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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-18-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
jfc, what a let down.


New question: Why did Dany take off the ring and drop it when the Dothraki appeared?

To let Jorah and Dario know where she is.
06-18-2015 , 11:26 PM
I think to help people who were looking for her
06-18-2015 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
yes, yes.
06-18-2015 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
jfc, what a let down.


New question: Why did Dany take off the ring and drop it when the Dothraki appeared?
when she took it off i assumed it was to try to conceal her wealth / power, but then i realized that's probably a stupid theory, she's obv going to tell them who she is to avoid just being random dothraki rapefodder

so she must be dropping it to try and help the fellas track her down. which is also kinda lol silly, it's in the middle of a field of grass on a giant ****ing mountainous plateau and it's not like she left a trail when she was flying there on a ****ing dragon.
06-19-2015 , 01:09 AM
I personally loved the stannis finale especially the part where he watched the cavalry coming and the death scene. I liked the jon snow death too. And the walk of shame was decent. I wasn't that into the rest of the episode. Seemed like there was just too much going on for one episode
06-19-2015 , 03:25 AM
Imo either :

- she was trying to leave it as a breadcrumb trail

- she didn't want dothraki knowing she remarried

- she didn't know who was coming and was going to play the lost poor girl angle rather than claim to be a Princess in the middle of nowhere
06-19-2015 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
jfc, what a let down.


New question: Why did Dany take off the ring and drop it when the Dothraki appeared?
To let their followers know that they are/were on the right track.
06-19-2015 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
when she took it off i assumed it was to try to conceal her wealth / power, but then i realized that's probably a stupid theory, she's obv going to tell them who she is to avoid just being random dothraki rapefodder

so she must be dropping it to try and help the fellas track her down. which is also kinda lol silly, it's in the middle of a field of grass on a giant ****ing mountainous plateau and it's not like she left a trail when she was flying there on a ****ing dragon.
A thousand dothraki galloping in concentric circles around her is going to make that spot pretty visible, though. Wasn't it below the hill where Drogon had a huge bonfire of sheep skeletons? If they can track them to that they should find the ring.
06-19-2015 , 05:16 AM
Uhmm no, pretty sure that was some sort of engagment ring with Khal Drogo and we know how the Dothraki are. So it's reasonable to assume that they would kill her seeing the Ring.
06-19-2015 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
- she didn't want dothraki knowing she remarried
Makes a whole lot more sense than the breadcrumb thing.
06-19-2015 , 05:55 AM
I thought it was obvious that Dany took off her engagement ring once she realised they were Dothraki. That would make sense, whereas dropping it as a clue for whoever comes looking for her would be absolutely ******ed and a huge insult to the intelligence of the viewers.
06-19-2015 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
- she didn't want dothraki knowing she remarried
I like this idea
06-19-2015 , 08:36 AM
So after season 1 did we ever get more clues to who Jon Snow's real mom was? Because I'm down with this hail mary of him coming back to life if he's got Targaryen blood in him or something, I just can't recall if they ever gave us enough info to make that connection.

And put me in the camp who thinks he's a total moron for not saying "yo we just fought the largest undead army in the world, and we need all the living on one side" to the NW. I mean really guy? You just came back and went to your chambers? Lol.
06-19-2015 , 11:16 AM
The answer to the ring question is in the Inside the Episode on youtube. First and last time I watched one of them, don't think they should be discussed tbh. Much like how I don't think people should post links to the producers spewing whether Stannis is dead or not, how much the dragons will grow come next season etc.

Jon most likely told everyone about the battle and they didn't care. They didn't show it because it's so obvious he did.
06-19-2015 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
The answer to the ring question is in the Inside the Episode on youtube. First and last time I watched one of them, don't think they should be discussed tbh. Much like how I don't think people should post links to the producers spewing whether Stannis is dead or not, how much the dragons will grow come next season etc.

