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Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game)

03-22-2016 , 03:31 PM
Would Shaman go from "not really viable outside aggro" to "way too ****ing OP" if they simply reduced the amount of overload across the board by 1? Like 1 overload becomes non, 2 becomes 1, etc? Would really like to see a playable Shaman aside from aggro.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 03:31 PM
Although even as I read that, that probably makes the current aggro shaman build ridic OP :/
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 03:41 PM
The problem with overload is it's not as powerful as blizzard costed it when they made classic. I mean it takes FIVE mana to get two 2/3 taunts. Yes, you get both from one card and you can cast it on turn 3, but... It should be like 4 mana 1 overload two 2/4 taunt.
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03-22-2016 , 04:16 PM
lol WHAT

4 mana 4/8 of stats with taunt + the extra tempo of being played a turn early?

2/3t + 2/3t is already basically a belcher with more tempo and face damage
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03-22-2016 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
What's your sham MR list right now, nofear?
I've got two main versions I'm using.

And the experimental version:

Also LOL at thinking Feral Spirit is even close to Belcher. 3 attack takes out so much more (Plus the 5 health allowing it to trade for things like, oh, say a Shredder, and still live?), in this meta, and all an opponent has to to is play a 3/4 on 3 mana to counter your FS. FS is good to block combo druid or hide your early game behind, that's all.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 04:52 PM
I run Brann in my midrange list. Great synergy with Totemic, Argus, Defender, Drake, Fire Elemental, Boom.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
I run Brann in my midrange list. Great synergy with Totemic, Argus, Defender, Drake, Fire Elemental, Boom.
I actually tried Brann out for a bit, but I felt it was a bit too slow, personally.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 05:06 PM
shaman is great, yesterday i had less than 100 legend points but today i got over 1000 EleGiggle
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03-22-2016 , 05:07 PM

Most insane opener i've ever seen in hearthstone

(That's Living Roots he casts on my secret keeper at the end)
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 08:09 PM
Simply put, Shaman lacks the unfairness that the dominant classes are seeing right now. Overload was meant to let you be able to grab tempo/board control by sacrificing some of your mana from the next turn, but the problem is that there are tons of cards currently printed that are equal to, or even better, than the cards with overload for the same mana, and doesn't have to deal with losing next turn's mana. Shamans right now can't really afford to play the long game, since they're so likely to lose board control early on, so the only option they have is to take advantage of the "unfairness" of low cost spells and hope you can kill your opponent before they kill you.

I'm pretty much just hoping that the next xpac changes things a bit so something besides face will be viable for Shaman, but I'm not holding my breath.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Simply put, Shaman lacks the unfairness that the dominant classes are seeing right now. Overload was meant to let you be able to grab tempo/board control by sacrificing some of your mana from the next turn, but the problem is that there are tons of cards currently printed that are equal to, or even better, than the cards with overload for the same mana, and doesn't have to deal with losing next turn's mana. Shamans right now can't really afford to play the long game, since they're so likely to lose board control early on, so the only option they have is to take advantage of the "unfairness" of low cost spells and hope you can kill your opponent before they kill you.

I'm pretty much just hoping that the next xpac changes things a bit so something besides face will be viable for Shaman, but I'm not holding my breath.
Definitely agree that the overloads on many cards are too much. I'm laddering with MR shaman this month too, but I've taken the list in a super greedy direction:

I don't think I've lost to a fatigue warrior or priest this month (though I have lost to traditional control priests with blademasters). So I think shaman can win the long game if you build it that way. But obviously against many decks I just lose if I get a slow start, which is happening a bit too often with this list.

Also, D104's Dragon Midrange that he posted about a month ago is a lot of fun to play, too.

Last edited by Clinger; 03-22-2016 at 08:28 PM.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 08:24 PM
Yeah, the issue of building for the long game is you get completely destroyed by anything aggro, which with the meta being so fast, is kinda bad.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
lol WHAT

4 mana 4/8 of stats with taunt + the extra tempo of being played a turn early?

2/3t + 2/3t is already basically a belcher with more tempo and face damage
it's 5 mana or not an turn early. don't get to claim both.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 08:38 PM
a belcher that costs 3 mana +2 overload would always be a way better card than a belcher
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:13 PM
Possibly? Feral Spirit is nowhere near as good as Belcher, though. Dealing 3 damage is super easy for just about every class. There are plenty of easy turn 3/4 answers to kill two 2/3's, but there aren't too many easy answers to a 5 health minion, even ignoring the fact that it still summons another taunt minion to deal with. Plus, 2 attack minions doesn't trade too favorably with really anything, where as 3 attack kills a lot of things currently running around.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:23 PM
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:41 PM
When playing overload cards causes you to lose tempo and board control, because they're so easy to deal with, it's not a problem, obviously.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:09 PM
overload is the embodiment of tempo - you do something for less mana than it should be for something instant that puts you ahead on board

you pay for the consequences later
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:28 PM
weird i had the exact same argument with a friend of mine
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:47 PM
Well Kirb, the idea was it would be a great card for midrange and control and an average card for aggro. Considering the spell heavy, face heavy shaman classic set I feel like it would be a fine change. You can't overload turn 4 and doomhammer turn 5 so it still has some of that built in clunkiness which is what makes overload both great and annoying.

You have to consider the utility of a 2/4 on turn four as well. It tempos out 2/1 and 3/2 early minions but is kinda wasted vs other 4 drops and later game.
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03-22-2016 , 11:52 PM
yeah its not cut and dry in every scenarios but i think in the big picture it would be OpieOP as hell
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03-23-2016 , 04:11 AM
Haven't really played since October and decided to grind this month and ended up getting legend today. I started on the 15th @ rank 23. Started today @ rank 7** and ran it up to legend from 2pm-4am with a break from 6pm-11pm. Feelsgoodman. Still got it.

Deck was a pretty standard zoo list. 2x giant, 1x leeroy
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-23-2016 , 04:38 AM
"standard zoo list, 2 giants, 1 leeroy"

Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-23-2016 , 05:24 AM
1 Leeroy is not standard, but 2 giants are indeed standard nowadays.
Hearthstone?! (Blizzard online card game) Quote
03-23-2016 , 08:40 AM
even the leeroy is standard now i think, been seeing it a lot. voidcaller/malganis/doomguards are gone in favor of more board flood with gormak + giants

bobbo just OUT of the META with all his heroes of the storm play
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