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Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game)

03-04-2016 , 01:09 AM
I'm missing the correlation between your first and second sentence.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:18 AM
While were at it, an option to remove animations is sorely needed....

When I am on a 5 game losing streak I dont want to sit there and watch a bunch of imps and juggles going off forever, I just want to get to the next game, damn.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by IHeartAsians
While were at it, an option to remove animations is sorely needed....

When I am on a 5 game losing streak I dont want to sit there and watch a bunch of imps and juggles going off forever, I just want to get to the next game, damn.
then you concede
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
I'm missing the correlation between your first and second sentence.
Noob fatigue mage spammed "thank you" because I wasn't bothering to play around his board clear and I still whomped him.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 12:45 PM
mage emoters tilt me hard. favorite game ever was a mage that was emoting thank you after every single play against my priest, he had lethal in a turn and could have killed off my 1/7 cleric but didn't for some reason. top decked a 2nd divine spirit, 28 health + inner fire boom GG. I spammed thank you the whole time and timed down before I played the inner fire. I hardly ever engage in that kinda crap but it was really satisfying.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Noob fatigue mage spammed "thank you" because I wasn't bothering to play around his board clear and I still whomped him.

wait, you actually read meaning into emotes? and then you are proud of winning a game with zoo?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:00 PM
I just lost a game vs an aggro shaman on turn 6 in which my opponent dealt 0 damage from minions and I played a sludge belcher on turn 5.

Easily the biggest steaming pile of bull**** game I've ever played, it has zapped any desire to play this game.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:15 PM
Well shamans have a lot of cheap face damage, you need a healbot not a belcher. **** healbots. Typical cancer shaman is gonna have at the bare minimum 30 damage of spells running in his deck, can go higher if you luckbox your crackles and get spell dmg totems. Even worse if they sir finley a hunter power. +4 dmg from leper gnomes. It's a tough deck.

But turn 5 belcher rarely phases me if they are less than 15 health, i run 2x silence a lot anyway.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:35 PM
ill make sure to will my healbot to my hand next time instead
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:46 PM
yeah true mark of skill
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:49 PM
What deck are you playing?
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 02:53 PM
Does it matter
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:08 PM
if turn 5 belcher couldn't stop a lethal next turn I'd say you were gonna lose the game no matter what because you were less than 12 health for sure. just curious, I play shaman for laddering most often because it is ridiculous but it's a very flawed deck still. there's a reason it's called cancer shaman. With my other decks I don't ever seem to really have a problem with them though.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:08 PM
some games you are just meant to lose
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:11 PM
I had 24 health going into the turn, fwiw
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 03:17 PM
oh so he silenced your belcher and then doomhammer combo'd you. standard
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
wait, you actually read meaning into emotes? and then you are proud of winning a game with zoo?
If you complain about zoo, you're bad.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:07 PM
i beat dkgo on ladder once

can confirm he's bad Kappa
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:26 PM
whos complaining? its one of the most basic decks to win with which is why its been around since the start of the game. congrats on your accomplishment of beating a fatigue mage though
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 04:52 PM
But like the guy he beat was an idiot bro! He copied Kibler's deck. Net decking a zoo list and jerking yourself off when you win with it is clearly much "cooler."
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 07:26 PM
It's been said before, but Jaina is the true troll of Hearthstone. All of her emotes sound so bitchy. It really pours the salt on.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 07:31 PM
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 07:42 PM
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 08:23 PM
Well played
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-04-2016 , 08:57 PM
Really is the hidden reason for Hearthstone's success.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
