So this season has been pretty easy cruising along. I'm at rank 5, which is comforting knowing I have 3/4 of the season left to push for high legend. I wanted to go ahead and share with you the two decks I've been climbing with (I've also been climbing with a little MR Hunter with Snakes and Volcanic Drakes, but that's for another thread).
The first is a secret paladin list. I've shared an almost identical version of this in the thread, but I've substituted out argent squires for chows. Some people in this thread suggested that the life gain with chows is too detrimental when trying to close the game, and I've come around to agree with that. Squires also aid in the sticky aspect of the deck.
Couple of points, this deck does not run secretkeeper. I think that card is counter-productive in a deck that doesn't want to draw secrets and/or mulligan for them. Most IMPORTANT thing for this deck's win condition, is having some sort of board by turn 6, and having nothing but divine shields and deathrattle minions helps aid in that goal. Argent horserider is an AMAZING card in this build as well, and can be often used as removal and setup for a drawn redemption, and is just another sticky minion for Dr. 6. I also like having boom in this list as an alternative threat:
This second deck I've been climbing with is another take on Midrange Paladin. Bobbo actually inspired the double coghammer/Greenskin w/ no Truesilvers version. It's something I've thought about in the past, but didn't implement because of how prevalent Harrison Jones was in the meta Pre-TGT. It's now less prevalent, with much of the top tier decks on the Tempostorm Meta Report not including that tech card. It also makes even more sense having room in the 4 spot for murloc knight and argus. Coghammer is also stronger in this board flood, pally meta, with more charges and a stronger/earlier curve weapon (in comparison with light's justice from Muster for battle.
I also put back in healbot, as Tuskarr just wasn't reliable enough as a needed heal. I still want him to work, but in a deck that runs double chow, it's hardly reliable, and since I have one spot left in my build for additional healing, I want it to be guaranteed (especially with no truesilvers and additional facetanking, board-clearings with coghammers).
Both decks are extremely powerful and have great winrates for me. Give them both a try and let me know what you think.