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WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread

03-18-2016 , 11:39 AM
give your weapon +1 attack per mana spent
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:03 PM
That's so god damn broken no way it ever gets printed.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:07 PM
^ .^
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:10 PM
What about equip an X/1 weapon based on your mana spent. Similar to the mage one but can go face and synergises with blade flurry, except you cant bladeflurry that turn without prep since it uses up all your mana.

Edit-Just saw this was posted 2 posts above me but with 2 charges. 2 charges seems way op right?
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:16 PM
I think a health buff or +1/+1 per X is likely for Druid. No idea on others. There are also the class C'Thun minions, "if your C'Thun has greater than 10 attack..." dudes. Been thinking about what those effects could be.

Paladin: Divine Shield
Shaman: Windfury/Totem summon
Mage: ??
Warlock: ??
Rogue: Stealth/Weapon buff
Hunter: Attack buff
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by MatteyA28
What about equip an X/1 weapon based on your mana spent. Similar to the mage one but can go face and synergises with blade flurry, except you cant bladeflurry that turn without prep since it uses up all your mana.

Edit-Just saw this was posted 2 posts above me but with 2 charges. 2 charges seems way op right?
For mana less than 6 it is on par or worse than existing weapons.

Seems a 10/2 weapon for 10 mana is probably crazy OP.

That being said, what if it was:

Spend all your mana. Equip a 0/2 weapon with +1 attack for each mana spent that can only attack minions.


Spend all your mana. Equip a 0/1 weapon with +1 attack for each mana spent. Attacking a minion costs 1 Attack instead of 1 Durability.


There will almost certainly be a:

Spend all your mana. Give your hero +1 attack and +1 armor for each mana spent.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:29 PM

Someone posted this on reddit, not sure if real
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:32 PM
10 mana deal 14 damage is good

9 mana for 12, still v good

8 mana 10, better than pyro

7 for 8, now its very mediocre

6 for 6, 1 for 1 ratio is pretty weak

5 for 4, unplayable
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 12:55 PM
Seems like it could be a 1-of in a midrange archetype.

edit: Still only one dude on reddit reporting that a "reputable taiwanese streamer" leaked the card. No screen cap or anything, just this translated version.

Last edited by Priptonite; 03-18-2016 at 01:12 PM.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 01:48 PM
Oh gr8. Control hunter with a 14 damage burst sounds fun to play against. Not sure why they would nerf combo and then add a single card that bypasses taunt and does the same damage.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 01:50 PM
That would be good in face hunter. Even with Control Warrior often times you're struggling to stabalize, and if they can just throw that down on turn 8 it's a hell of a lot better than quick shot.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 02:05 PM
Seems like that has been confirmed FAKE
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 02:25 PM
hell no thats not real - 1 card druid combo no thanks
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 02:27 PM
Definitely voting fake.

Wait why is the cost 3? Does that mean spend your remaining mana and then everything over 3 additional gets counted, so at 10 mana it's 8 damage? Design makes no sense.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 03:15 PM
I would assume they will all be 0 cost and spend all your remaining mana.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 04:12 PM
That card is wayyy better than pyroblast
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 04:17 PM
It is absolutely fake, maybe a mod can delete/edit the post lol
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
10 mana deal 14 damage is good

9 mana for 12, still v good

8 mana 10, better than pyro

7 for 8, now its very mediocre

6 for 6, 1 for 1 ratio is pretty weak

5 for 4, unplayable

7 mana is the face hunter break point. Drop a 2 mana beast, hero power, and kill command. That's the 7 mana 7 damage gold standard. 7 for 8 is very, very good. It also gives face hunter motivation to not quit after turn 7. Very, very good card for hunter imo. It will be a finisher, and it will replace quick shot easily.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 07:31 PM
its a fake, but the card is stupid good regardless of what it's played for b/c its only gonna be used for lethal!
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 07:41 PM
i never said it was bad, womba
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 08:06 PM
I took your 7 mana play as being "very mediocre" and extrapolated crudely. Don't read into it too much. I was cherry picking.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 08:14 PM
omg still 6 more weeks

at least game of thrones will have restarted
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 09:45 PM
6 weeks is going to feel like endlessly walking through the Red Waste. A drop of a new card every few days to make us feel like we are still living.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 10:28 PM
legendary on sunday tho!
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-18-2016 , 10:49 PM
Can almost guarantee they're gonna make a big spell damage minion in wog. They've tried to last 2 expansions (inspire +1 spell damage guy and jungle moonkin.)

If so the spell could be pretty useful.

Last edited by Searix; 03-18-2016 at 11:00 PM.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
