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Underutilized card thread (Help shift the meta!) Underutilized card thread (Help shift the meta!)

02-09-2015 , 08:39 PM
A lot of cards get 0 love. Some are legitamitely underpowered, while some are simply overlooked. The idea it is to (eventually) make competitive decks that use these underutilized cards, and hav fun theorycrafting decks that work with it.

Recombobulator: 3/2 body is ok for two mana, has (fun) upside. Synergizes well with silenced minions, Giants (namely sea giant which can xmog into deathwing), and battlecry minions

Argent Commander: This guy is too good not to come back. He's basically lobber (which is quite popular) for one extra mana, but without the random target hurdle and more importantly the ability to go for face

What other cards should be used more often?
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02-09-2015 , 10:40 PM
Recombobulator can be pretty strong in control decks but the meta is a bit too fast and requires you to be too reactive at the moment to make it worth running imo.

Argent Commander disappeared mostly just because there are many more competitive 6 drops now. When it was a must include in every deck there was very little in the way of strong 6 drops.

My vote would be for Pandaren Brewmaster. The ability to bounce strong battlecry and/or damaged minions back to your hand and replay them is sorely underutilised imo.
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02-09-2015 , 11:01 PM
Underutilized card thread (Help shift the meta!) Quote
02-10-2015 , 01:29 AM
Mass dispel has worked well in my control priest deck. Almost every good minion played now has some kind of deathrattle or other special effect that it is reliant upon and this is a really good catch up card.
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02-10-2015 , 02:04 AM
I love Wild Pyromancer. It's hardly underutilized, but it really is only common in priest decks at the moment. Out of flavor in pally decks.

The main legend that never gets played that I love is Illidain Stormrage. It isn't that good, but it *feels* like it could be, under the right circumstance.
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02-10-2015 , 03:13 AM
Like in a demon lock when you're popping it out on turn 5? Not that you've ever done that to me or anything.
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02-10-2015 , 03:42 AM
I think that Upgraded Repair Bot could be really good if someone builds the right deck around it.

5/5 for 5 with a buff that gives a mech 4 health just seems really strong to me, and it just needs the right deck (which ive tried and failed to make)
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02-10-2015 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Like in a demon lock when you're popping it out on turn 5? Not that you've ever done that to me or anything.
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02-10-2015 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by cplo42
I think that Upgraded Repair Bot could be really good if someone builds the right deck around it.
I forget who played it but there was a mech priest in the tourny.
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02-10-2015 , 09:45 AM
I feel like at some point Battle Rage could make a bigger impact. I remember one really fun deck Kolento made with battle rage and Imp Masters and Frothing Berserkers and Armor Smiths and other things. There was a lot of synergy and it was really fun to play, just not top tier competitive.

With all the ways to damage creatures in Warrior you can often get 3+ cards for 2 mana which is a steal.
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02-10-2015 , 10:53 AM
Call Pet, Steamwheedle Sniper and Gladiators Longbow are all great, relatively. But I dont think the cards are quite there but there is a great controly midrange Hunter deck waiting to be made after the next card set when we get out of this Mech aggro period. I've seen the bow once and I don't recall ever facing the other two.

I dont think I have ever seen it in use, like literally never, but Shadowform has tonnes of potential but it by definition changes the composition entirely of Priest. If you can build an aggro Priest around that card you would catch the ladder completely off guard as they mulligan slow and find themselves half dead in turn five.

If we get more Mechs in the next release I want to make Fel Cannon work. There obvious issues with it today but it has lots of potential value. I think I saw it in a tourney match once and it caught the opponent completely off guard. However, today, it just doesn't fit into a zoo or HandLock given the kinds of cards played. There are better value 4s, but some day... If Mech Mage had it I reckon it would be pretty common in the meta today.

I think anima golem is completely beastly and could fit in a HandLock solidly, but I dont have one to really test my theory (I'm not keen on crafting a card no one uses hoping to make it work).
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02-10-2015 , 11:08 AM
I don't think anima golem is very good. Seems like a super situational card, because you can kill it without having to deal with it. Obviously in the case of sunfury/argus, it hides behind a taunt, but any direct removal for the 3 hp creature and it's done for.
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02-10-2015 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by jhall23
I feel like at some point Battle Rage could make a bigger impact. I remember one really fun deck Kolento made with battle rage and Imp Masters and Frothing Berserkers and Armor Smiths and other things. There was a lot of synergy and it was really fun to play, just not top tier competitive.

