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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-12-2019 , 10:57 PM
Dany's vision in the house of the undying.

She is about to touch the Iron Throne in a destroyed Great Hall of the Red Keep.

Instead, she joins Khal Drogo and Rhaego.
05-12-2019 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Banana man
Arya killing John Snow to wear his face and kill Khaleesi 1 time
Arya killing Jon would be the perfect ending at this point because it would be the absolute dumbest one.
05-12-2019 , 11:02 PM
This episode was visually spectacular but the motivations of all characters are stupid.

Dany had won, why is she going all "burn them all" now?

Also the dragon being this devastating is kinda ridiculous. It would have been so easy for her to take KL without killing innocents when she had three of them that it's absolutely absurd that anyone advised her to take her time.
05-12-2019 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Banana man
Arya killing John Snow to wear his face and kill Khaleesi 1 time
I thought the same during this episode
05-12-2019 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
This episode was visually spectacular but the motivations of all characters are stupid.

Dany had won, why is she going all "burn them all" now?

Also the dragon being this devastating is kinda ridiculous. It would have been so easy for her to take KL without killing innocents when she had three of them that it's absolutely absurd that anyone advised her to take her time.
yeah but think how thankful all the burned/wounded citizens will be that dany saved them from future tyranny
05-12-2019 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1

Dany had won, why is she going all "burn them all" now?

Makes no sense. Waiting for hbo to post the inside the episode to see what Dumb and Dumbers excuse is
05-12-2019 , 11:11 PM
Dany burnt the town for no reason. She did what the Mad King was planning to do. At this point her mental health is in serious question and her being Queen brings the story full circle: One mad Queen for one mad King. I don't think it'll end that way.

I'm calling a long-shot: The new Lord of Storm's End gets the throne.
05-12-2019 , 11:11 PM
Episode was terrible.

You can't make Scorpions OP and the very next episode make them totally worthless.

Turns out The Golden Company were completely worthless.

Also turns out Dragon fire is measured in megatons.

And so much more.

Yea, way to free future generations from tyranny by killing them all. Next level **** there.
05-12-2019 , 11:22 PM
I feel it's fine dany has gone mad, pretty ****in disappointed that nothing happened with Bran, all these powers gone to waste
05-12-2019 , 11:44 PM
I thought Cersei got a lame ending. She was a badass psycho all series, she deserved a better death than just getting buried by rubble in a cave, while tearfully begging Jaime not to let her die. It was out of character, she should have went down swinging.
05-12-2019 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I thought Cersei got a lame ending. She was a badass psycho all series, she deserved a better death than just getting buried by rubble in a cave, while tearfully begging Jaime not to let her die. It was out of character, she should have went down swinging.
This was the worst part of a very bad episode. She's the icy ***** who was the big bad of the whole story, at least in the books dozens and dozens of pages were wasted on prophecies about her death, and she ends up being collateral damage during strategic bombing? What? Why?

In a show that has essentially pivoted entirely to fan service not getting her a comeuppance worthy of one of the all time great TV villains was an insult to the audience and the character.
05-12-2019 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
This episode was visually spectacular but the motivations of all characters are stupid.

Dany had won, why is she going all "burn them all" now?

Also the dragon being this devastating is kinda ridiculous. It would have been so easy for her to take KL without killing innocents when she had three of them that it's absolutely absurd that anyone advised her to take her time.
This also makes the "deal with the White Walkers first" plan retroactively dumb as hell. Just burn that **** on the way and take Cersei's army up north with you, as far as I can tell despite having half of the army die at Winterfell and another big chunk die in the fleet ambush it still took them literally 15 minutes to completely sack the city. She could've done that 2 seasons ago.
05-13-2019 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This also makes the "deal with the White Walkers first" plan retroactively dumb as hell. Just burn that **** on the way and take Cersei's army up north with you, as far as I can tell despite having half of the army die at Winterfell and another big chunk die in the fleet ambush it still took them literally 15 minutes to completely sack the city. She could've done that 2 seasons ago.
This kind of takes completely misses the point of Dany's character arc. Two seasons ago she wouldn't have done what she did tonight. Dany is the girl who freed slaves, tried to stop fighting pits, etc. Her whole journey has been about helping people, freeing the oppressed etc. The stuff Jorah said about her, the reason Tyrion was drawn to her upon meeting her, they are valid feelings that exist for a reason. Yes, shes a Targ, and there was always a bit of madness in her, but, for the most part, it has been buried deep within her. It is only after a culmination of events- Selmy/Jorah/Missendei/two dragons deaths, Varys' treachery, Tyrion's deception, Jon's revelation that her claim to the throne isn't even the strongest of the Targs- that it reveals itself.
05-13-2019 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
This kind of takes completely misses the point of Dany's character arc. Two seasons ago she wouldn't have done what she did tonight. Dany is the girl who freed slaves, tried to stop fighting pits, etc. Her whole journey has been about helping people, freeing the oppressed etc. The stuff Jorah said about her, the reason Tyrion was drawn to her upon meeting her, they are valid feelings that exist for a reason. Yes, shes a Targ, and there was always a bit of madness in her, but, for the most part, it has been buried deep within her. It is only after a culmination of events- Selmy/Jorah/Missendei/two dragons deaths, Varys' treachery, Tyrion's deception, Jon's revelation that her claim to the throne isn't even the strongest of the Targs- that it reveals itself.
They won the battle in less than 15 minutes. Up until the point the bells rang, which was the other side surrendering, Dany hadn't done anything that wasn't true to her S1-S7 'breaker of chains' character.

