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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-07-2019 , 11:06 AM
How did tyrion/varys find out about jon? Did i miss something or are we not meant to know?
05-07-2019 , 11:11 AM
think it's implied that Sansa just told Tyrion, and he told Varys

Jon, Dany, Bran, Sam, and Arya would be the other 5 who know at this point
05-07-2019 , 11:24 AM
i guess we're just supposed to accept that Dany & squad are not in range of all those scorpions & arrows pointed at them currently? otherwise this seems like a pretty good chance for Cersei to just wipe Drogon, Dany, Tyrion, and Grey Worm off the board, don't really see any reason why she wouldn't.
05-07-2019 , 11:25 AM
Gilly told Sam!!!

Poor Gilly gets **** on in perpetuity
05-07-2019 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
Cersei: "i hate my brothers so very much. i will give gold & a big castle to the man who kills them. i want this more than i want those elephants."
KL archer: "hey isn't that 1 of them down there? should we light his ass up?"
Cersei: "no."

also, Dany & squad looked well within range
closer than Euron was while wrecking dragons n ships anyway
and the whole Missy ---> Cersei deal is one of the most contrived things they've ever done
"we want missandei executed in front of greyworm. hmmm how about euron captures her and Tyrion suggest another meeting"
"sounds good"
05-07-2019 , 12:03 PM
it's even funnier when you remember that they left Jaime at home, while having Missy in the boat vanguard [for reasons*]

like, you're going to war ... with Cersei

can they have 1 good plan before this show ends?
like, using Bran to lure the NK, only to be saved by Arya at the last second was about their best one so far lolol
05-07-2019 , 12:09 PM
They need to stop forcing political dialog at this point and embrace the pile of **** they've made. Tyrion praising Dany for her brilliance in promoting Gendry made me puke more than the rom-com scene with the dragons watching Jon and Dany make out.
05-07-2019 , 12:11 PM
I just want Bran to do SOMETHING before the show ends. They spent so much time on his story line North of the wall, people died to save his life, and so far the only productive thing he has done is to tell people that Jon's dad was Rhaegar.
05-07-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Megloooo
How did tyrion/varys find out about jon? Did i miss something or are we not meant to know?
Thank goodness they didn't show any of the characters' reactions to the news that John is a Targaryen. What a waste if time that would have been.
05-07-2019 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
They need to stop forcing political dialog at this point and embrace the pile of **** they've made. Tyrion praising Dany for her brilliance in promoting Gendry made me puke more than the rom-com scene with the dragons watching Jon and Dany make out.
As a legitimized son of King Robert, Gendry has a much more plausible claim to the Iron Throne than either Dany or Jon! The Targaryens were deposed by a big revolt. Dany's big opening to push for a Targaryen restoration is that the whole Baratheon line was wiped out, and she resurrected it and gave its head one of the principal castles in the Seven Kingdoms for no reason.
05-07-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Jennifer Melfi
I agree with all but the bolded. There's ample evidence of Jon's wisdom and vision: He defied thousands of years of tradition and let the wildlings south of the wall to help fight the others, he showed pragmatism and restraint in dealing with the Umbers and Karstarks, he put his personal feelings aside in merking Ygritte, hell he's exhibited strong leadership aptitude time and time again, his disastrous quest to capture a wight notwithstanding. We don't agree with all of his decisions obviously but they at least want us to believe that he's been an overall good leader til now.
This. Jon's whole arc is fully of narratives that point to him being the best natural leader in the show.

The only real counter-evidence is the dumb tactical stuff (Battle of the Bastards, and capturing a wight). However, this was clearly driven by the showrunners wanting good set-pieces without much thought about the consequences.

I don't see how Jon doesn't end up on the throne, provided he survives. Sansa turns heel and scheming her way to the throne is a good angle, but there is not nearly enough time to set this up without it appearing horribly rushed, and it would leave a lot unresolved.
05-07-2019 , 01:26 PM
Jon having to give up everything/everyone he loves ending up on the throne has been heavily foreshadowed

"you will betray the men serving you, your family, you will betray everything you once hold dear and it will all be worth it, because you are the sun of fire, you will sweep away that pretender and that one and you will be king"

"the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule"

He got resurrected, unites people, they trust him and want him to lead.
EVERYTHING hints at Jon ending up as the leader
05-07-2019 , 02:22 PM
Stephen King speculated on Twitter that it's Tyrion who ultimately takes the Iron Throne. Guy knows a thing or two about story telling.

