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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-24-2014 , 12:43 AM
It was second season. She never said anything about anal sex though.
04-24-2014 , 12:50 AM
She says "or I can turn over and you can pretend I'm him?" Either way, she definitely wanted his baby.
04-24-2014 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
Yeah, I think so. Robb wasn't a child, but he wasn't quite a man yet-- if Ned is still alive, he doesn't rage so hard, since Ned would council him from afar. Also, if Ned is shown "mercy", the threat of harm to his sisters is conditional on him falling into line. When they lop off Ned's head, there are no clear conditions, and his sisters are in danger either way.

As for Stannis, I have to say, I don't fully recall the order in which events happened. When did Ned send the raven to Dragonstone, et al? Even if the Stannis and Renly each call their banners, there's a chance that less houses rally behind them, since the crown doesn't appear to be resting on a maniac's head, and more importantly there isn't a northern front for the Lannisters to be weakened by. Maybe their banners still rally, but do the Tyrells still join the fight?
He sent a message to Stannis with someone (can't remember whom but he told him to deliver it only to Stannis) right before LF came in with his plan for them to control Joffrey.

It's probably only because I rewatched the late s1 episodes after Joffrey proved himself to be a monster that I even suspected. It would go against Varys's character as we know him, but I still find it odd that he was the only one visiting Ned that whole time.
04-24-2014 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems to me you start off by assuming Tywin is in on it (otherwise why would he need to pin it on anybody?) and from there you conclude he must be in on it. Plus we don't know who is bribing witnesses, could be anyone.

I'm repeating myself but I think the interaction with Oberyn is the only indication Tywin is involved so far. The question is if Tywin was planning to kill Joffrey why would he want Olenna in on it, seems like an unnecessary risk.

I like an Olenna/LF combo. It has fewer moving parts and makes the most sense to me right now. As for why Olenna would let LF in on it, maybe it was LF approaching Olenna with a plot to gain himself another pin on the ladder. And I think LF's connections and network in KL would be helpful for an elaborate plot like this either way.
i start from the assumption that tywin is rigging the trial, not that he's in on the original murder. the show makes it pretty clear he is rigging the trial - he's chosen two judges who he believes will rule his way, and his people are marginalizing bronn and trying to get pod to say tyrion bought the poison.

it could be possible that he doesn't know who did it but he's still rigging the jury to buy himself time / make it look like he bought the tyrion theory. or he could be rigging the jury because the queen already accused him so he's got to stand trial, but he knows he didn't do it so he wants him to get off. in short, there are lots of reasons to rig the jury even if he isn't in on the murder. however, it does seem clear that he is rigging the jury.

but my take is that he is trying to pin it on tyrion and that therefore he is in on the original plot. if you accept that he's trying to pin it on tyrion - already, without really investigating it - and you look at the other foreshadowing plus the speech to tommen, etc, it just reads to me as tywin being in on it.

interesting point about tywin potentially not wanting olenna in on the murder. it could be that she convinced him it needed to be done and he went along. also if he does want to get rid of joffrey he still needs the tyrells for their money and support, so it makes sense to ensure olenna is on board.

