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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-16-2014 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Tywin blew it. He could have tricker Tyrion. He knew the probability Jamie helped him was extremely high. All he had to due was tell him " Who do u think sent Jamie to save you "
He was banging the love of Tyrion's life. Tyrion just murdered her. Game over.
06-16-2014 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
Do you realize how powerful a group of mounted, armed knights on horseback are? In the medieval era of Europe mounted armies were almost invincible until the development of the pike formation.

In our world, Stannis' army's attack from both flanks would have absolutely crushed and routed the unprepared and undisciplined free folk.
Sure. It wasn't depicted like that though. The writing cut every corner possible here. I was making the point for a different reason than to complain about that though. If I were to complain about that, it would have more to do with how weak it was dramatically.
06-16-2014 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
There's all sorts of explanations that could be used.

I mean, c'mon, we just watched an army of 100k barbarians give up after two minutes. That is a much bigger stretch than the proposal to have the TbC on location. I've found that writers usually can get away with most of what they try to. Regardless, it's a moot point now
Sure, maybe there's some way for the writers to make it work, but if you're going to present a theory and justify how realistic it is by saying the writers can probably get away with it, meh.
06-16-2014 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
^^^ I guess i just didnt pay much attention to that particular scene, just googled it & aaw it & remembered watching it but in my head shae was alrdy gone & i strangly assumed it was some other random girl, was eating at the time as well sooo yea.

seems strange for her to get sent away somewhere "safe" only to come back to kings landing to tesitfy on tyrion no?.
WTF how could you possibly watch that scene and think it was a random girl. They swear her in in court and make her state her name, occupation etc and she gives a detailed account of her and Tyrion's life.
06-16-2014 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
I'm genuinely surprised Ayra didn't enter the Eyrie and get reunited with Sansa. Ayra still had family in the Eyrie- her cousin Robin. Where were she and the Hound heading? At least she's finally on her way to Bravos.
Yeah that was a bit peculiar. They just turned around to go where, exactly? I figured The Hound was dying as soon as Brienne saw Arya. Brienne is almost certainly the greatest fighter in the kingdoms. I have no idea what her plan with Sansa or Arya is either. Her storyline with Pod finally paid off and I'm lookin forward to more of this duo.
06-16-2014 , 01:58 AM
lol whoever said arya going to bravos was handled "quickly." it's been obvious that would happen since she got the coin at what, end of s2? so it took 2 whole seasons.

lol at dany leaving the dragons to die. yeah right

tywin + shae definitely not a long con. he bought her sometime during s4.

interesting to think about stannis integrating some of the wildlings into his army or deciding to let them south. like, would he really let a bunch of thenns come live in westeros? and if they do bring wildlings into the north, yeah there is plenty of room for them but i imagine there being some, uh, cultural differences. the idea of thenns and boltons sorting out a difference of opinion is amusing though.

i feel like the children are mentioned somewhere back in an earlier episode but i can't recall, and it might have been from one of the DVDs or something. if it's been done someone will post it.

lastly - there was honestly a part of me that was like, man i'm glad this season is almost over and i kind of hate this show. it feels like being in an abusive relationship with some beautiful spellbinding cryptofascist contortionist gymnast stripper. like i can't get away but also it is destroying my soul. however, this finale really felt different, a bit like a turning of the tide. this is the first time in a long time where i felt that some justice was being done on multiple levels. it's not all fairy tale style or anything but it's not sick twisted and senseless either.
06-16-2014 , 01:59 AM
I have no idea who the old fella under the tree is but I assume he's a very ancient being. Unlike most people (I assume) I look forward to more of this ancient world coming back to life such as with the children of the forest.

