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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-06-2019 , 01:35 PM
For all its faults show has not jumped the shark with me yet, but if this standard was continued over another 2or3 seasons, yea, no way would I be there at the end.
05-06-2019 , 02:32 PM
Read a review that crystallized my thoughts perfectly.

What in the world is the reason that marrying Jon and Dany isn't a good solution? Varys complaining that Dany will wear the pants isn't very convincing. Somehow assassination is better?
05-06-2019 , 02:34 PM
The dragon getting owned by the Night King was cool, this dragon dying was pretty lame
05-06-2019 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Read a review that crystallized my thoughts perfectly.

What in the world is the reason that marrying Jon and Dany isn't a good solution? Varys complaining that Dany will wear the pants isn't very convincing. Somehow assassination is better?
heh, ya i was gonna say that i still don't really get why letting sansa run the north while jon & dany rule KL together (even if it's just for political purposes now), with someone like tyrion as the tiebreaking vote as hand isn't the plan they all agreed to a long time ago

instead they survive the great war vs literally death and everyone is just back at it like it's a regular monday or something
05-06-2019 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Read a review that crystallized my thoughts perfectly.

What in the world is the reason that marrying Jon and Dany isn't a good solution? Varys complaining that Dany will wear the pants isn't very convincing. Somehow assassination is better?
I guess the thought is that Dany is crazy and power mad, while Jon is by far the better leader, and is who the people will actually choose to lead them. Which would lead to inevitable jealousy from Dany.

I think this was foreshadowed in the celebration scene where everyone was talking about how awesome Jon was riding the dragon while they basically ignored Dany. Jon is the true ruler, both in terms of birthright and temperament, and that drives Dany crazy. So they could never work as married king and queen. She'd probably want to have him killed.
05-06-2019 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
The Dragon killing scene is just another example of dear viewer, switch of brain and enjoy spectacle. Mkkk Thanks.
The ridiculous promotion of Gendry to be lord of Storm's End, followed by them talking about how clever it was, was like this too. Not only is he comically unqualified, he's also the strongest claimant to the Iron Throne! It was even a plot point in both the books and the show that Cersei had Robert's bastards killed to protect against their claims.
05-06-2019 , 02:51 PM
they brought it up in the show -- how did anyone miss this?

Tyrion mentioned the possibility, then Varys said that in the north, jon marrying his aunt would not be looked upon kindly. "Is marrying your aunt common in the North?"
05-06-2019 , 02:59 PM
Do we know for sure that the second dragon is dead? I only ask because I recall Cersei saying something like "are u sure" and Euron acting all cocky and being like "yeah i saw it fall into the ocean"

The viewer had already watched it happen - but maybe it was just designed to make Euron look good in Cersei's eyes. It obviously wasn't place strategically on the ground and in front of the giant dragon killing crossbows like Drogol or whatever its name assume its dead.
05-06-2019 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by antneye

Arya is going to KL to kill Cersei. She is the only one left on her list. Jamie probably ends up taking that away from her by killing sis himself in some twist.

Jon v Dany doesn't end well for Dany who is already showing to be more mad queen than savior of the masses.

I think the mountain is still on her list too. My guess is that hound/mountain fight, hound gets mortally wounded, Arya sees this, leaves hound to die (foreshadowed in this episode) and then kills mountain. Cersei is prophesied to die at the hand of “the younger brother”. Jamie is the younger of the twins.

Agreed on the Dany/Jon conflict.
05-06-2019 , 03:09 PM
Jon should join Tormund north of the wall and become a lumberjack.
05-06-2019 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
Do we know for sure that the second dragon is dead? "

Have to wait to see if there is a Danny shower scene in the next ep.
05-06-2019 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by pudley4
I think the mountain is still on her list too. My guess is that hound/mountain fight, hound gets mortally wounded, Arya sees this, leaves hound to die (foreshadowed in this episode) and then kills mountain. Cersei is prophesied to die at the hand of “the younger brother”. Jamie is the younger of the twins.

Agreed on the Dany/Jon conflict.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Arya will try but somehow have it foiled and Jamie will end up killing Cersai in part to save Arya. Prob super dumb idea tho. Arya offing both Cersei and NK makes sense given her skills but seems a bit much.
05-06-2019 , 03:26 PM
The ships were hiding behind the island? and Dany is not the smartest when it comes to tactics. Super believable scene.
05-06-2019 , 03:42 PM
night king bran is going to conjure up some chains and re-animate the new dead dragon
05-06-2019 , 03:42 PM
if i were to complain it would be when they showed the ship's mast pole tipping over into the water directly at the viewer right after Tyrion is shown swimming there, but it didnt hit anybody I guess.

Anyway the good news is that the coffee cup has now been determined to be from a local shop and not from Starbucks so former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz definitely has no claim to the Iron throne. Whew, too many claimants as is.
05-06-2019 , 03:44 PM
best would be Arya wearing Jamie's face to kill Cersei
05-06-2019 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Banana man
best would be Arya wearing Jamie's face to kill Cersei
How about Jamie kills Cersei and Arya puts on Cersei's face to surrender peacefully without any further bloodshed? Heard this idea on a podcast today and I kinda love it.
05-06-2019 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Banana man
best would be Arya wearing Jamie's face to kill Cersei
She can sneek into a wood so crowded a normal person would have to push through ranks and ranks of undead, so she does not need to wear a face.

Or she would just find a tunnel.
05-06-2019 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Shoe
Jon should join Tormund north of the wall and become a lumberjack.
Hahahahaha! This is great.
05-06-2019 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
How about Jamie kills Cersei and Arya puts on Cersei's face to surrender peacefully without any further bloodshed? Heard this idea on a podcast today and I kinda love it.
What would be the point to wear her face once she is dead? The war is instantly over once she's gone.
05-06-2019 , 04:20 PM
"What kind of man climbs on a dragon? A madman (pans to Dany) -- or a king!"

great moment
05-06-2019 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
And to head OAK off at the pass. If the show had a bunch of backstory of Daenarys being super short sighted.
Well, she couldn't see the Starbucks cup, so that's foreshadowing.
05-06-2019 , 04:33 PM
Did anyone catch that the girls that went over to Tormund and The Hound were prostitutes sent by Sansa?
05-06-2019 , 04:50 PM
Besides be used as bait, what has Bran done in this show?
05-06-2019 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Did anyone catch that the girls that went over to Tormund and The Hound were prostitutes sent by Sansa?
What's the implication here?