LF initiating the plot with olenna is another interesting idea. what if LF brings it to olenna, complete with the lannister double-cross element, and then olenna brings it to tyrion?
04-24-2014 , 01:16 AM
I know they don't have modern science in this show, but wouldn't it have been like super simple to test for what was poisoned? All they had to do was test Joffrey's pie, glass, wine, etc. on a few animals to see what delivery method was used.
04-24-2014 , 01:18 AM
didn't Stannis say he was going to the wall at the end of last season? WTF is he doing sulking around at dragonstone?
04-24-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
interesting point about tywin potentially not wanting olenna in on the murder. it could be that she convinced him it needed to be done and he went along. also if he does want to get rid of joffrey he still needs the tyrells for their money and support, so it makes sense to ensure olenna is on board.
Judging by what we just saw in the next episode, especially Tywin's talk with Tommen over Joff's dead body, we can at least get the sense that Tywin was not upset over Joffrey's death. Whether he was in on it or not, it is possible that he knew what was going down. Either way, I think he [Tywin] is much happier with how things are now. Tommen will be a good King.
04-24-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Han YOLO
didn't Stannis say he was going to the wall at the end of last season? WTF is he doing sulking around at dragonstone?
I asked this like 3 times already. It makes no sense.
04-24-2014 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
I asked this like 3 times already. It makes no sense.
Go to the wall with what? It's been established he doesn't have an army right now.
04-24-2014 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by jwax13
Go to the wall with what? It's been established he doesn't have an army right now.
That isn't the point. They're still at Dragonstone trying to devise a way to take over the Iron Throne. At the end of Season 3, Lady Melissandre made it clear that "this war of 5 kings means nothing", and the real fight is North by the wall, between the Icy White Walkers + army of dead Wights and the Fires of Westeros and Essos, like the Lord of Light, Dany's Dragons, etc.
04-24-2014 , 01:59 AM
Yeah it was the episode before the smoke monster killed him.

Marg attempts to seduce Renly, hot as all hell, and he can't get a boner and blames the wine, she then offers to have Loras come in to get him started and he seemed slightly shocked that she had figured out his ghey.

The whole anal thing people are talking about is a totally different incident. THat was the next season when she was talking with Joffrey. Joffrey basically asked her if it was true Renly was gay and she confirmed it and mentioned an ancedote where he stumbled to her tent drunk one night and purposed something that sounded uncomfortable and couldn't have possibly produced children, or something like that.
04-24-2014 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Han YOLO
didn't Stannis say he was going to the wall at the end of last season? WTF is he doing sulking around at dragonstone?
He has no real army to speak of it would seem, so he can't do anything other tham be emo in his castle.
04-24-2014 , 02:31 AM
I thought Stannis changed his mind because Joffrey died?
04-24-2014 , 03:02 AM
so ive just rewatched s1. is the lil stark semi-psychic?

bran says to him along these lines "robs gone to get father and bring mother back". then he replies, they wont be coming back.

then the night before ned gets killed, he has a dream that he sees his father in the chambers where all the starks are who died.

or just coincidence? tbf the fact its never be brought up since its prob a no but w/e
04-24-2014 , 03:06 AM
he has the sight like bran does.
04-24-2014 , 03:07 AM
is there a reason why both of them have it and not rob? if this is in the book and not a major spoiler somewhere down the road, can you pm me please
04-24-2014 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Burnss
is there a reason why both of them have it and not rob? if this is in the book and not a major spoiler somewhere down the road, can you pm me please
Im guessing this is because with dragons entering the GoT world it generates all sorts of magicy stuff !!

Quick question. Where are the knight's watch right now?? Are they still at the bottom of the wall which snow and his woman already climbed over... im confused
04-24-2014 , 03:26 AM
Most of the Night's Watch is at Castle Black. Some of the thieves and killers remained at Craster's Keep.
04-24-2014 , 04:20 AM
Oh yeah, and a bunch of them died at the Fist of the First Men, which is way North of the Wall.
04-24-2014 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Most of the Night's Watch is at Castle Black. Some of the thieves and killers remained at Craster's Keep.
To add...

Castle Black is right against the Wall, on the South side. Craster's Keep is a few miles (?) North of the Wall, and Craster is that weird old man who screwed all his wives and daughters while giving all the boys away to White Walkers.
04-24-2014 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Showtimez
Didn't she tell Joffrey she refused Rengleys anal advances?
That's what she told him, yeah. But in reality it was the other way around. She offered and Renly turned her down.
04-24-2014 , 06:30 AM
Just thinking about the royal wedding and Joffrey's poisoning again. If Littlefinger orchestrated this whole thing, or at least had some say in the matter, how would he ever set Sansa up to take the fall? He cares too much about her imo. I mean, I understand him wanting to smuggle her out of King's Landing, but he had no idea Joffrey was going to inadvertently frame Tyrion for his death.

