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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-05-2019 , 08:11 PM
Feels like we're done with the Children of the Forest storyline but there has to be more payoff on the whole Bran arc. So Howland Reed could play a huge part there.
05-05-2019 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
What is the deal with the three eyed raved in the books?
You'd need an essay to cover this. Bloodraven is originally this guy Brynden Rivers, a Targ bastard, who appears in the prequel Dunk & Egg novellas. He has a long and complicated backstory. There's debate in fandom over whether he should be considered broadly good or evil - he's very much an ends justify the means guy. It's also not clear whether he and the three-eyed crow, as it's called in the books, are the same or different entities. Euron is somehow tied up in this as well, it's quite likely that he's a sort of evil counterpart to Bran. In the books Euron isn't a slightly darker Jack Sparrow like in the show, in the books he's a psychopathic dark wizard of some kind.
05-05-2019 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Feels like we're done with the Children of the Forest storyline but there has to be more payoff on the whole Bran arc.
I doubt there's going to be.

Good luck, live stream watchers. I won't be watching for hours yet.
05-05-2019 , 10:19 PM
Meh episode
05-05-2019 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by DuckSauce
Meh episode
By meh you mean a total waste of time with lolbad writing I hope.
05-05-2019 , 10:24 PM
that was so good

show would be so great if there were never ever such thing as White Walkers
05-05-2019 , 10:25 PM
Dragons don't appear to be very good in warfare against a prepared enemy.
05-05-2019 , 10:25 PM
Dany gonna torch KL and it will set up a Dany vs. Jon conflict since he would strongly disagree with all the innocents dying.
05-05-2019 , 10:27 PM
Writing is so ****ing awful. A dragon is easily killed with a bebe gun then 15 minutes later in the preview is a scene where we are suppose to be like “ooooooh woooooow a dragon in the sky”.
05-05-2019 , 10:28 PM
What color are Danny's eyes?
05-05-2019 , 10:28 PM
The dragon was easily killed when it was completely unprepared and not expecting it. Seems like it would be easy enough for it to just fly in behind the large crossbows and burn everything.
05-05-2019 , 10:33 PM
so in the blink of an eye King's Landing has hundreds of ballistas, even on the ships.
05-05-2019 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
so in the blink of an eye King's Landing has hundreds of ballistas, even on the ships.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been building those crossbows for over a year of show time.

The episode as great, though I am a concerned that Tyrion is never going to actually show himself to be useful ever again.
05-05-2019 , 10:49 PM
first half was bad outside of Jon's true identity discussion

body shot, body shot, head shot was some good shooting - of course followed by 50 misses on Dany's dragon

Tyrion's argument to Cersei was pretty weak - give up and save your baby?

also, where was the intel on how many scorpion guns they had in KL?
05-05-2019 , 10:56 PM
If you want to nitpick about believability, the big issue is not how Euron got all the crossbows or how the crossbows could have killed Rhaegal. Rather, it’s how Dany wouldn’t have spotted Euron’s fleet way before he got in range of anything.
05-05-2019 , 10:57 PM
much better episode

this series would have been so much better without the night king
05-05-2019 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I’m pretty sure they’ve been building those crossbows for over a year of show time.

The episode as great, though I am a concerned that Tyrion is never going to actually show himself to be useful ever again.
they had one built last season and it was destroyed
05-05-2019 , 11:02 PM
they've had a long time to prepare, makes sense they would have all the giant crossbows ready

cerseis dude is right though, why the hell would she surrender when dany is down to one dragon and half an army?
05-05-2019 , 11:03 PM
Why didn't Cercei just shoot eveyone right there? Taking 200 soldiers and taking them outside the gates seems pretty bad to me. I for sure thought Tyrion was done.
05-05-2019 , 11:04 PM
More ******ed tactics from our Forest Gump level Heroes. This is getting pretty hilarious at this point, I was like "screw it, kill the dragon queen" when the dumb chick was charging straight at enemies that just took out a dragon.

Allowing the dragons within any real threat is just silly at this point as they know about the ballistas at this point. The writers' room is obviously just a room filled with a bunch of junkies nodding off as they smash their keyboards with stupid.

It's fun watching the **** show tho lol.
05-05-2019 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by hair loss at 19_
they had one built last season and it was destroyed
How do we know they only had one? I really doesn’t seem like something that would take very long to build.
05-05-2019 , 11:07 PM
Was pretty obvious Jaime wasn't going to spend the last 2 eps just hanging out in Winterfell. I'm betting on him being the one who eventually kills Cersei.
05-05-2019 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
How do we know they only had one? I really doesn’t seem like something that would take very long to build.
there was nothing on the walls or ships last season, and if building one is so easy why did they only have one protecting the food train last season
05-05-2019 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
much better episode

this series would have been so much better without the night king
I think he should have just remained north of the wall. If he drove the wildlings south, leading to the battle of the bastards but jon had to leave a significant number of troops along the wall to prevent the night kings advance, thus making Jon's control of the north very weak, it would have been perfect.

The early development and mystery of the WW threat is done really well in the show and books imo, but once D&D realized they wouldn't have time to really develop the NKs invasion they should have done a major change instead of trying to force a conclusion to it.

Calling the entirety of the show Game of Thrones instead of A Song of Ice and Fire ended up being pretty prophetic. Clearly the focus was on the Westeros power struggles, so leaving the rest of the story unresolved would have been fine imo.
05-05-2019 , 11:14 PM
Jesus what happened to this show hahaha
