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Jaime Staples gains PokerStars sponsorship. Jaime Staples gains PokerStars sponsorship.

04-18-2016 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by KossuKukkula
Ps didn't hire him because he is good at poker. Ps hired him because he is popular at twitch and can bring more new players to the site.

Correction: PS acknowledged at the time that Jaime sucked at Poker. However, PS saw the potential of Jaime in bringing fresh depositors, who would slowly deplete their deposit and generate rake.
04-18-2016 , 01:28 PM
Jaime claims to have won 150k playing poker. He is up 50k in his 6 year online poker career. His stats are there for everyone to see. Go and ask him in his stream and he will say 150k. The man is a liar
04-18-2016 , 01:29 PM
I just watched Staples' video response and he flat out lied around 16 minute mark, in which he said people misunderstood him playing live cash as playing on "untracked euro sites."

Staples said specifically during one of his streams that he played cash on "untracked" euro sites and i commented either on this thread or the other thread, asking him to post his graph for his cash winnings.

Staples, mate.

I must insist that your current mindset is super flawed. You said as long as you keep making the right decisions, you don't give a **** about results in the short term cuz you would be a winner in the long run.

Well, people have posted graphs of ur results in different buy in levels. Over 20k+ mtts played, i think you are not making "correct" decisions consistently

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04-19-2016 , 04:05 AM
Is it true that him and Kevin Martin made a video called "in the lab" of them watching a RIO video?
04-19-2016 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by BreakingYourNuts
Is it true that him and Kevin Martin made a video called "in the lab" of them watching a RIO video?

They certainly did stream about their study session once if my memory serves me correctly
04-19-2016 , 05:04 AM
Guys are twitch professionals but def not that good at the game.
04-19-2016 , 07:18 AM
Lots of closet fan boys have tarded up this thread.
Like poster above me said, Jaime is a pro Twitcher. He provides hours of entertainment and this makes him a valuable asset to pokerstars.

Just stop pretend poasting under the pretence that you are 'concerned' about his viewers and investors being mislead. Its boring.

And Jaime, no more videos addressing these little turds. Its getting you knowhere.
04-19-2016 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by DarkMattersMan
Lots of closet fan boys have tarded up this thread.
Like poster above me said, Jaime is a pro Twitcher. He provides hours of entertainment and this makes him a valuable asset to pokerstars.

Just stop pretend poasting under the pretence that you are 'concerned' about his viewers and investors being mislead. Its boring.

And Jaime, no more videos addressing these little turds. Its getting you knowhere.

04-19-2016 , 01:11 PM
Does twitch take a big cut of donations? Wish Kevin would share the secrets to building such a big fan base in Australia. Aussiewallaby63 needs to step up her game though. The race to be the top donator is competitive.

Trogga1 $3,390.11
TruBluAussie $2,184.23
aussiewallaby63 $1,234.21
04-19-2016 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by hardenplz
Does twitch take a big cut of donations? Wish Kevin would share the secrets to building such a big fan base in Australia. Aussiewallaby63 needs to step up her game though. The race to be the top donator is competitive.

Trogga1 $3,390.11
TruBluAussie $2,184.23
aussiewallaby63 $1,234.21

Paypal does
04-19-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by DarkMattersMan
Lots of closet fan boys have tarded up this thread.
Like poster above me said, Jaime is a pro Twitcher. He provides hours of entertainment and this makes him a valuable asset to pokerstars.

Just stop pretend poasting under the pretence that you are 'concerned' about his viewers and investors being mislead. Its boring.

And Jaime, no more videos addressing these little turds. Its getting you knowhere.
You realise he is lying by 100k. He is up 50k online and he telling his stream he is up 150k and one of the top 100 tourney players in the world. His lies are a joke and the mans a liar
04-19-2016 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by killerkilbane23
You realise he is lying by 100k. He is up 50k online and he telling his stream he is up 150k and one of the top 100 tourney players in the world. His lies are a joke and the mans a liar
no offense but who cares how much is he up ?! i mean you have pros like crhis moneymaker who dont have more then 400 viewers and they got few milions

its not about the money he is fun and good streamer i dont see anything wrong about him he got lovely attuide towards ppl and towards the game i like watching his stream then others that may be up money but not fun at all to watch

and he dosent do any coaching or false telling ppl that he got milions so they will pay to learn aswell he just enjoy stream and play poker and everyone who like him like him bcz of that

same for another person called kevin martin those ppl are fun to watch even if they arent up 150 or milion or w/e
04-19-2016 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by royalon
no offense but who cares how much is he up ?! i mean you have pros like crhis moneymaker who dont have more then 400 viewers and they got few milions

its not about the money he is fun and good streamer i dont see anything wrong about him he got lovely attuide towards ppl and towards the game i like watching his stream then others that may be up money but not fun at all to watch

and he dosent do any coaching or false telling ppl that he got milions so they will pay to learn aswell he just enjoy stream and play poker and everyone who like him like him bcz of that

same for another person called kevin martin those ppl are fun to watch even if they arent up 150 or milion or w/e
Great point. Thats why he shouldn't lie bout this winnings. To just add on 100k to get a few more viewers and increase his mark up isnt right
04-20-2016 , 01:22 AM
Not that it really matters to me, but I don't understand why so many people are ****ting on this guy so heavily. According to his sharkscope he's up 60k lifetime on stars despite being on a 40k "downswing" from moving up to higher limits, and this doesn't even include any live winnings, which if it's anything like Kevin Martin is probably 5 figures. How many people can actually brag about being up 60k in just mtt poker here?