Something still doesn't add up correctly. Maybe LF's involvement was only a small part of the plan and there were much bigger gears in motion.
04-24-2014 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
i start from the assumption that tywin is rigging the trial, not that he's in on the original murder. the show makes it pretty clear he is rigging the trial - he's chosen two judges who he believes will rule his way, and his people are marginalizing bronn and trying to get pod to say tyrion bought the poison.

it could be possible that he doesn't know who did it but he's still rigging the jury to buy himself time / make it look like he bought the tyrion theory. or he could be rigging the jury because the queen already accused him so he's got to stand trial, but he knows he didn't do it so he wants him to get off. in short, there are lots of reasons to rig the jury even if he isn't in on the murder. however, it does seem clear that he is rigging the jury.

but my take is that he is trying to pin it on tyrion and that therefore he is in on the original plot. if you accept that he's trying to pin it on tyrion - already, without really investigating it - and you look at the other foreshadowing plus the speech to tommen, etc, it just reads to me as tywin being in on it.
I also kind of feel like Tywin is in on it but I'm not really trusting my feel reads at this point. Some points for Tywin being involved:

1) He seems certain Oberyn isn't involved. The only way Tywin recruits Oberyn for the jury, whether it's to rig the trial or just a political move, is if he's certain Oberyn didn't kill Joffrey. The only way that's the case is if Tywin is involved.

2) The fact that he seems to be rigging the trial without even speaking to Tyrion makes me feel like he's not rigging it in his favor. I'm a little hesitant making this read though because of all the red herrings in the last episode, not removing Tywin from the list of suspects creates a lot of suspense.

3) The fact that he's grooming Tommen. My problem with this is he would 100% groom Tommen regardless of whether he killed Joffrey, the read is based solely on the fact that it's shown on the show which means it might be of greater importance.

4) The bribing? Is there any evidence Tywin is doing the bribing? It could be LF pulling the strings. One thing I found interesting is how LF tossed the necklace into the the fool's boat rather than into the ocean. Unless he wants the necklace to be found that's pretty goddamn stupid. What I'm getting at is maybe he wants it to be found, which would implicate Sansa and Tyrion by association.

Originally Posted by ham on rye
interesting point about tywin potentially not wanting olenna in on the murder. it could be that she convinced him it needed to be done and he went along. also if he does want to get rid of joffrey he still needs the tyrells for their money and support, so it makes sense to ensure olenna is on board.

LF initiating the plot with olenna is another interesting idea. what if LF brings it to olenna, complete with the lannister double-cross element, and then olenna brings it to tyrion?
Yeah, letting Olenna in could be a gesture to gain their trust and get them on board with the Tommon plan, it just doesn't strike me as a very Tywinny thing to do and him killing Joffrey seems like something he'd want to keep a secret to outside parties. I kind of doubt Olenna would have the balls to approach Tywin with a plan to kill his grandson and king. She needs to be sure Tywin would be in or it would blow up in her face in a spectacular way.

Not sure if I follow the second part, are you saying Olenna would want Tyrion in on the Lannister double-cross?
04-24-2014 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Just thinking about the royal wedding and Joffrey's poisoning again. If Littlefinger orchestrated this whole thing, or at least had some say in the matter, how would he ever set Sansa up to take the fall? He cares too much about her imo. I mean, I understand him wanting to smuggle her out of King's Landing, but he had no idea Joffrey was going to inadvertently frame Tyrion for his death.

Something still doesn't add up correctly. Maybe LF's involvement was only a small part of the plan and there were much bigger gears in motion.
If Sansa is not in KL, Tyrion will probably take the fall. And if the plan is to overthrow the Lannisters, will anybody care once it's done? It's not like Joffrey is popular with anyone, the people would probably consider her a heroine.
04-24-2014 , 07:51 AM
Tommen will carry the Baratheon name, I assume(?) (despite Lannister being his 2nd name). This means that the Lannister name has to be carried on through Tyrion or Jamie (or Tywin himself, if everything else fails, but this seems unlikely). He would be placing all his eggs (besides himself) in the Jaime basket, if Tyrion is killed. Am I missing something?
