, make it very clear to me that FTHustla must be the one who set all this up.

DIAL V FOR VIEWBOT - directed by FTHustla420


no seriously FTHustla, i wish u good luck in life. maybe think about visiting a therapist or something. just seek for some help bro, u are not alone out there. <3

(btw, I'm not a so called "Gripster", I just care for the truth. and I don't like when some people "f*** up other people's careers, just because they feel like it".)
03-25-2016 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by AuroraCee
I got snapped banned from the channel for saying "i guess the bots are turned off today" .. Who would ban that ???? I've never chatted before on his channel .. someone guilty obv
if not guilty u can joke bout that stuff imv. If not guilty i can laught it of. If not guilty u can answer any question. If not guilty u can keep being nice, even nicer then usual.
03-25-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by WFKS
People were saying it was $1,000s of dollars to do it, merely showing that it wasn't.
Sure. But I wouldn't link to them.

The reality is to get 1000 viewbot viewers, you are talking at least $150 a month from these "cheap" providers. Also, I believe the claim was that those services aren't all "legit". That twitch catches the cheap services straight away.

IMO, the cost is an irrelevance to the story.
03-25-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by WFKS
People were saying it was $1,000s of dollars to do it, merely showing that it wasn't.
That's a pleb service nobody would use as twitch can easily detect .. You have to look deeper on the web to find the service that gripsed was using and it would have likely cost a lot more then you think
03-25-2016 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
Now the video is showing up as private / restricted. Sorry guys for those who were unable to see it while it was public.
I wonder why he has deleted that video?
03-25-2016 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by PostFlopRepop
Gripsed, you're a disgrace. Pathetic attempt at trying to clear your name I suppose? Are you suggesting I have been paying for viewbots for everyone of your streams? So the graphs that jaime showed are all coming out of my pocket. You ****ing liar, bruh, im serious, not a threat sir, but you better ****ing hope I dont see you around. I know you're in the Annex area.

Are you suggesting that I am behind the chat bots as well? Did you happen to look at what has happened with your mods leaving and others leaving your gripsed pyramid scheme and decided today would be the best day to come forward and blame me. For your sake, pray to god we dont cross paths.

A wholehearted "**** you." This won't stop, I despise you now, right.

2+2 isn't ******ed like your gripsters, no one is gonna believe you. Just wait til 4pm sir.

Go **** yourself.
if you guys believe this idiot postfloprepop then your an idiot also. All the top poker players cut him out of their lives for a reason, cuz hes a bum. He came on here to quickly defend himself because he wants to try and look like it wasnt him. He didnt make it on twitch and in poker because he sucks at both. So he is trying to ruin someone elses life because he has no life of his own. Dont believe his bull **** dont be an idiot like him
03-25-2016 , 06:36 PM
The most questionable thing to me here is why would this guy analyze the data to look for a viewbot? I would think that if he doesn't like gripsed he would just stay out of his channel entirely?
03-25-2016 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by bhoylegend
**** it, I'm following Gripsed and unfollowing Staples, the bots make more intelligent comments than the fawning patheticness that goes on in Jaimes chat.

'Jaime, you're so great for bringing this to everyones attention'

Except he didn't, he waited until someone with, uh, problems did so.

And Jaime thinks he is a union rep or a civil rights leader, also talking about how hard this is for him. Bull****, he only cares about his business, Kevins, Matts, Parkers. Maybe a few others. The idiots buy into the **** though.
Your comments throughout this thread have been unbelievably cringeworthy. Take a step back from the keyboard and get some fresh air fella, you're embarrassingly worked up about something that has **** all to do with you. As for 'PostFlopRepop', probably for the best he's taken a temp ban as he was behaving like a de-ranged lunatic.

On to the main point - I guess it's slightly believable that this MHustla weirdo would pay for viewbots to 'set up' Gripsed, but what's not believable is that Gripsed didn't notice the big spike in viewership, the random dumb questions these bots were spitting out, and the generally quiet chat in comparison to viewers. Odd situation all round.

Last edited by IDropDeuces; 03-25-2016 at 07:09 PM.
03-25-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by IDropDeuces
Your comments throughout this thread have been unbelievably cringeworthy. Take a step back from the keyboard and get some fresh air fella, you're embarrassingly worked up about something that has **** all to do with you. As for 'PostFlopRepop', probably for the best he's taken a temp ban as he was behaving like a de-ranged lunatic.

On to the main point - I guess it's slightly believable that this MHustla weirdo would pay for viewbots to 'set up' Gripsed, but what's not believable is that Gripsed didn't notice the big spike in viewership, the random dumb questions these bots were spitting out, and the generally quiet chat in comparison to viewers. Odd situation all round.
03-25-2016 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
The problem with your statement is it is not founded in an understanding of Twitch. There have been tons of examples of streamers being viewbotted by other people. While this hasn't hit the poker listing before, it has happened in other categories.
Really? Sure, people have been caught viewbotting and used this excuse before but the only credible story of this actually happenning(somenes channel being botted by someone else) is when amaz hearthstone stream was botted by someone else(most likely a guy called MassanSc) for a day a year back.

