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This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter)

12-16-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Just drafted this guy:

Target Dummy
Gadgetzan Jouster
Tournament Attendee
Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Snowchugger
Wild Pyromancer
Forgotten Torch
Frost Nova
Injured Blademaster
Spider Tank
Evil Heckler
Goblin Blastmage
Mech Yeti
Tomb Spider
3x Water Elemental
Booty Bay Bodyguard
Clockwork Knight
Gurubashi Beserker
Kvaldir Raider
Pit Fighter
Spectral Knight
2x Stormwind Champion

Pretty excited to play it. Maybe could've used more removal?
you have a ton of weak cards there. all 3 1 drops are reasonably bad. so is booty bay frost nova and vaporize.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-16-2015 , 06:05 PM
yeah the deck has some weakies. has some synergy tho too. its ok.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-16-2015 , 06:14 PM
Yeah, just excited about all the mech synergy. Started 0-2 but have ripped off 4 wins since.

Thanks for the comments, I think I inadvertently lump Booty Bay in with the other taunts in that cost range (Sejin, Heckler), but the difference is they are all high toughness. I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward. Can't remember what was in the pool with Vaporize, but yeah definitely subpar in playing it so far. Target Dummy was in a weak pool and thought it would be good to have for Gorilla Bot + Blastmage. Frost Nova I guess I have a soft spot for from playing Aggro Freeze
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-16-2015 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Yeah, just excited about all the mech synergy. Started 0-2 but have ripped off 4 wins since.

Thanks for the comments, I think I inadvertently lump Booty Bay in with the other taunts in that cost range (Sejin, Heckler), but the difference is they are all high toughness. I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward. Can't remember what was in the pool with Vaporize, but yeah definitely subpar in playing it so far. Target Dummy was in a weak pool and thought it would be good to have for Gorilla Bot + Blastmage. Frost Nova I guess I have a soft spot for from playing Aggro Freeze
heckler is the same thing as booty bay for one less mana, kind of shows you how terrible booty is. freeze is really only good for tempo and you can't build a deck around that card like you can for a constructed deck. a lot of the time it'll be equivalent to healing for 8 damage or something and no one drafts healing touch.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:10 AM
Not necessarily it can also be enough at times to lock down a board for a turn so you can get an additional round of minion damage to close out a game. That said its still a bad card.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 12:27 PM
Don't usually post my runs here, but just took this absolute bag of spanners list to 11-1 and then got gatekept twice

annoying not to get it over the line, as I'm sure it would have been the worst deck I've 12-X'd. So many weak cards, no AoE, no end game at all, pretty weak early game.

Zombie chow
Jewelled scarab
River crocolisk
Sorcerers apprentice
Forgotten torch
Acolyte of pain
Argent horserider
Kirin tor mage
Lil exorcist
Silent knight
Soot spewer
Tinkertown tech
Dragonkin sorcerer
Tomb spider
2 x Water elemental
Flame lance
Clockwork knight
Ethereal conjurer
2 x boulderfist ogre
Coldarra drake
Frost elemental
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 05:50 PM

5 out of 7 streamed arena runs have gone 12 wins. Probably not sustainable
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 05:57 PM
How good was Anubisath Sentinel?

I've seen it fairly often in arena and it's never been good.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 06:24 PM
prob was the weakest card in the deck
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 08:44 PM
Just drew priest and probably had the worst draw options I've ever had. Was not offered:

Any legendaries
Shadow death
Shadow pain

Was offered like every ****ty dragon necessary card tho. Went 1-3.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-17-2015 , 09:55 PM
I once had a Mage Draft where I forgot what class I was 20 cards in because I had drafted 20 garbage neutral minions. I think I got 0 spells. I think I played arena for about one week after that lol
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-18-2015 , 12:20 AM

Fire up my next arena, mage

No Frostbolt, fireball, polymorph, flamestrike. 27 minions and arcane blast and 2 mirror entities. Jesus christ
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-18-2015 , 09:05 PM
FINALLY, first 12 win deck since before TGT. It's been soooooo long.

All it took was an OP deck, lol.

Full list.

Shockingly, Muster was not MVP. Even with 2, I didn't draw it on t3 very often. The kobold + consecration saved me a few times. So did Avenging Wrath. Believe it or not, Summoning Stone was amazing. I had a lot of spells. It straight up won me a game, and helped in a few others. All the healing won me like 3 games as well.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-18-2015 , 09:57 PM
For whatever reason, I've always been bad at mage in arena. Like, it's my 6th class by winrate. I thought it was supposed to be like the easiest one to play. No idea why I don't get it.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-19-2015 , 08:24 AM

first 12 win arena run in soooo long! deck was nothing special, just an excellent blend of early/late game with great removal. my draws were fantastic, got a lot of value from jungle moonkin + swipe. last game was first turn innervate ancient shade for the win.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-19-2015 , 09:37 AM
Nice dave!!
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-19-2015 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Can you guys start posting some 3 and 4 win runs so that I don't feel bad about myself every time I open the thread?
Have a decent Mage deck that has started 0-2, because Paladin's always have Keeper of Uldaman x3 and Muster for battle, and I can't start with anything lower than a 3 drop in my hand...

Edit: 2-2, including a Paladin beatdown, holy crap!

Last edited by JustASpectator; 12-19-2015 at 08:50 PM.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-19-2015 , 09:42 PM
Ended up clawing my way to 5-3.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 07:20 AM
Boom! First 12 win Warrior! Only Priest left (gonna be hard that one)

Not pictured, Stormwind Champion and Force-Tank MAX

Went from 6-2 to 12, nb if I do say so myself. War Axe just wins games ldo. Arathi was also really really good. I had a conversation with Bobbo recently on stream about Arathi vs Deathbite, where adwcta rates Arathi higher in his tier list, we both thought that was nuts. I think that might be right. Or at the last it's vv close.

Final Boss went Ethereal Conjurer -> effigy which gave him a Fel Reaver, between the monkey and Sparring Partner I delayed him long enough to burn most of his deck Felt good man!
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:54 AM
I started playing Hearthstone a few months ago as F2P. I was pretty hesitant to go into arena early on because I wasn't familiar with all of the cards and was worried I'd be roping too much. I think this was my fifth arena lifetime (never had higher than seven wins before). I watched a ton of streams to learn. This was also the first time I've played rogue outside of tavern brawl.

Rest of deck is:

Anubisath Sentinel
Dark Iron Skulker
Madder Bomber
Shado-Pan Rider x2
Stormwind Champion
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:57 AM
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:58 AM
You too
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 09:15 AM
nicely done, both of you. Snamuh, how did the pit snakes do? Since you probably had some mages and paladins as opponents.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 09:22 AM
Pit snake was almost always awesome. In one of my early games I sapped a Mechanical Yeti on turn 4 or 5 and dropped a Pit Snake and it just locked my opponent down. It also worked really well to proc combos, notably with Defias Ringleader early.
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
12-20-2015 , 10:04 AM
that's pretty awesome getting to 12 wins so quickly, congrats!
This Guy's Deck is Crazzzzy (Arena Banter) Quote
