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Hearthstone BBV Thread Hearthstone BBV Thread

01-11-2016 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by fightnwin
Just bragging:

i am legit so jealous of that
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01-11-2016 , 06:21 PM
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01-11-2016 , 07:04 PM
Yeah golden eye for an eye is amazing. Congrats
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01-11-2016 , 07:43 PM
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01-11-2016 , 08:05 PM
oh yes I just realized my favorite poker forum has a subforum for my second favorite card game! I am trying to break to level 16 for the first time with my Mage build..
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01-11-2016 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by fightnwin
Just bragging:

this almost gave me a boner. So sexy
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01-12-2016 , 01:06 AM
Double combo is so bogus. Had 30 health and plenty of deck left vs a druid in fatigue with just a 4/4 on the board and 4 cards in hand, fon roar innervate roar GG.
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01-12-2016 , 02:37 AM
beat a grim patron warrior with freeze mage. he played nexus saarad and got tree of life. kinda an insane win
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01-12-2016 , 10:33 AM
Legit pack there.
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01-12-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by fightnwin
Just bragging:

Wow! So jelly.
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01-15-2016 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by fightnwin
Just bragging:

OMG, I want to open pack just for fun.

Anyone knows when the next set is coming out? I ant to buy packsssss
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01-16-2016 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
OMG, I want to open pack just for fun.

Anyone knows when the next set is coming out? I ant to buy packsssss
Bliz has been pretty rock solid with their deadlines. brd came out in march? So im guessing 1.5 months
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01-16-2016 , 01:39 AM
Holy **** you guys are good luck. I just got inspired to buy a pack (Hording Gold)

Golden, Gromash. Legit top 1-3 of the list of what I would want golden.
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01-16-2016 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Bliz has been pretty rock solid with their deadlines. brd came out in march? So im guessing 1.5 months
I bought 60 packs of GvG, no gold Dr.Boom
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01-17-2016 , 08:26 PM
Played a mirror match against another mech mage deck, was destroying him and curved perfectly the first several turns, until he plopped down kel'thuzad and wiped my board out.

But I drew a stealth spare part...


then crossed my fingers he didn't have any frostbolts left (he used all his fireballs). Lolol brought me down to 1 health then conceded.
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01-21-2016 , 10:13 PM
I was playing as murloc pally vs tempo and this hilarity ensued:

T1: Pass, he coins apprentice
T2: I make a dude, he kills it with apprentice and plays another one
T3: I play deathlord, he plays mana wyrm + fireball + arcane blast and gets archmage tony off it

Obviously he starts spamming emotes, so I do what any scumbag ******* would do and rope until...*cue Ben Brode laugh*

I drop pyro + equality to wipe 5 things and double solemn vigil to draw 4 for free and he snap concedes.
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01-23-2016 , 02:19 AM
Just had a great moment playin hunter.. Beat someone with an enraged angry chicken ....Webspinner gave me a damn angry chicken... on turn 5 I played it + houndmaster turn 6 I double houndmastered it to give me exact lethal. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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01-25-2016 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Umcle Diddler
Just had a great moment playin hunter.. Beat someone with an enraged angry chicken ....Webspinner gave me a damn angry chicken... on turn 5 I played it + houndmaster turn 6 I double houndmastered it to give me exact lethal. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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01-25-2016 , 06:47 PM
Just got iron jugg from a gorilla bot in arena. He has 21 cards, and draws 19 of them with cult master when the bomb would have killed him at any point. Never lucky obviously. He literally had one card and the bomb at the end.
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01-27-2016 , 05:01 PM
Losing a game at 9-1 in the arena when you're winning by a mile because of a disconnect is super ****ing tilting.

My internet was fine during the whole thing. I could browse firefox, but hearthstone just bugged out. i want to smash something.
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01-29-2016 , 07:41 PM
Draft four copies of Consecration in Arena, anyone want to guess how many I drew in the 14 cards I got before some bull**** Warlock with five goddamn Dark Peddlers destroyed me?

(none, it was none)
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02-02-2016 , 03:11 PM
I was playing Hearthstone yesterday without my glasses on. Bad mistake.

It was my turn. Opponent had 10 health. I had 7. I draw Ironbeak Owl and see lethal. Silence my Ancient Watcher, hit face for 4, then two Hellfire for 6.

Wait a minute. Why is he still alive? I squint my eyes a little more--he's at 8 health! I had misread his health total. Of course, I'm at 1 health now with an empty board, so I just concede.
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02-02-2016 , 09:28 PM
My head is about to explode...back to back games in arena.

First one I lose to tournament medic which heals for like 14 when I had my opponent down to 2 and he just top decks gold while I rip trash card after trash card in spite of playing Druid and having a super heavy (read: bad) deck.

Next game I have lethal on board opponent is a priest at 4 HP. I have 4 minions 2 with 3 health and 2 with 2 health. Top deck evis evil...nbd I'm fine refill the board. Next turn top deck thought steal and copies the ****ing evis evil (1/18) and wipes me again. I play out my last two cards which are some jank. Top decks mind games and pulls a ****ing ironbark (2/17). Real fun. Really ****ing fun.
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02-10-2016 , 02:52 AM
bought 15 packs with gold because I needed to get some dust to craft a few things

got rag and alexstrasza, didn't have either

feels good man
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02-10-2016 , 09:55 AM
i just got rekt by mounted raptor -> baron rivendare from raven idol -> webspinner -> highmane -> wildwalkerx2 in arena.
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