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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-30-2019 , 08:02 PM
I would more or less agree that the Night King side of this confrontation was generic and lazy. But the Arya side of it was not generic or lazy in the slightest.
04-30-2019 , 08:03 PM
Its simply not true that DEM has to be unexpected.

Also you can expect someone to kill someone, e.g. be the killer of said person, but they can still kill them in an unexpected way.

If knowing Arya is slated to kill the NK excludes all DEM, then presumably you would be fine with her putting on a ballet dress, waltzing up the NK and revealing that the whole time she has had a magic tiara that kills white walkers.

Knowing Arya is going to kill the NK obviously does not make her immune to DEM in how she kills him.
04-30-2019 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by 72off

i'd argue that discussing these things is a much better use of time & energy than nitting up the manner in which he died, because that doesn't matter for anything afaict

i think they had a plan to do something else with him (probably more similar to whatever will happen in the books), but they ran out of space so just ended it asap
No one is making you go into bat so hard for team not DEM. If you dont think its important why engage so much with it?

You have basically kept it alive as a topic over the last few pages.
04-30-2019 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Its simply not true that DEM has to be unexpected.

Also you can expect someone to kill someone, e.g. be the killer of said person, but they can still kill them in an unexpected way.

If knowing Arya is slated to kill the NK excludes all DEM, then presumably you would be fine with her putting on a ballet dress, waltzing up the NK and revealing that the whole time she has had a magic tiara that kills white walkers.

Knowing Arya is going to kill the NK obviously does not make her immune to DEM in how she kills him.
thought it was implied that we knew she'd do it using abilities from several seasons worth of her character development

in this world she can remove people's faces to turn into them but now the line is drawn over whether she can also jump off a roof a bit farther than expected
04-30-2019 , 08:49 PM
o/u on # of amateur mythbusters type videos about this on youtube?
04-30-2019 , 09:11 PM
Once again, foreshadowing does not mean that it's not DEM.

Also just because Arya has one skill doesn't mean she can completely alter reality.

Anyways I think my favorite part of the episode was the brief respite everyone in WF got after the trenches got lit. The scene itself was cool, although I wish they'd done with the fake suspense that they wouldn't get lit. It was cool having the two armies at a standstill for a moment then watching as the wights threw themselves onto the fire. I thought that was really well done.
04-30-2019 , 09:40 PM
The second to last time we see Arya in the episode, Melisandre obliquely reminds her of her Season 1 training and basically tells her she's going to kill the Night King. Then Arya's like "OK, go it" and we see her run up to the top of the castle.

We then don't see Arya for a while, but the time we see her, she leaps out from somewhere and kills the Night King.

I thought it was very well structured to be both emotionally surprising but entirely intellectually convincing, while ultimately paying off her entire story line, being true to her character, and also maintaining the perspective of the characters we were focused on in the moment. They showed the exact right amount to achieve this balance.
04-30-2019 , 10:01 PM
For me it was a total failure. Arya's training occurred in crowded cities, castles, taverns and narrow halls. She was trained to kill through cunning and guile, using poisoned coins and food, or stabbing people who thought she was a defenseless girl, and of course using the masks of dead people. Making a 300 foot leap of faith in the middle of an open wood is the total opposite of that. There was no subtlety, it had nothing to do with her training, and it was far-fetched at best. I don't care if since S1 it was predicted that she would kill the NK, the manner in which she did it was a disappointment.

I do not care as much as others, it certainly didn't ruin the episode, but it was a let down.
04-30-2019 , 10:17 PM
The creators and even the actors seems to be caught up in some weird group psychology for the last 6 episodes. I read where the actors were all high-fiving each other when they went through the scene where Arya leaps through the air and kills the NK. The creators say that the Mormount girl was supposed to be a one scene appearance, "but they just had to give her more lines/plot" because she was so likeable. Then becuase she was so popular, they felt she needed a heroic death. They keep talking about the characters that "everyone cares about" - which they assume is like 15 characters. There's no talk of good storytelling or compelling plot lines - just more of a celebration of all the great characters. Just seems like they really couldn't come up with a good plot, so it's more like a tribute to all the main characters.
04-30-2019 , 10:23 PM
Somebody needs to tell the directors that slow motion screaming and charging doesn't look as cool as they think it does.
04-30-2019 , 10:34 PM
I believe the term is "fan service"

You're 100% correct businessdude. It went from things like Ros's boobs being nice so she got some extra scenes in S1 and then the character was well received so she received more in S2 when it fit the plot, to trying to fit the plot around the audience's favorite characters.
04-30-2019 , 11:58 PM
For those who are claiming the way Arya killed the NK is not believable, how is “using the masks of dead people” believable?? We never actually see her carve the face off a dead person or how she puts it on, and nothing in our actual science suggests this should be possible. Isn’t this “DEM” every time she does it??
05-01-2019 , 12:17 AM
I want to know where all these soldiers are pooping.
05-01-2019 , 12:19 AM
Hopefully in your mouth.
05-01-2019 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
For those who are claiming the way Arya killed the NK is not believable, how is “using the masks of dead people” believable?? We never actually see her carve the face off a dead person or how she puts it on, and nothing in our actual science suggests this should be possible. Isn’t this “DEM” every time she does it??
Here's something I wrote about Star Wars which addresses this:

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I see stuff like this mentioned a lot, and it always bothers me. On Conan the actor for Samwell Tarly mentioned a story about a fan complaining that Sam is still somehow fat despite living on the wall, doing a lot of physical activity and eating little food. The actor's super witty response was "There's magic, ice zombies and dragons and you're complaining about this?" to which he got applause.