Maybe he's overselling his win rate, but it's not like he's a losing player who's trying to convince everyone he's profitable to get backing or something. I watched his stream for a little on the weekend and he openly admitted that he's not a winner at the stakes he's playing now (but he is at midstakes and lower highstakes), but thinks it's more beneficial for him to speed up his learning curve by playing high stakes. Let the guy dream big lol, he's done a good job of putting himself in a position where he can take these shots by supplementing his life roll with twitch and sponsors.
04-20-2016 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by Tilltard
Not that it really matters to me, but I don't understand why so many people are ****ting on this guy so heavily. According to his sharkscope he's up 60k lifetime on stars despite being on a 40k "downswing" from moving up to higher limits, and this doesn't even include any live winnings, which if it's anything like Kevin Martin is probably 5 figures. How many people can actually brag about being up 60k in just mtt poker here?

Maybe he's overselling his win rate, but it's not like he's a losing player who's trying to convince everyone he's profitable to get backing or something. I watched his stream for a little on the weekend and he openly admitted that he's not a winner at the stakes he's playing now (but he is at midstakes and lower highstakes), but thinks it's more beneficial for him to speed up his learning curve by playing high stakes. Let the guy dream big lol, he's done a good job of putting himself in a position where he can take these shots by supplementing his life roll with twitch and sponsors.
I don't understand why you are talking up his wins. He had an upswing of 40k by winning the $109 twice and now he's lost it back. It is poor gamblers who attribute wins to skill and losses to "downswings". As for live winnings we can see his Wsop and Ept results. He blanked the Wsop, Pca and Ept Prague and just better than min cashed Ept Dublin. That's five figures down by my reckoning.

Jaime won $60k-odd playing micros/low stakes between July 2010 and Jan 2014 but that's nothing to brag about as there were a lot of donks in those games. Jaime seems to have a lot of ego unsupported by results and that rubs people up the wrong way. He said he should have been in the GPL because of his 1,000-odd twitch fans and compared himself to Elky. Elky has $10.5m in live tournament winnings and Jaime has more like $10,500 !
04-21-2016 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by royalon
no offense but who cares how much is he up ?! i mean you have pros like crhis moneymaker who dont have more then 400 viewers and they got few milions

its not about the money he is fun and good streamer i dont see anything wrong about him he got lovely attuide towards ppl and towards the game i like watching his stream then others that may be up money but not fun at all to watch

and he dosent do any coaching or false telling ppl that he got milions so they will pay to learn aswell he just enjoy stream and play poker and everyone who like him like him bcz of that

same for another person called kevin martin those ppl are fun to watch even if they arent up 150 or milion or w/e
About a year or so ago, he advertised for his coaching and that u can book him for 30$/h or so. And after his channel became bigger his coaching fee 5x all of a sudden to 150$/h.
No hating or smth its just a fact. Just still got it in my head, because it was such a price rise in just 2 or 3 months.
04-21-2016 , 07:15 PM
2 threads calling him out on his poker winnings have mysteriously been deleted from NVG ha. Something fishy there
04-21-2016 , 07:18 PM
He was very quick to call out grisped but when someone mentions his lies about poker winnings he wont respond and threads get deleted. Something not right there
04-21-2016 , 07:21 PM
And lol at 150 dollars a hour. What the **** will he teach you. How to be a break even poker player
04-22-2016 , 03:39 AM
My thread got deleted too in ngv,

I'll be streaming myself tonight tgough
04-22-2016 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by killerkilbane23
He was very quick to call out grisped but when someone mentions his lies about poker winnings he wont respond and threads get deleted. Something not right there
Pokerstars probably pay to get their twitch listings appearing first at the top of the forum. That's exactly what Jaime said was unethical about viewbotting lol.
04-22-2016 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by killerkilbane23
2 threads calling him out on his poker winnings have mysteriously been deleted from NVG ha. Something fishy there

Nvg mod obviously a Jaime Staples fanboyyy
04-22-2016 , 02:54 PM
Yeah I'm not sure why the threads calling him out were deleted instead of being moved if they belong here?
04-22-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by tofurocks
Yeah I'm not sure why the threads calling him out were deleted instead of being moved if they belong here?
Because they are getting posted by what appears to be a stalker on multiple accounts that he used to cheer lead and agree with each other.

Blows credibility when you need to pad your viewpoint with your own gimmick accounts.
04-22-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Because they are getting posted by what appears to be a stalker on multiple accounts that he used to cheer lead and agree with each other.

Blows credibility when you need to pad your viewpoint with your own gimmick accounts.

And why did u delete my post regarding immune system, then?
