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Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread
View Poll Results: Did Doug Polk use jlamma to play against other players
95 45.24%
115 54.76%

06-07-2018 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
It doesn't seem like he spent enough time to master the crypto world to be able to give advice on this stuff. Is he a genius who learns stuff quickly or is he talking out of his as$?
He's more of a commentator comedian who interviews the good knowledgeable people
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-12-2018 , 03:29 PM
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-12-2018 , 04:05 PM
Maybe crypto goes to zero, Doug will be interested in playing poker again
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-12-2018 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
Maybe crypto goes to zero, Doug will be interested in playing poker again
fat chance
it's still early
It's virtually guaranteed there will be another hype cycle even if crypto does wind down to not actually be widely adapted in the long run
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 03:44 AM
I don't think crypto is really getting in the way of him playing Poker.

I mean it isnt like he is going non stop crypto now anyway
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 08:51 AM
"A concentrated campaign of price manipulation may have accounted for at least half of the increase in the price of Bitcoin and other big cryptocurrencies last year, according to a paper released on Wednesday by an academic with a history of spotting fraud in financial markets."

Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 10:38 AM
What new bubble market will Doug exploit now? Tune in next week to find out!!!
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 10:39 AM
Is that news? It was an attack on bitcoin to drive up fees
Stuff like this has been and will keep happening, all you can do is hold pray for the long run. Or you know... Day trade.

Dougs gonna lose the 6k btc bet BTW unless a miracle happens in retrospect the 10k is a much smaller loss that having to state he was wrong and technical analysis is legit on Tone's channel
Edit: lol Huntington
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
"A concentrated campaign of price manipulation may have accounted for at least half of the increase in the price of Bitcoin and other big cryptocurrencies last year, according to a paper released on Wednesday by an academic with a history of spotting fraud in financial markets."

Doug, of course, will hold himself to the same level of accountability for promoting this fraud as he held other Youtubers promoting similar frauds.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by zizek
Doug, of course, will hold himself to the same level of accountability for promoting this fraud as he held other Youtubers promoting similar frauds.
I think that is a bit unfair.

He said he believed in Crypto and its long term value and gave plenty of disclaimers and risk warnings about its risks on his YouTube videos.

He has also regularly warned against investing in many of the coins and in certain ICOs, so for people who were already in Crypto or new to it he actually gave some great advice and insights, including how to store and transact your coins safely etc.

The only thing I would take issue with him about is that he has often said that a big attraction of Bitcoin is that it is not inflationary.

Well it is a bit inflationary as there are still more coins to be mined, albeit up to a finite amount, however, in my opinion because it is easy to copy/in effect copy and with the proliferation of new and competing Crypto currencies (plus many competing coins that already exist and have yet to flood more of their coins into the market), this makes Bitcoin and Crypto currencies in general potentially very inflationary, with no government(s) or regulatory bodies currently in place to regulate the increase in the Crypto money supply.

I realise that Bitcoin was early to market, has a stronger "brand" name with the public and some stronger existing and planned features than many of its competitors, but this does not fully mitigate all of the above.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-13-2018 , 01:17 PM
His bet seems to have a decent chance to lose today.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-14-2018 , 07:24 AM
Can someone help me find one of his cryptocurrency videos?

It was about a MASSIVE ico which the funds got derelicted by the swiss firm who was supposed to serve a minor role but essentially took billions worth of $$$ hostage?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-14-2018 , 08:27 AM
^ Or the name of the cryptocurrency so I can google it.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-14-2018 , 08:55 AM
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-14-2018 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
That was it, thanks!
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 04:23 AM
look at tezos current problem it s hilarious.
Many people are getting screwed.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 07:33 AM
dneg ended Doug's poker career
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 10:44 AM
cliffs on what dneg did to scuttle Doug's poker career?
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 11:04 AM
I believe he merely knocked him out of the 300k SHRB.

And that the previous poster is just trolling, of course.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 01:19 PM
Doug will succeed in whatever he decides to focus upon. He can afford to take as long as he wants to decide whatever that is.

There is a lot of crypto butthurt itt.

I don’t recall Doug ever making any market calls on any particular coin. He is an entertainer, that is all he claims to be in crypto.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
Doug will succeed in whatever he decides to focus upon. He can afford to take as long as he wants to decide whatever that is.

There is a lot of crypto butthurt itt.

I don’t recall Doug ever making any market calls on any particular coin. He is an entertainer, that is all he claims to be in crypto.
Didn’t he make a bet saying it would go over 10k by a certain time?

That is basically saying he personally thinks it will go up....maybe didnt directly say one should buy it though
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 09:55 PM

. . .
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-15-2018 , 11:30 PM
Doug's crypto channel is great, not another one like it in the space and I wish he would keep up with it.
If anything he should be keeping up during this downtrend because if/when the market does start to make another run and then he starts producing again that will be pretty lame.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-16-2018 , 02:37 PM
These "crypto traders" make me laugh. Pretending to know stuff about investing And now, all of a sudden, everyone is so quiet...

Poker players, please leave the trading to the experts. Do what you know best - play poker.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
06-16-2018 , 03:26 PM
Doug's interest in Bitcoin shows he has temporarily lost his sharp judgment in this particular area.

Let's see, we have no real idea of how many Bitcoins are in existence, so we can't put a true valuation on each one. We don't know who is behind them. We don't know if the inventor is quietly adding new bitcoins each day, as there is no one able to check this.

It is as bloody stupid as a bank having unlimited ability to print its own banknotes, and no one having any idea how many are in circulation.

Investing in bitcoin is like investing in bit of rubbish paper being blown in the streets.

But I have some magic beans that will grow into a magical beanstalk that I aim to sell to gullible Doug, which I will assure hold tremendous future growth potential.

Prospective Bitcoin buyers would do well to read up on the South Sea Bubble.
Doug Polk's Youtube Videos Thread Quote
