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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-06-2019 , 12:37 AM
Dany is arrogant and revenge seeking so she is prone to mistakes. She's always been her father.
05-06-2019 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by gotgot123
do not go on r/freefolk. Some major leaks hidden in the comments ffs.
Like episodes were leaked or book readers know stuff?
05-06-2019 , 12:48 AM
Episodes. Could just be trolls but they pretty much got everything nailed on the past 2 episodes.
05-06-2019 , 12:54 AM
I legit did not understand the last scene at King's Landing. You have Cersei who is known as always going against any truce or promise. Dany, Tyrion, and the dragon are on the ground there are like 10 dragon harpoons pointed at them. Hundreds of archers and maybe only 20 unsullied.

Uh just end the war right there by wiping out the dragon..worst case u miss but Dany and Tyrion are 100% killed. Was I missing some massive army? It seemed like all of the ships got wrecked by the arrow missiles and there were around 20-30 survivors.

Also is Jamie riding back to KL to save Cersei? To kill Cersei? How did Bronn ride to Winterfell in like 2 days?

Seems almost impossible that the remaining Jon army can overcome a fleet of Euron's ships, the GC army, the lannister army and co. even with one dragon.

Really feels like this season should have been 8-10 episodes.
05-06-2019 , 12:54 AM
I liked the episode, it seems that everything will come to a head in the next episode, i wonder what the finale will be if the war ends next Sunday.
05-06-2019 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
I liked the episode, it seems that everything will come to a head in the next episode, i wonder what the finale will be if the war ends next Sunday.
GRRM has publicly said that he loved Scouring of the Shire, the epilogue to "Return of the King." So I would expect some kind of tying up loose ends type of episode.
05-06-2019 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Like episodes were leaked or book readers know stuff?
Book readers know nothing.

The TV story diverged a lot starting in season 5 and is long past where the most recent book left off.
05-06-2019 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
I legit did not understand the last scene at King's Landing. You have Cersei who is known as always going against any truce or promise. Dany, Tyrion, and the dragon are on the ground there are like 10 dragon harpoons pointed at them. Hundreds of archers and maybe only 20 unsullied.

Uh just end the war right there by wiping out the dragon..worst case u miss but Dany and Tyrion are 100% killed. Was I missing some massive army? It seemed like all of the ships got wrecked by the arrow missiles and there were around 20-30 survivors.

Also is Jamie riding back to KL to save Cersei? To kill Cersei? How did Bronn ride to Winterfell in like 2 days?

Seems almost impossible that the remaining Jon army can overcome a fleet of Euron's ships, the GC army, the lannister army and co. even with one dragon.

Really feels like this season should have been 8-10 episodes.
A LOT of wildcards in play:

1. I may be the only one who thinks this but the Iron Bank basically said it preferred the side with dragons and with them no longer needing Cersei to survive to pay her debt they can switch allegiances to Dany. Meaning I think they can have the Golden Company switch sides as well. Not sure on that but I think it's in play.
2. Daario could show up with the Second Sons.
3. Bran's powers are basically unlimited, literally anything could happen.
4. Yara as current ruler of the Iron Islands could show up with a big ass navy.
5. Dorne is back in the game and obviously hates Cersei.
6. Arya like Bran can basically do anything.
7. Jaqen Hagar and the Faceless Men could show up. It would seem a bit silly maybe but there are side theories and book evidence that the FM have a keen interest in seeing Cersei (and Qyburn) stopped.
05-06-2019 , 01:19 AM
Is it a lock that both Cersei and Danny dies or will there be another twist?
05-06-2019 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
3. Bran's powers are basically unlimited, literally anything could happen.
Bran can see the past. So, he has access to tremendous knowledge.

He can also warg into animals to see the present and use the "wargee" to take some action.

But, that's it.

Bran's ability to influence current events seems very limited. I'm not sure why people keep expecting him to "do something".
05-06-2019 , 01:33 AM
Also Sansa having her fingers crossed behind her back during the swear scene was solid.

