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Hearthstone BBV Thread Hearthstone BBV Thread

11-06-2016 , 11:46 AM
Arena. Me Paladin opponent Mage my turn 6 onto an empty board was Steward of Darkshire and Muster for battle giving me a board of 3/3 and three 1/1s with divine shield and a 1/4 weapon. I was super happy about it.
His turn six was Blood knight 12/12 coin cone of cold leaving me with one 1/1 with divine shield that could attack. I lost two turns latter.
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11-07-2016 , 01:20 AM
I won a game as maly rogue vs control warrior where he had me down to 1 hp and i had no taunt or healing, i just had to sap his rag and play a big edwin and hope he didnt have 1 point of damage on turn 12 having not played a war axe, bash or gorehowl (grom had been and gone).

All he could do was re play his rag and hope, it hit my azure drake, i was able to have exact lethal with dagger + 14/14 edwin + auctioneer + azure drake+ prep sinister strike + SI:7. Also got lucky because had i drawn another card off of the auctioneer id have died of fatigue.

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11-07-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I won a game as maly rogue vs control warrior where he had me down to 1 hp and i had no taunt or healing, i just had to sap his rag and play a big edwin and hope he didnt have 1 point of damage on turn 12 having not played a war axe, bash or gorehowl (grom had been and gone).

All he could do was re play his rag and hope, it hit my azure drake, i was able to have exact lethal with dagger + 14/14 edwin + auctioneer + azure drake+ prep sinister strike + SI:7. Also got lucky because had i drawn another card off of the auctioneer id have died of fatigue.


Edit: jk of course, Rag literally never misses my face except when I want him to hit me.
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11-15-2016 , 10:11 AM

Kept 2 Mal Imps vs Mage. Ended up being freeze Mage. Opened up with Voidwalker into 2 mal imps turn 2. He plays Loot, I play Dark Peddler into 3 Mal Imps. He plays novice engineering. Turn 4, coin + doomguard for 6 and have 2 Silverware in hand for a full board on turn 3 with 3 mal imps. He plays doomsayer + ping. End up drawing another doom guard and soulfire. Of course with a 7-8 cards in hand, drop doom guard and it drops soulfire but pick up another for a turn 5 win. The dream opener vs freezemage.
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11-15-2016 , 05:58 PM

Turn 4 play a 5/7 with charge, summon 2 3/3s and draw 6 cards is a decent play vs. anyone imo.
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11-26-2016 , 08:44 AM
C'thun is a stupid card, everyone who was part in making it shoud be fired
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11-26-2016 , 12:54 PM
Just wait until you get Jade Golem'd.
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11-29-2016 , 09:03 AM
Oh wow.

Just lost a game vs Rogue in Arena as Mage at 8-2, where he gets Tony/Missiles from Undercity Huckster, so plays Tony onto an empty board and went Coin/Coin/Shredder/Swashburglar. I trade the Shredder and it's drop, ping the burglar and go face to get him down to 1hp. He plays a mage secret (from Swash) and goes missiles/face to get me down to 12hp. I ping face, and it's mother****ing ice block! So trade in vs the rest of his board, leaving him alive with empty board and 1hp / 2 cards in hand which are Fireball + Fireball for lethal

Never felt so mistreated by HS as I do now.
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11-30-2016 , 12:07 PM
Saw this on reddit.
Has no relevance, but I chuckled.
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12-14-2016 , 11:30 AM
Arena during the draft I had 1 Flame strike and 1 Mirror entity so when I'm offered flame strike or mad scientist I disregard Hearth Arenas advice and take the MS.

Game 2 i go second play MS turn 2 he coins out Kezan Mystic.
Game 3 I go second, turn two MS his turn three Slithering Swarmer which he uses to destroy my turn turn three 2/2 while my 3/5 swarmer sits on the board unable to attack all game.
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12-14-2016 , 12:33 PM
Cross post from the HS thread, but I think it's worthy. Definitely one of the more ridiculous endings to a game that I can remember.

Just got meme'd pretty hard by Reno Priest build.

He is at 15hp, I'm at 28hp and he's burned through his entire deck/used Reno, etc. He has Raza on board, so free hero power. Plays the 'Inspire - Deal 4dmg to both heroes' minion, then Garrison commander, heals himself twice for -4 him, -8 me. Then goes shadow form and pings me twice for -8 him, -12 me. Then plays Finlay, switches back to heal and heals himself twice for -4 him, -8 me to tie the game.

I had such an easy lethal next turn, but hard to hate on such an epic combowombo.
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12-14-2016 , 01:05 PM
Kripp posted the deck as Chansey Priest Link
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12-21-2016 , 02:10 PM
Dusted a golden legendary, yay! Finally can craft Patches, so I did

Game 1, Miracle Rogue. First opponent: Mirror

Game 2, Aggro Shaman. First opponent: Mirror

Of course I lost both.

Closed the client in disgust, went back to playing Fallout Shelter
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12-21-2016 , 03:23 PM
Playing rogue, going second against another rogue, he plays swashburgler on turn 1, out comes patches. I do the same, decide to kill the swashburgler instead of patches, he then gangs up patches and his turn 3 is literally playing patches, drawing 2 more out of his deck and cold blood x2.

from now on I'll kill the patches lol
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12-21-2016 , 08:10 PM
I mean I feel like a poker rigtard bitching about having KK cracked by AJ three times in a row but god ****ing dammit I've literally played 3 games in the last month as rogue and all three are mirror matches? And I literally never face rogue otherwise???
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12-22-2016 , 12:43 PM
Kinda feels like that sometimes. I was playing control shaman and first three games were all against druid which is an auto losd.... I had not played a single druif in like 50 games. I did not play a single aggro deck with that list.
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12-22-2016 , 12:54 PM
That happened to me a lot last month. I built a Zoo deck teched for Shamans and I'd run into mirrors all the freaking time. And just for kicks, here's Swamp Ooze just in time for turn 2 so it get can value traded into by Dire Wolf + Possessed Villager.
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12-23-2016 , 05:38 PM
effing rogue got grom x2 from his two swashburglers
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12-29-2016 , 10:02 PM

The board was his card and the giant, how the fk did it do 4?
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12-30-2016 , 12:17 AM
Fandral? It combines the 3dmg with 1dmg+card for 4dmg+draw a card.
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12-30-2016 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It

The board was his card and the giant, how the fk did it do 4?
when's the last time you've played?
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12-30-2016 , 09:24 PM


I was really stunned when it hit for 4 fwiw. Thought that card only lets your choose one cards pick both?
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12-30-2016 , 09:54 PM
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12-30-2016 , 11:21 PM
Fandral let's you choose both at once--i.e. it's 3 damage & 1 damage + 1 card draw. Like, do you know how Fandral works?

Fandral on board works with any choose one card.
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01-10-2017 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It


I was really stunned when it hit for 4 fwiw. Thought that card only lets your choose one cards pick both?
Thats exactly what it does. So whats the confusion?
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