Anyways what truly sucks is how good some of the arcs could have been instead of this nonsense. Like when Bronn is sent to kill Tyrion and Jamie, why not have it be Brienne that saves them, and then have her die in the process while maybe Tyrion or Jamie actually get their hands on a crossbow and kill Bronn in the process. Maybe some actual drama and emotion instead of just a nonsense scene that means nothing in the greater context.

Same goes for Arya and the Night King. What would've been cool is if one of the dead he resurrected was the little girl who got burned at the stake, shown as a way to f**k with Davos, then they could have a scene where that girl as a zombie almost kills Davos along with Arya, but at the last moment she prevails somehow, assumes her identity using her multi face magic and then uses that as a way to get close enough to the Night King to kill him. And that it was all a plan hatched by Tyrion and Varys with consultation from Bran.

And that's just two off the top of my head. Right now the entire show seems like it's being written by a committee of studio execs who are only looking at merchandising opportunities.
05-07-2019 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
Jon having to give up everything/everyone he loves ending up on the throne has been heavily foreshadowed

"you will betray the men serving you, your family, you will betray everything you once hold dear and it will all be worth it, because you are the sun of fire, you will sweep away that pretender and that one and you will be king"

"the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule"

He got resurrected, unites people, they trust him and want him to lead.
EVERYTHING hints at Jon ending up as the leader

Honour or love bit seems relevant. Dany torching King's Landing and Jon having to take over and/or kill her because of it and other indications of her being mad seems likely
05-07-2019 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
As a legitimized son of King Robert, Gendry has a much more plausible claim to the Iron Throne than either Dany or Jon! The Targaryens were deposed by a big revolt. Dany's big opening to push for a Targaryen restoration is that the whole Baratheon line was wiped out, and she resurrected it and gave its head one of the principal castles in the Seven Kingdoms for no reason.
gendry for the throne!
05-07-2019 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
As a legitimized son of King Robert, Gendry has a much more plausible claim to the Iron Throne than either Dany or Jon! The Targaryens were deposed by a big revolt. Dany's big opening to push for a Targaryen restoration is that the whole Baratheon line was wiped out, and she resurrected it and gave its head one of the principal castles in the Seven Kingdoms for no reason.
There's a paradox here in that Gendry can only be legitimized by the rightful monarch, so if he has a better claim than Dany, she's not the rightful queen so he's still a bastard and not a Baratheon. But of course he could still press his claim even as a bastard, it's happened repeatedly in this world's history (Blackfyres etc) and Cersei took steps to get rid of Robert's bastards for that reason.
05-07-2019 , 05:05 PM
that line of thinking is several orders of magnitude too complex for this series right now
05-07-2019 , 05:18 PM
ya, i want a "nuh uh, no take-backs!" line from Gendry
05-07-2019 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
+1 to all

This is especially notable in this episode, the pacing is just totally out of wack. I thought the Jamie/Brienne scenes were best comfortably, the actors actually have quite a good tension and the buildup feels like a solid amount of heart has been put into the story.

The amount they put into it actually makes me feel like Jamie may be the true protagonist of the story and ultimately the arc will culminate with him killing Cersei (especially considering in the first episode he was banging her (?)). It would be a decent full circle for the show to end on at this point.

That **** with the dragons is ****in ******ed. They were painted to be basically immortal unstoppable monsters for the whole show - the night king sharding one I guess I can accept, but being sunk by surprise by some giant crossbows out of nowhere just screams "how are we going to deal with this" in the writers office at the last minute.

Also, Missandei was so obviously going to die. They are just whittling down the least important characters basically in order of importance. There's only two eps left and at least the show has given itself enough room to kill any of its characters (except Jamie, who imo will definitely not die), but ultimately they have now set it up so Cersei has to die - that is to say, I'd be pretty surprised if that's not how the show ends.