So no, it doesn't miss the point of Dany's character arc at all.

Not to mention when she was near Kings landing for the first time she had 3 dragons and there were only a couple of prototype scorpions. She could have sacked KL in like 5 minutes flat.
05-13-2019 , 12:10 AM
They turned Dany into Osama Bin Laden
05-13-2019 , 12:10 AM
shes getting way more than 2 towers
05-13-2019 , 12:11 AM
I don’t think the show has given us anywhere near the groundwork necessary for Dany to make that drastic of a heel turn that quickly.

The conflict it had been setting up was her propensity to use extremely violence when it served her ambitions, or at least against people who clearly threatened her. She has never displayed the propensity for sadistic and psychotic violence toward innocent people before, even on a much smaller scale.

I know that was trait of her father that some thought heritable. But such a complete tranformation of a character we’ve known for eight years happening wordlessly in a matter of minutes seems unearned.

Last edited by NickMPK; 05-13-2019 at 12:16 AM.
05-13-2019 , 12:12 AM
It is important to note at this point that David Benioff's father is this guy:

Geoff, I get it, it just sucks. It's awful writing. It's the conclusion to a storyline that wasn't set up. This whole season has been running around doing fan service for shippers and wrapping up ALL the plot threads like they have a checklist, but it's ****ty TV.

Dany's flaw had been previously established as that she was insecure and demanded absolute loyalty, but not that she was a psychopath.
05-13-2019 , 12:14 AM
I mean super easy script doctor here: have the bells not ring. Have the citizens not surrender, have them stay loyal to Cersei, then she snaps because she feels insulted for not receiving her due as the true Queen.
05-13-2019 , 12:16 AM
So did the first 2 dragons just run bad, or did the 3rd one just run really good?

Cersei's death was terrible - so many options and they chose rubble crumbling on her?

Only really cool scene visually was Hound and Mountain fighting. I had battle fatigue from the rest of it.
05-13-2019 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by businessdude
So did the first 2 dragons just run bad, or did the 3rd one just run really good?

Cersei's death was terrible - so many options and they chose rubble crumbling on her?

Only really cool scene visually was Hound and Mountain fighting. I had battle fatigue from the rest of it.
The show runners only had plot armor in one size...XL. Tough break for Rhaegal and Viserion.
05-13-2019 , 12:21 AM
I mean seriously....what was the point of the Golden Company?
05-13-2019 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
shes getting way more than 2 towers
too soon
05-13-2019 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by businessdude
So did the first 2 dragons just run bad, or did the 3rd one just run really good?

Cersei's death was terrible - so many options and they chose rubble crumbling on her?

Only really cool scene visually was Hound and Mountain fighting. I had battle fatigue from the rest of it.
Drogon is definitely the strongest, it is suggested that the other two dragons' growth was stunted by being shut in a cage. Also, it's clearly implied that dragons do better in battle with a rider.

Still, mostly I think the NK ran really good and Euron even more so. Dragons aren't supposed to be vulnerable, basically you have to get lucky with a spear through the eye or something.

Jaime and Cersei were the best two characters on the show and deserved a better ending. Her turning dear in the headlights as her city fell was just out of character. Jaime's entire arc and Brienne subplot was meaningless.
05-13-2019 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I don’t think the show has given us anywhere near the groundwork necessary for Dany to make that drastic of a heel turn that quickly.

This is my general impression too. The episode just felt deeply unsatisfying to me.

And of course the use of dragons continues to tilt the **** out of me.