The Bronn scene and the Godswood scene were legit awful.
05-06-2019 , 01:35 AM
This show has been garbage since season 5 and yet I still watch...
05-06-2019 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
Bran can see the past. So, he has access to tremendous knowledge.

He can also warg into animals to see the present and use the "wargee" to take some action.

But, that's it.

Bran's ability to influence current events seems very limited. I'm not sure why people keep expecting him to "do something".
Just wait until he reveals himself to be R'hllor incarnate and reanimates the dead dragons, including Balerion the Dread (there's a reason they now show the skull beneath the Red Keep).

40% serious
05-06-2019 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
there was nothing on the walls or ships last season, and if building one is so easy why did they only have one protecting the food train last season
wasnt it supposed to be like a brand new invention last season? Like a prototype "this might kill dragons try it out" and there are like months between then and now?

Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
Also Sansa having her fingers crossed behind her back during the swear scene was solid.

The Bronn scene and the Godswood scene were legit awful.
how are they gonna just do the weirwood scene with the biggest secret on the show revealed between 3 of the top top main characters and have it go like "bran tell them" OFF ****ING SCREEN

05-06-2019 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
wasnt it supposed to be like a brand new invention last season? Like a prototype "this might kill dragons try it out" and there are like months between then and now?

how are they gonna just do the weirwood scene with the biggest secret on the show revealed between 3 of the top top main characters and have it go like "bran tell them" OFF ****ING SCREEN

Battle of the Loot Train was S7E4. No idea how much time has passed since then, but it's probably not too long, a couple months? In S8E1 the prostitutes with Bronn are talking about Ed Sheeran's character being melted by dragonfire, so it's probably not much longer than that.

But it's probably not too difficult to crank out like 50 of them in a month or so.
05-06-2019 , 01:54 AM
I don't really buy the Bronn scene but I thought it was enjoyable.
05-06-2019 , 02:20 AM
in theory this "stalemate" should increase the odds of an another Arya sneak attack (wear a face) to end the war with limited casualties, but instead, given this writing, everyone will probably point their weapons ahead, yell, and charge straight forward (even if into a wall)
05-06-2019 , 02:22 AM
Why the hate on the Bronn scene?
05-06-2019 , 02:22 AM
King’s Landing is obviously getting torched by the Mad Queen.

Feeling really conflicted about the season. Have a feeling we’re heading towards a pretty unsatisfying ending and we’ll never get the finished books.
05-06-2019 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
Why the hate on the Bronn scene?
Mainly because Bronn is not supposed to be an idiot. "Hey Dany, do you mind giving Highgarden to this random knight?" Why? Oh, he didn't murder me."

Something like Bronn accepting bag of gold would make a lot more sense, that's something he can actually get and walk away with.

Murdering Melissandei with Quburn still outside does not seem the most brilliant plan-
05-06-2019 , 02:59 AM
This season would have been better off pacing and storytelling wise having a normal 8-10 episode season. I think binging the full season once its all done will make it even more obvious. So much of the pacing/storytelling seems off because they are just forcing scenes in or back to back to move the plot along at a breakneck speed.
05-06-2019 , 03:44 AM
I just think Bronn isn't that guy who will actually kill Jaime or Tyrion at this point. Last season we saw him with all the gold he could ever want and he dropped it to save Jaime from a dragon, even after he said he doesn't do dragons.

The logistics of the scene also don't make sense. He just threatened the Hand of the Queen in Winterfell. Why wouldn't Tyrion just tell the guards to kill him as he left?

Still, Bronn is cool and funny and it was cool to see him being Bronnesque.
05-06-2019 , 05:19 AM
Watched the showrunners say that "Dany has forgotten about the Iron Fleet, but they certainly haven't forgotten about her."


I'm officially pessimistic.

What happened to Varys' spiders? How does this group not have any usable intelligence on the enemy? WTF.
05-06-2019 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by gotgot123
Episodes. Could just be trolls but they pretty much got everything nailed on the past 2 episodes.
I couldn't find the leaks. Guess I suck at internet now.
05-06-2019 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I couldn't find the leaks. Guess I suck at internet now.
Is this you giving permission for me to dm you them?
