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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-14-2014 , 03:32 PM
That still doesn't account for Joffrey dumping the cup literally seconds later.
04-14-2014 , 03:35 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is this is a fantasy about dragons and gods, its not the greatest mystery that ever was and ever will be. Every "mystery" we've encountered so far has ended up being the most obvious explanation. Will Dany really give up a dragon for a slave army? Of course not. Who's torturing Theon Greyjoy, could it be anybody but Bolton's bastard? Of course not. Can Robb trust Walder Frey? Of course not.

In this mystery the killer is not obvious but it is obviously not the Tyrell's, Lanister's or Sansa Stark. Its got to be either the snake or the spider (though the prince from Dorn seems an obvious choice...too obvious even for GoT imo).
04-14-2014 , 03:37 PM
Re: the screen caps

It would also explain the fool's behavior, since he would be familiar with the poison and recognize what was happening to Joffrey.
04-14-2014 , 03:38 PM
I'm not understanding what the necklace has to do with anything. What I got from that scene was if it turns out to be Olenna, her line about "horrid to kill a man at a wedding" becomes pretty badass.
04-14-2014 , 03:39 PM
Yeah, those screencaps are far from conclusive
04-14-2014 , 03:40 PM
I'm going to rewatch tonight, now that I know what to scrutinize.
04-14-2014 , 03:42 PM
Having The National and Sigur Ros do covers of The Rains of Castamere excites the hipster in me. I could listen to an entire album of indie rock bands doing covers of Westeros songs.
04-14-2014 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rex Banner
I'm not understanding what the necklace has to do with anything. What I got from that scene was if it turns out to be Olenna, her line about "horrid to kill a man at a wedding" becomes pretty badass.
Someone in the thread said Olenna took the poison from the necklace, so on watching it back you can see her take a stone from the necklace. I don't think you would ever see it if you weren't looking for it so if it turns out to be poison I'm calling bookreader on their ass.
04-14-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by cobrakai111
Having The National and Sigur Ros do covers of The Rains of Castamere excites the hipster in me. I could listen to an entire album of indie rock bands doing covers of Westeros songs.
QFT. The National is probably my favorite band ATM, and Sigur Ros is one of my all time faves. Both do wonderful and different versions of the song.

Jonsi sining English vs Matt Berninger's perfect baritone. Think I still side with the National.
04-14-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by roy_miami
Another thing to keep in mind is this is a fantasy about dragons and gods, its not the greatest mystery that ever was and ever will be. Every "mystery" we've encountered so far has ended up being the most obvious explanation. Will Dany really give up a dragon for a slave army? Of course not. Who's torturing Theon Greyjoy, could it be anybody but Bolton's bastard? Of course not. Can Robb trust Walder Frey? Of course not.

In this mystery the killer is not obvious but it is obviously not the Tyrell's, Lanister's or Sansa Stark. Its got to be either the snake or the spider (though the prince from Dorn seems an obvious choice...too obvious even for GoT imo).
Not true - there are at least two unresolved mysteries - neither of which seem to have obvious explanations:

1) Who is Jon Snow's mother?

2) Who hired the assasin to kill Bran?
04-14-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
2) Who hired the assasin to kill Bran?
I thought Cercei did.
04-14-2014 , 04:21 PM
04-14-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Just rewatched the episode and rewound a few times during the cup/cake scenes and I noticed something...

The only person who handled the cup after Joffrey took his first drink from it was Queen Marg. Joffrey takes a sip after Tyrion and Sansa had the goblet and is fine. Then he hands the cup over to his queen. As she accepts the cup from him, it looks like she puts something in it with her left hand (index finger and thumb) before setting it down. After Joffrey eats the cake and drinks more wine, then he starts feeling the effect of the poison.

Could it be? It's hard to tell because they carry the pie off the screen in front of her at the same time, but rewatch and rewind/pause for yourself and lemme know what you think.
04-14-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
I think it's silly to put the screen cap stuff in spoilers, since it is 100% on screen info,
I'm just being respectful of the posters who may not want the micro-analysis we're all doing... especially since it's very possible that the screen captures floating around originated from a bookreader. I know in the LOST thread the screen capture thing was done all the time, but there were also no guarantees that the mysteries on that show would ever be explained (like the recent "who shot at Sawyer's boat"), so nothing was "ruined".
04-14-2014 , 04:23 PM
in to say that after a night removed from S4E2, my theory of cersei offing joffrey is pretty far fetched, even tho she does seem to gain some things with his death. seems like the Olenna/Tyrell's offing him makes more sense.
04-14-2014 , 04:23 PM
Dam that episode was brutal didn't see it coming at all! I was expecting to hate on joffrey for another season or 2 Haha.