Jon most likely told everyone about the battle and they didn't care. They didn't show it because it's so obvious he did.
I agree with this. I was listening to a podcast that touted itself as SPOILER FREE and one of the hosts completely spoiled it for me mentioning whether Kit Harrington was on season 6 or 7's casting. I'm so beyond pissed it's not even funny as he gave no warning and mentioned it nonchalantly like it was no big deal. I just want to say a big FU to all the idiots that can't keep their mouths shut. If I wanted to know what producers were saying or if someone is on next year's cast I can go and find out that information myself.

So I just want to echo my appreciation for the mods for having an approved post thread. I avoid all GOT threads and discussions on the web because there's always someone that will spoil something for you even when they don't think they are.

So I agree, anything that involves producers spilling the beans, casting information etc shouldn't be discussed here or at the very least be considerate and put spoiler tags on for those that want to read it. For a lot of us, WE DON'T!

06-19-2015 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Jon most likely told everyone about the battle and they didn't care. They didn't show it because it's so obvious he did.
This. People actually think that he *didn't* tell them? They're hatred for the wildlings is overriding their logic.
06-19-2015 , 01:41 PM

Found this gif on another forum
06-19-2015 , 01:45 PM
Regarding the ring I don't think Dany got married bec we didn't see that nor did we see her being presented w/ it. And I think the Dothraki knew who she was and that whole gallop around her thing was a show of greeting/respect. I can't puzzle it out and don't want to search youtube for it.
06-19-2015 , 02:25 PM
Last couple of season's have had the writer's really dropping the ball in a couple of places.

I haven't read the books but I'm aware of some stuff that has been changed.

-Last season Jaime's whole character arc from bad to good was smashed by the stupid Cersei rape scene next to dead Joffrey....what?

-Sansa going from being in a secure place, looking like she was going to start playing the game to marrying the Boltons???.....REALLY? All so we could get a rape scene??!!

-Getting a season worth of Arya cleaning some floors? Doing chores etc.

-The Unsullied, supposedly one of the great fighting forces of the world looking very very average in the face of masked men with daggers, at least give them swords and write their defeats in such a way that they still come off as awesome.

-Dorne, all the bookreaders have complained about Dorne, even as a TV viewer it's all felt totally lame and zzzzzzzzzz.

May be nitpicking a little but makes me worried that the screenwriters aren't up to the task of finishing such a great series off.

I've said before but I think a mistake was made not extending the length of each series, as more and more separate stories/plotlines develop each series could do with 15-20 hours or at least have a season finale at 2 hours long.
06-19-2015 , 02:34 PM
had we ever seen English writing in the show before the "Traitor" when Jon was killed? It felt incongruous, I don't think we've seen it over shops or on banners. We've seen people writing letters but I don't remember one that was close enough to read.
06-19-2015 , 07:31 PM
At this point, Allison Thorne has no chance of redemption right?

He had a moment during the Battle for the Wall, showing leadership, valor and even glimpses of reason, but then went full dickhead.
06-19-2015 , 07:32 PM
*Alliser Thorne*
06-19-2015 , 09:00 PM
One thing that keeps bugging me is how Tywin never remarried and had more children. I guess the idea is he loved Joanna too much to marry again(?), but it seems really out of character. He is all about maintaining his house/family name but is just gonna to let it all ride on only two sons, one of whom is a dwarf? And the other son is in the King's Guard?

Seems dumb.

This isn't even considering the political ties that would be formed with another strong family if Tywin were to remarry.
06-19-2015 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
So after season 1 did we ever get more clues to who Jon Snow's real mom was? Because I'm down with this hail mary of him coming back to life if he's got Targaryen blood in him or something, I just can't recall if they ever gave us enough info to make that connection.
I just rewatched season 1 again and there was a scene where Jon was pleading with Benjen to take him to the NW. Benjen told Jon that he'll be giving up a lot and won't be able to have children. Jon says "I don't care about that." Benjen told him he would if he knew what that meant. Very cryptic, wondering what that meant. Seems to be very important.

I think the only thing that was mentioned was that his mother's name was Wylla.
06-20-2015 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus

Found this gif on another forum
What is it supposed to be?