Magic, dragons, the force etc. are added to the story, but that doesn't mean that things like thermodynamics or the difference between dexterity and knowing how to play the piano suddenly stop mattering. If instead of having to master the lightsaber within seconds, imagine whats-her-face was falling to her death... but fortunately gravity suddenly stopped working so she was ok... no explanation given. (or hell even give an explanation if you want). That's a deus ex machina and really breaks the immersion with the story. It doesn't matter that there's space wizards and space battles, gravity is still a thing which I expect to be taken into account. Just because we've added new elements to the story doesn't mean that suddenly anything is plausible. This problem is made even worse because there's been books, video games, and of course the movies which have already taught us what the rules are: hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of practice required in order to be able to use a lightsaber.

Yes there's space wizards and battles in space, but there's still a believable threshold which needs to be maintained. It's expanded due to the added rules for this particular universe, but it's still there.
05-01-2019 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
To me this sheds a light on the biggest issue with not only the episode but the WW/NK plot itself; it doesn't really fit in the GoT universe at all. The best & most interesting part of GoT has always been the detailed study of the vast array of characters. Actions had consequences. Decisions mattered. Things that happened didn't play out for seasons down the line.

The WW/NK have always felt immune to this type of storytelling. There's way less subtlety, way less characterization. We've spent 8 seasons preparing for winter but it was probably always going to be a letdown because they didn't really give us a reason to care about them. The lack of development removes tension. Leading up to it there were all of these theories about the WW/NK because GoT fans were hoping that there was actual meaning to them. They wanted them to belong in the universe they took part in. Unfortunately there wasn't any meaning, and I think the truth of the matter is that any resolution to the arc that contained no exposition or swerve, no matter how dramatic or how many lives it cost, was always going to be a disappointment. Because we all kind of realize that we've been waiting 8 years to resolve something that didn't really matter all that much.

And hell, even the writers didn't really respect the WW that much. Sam ****ing Tarly was able to hold off like 100 of them at once. I think they did the best they could given the box they put themselves in. It was an entertaining 82 minutes, and I'm thankful they got this out of the way so they could spend the last 3 episodes resolving what really matters; the characters.
Exactly this. Good post.
05-01-2019 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by jwax13
This clown has made the thread unreadable. JFC.
grunching - who is "this clown"? A lot of posts today have thrown the conversation all over the place.
05-01-2019 , 12:56 AM
here's the cinematographer getting in on the defense of the show, accepting no criticism. These guys are in their own little world.

Wagner explained that the darkness was a creative choice. "The show runners decided that this had to be a dark episode," Wagner said. "We'd seen so many battle scenes over the years -- to make it truly impactful and to care for the characters, you have to find a unique way of portraying the story.

"Another look would have been wrong. Everything we wanted people to see is there."

With the many deaths and character arcs finally paying off in this episode, Wagner pointed out the significance of the non-visual.

"Personally, I don't have to always see what's going on because it's more about the emotional impact.
05-01-2019 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
thought it was implied that we knew she'd do it using abilities from several seasons worth of her character development

in this world she can remove people's faces to turn into them but now the line is drawn over whether she can also jump off a roof a bit farther than expected
Again she might jump from a tower to gain into a wooded enclosure full of zombies with super hearing without said zombies noticing in anyway, but she does not jump from the tower onto the night king, if you watch the shot its clear she is not leaping from above but from behind.

She has teh powers is a just a very lazy cop out, its the one the writers used and am surprised to see so many who are on board with the general consensus that the writing has gone down hill white knighting for this sterling example of said decline.

Good writing sets outs limits of powers and is consistent with application of those powers, Arya getting her arse kicked initially then just breezing her way to within leaping distance of the NK is not an example of such writing.
05-01-2019 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
Exactly this. Good post.
05-01-2019 , 02:59 AM
For the record, I thought Arya owning Brienne in a sword fight last season was way more obnoxious writing than her showing up to shove a knife into the Night King. She's a ****ing kid and Brienne is twice her size. If you're looking for the point where Arya officially got turned into a superhero, I'd date it to then.
05-01-2019 , 03:14 AM
Also the massive problem with Arya got powers, course she could get the NK get got is that now the whole story and plot line of GOT is utterly irrelevant.

Need to kill Cersei, no problems got Arya. LOL Who needs dragons.

Her being able to just waltz down to KL and kill Cersei would be completely consistent with the level of ability to so effortlessly kill the NK.

They have basically elevated someone to a level of power that most problems facing said charachter become irrelevant.

The essence of drama is the hero over coming problems, not simply making them irrelevant.

That is unless there is some plot save whereby when grabbing Arya by the throat the NK marks/changes her in some way.

Putting his essence into her in some way would the coolest outcome, but not holding out hope for that one.
05-01-2019 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
For the record, I thought Arya owning Brienne in a sword fight last season was way more obnoxious writing than her showing up to shove a knife into the Night King. She's a ****ing kid and Brienne is twice her size. If you're looking for the point where Arya officially got turned into a superhero, I'd date it to then.
Yea, its reasonably hard to believe she beat Brienne but harder to believe than she just effortlessly infiltrated a courtyard full of undead super ears and then caught an ancient super being on the hop?

Naah cmon. Being able to beat a bigger human is still quite a limited power, its not that god like, being able to just no big deal the NK shows a much larger almost limitless capacity of power.

Also would have put the duel with Brienne as closer to a draw that owning.
05-01-2019 , 04:18 AM
Arya was either the white walker that twitched, or, she sneaked past that white walker causing him to twitch, or, they just thought it would be fun to show a white walker twitching.

No tower jumping here.
05-01-2019 , 04:21 AM
All they should be showing in Ep 4 preview is Danny and John packing Aryas backpack for her trip to KL.

Obviously wont show the trip, episode should just be surprise! staby staby: cut to credits.

If the writers are even aware of the problem they have created for themselves, surely they have to kill Arya off?