Whatever the case may be it's not possible to prove things in either direction unless the streamer accidentally shows the botting control panel on stream or ****s up in some other way. Which is why twitch do not ban viewbotters. One thing I find hard to believe in this case is that gripsed calimed he didn't notice anything being wierd.

As far as the pricing discussion goes one of the "reputable" viewbotting services and their pricing can be found on .(Hope linking stuff like this is fine) I dont twitch myself but some streamer got caught using this service when he accidentally flashed the control panel on stream and it seemed to be working for him. You can buy just viewers or packages with viewers,followers,chatters etc. If you want to do it consistently it's gonna cost you a couple hundred a month it seems.

I wrote too much about this now, in the end who gives a ****...

Last edited by Tomtah; 03-25-2016 at 07:10 PM.
03-25-2016 , 06:52 PM
hmmm if i here him talk to Joey he seems pretty plausible. Its hard to chose Evans side while evidence stacked up. He said this guy held a gun to his head.
03-25-2016 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by danielj
The most questionable thing to me here is why would this guy analyze the data to look for a viewbot? I would think that if he doesn't like gripsed he would just stay out of his channel entirely?
I don't speak for Jaime and he will eventually reply and explain.

But my understanding is that the reason he was checking the traffic is because people were messaging him alleging there were bots on the Gripsed channel. So he naturally investigated it.

Seems reasonable to me.
03-25-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jinsticker
hmmm if i here him talk to Joey he seems pretty plausible. Its hard to chose Evans side while evidence stacked up. He said this guy held a gun to his head.
Who was on Chicago Joey's stream exactly?
03-25-2016 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jinsticker
hmmm if i here him talk to Joey he seems pretty plausible. Its hard to chose Evans side while evidence stacked up. He said this guy held a gun to his head.
The guy with the alleged gun pointing @ gripsed was because gripsed was trying to poach players from his under ground game , as gripsed was trying to start his own raked game for lots of profit !!
03-25-2016 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tomtah
Really? Sure people have been caught viewbotting and used this excuse before but the only credible story of this actually happenning(somenes channel being botted by someone else) is when amaz hearthstone stream was botted by someone else for a day a year back.

Whatever the case may be it's not possible to prove things in either direction unless the streamer accidentally shows the botting control panel on stream.

As far as the pricing discussion goes one of the "reputable" viewbotting services and their pricing can be found on . I dont twitch myself but some streamer got caught using this service when he accidentally flash the control panel on stream and it seemed to be working for him. You can buy just viewers or packages with viewers,followers,chatters etc. If you want to do it consistently it's gonna cost you a couple hundreds a month it seems.
You imply there are no instances where people have been viewbotted ... then you provide an instance where it was verified that people were viewbotted. :|

03-25-2016 , 09:01 PM
Streaming now with only ~200 viewers.
03-25-2016 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
Streaming now with only ~200 viewers.
this doesnt mean anything.. he streaming play money homegames on no delay with hole cards covered... = not a lot of viewers
03-25-2016 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Benat
Alright so I think Gripsed is innocent, I didn't know who he was until I listened to the last pokersesh.

The guy with the accusations (who called in) talks about taking a bunch of weird drugs with the gripped guy, the whole interview the guy gives off a weird trolly vibe (you can just sense his insanity)

When Limon shrieks with laughter at the prospect of someone else putting the view bots on grippers channel and talks about the cost/time involved the interviewee responds in a way that I think reeks of guilt. Im pretty sure in the back of Limons mind he is ridiculing him as hard as possible in an attempt to let him know if he did do this he's an absolute twisted little moron, and with the pauses and the slightly delayed strange retorts the interviewee gives it seemed (to me at least) that the guy is guilty of sabotaging the old grippee channel.

Thats my read. Simon should put gripsed on the show next Wednesday or better yet both of them at the same time.
If simon wont do it i will! i know nothing about this world, LATB just racks up viewers putting out good content. I had no idea you could buy viewers or attack other peoples streams or Pay admins to shut down streams (as BTCblade said) Its all very crazy. If anyone else wants to come on PokerSesh and discuss Im all ears.
03-25-2016 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by bnswhr
this doesnt mean anything.. he streaming play money homegames on no delay with hole cards covered... = not a lot of viewers
Agreed, the numbers he got today for "free money Friday" were normal for his Friday / home game streams.

My understanding is that his bigger days tend to be Saturday and Sunday. We shall see.
