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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-02-2016 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Hoya
The 20 guys at the front of the Dothraki army may have enjoyed Dany's stupid speech, but the 100,000 people behind them were probably like "wtf did we stop"
"What did she say?"
"I think it was 'Blessed are the cheese makers.."
"What's so special about the cheese makers?"
"It's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."
06-02-2016 , 05:33 PM
06-02-2016 , 06:04 PM
Screamin - thanks for switching back to the correct avatar.
06-02-2016 , 08:05 PM
Emilia Clark isn't a great actress, but she's not as bad as all that. The atrocious handling of her character makes her look worse than she is. The slightly cheesy, over the top speeches were cool the first time or two, at this point they are comedic.
06-02-2016 , 08:07 PM
This Hodor thing has inspired me to watch GoT. I'm halfway through episode 2. No spoilers!
06-03-2016 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Walder Frey 10 times the actor which says a lot when Jon and her are the 2 main characters in the story.
I agree, but lol Walder Frey is not some no-name random, he's been acting for 40+ years - not surprising he's better than a couple of young whipper-snappers in their first major gig.
06-03-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Emilia Clark isn't a great actress, but she's not as bad as all that. The atrocious handling of her character makes her look worse than she is. The slightly cheesy, over the top speeches were cool the first time or two, at this point they are comedic.
Agreed. It's like Hayden Christensen in Star Wars. He's a bad actor, but the script made him look much worse than he really is, even if his "par" is bad to begin with.
06-03-2016 , 01:57 AM
i agree ive always felt her lines are worse than her performance.

also +1 on frey love

and I miss Tywin <3 never forget

06-03-2016 , 02:31 AM
Sardo Numspa was great. Amazing how much Tommen grew up in 3-4 years.
06-03-2016 , 06:46 AM
they recast tommen
06-03-2016 , 08:28 AM
Yes. Remember the two young Lannister cousins that the Kastark guy killed in season 3? They actually used one of those kids as the older Tommen.

All the recasts in the show have been fine thus far, with one big exception.


He's the least convincing crazy, mercenary bad ass I've ever seen. He's just way too prim and proper and prissy.

The original guy was a million times better, had the right look and attitude for the backstory of the character.
06-03-2016 , 08:43 AM
Apparently Season 7 will only be 7 episodes...
06-03-2016 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Yes. Remember the two young Lannister cousins that the Kastark guy killed in season 3? They actually used one of those kids as the older Tommen.

All the recasts in the show have been fine thus far, with one big exception.


He's the least convincing crazy, mercenary bad ass I've ever seen. He's just way too prim and proper and prissy.

The original guy was a million times better, had the right look and attitude for the backstory of the character.
Def agree with this
06-03-2016 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Apparently Season 7 will only be 7 episodes...
06-03-2016 , 09:14 AM
06-03-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Yes. Remember the two young Lannister cousins that the Kastark guy killed in season 3? They actually used one of those kids as the older Tommen.

All the recasts in the show have been fine thus far, with one big exception.


He's the least convincing crazy, mercenary bad ass I've ever seen. He's just way too prim and proper and prissy.

The original guy was a million times better, had the right look and attitude for the backstory of the character.

06-03-2016 , 10:36 AM
You don't remember the original Daro? Everyone was totally gay for him because he was awesome.

06-03-2016 , 10:50 AM
yea and him leaving the show for trashy transporter cash cow made me sad
06-03-2016 , 10:51 AM
I do remember him and i thought he was awful in that role. New guy is very good as edgy smart good guy/Khaleesi love interest. I don't think he's supposed to be crazy, murderous, unpredictable villain, which is the only possible role for the first guy.

I mean first guy banging khaleesi is not even close to believable.
06-03-2016 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
You don't remember the original Daro? Everyone was totally gay for him because he was awesome.

Yeah I really don't get why they would recast him. Wonder what the motivation for that move was?
06-03-2016 , 11:06 AM
Wasn't their idea I believe. The dude wanted to go do movies and left on his own so they were forced to recast him. What's odd is that the new guy could not have been more different in look and attitude.
06-03-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
I do remember him and i thought he was awful in that role. New guy is very good as edgy smart good guy/Khaleesi love interest. I don't think he's supposed to be crazy, murderous, unpredictable villain, which is the only possible role for the first guy.
He's a mercenary and a pit fighter.

He betrayed and murdered his two partners just to prove himself to this chick he never met.

He snuck into her tent at night, put a knife to her best friend's throat and tossed her their heads.

He's definitely supposed to be an edgy, sorta crazy guy, which is why the look of the first guy was perfect, he looks like the type of guy who'd do that, at least he was originally supposed to be that way. They have changed his persona somewhat to fit the new actor.
06-03-2016 , 11:44 AM
That is true. The new guy is not that guy. Really they should have had new guy kill that guy or something, but my point is that there was no future in the story for the old guy (other than turning villian, which could have been awesome). The old guy would not work in the current role of Daario.
06-03-2016 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by toedder
No way Cersei dies before Tommen after that prophecy in the woods tho, right?
Fair point, not sure.

Main prediction is DEFINITELY no trial by combat. No way that goes down.

Not sure if Tommen has it in him to execute Cersei or not, but once the faith exposes Cersei for killing King Robert its all over for her.

I want to add another possibility to my post: the faith turns on Tommen even after the Cersei trial, because its exposed in the trial that he is illegitimate.
06-03-2016 , 04:56 PM
was the prophecy that kids will die or kids will be taken from her?

cuz tommen is basically a man of the cloth now