With all the ways to damage creatures in Warrior you can often get 3+ cards for 2 mana which is a steal.
Actually now that I think about it, I'm a bit baffled that Battle Rage isn't played in control warrior and I'm curious to try it.

Arcane Intellect is a control mage staple, there's like zero reason you shouldn't be able to pop Battle Rage for two a lot of the time, which is pretty good. If you get more... gg.
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02-10-2015 , 12:43 PM
I guess you would replace an acolyte with the battle rage and that gives you one less target for cruel taskmaster in the early game. Being able to clear a 3 health minion is kind of big.
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02-10-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
I don't think anima golem is very good. Seems like a super situational card, because you can kill it without having to deal with it. Obviously in the case of sunfury/argus, it hides behind a taunt, but any direct removal for the 3 hp creature and it's done for.
My thinking is it works well with giants or other sticky minions. Something like a watcher and a mountain giant or two moltens etc. You definitely couldn't drop it in a situation where there is just one other minion. You could combo it with implosion on turn ten I suppose, if they cannot remove the imps it survives even on a previously empty board.

Its possibly too inflexible to be value compared to similar cost cards - which is likely going to be the trend of this thread.

If there was a neutral or lock specific card that gives charge like the Warrior class card by that name it could be built into a combo finisher. That said I don't necessarily think one will be introduced.
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02-10-2015 , 01:31 PM
Two decks I really want to make work are a buffing deck with the copying oozes windfury wargens etc (and angry chicken obv), and a silence deck with all the negative deathrattle cards, dancing swords and the 2/8 taunt guy etc.
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02-10-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Two decks I really want to make work are a buffing deck with the copying oozes windfury wargens etc (and angry chicken obv), and a silence deck with all the negative deathrattle cards, dancing swords and the 2/8 taunt guy etc.
Moreso in arena but Wailing Soul. He's got a decent size body for a 4 drop plus adds value to good size 3 drops (dancing swords, ogre brute). I haven't run into many situations where i wanted to drop him (or something) but couldn't.
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02-10-2015 , 02:27 PM
wailing soul in theory is decent with like watchers/fel reaver/etc, the problem is that very rarely do you use it on multiple guys so its almost always better to play spellbreakers instead in your deck
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02-10-2015 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I dont think I have ever seen it in use, like literally never, but Shadowform has tonnes of potential but it by definition changes the composition entirely of Priest. If you can build an aggro Priest around that card you would catch the ladder completely off guard as they mulligan slow and find themselves half dead in turn five.
shadowform is bad because in aggro you want to spend turn three putting minions on the board, and in control it would cause your deck to lose a ton of synergy
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02-10-2015 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Two decks I really want to make work are a buffing deck with the copying oozes windfury wargens etc (and angry chicken obv),
Building on the buffing concept, Hobgoblin is an interesting card but I don't know if it has enough cards right now to make it more than a fun deck. Decks were tried at the beginning of the expac but the problem is if you drop hobgoblin on turn 3 and it gets removed you pretty much lose the game. If you wait till later turns to drop hobgoblin and two other creatures on the same turn you are probably way behind on tempo already.
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02-10-2015 , 03:21 PM
BadRazor is known for doing a lot of streaming with a deck based on Warsong Commander that makes good use of Battle Rage. I posted about it before, it's called Math Warrior.

Crap, I just checked, all the old twitch broadcasts with it are gone.
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02-10-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
BadRazor is known for doing a lot of streaming with a deck based on Warsong Commander that makes good use of Battle Rage. I posted about it before, it's called Math Warrior.

Crap, I just checked, all the old twitch broadcasts with it are gone.
Here's a good example of what the deck can do.
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02-10-2015 , 05:33 PM
Yeah, I have played the Math warrior deck and it is a good example of a decent way to use it. It was good and fun, but still could see BR being used in other decks as well to good use.
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02-10-2015 , 07:03 PM
I love playing this deck even though it barely ever works. When it does it's great. Just won a game where the guy drew 3 mines in a row to take him down from 27-0

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02-10-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Actually now that I think about it, I'm a bit baffled that Battle Rage isn't played in control warrior and I'm curious to try it.

Arcane Intellect is a control mage staple, there's like zero reason you shouldn't be able to pop Battle Rage for two a lot of the time, which is pretty good. If you get more... gg.
I have tried it before and it just wasn't consistent enough.
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