Keen to see how much of this pans out. Will be pleased if I'm way off.
My gut says Jamie is highly likely to die given the speech the writers had the old lady Tyrell gave to him at Highgarden
05-07-2019 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Jennifer Melfi
I agree with all but the bolded. There's ample evidence of Jon's wisdom and vision: He defied thousands of years of tradition and let the wildlings south of the wall to help fight the others, he showed pragmatism and restraint in dealing with the Umbers and Karstarks, he put his personal feelings aside in merking Ygritte, hell he's exhibited strong leadership aptitude time and time again, his disastrous quest to capture a wight notwithstanding. We don't agree with all of his decisions obviously but they at least want us to believe that he's been an overall good leader til now.

But I think we have to give the writers some credit wrt Dany's progression. It's not like there's some internal madness brewing within her off-camera like her father. Her journey to this spot has been completely organic. As you point out, she's lost two dragons and half her army and now her trusted servant and she's done with these ****ing half measures and who could blame her? A barely-competent court appointed attorney could successfully argue that burning KL is basically her only move at this point based on conditions on the ground and not because she's suddenly become an irrational madwoman.
ya Jon def has wisdom and also is a great leader - he just tends to be a poor tactician. I mean Jon's defense plan for the Battle of Winterfell was a good one...but the tactics used were really dumb and he was essentially saved by Arya when he the NK got the best of him and threw the plan astray.
05-07-2019 , 06:08 PM
I really have to disagree that the whole point of the story is to show what a great natural leader Jon is.

GRRM doesn't create such one-dimensional characters. He has said himself that ASOIAF is not a story about the good guys beating the bad guys. Everyone has shades of gray.

The show has gone to great lengths to illustrate the fact that Sansa is MUCH smarter than Jon at all aspects of non-combat leadership. It was shown many times in this past episode. Dany is absolutely right that the secret would destroy them. Sansa is absolutely right that the soldiers need rest. Jon just waves it all away because truth, justice, duty and the Stark way is all that matters.

Jon is a great character and arguably the most admirable person in the show. He has numerous great qualities. Yes he is obviously charismatic and people look to him for leadership. But if he were a modern politician he'd fall in the category of "great campaigner, terrible leader."

He isn't dumb but he's guileless. He was a major problem for #TeamDaenerys because he's too honor-bound to simply lie to Cersei. He's a fascinating tragic Greek hero whose fatal flaw is his honesty. That's consistent with the themes of the show that have been hammered since season 1. To paraphrase Cersei and Herm Edwards, you play to win the game or you die.

Jon has the same qualities that got Ned and Robb killed and put the entire ancient Stark line in jeopardy.
05-07-2019 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by medgar

Honour or love bit seems relevant. Dany torching King's Landing and Jon having to take over and/or kill her because of it and other indications of her being mad seems likely
random question -- but is it assumed, maybe it clearly states it in the books, that Aemon knows or strongly suspects Jon is not Ned's son and is Rhaegar's?
05-07-2019 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
I really have to disagree that the whole point of the story is to show what a great natural leader Jon is.

GRRM doesn't create such one-dimensional characters. He has said himself that ASOIAF is not a story about the good guys beating the bad guys. Everyone has shades of gray.

The show has gone to great lengths to illustrate the fact that Sansa is MUCH smarter than Jon at all aspects of non-combat leadership. It was shown many times in this past episode. Dany is absolutely right that the secret would destroy them. Sansa is absolutely right that the soldiers need rest. Jon just waves it all away because truth, justice, duty and the Stark way is all that matters.

Jon is a great character and arguably the most admirable person in the show. He has numerous great qualities. Yes he is obviously charismatic and people look to him for leadership. But if he were a modern politician he'd fall in the category of "great campaigner, terrible leader."

He isn't dumb but he's guileless. He was a major problem for #TeamDaenerys because he's too honor-bound to simply lie to Cersei. He's a fascinating tragic Greek hero whose fatal flaw is his honesty. That's consistent with the themes of the show that have been hammered since season 1. To paraphrase Cersei and Herm Edwards, you play to win the game or you die.

Jon has the same qualities that got Ned and Robb killed and put the entire ancient Stark line in jeopardy.
being a good leader and being a good politician are two completely different things.
05-07-2019 , 07:12 PM
There is definite plot pressure whereby John makes the mistakes his foster dad does.

Being honourable and dying at the hands of the more cynical.

That is out there.

But with the current writers that means jack ****.