As for who did it I honestly don't know, but I can say who didn't do it ( just opinion) apologies in advance for by far my longest post ever

Some of my logic is based on watching way to much TV over the yrs so is pretty boring but I'd put my roll on the line that it's correct ( some not all correct)

Little finger : not a chance in hell he is responsible for this based purely on the fact that he wasn't in this episode and has barely made an important appearance in the season so far, GoT is a well made show not some poorly made whodunit no way the viewers would be expected to just tune in next week and accept little finger as the culprit without him being shown in the past episode and a half, that's just not how decent shows do it also how would it be written in the book 2 chapters with no mention of LF, King dies, turn the page and it says out of nowhere LF did it? U just wouldn't buy it

Pycell : no way... He just an old fool who clings to whoever in power doesn't make a difference who it is plus he to small a character to do something with such impact.

Tyrells : after rob stark and now joffrey I wouldn't put anything past GoT but It doesn't make any sense at all for them to be involved, like has been said they have been chasing power since day 1 now they ****ed, everything to lose nothing to gain.

Cersi : No.... No reasoning needed obv not her

Tywin : no... No reasoning needed it makes no sense any theories about putting the dog down now to save doing it later are reaching

The Baker / kitchen staff: lol please

Tyrion : no, he's the patsy alright but that's it

Prince what's his name : no, it's certain that's he's going to stir up some **** whislt he's in town but the picture they've painted of him this isn't the way he'd do it he'd just slice of his head type of thing etc

The fool : totally looked like he new what was going down and I think it was made to obvious to be a herring, not a chance in hell he masterminded it tho just a pawn

Shae: agree with others a whole lot has been made out of her in these opening 2 eps so based on my own logic she's in with a shout and it'd be more believable that any of the above.

Which out of all the usual suspects only leaves

varys : the only argument I can make against him is why? Up until now he's put " doing the right thing" to one side double crossing ned stark and trying to kill dany.
Does this really benefit him? He is fond of sansa and shae and can clearly see how much of a nut job joffrey was is all I can come up with. The how is a lot easier the method and execution is right up his alley and the fool and shae can easily be linked to him more than anyone as one of his spies / birds, not sure it was his idea but think it highly likely he was involved
04-14-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
You didn't have any screencaps bro.
04-14-2014 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Its been addressed. My view is that the fact that Joffrey drinks before cutting the pie negates that. I don't think posion can kill in thirty seconds, but take a few minutes to take effect. Also, the fact that Sansa only had access to the cup by chance makes it unlikely.

I think it has to either be the pie or someone put posion in his cup while he was cutting the pie (and thus only the drink after he had the pie killed him).
04-14-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
You didn't have any screencaps bro.
Ahh, I see. Can someone screenshot it for me?
04-14-2014 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
I'm just being respectful of the posters who may not want the micro-analysis we're all doing... especially since it's very possible that the screen captures floating around originated from a bookreader. I know in the LOST thread the screen capture thing was done all the time, but there were also no guarantees that the mysteries on that show would ever be explained (like the recent "who shot at Sawyer's boat"), so nothing was "ruined".
Agreed - it seems there is a good chance that a bookreader put together the screen caps. For the same reason that we don't want book readers arguing for one theory here (even if only based on stuff they have shown on the show) I think these screen caps and the discussion should be spoilered.
04-14-2014 , 04:29 PM
moments like this in the red wedding make me extremely grateful that I never read the books. This show is so much more enjoyable not knowing this stuff is going to happen. that being said I'm definitely going to read the books after...
04-14-2014 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Its been addressed. My view is that the fact that Joffrey drinks before cutting the pie negates that. I don't think posion can kill in thirty seconds, but take a few minutes to take effect. Also, the fact that Sansa only had access to the cup by chance makes it unlikely.

I think it has to either be the pie or someone put posion in his cup while he was cutting the pie (and thus only the drink after he had the pie killed him).
Marg had access to the cup before Joffrey drank from it a 2nd time. Poison killed that old guy who tried to poison Lady Melissandre in season 2 within 30 seconds. Sansa has no part of what I said.
04-14-2014 , 04:33 PM
Our House,

A thought: everyone has you on ignore or de facto ignore?
04-14-2014 , 04:34 PM
That's why I tried yelling.
04-14-2014 , 04:34 PM
I'm pretty sad we won't get Tywin vs Joffrey