The most inexplicable issue with the finale is how Stannis managed to arrive with so many forces north of the wall. I guess he landed his fleet along the shore of the north..? I understand why Mance's army didn't have a navy, don't see any plothole here or anything. It was a bit odd though. At least Stannis did go north, as he was supposedly preparing to do at the end of s3. I guess we'll see Stannis' forces vs Bolton soon? Or is he marching further north?
06-16-2014 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
I'm glad Arya didn't kill Hound. Sucks for him to die slow and painful, but confirms that she changed her mind on him and that she was at the end a willing travel companion and considered him at least some sort of friend/mentor.
I interpreted this completely opposite to you. She left him for a slow and painful death. Maybe I'm not reading between the lines, but the way she sat there with a stone face, stole his gold and left with no words makes me think she was being a cold-hearted bitch, not a buddy.
06-16-2014 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
Sure. It wasn't depicted like that though. The writing cut every corner possible here. I was making the point for a different reason than to complain about that though. If I were to complain about that, it would have more to do with how weak it was dramatically.
having stannis show up when he does is actually really important, because it lets mance and jon snow have a conversation where mance has 1) obviously outsmarted the crows and has a task force sent to finish off castle black - showing that his strategy was really good all along, and that the crows are ****ed, and 2) he gets to pitch the idea of peace to snow -even though he realizes snow came to kill him - while he still appears to have the upper hand. if he tells stannis he just wants shelter from the zombie apocalypse and he promises to be cool once stannis has already routed him, that's not so meaningful. mance really appears to be a decent and pragmatic leader in the encounter with snow, and a compassionate person. we don't get any of that if stannis rolls in mid-battle.
06-16-2014 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by blastoff
good thing the mance army storyline was built up for so long, leading to them losing to a handful of crows one night then immediately surrendering the next day after 2 minutes of battle. get owned harder, free people.
Haha, +1

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Was it just me or does it seem like Dany was leaving the dragons to die? Up until the rock shut the door I thought she was just locking them up to keep them out of trouble, but I dont see the point in shutting the door if that was the case.

Overall it was a really great episode imo.
Pretty sure that's just you, the dragons are the key to the throne for her. No way she'd kill them.

Though like someone else suggested it seems like Dany is losing control of her draagons and is not handling it very well.
06-16-2014 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
I really enjoyed it as well. Moved along lots of plots.

I assume that the bells toll for the murder of the Hand of the King. Varys heard them and knew it would be a big risk for him to stay, so decided to leave with Tyrion.

Arya asked to be taken to Bravos after he refused to take her to the wall. My recollection is that the coin is only good to get her to Bravos.
Really looking forward to whatever happens with Tyrion and Varys in Essos, which is certainly where they're heading. Varys is from Pentos, right? I think (know?) Varys is on #teamdany and it'd be awesome if Tyrion and he hook up with that group. Plus it makes sense for Tyrion's ongoing story.
06-16-2014 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
With Varys and Tyrion together (I'm assuming in Pentos), my first assumption is that Varys will implicate Littlefinger in Joffrey's murder. I don't know if Varys has any evidence, but it seems his view of Littlefinger would lead him in that direction- especially after he hears Littlefinger married Lysa Arryn a few days before she committed "suicide".

Tyrion may not love Sansa but he did marry her. I don't think he'll be content in letting his wife frolic with the same guy who murdered the King and left Tyrion to stand trial for it.

Stannis is in an interesting place. He now has a large army and possibly an allied army (Mance's) but nobody has a clue he's taken control of the Wall. He's in a position to march South and wipe out the Boltons. I could see a Stannis-Littlefinger alliance to control the North-Vale-Riverlands so that they can march on King's Landing.

With Tywin dead, Cersei is going to be the real power in King's Landing going forward. Tommen is too young to rule and whoever becomes the next Hand will surely be chosen by Cersei (Jamie?).
I'm interested what Varys got up his sleeve, but to figure that out I need to know his motivation or allies and I have no idea. Not sure why he'd want to go after LF.

I think Melisandre's plan is probably to remain at the wall. Stannis might want to march south though, will be interesting to see what happens.

I think in all of this the Tyrells have ben forgotten, I don't see Cersei with any real power for long.
06-16-2014 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
I would say "**** Shae", but I think that gives too much attention to the worthless **** she was. I never wanted to believe that Tywin was an even more worthless ****. For some reason, I am not satisfied whatsoever by Tyrion killing them
Man I feel the exact opposite. Tyrion murdering his father in cold blood was such a great send up of and fitting resolution to Tywin's legacy. I'll miss the character, Charles Dance was amazing in the role. I was actively rooting out loud for Tyrion to send a bolt flying right into daddy's head. Not concerned about GoT ability to create new memorable characters. They've been doing it for years.
06-16-2014 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
I officially don't like Dany's storyline anymore. Her learning the realities of the world at this point just seems so backwards and boring. Compared to what Arya and Sansa have learned by now, Dany is a child


I'm a little surprised people aren't loving the zombie battle more. That was a HUGE improvement over the s2 ending. The s2 zombies were terrible. They were lumbering bull****, just a bunch of scraggly lumps of flesh from early Hollywood depictions of post-apocalypse. But these guys, they were a magical undead army like in traditional fantasy. That scene was ****ing awesome
Totally agree with this.
06-16-2014 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
There really needs to be fresh blood injected in the show, in terms of characters.

