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11-13-2015 , 04:09 PM
I think he might even find a home in that Hobgoblin zoo deck I've been screwing around with, though I can't see not running two Hobgoblins (though if I don't draw those early I'm typically never winning anyway)
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11-13-2015 , 04:18 PM
Yeah I love Reno. I played a bit with Reno in warrior though and think he's pretty bad there
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11-13-2015 , 04:22 PM
Mage seems to be working pretty well with Reno so far. Not even super refined yet, but 3 secrets (barrier/block/duplicate), 1 Molten, Sylv, Rhonin, Antonidas, Echo, Belcher, BLizzard, FS other stuff....

I'm actually not running any other healing besides reno and barrier and haven't felt it being bad that way yet.
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11-13-2015 , 04:47 PM
I healed for like 75 in a game with Renolock last night. Reno from 2 health, Alex from really low, Jaraxxus from really low, Healbot, Refreshment Vendor, Earthen Ring, lol. ;D
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11-13-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I healed for like 75 in a game with Renolock last night. Reno from 2 health, Alex from really low, Jaraxxus from really low, Healbot, Refreshment Vendor, Earthen Ring, lol. ;D
youthful brewmaster actually works really well with reno

0% chance any aggro beats you if you can get it off
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11-13-2015 , 05:58 PM
Problem is the #1 aggro deck right now is Secret Pally and you still need to clear their **** even if you heal for 25. And it's harder to clear their **** when you are running 14 weaker-than-premium cards in your deck.

idk I'm not having and Reno fun. BabyRage
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11-13-2015 , 06:02 PM
i think youthful is overkill. reno just once vs aggro wins game like 97% (ok, maybe 95%). making up the 5% isnt worth it
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11-13-2015 , 06:24 PM
I didn't lose to Secret Paladin last night, but only like 4 games. Lost to other Paladins. It isn't hard to clear their things, they have far fewer threats in the deck because of all the secrets. Your deck outvalues them every time. Just have to survive each threat.
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11-13-2015 , 08:57 PM
7-2 with reno dragon priest

2 losses being hunters

whats weird is I barely think these stats are relevant right now.

I think by far the biggest menace to every "new" or "renew jackson" decks are druids and nobody is playing druid right now. I think One ofs decks will struggle a LOT fighting with big threats ramping from druid into a sudden combo before you jackson or stabilize your control minions

Like I somehow faced 5 control warrior and Im running saraad, confessor, ysera, nefarian, boom,

gl beating that as control...
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11-13-2015 , 09:07 PM
My favorite Reno story so far is getting Tree of Life from Saraad. That was awesome.
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11-13-2015 , 09:34 PM
I can confirm reno isn't that good vs druid. I did lose to secret scum who somehow had one in his deck tho BibleThump.
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11-13-2015 , 09:48 PM
i love renolock

love love love love it

reno jackson is my favorite card in the game.
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11-13-2015 , 10:08 PM
According to Track-O-Bot I went 1-7 vs Aggro Druid and 3-4 vs Midrange Druid with my Reno Control Paladin. Midrange feels like a tougher matchup though. 8-13 vs Secret Paladin.

5-0 vs Control Warrior, 2-0 vs Handlock, 2-0 vs Non secret Pally, 3-1 vs Patron, 3-1 vs Dragon Priest, 1-0 vs Face Hunter. I think I ran pretty bad with my queue RNG.

I sped up the list near the tail end of my session yesterday so the matchups shouldn't be so polarized.
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11-13-2015 , 10:12 PM
whats annoying is it doesnt seem to be a counter to hunter or pally at all so far.

Its at best "ok" against em, and once the meta comes back to earth as druid-hunter-paladin ... we'll see...

More cards coming out tho! lezgo
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11-13-2015 , 10:25 PM
Lots of streamers trying various Reno decks and they seem to be doing at least ok at decently high levels on ladder.
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11-13-2015 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator

Like I somehow faced 5 control warrior and Im running saraad, confessor, ysera, nefarian, boom,

gl beating that as control...
My Demon HL is GREED, 3 giants (Molten, Mountain, Frost), Rag, Jarraxus, Mal'ganis, Boom, Sylvannas, Emperor.

I am running 2 VC cause they are key and I think I am happy with that one 2 of.

Crushed all control matchups, not enough aggro actually to see if I need to tone it down some.
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11-14-2015 , 01:45 AM
Love reno and believe in him. Surprised you guys were doing well vs control and struggling vs aggro, my renolock version hasnt lost to aggro but is struggling vs controls. I guess my lists are in general more defensive and anti aggro
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11-14-2015 , 03:03 AM
I had the misfortune of facing literally the greediest renolock deck of all time and space as a normal control warrior. Almost still won, but not quite. Dude was basically running an Astral Communion level greed list, lol.
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11-14-2015 , 04:52 AM
Im feeling giddy as hell. I one shot the 2nd and 3rd bosses on heroic using a summoning stone deck.

I 2-shotted the first one as well. Didnt read up on any of the encounters just flew blind from the normal. I really like the "survive x turn" style. If youre struggling with either of the matchups:

For the 2nd fight the rod is too annoying to keep killing. Your best bet is hard removal - i polyed it on curve. Silence and hex seem to be ok too.

For the 3rd one, tempo doomsayer owns the **** out of them. And freeze effects are ridiculous.
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11-14-2015 , 06:10 AM
reno priest seems to crush control and reno handlock to crush aggro and struggle to control warrior and priest.

Makes sense really when you look at it.

Ysera, nefarian, saraad and confessor are all cards that outvalue warrior that handlock cant run, handlock mostly has jaraxxus to long term fight them. (also gets rekt by lightbomb somewhat)
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11-14-2015 , 07:46 AM
Just beat a face hunter with Lock & Load, Explorer's Hat, Reno Djinni hunter.

My life is complete.
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11-14-2015 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
If youre struggling with either of the matchups:

For the 2nd fight the rod is too annoying to keep killing. Your best bet is hard removal - i polyed it on curve. Silence and hex seem to be ok too.

For the 3rd one, tempo doomsayer owns the **** out of them. And freeze effects are ridiculous.
For some reason silencing the rod doesn't remove the immunity, but it becomes a 0/5 and is removed from the game once you kill it.

Yes Freeze Mage owns the 3rd encounter pretty hard.
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11-14-2015 , 08:00 AM
It makes sense it doesn't remove the immunity if you silence it since the card only speaks of going to the other player when killed.
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11-14-2015 , 08:42 AM
Im playing Reno in Zoo seems pretty good
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11-14-2015 , 03:05 PM
Man, people going nuts for Reno. Everyone is so starved for an OP control mechanism that they're willing to run these off brand decks to get it. **** that ****, blizz. Face hunter doesn't have to have unique cards to get kill command to work. Give us a legit heal that we can run two of in a normal deck. I don't want to play a deck that looks like the CPU finished it for me.
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