Major, interesting characters are dying off much faster than they are being introduced. Heck, I mean look at this whole season, how many interesting or major characters were introduced? Oberyn, who died quickly, and maybe Tommen.

We're running out of important people.
Well, there is titsucker...

Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Tywin blew it. He could have tricker Tyrion. He knew the probability Jamie helped him was extremely high. All he had to due was tell him " Who do u think sent Jamie to save you "
Tywin, boss ofc, wanted to get confirmation from tyrion himself of who let him go, all while talking him down from, you know, killing him, cause he is so boss.
06-16-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Obviously Tywin's death was the biggest OMG moment. His death changes everything in King's Lnading. Obviously Cersei doesn't have to marry Loras now. I wonder if she'll also put a stop to Tommen and Margery's wedding. You gotta wonder where this will leave the Tyrell's in general.
No way Cersei allows it but Marg already has Tommen drooling, remember? I assume Tommen becomes a central character and this plot is a big one in season 5. His mother is absolutely going to dissuade him taking Marg's hand. She needs to provide a viable alternative, however.
06-16-2014 , 02:19 AM
I'm gonna guess there is a chance the Hound manages to survive.

Game of Thrones rules would say if you don't see someone important die on camera they aren't dead.

As such I feel he may reappear in some OMG moment down the road.

Maybe, ya never know.
06-16-2014 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I'm sure the skeleton scene was just something from the books.

Besides, it's not really that out of place, north of the wall has always been consistently much more magic and fantasy like than the rest of the world, with the white walkers and the zombies and giants and stuff.

And Tyrion didn't just instantly try to kill Shae, she tried to kill him and he defended himself.

It raises the question of when die Shae actually turn on him. Was she ever really "with" Tyrion? Seems like she was for awhile, but who knows.
She got offered A LOT of money by Varys to leave KL. It seemed strange that a whore would turn all that money down for love. And if it was for love, it seems strange that she ends up in Tywin's bed. Hell, it seems strange that Tywin would have her in his bed after the trial if they didn't have pre-existing relationship, Tywin could have any whore he wanted.

My best guess is she was working for Tywin for quite a while and that's why she didn't accept Varys' money, perhaps from the start.
06-16-2014 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
There really needs to be fresh blood injected in the show, in terms of characters.

Major, interesting characters are dying off much faster than they are being introduced. Heck, I mean look at this whole season, how many interesting or major characters were introduced? Oberyn, who died quickly, and maybe Tommen.

We're running out of important people.
Still have the Brotherhood Without Banners out there who could become major players. They were essential to the s3 plot, and unseen this season. Thoros of Myr was a great character as was Beric Donderrian. Hopefully we see them again. I miss 'em.
06-16-2014 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Great end of season, imo. When does the next season start?
Judging by past seasons early April'ish.
06-16-2014 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
i feel like the children are mentioned somewhere back in an earlier episode but i can't recall, and it might have been from one of the DVDs or something. if it's been done someone will post it.
On the s3 dvd extras there is quite a lot on the history of Westeros and Essos including the children of the forest. Also some info about the white walkers, the conquest and unification of the seven kingdoms by the Targs, and how the major families came to be. I believe these scenes are all available on youtube. Just search for dvd extras.
06-16-2014 , 02:33 AM
06-16-2014 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
I interpreted this completely opposite to you. She left him for a slow and painful death. Maybe I'm not reading between the lines, but the way she sat there with a stone face, stole his gold and left with no words makes me think she was being a cold-hearted bitch, not a buddy.
I share this interpretation. The only confusing part is why she didn't go with Brieanne given she has no love for the Hound. It's not as if she was immediately off to do her own thing. Her first instinct was to meet with Jon at the wall. It seems to me Brienne could've escorted her there but I suppose Arya has no reason to trust her.
06-16-2014 , 03:05 AM

Mod note: Please don't just link a youtube video (like above) without explaining what it is.

You should also be embedding the video in the thread so that other posters don't stumble on idiot youtube posters spoiling the show.

Last edited by Dynasty; 06-16-2014 at 01:07 PM.
06-16-2014 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I'm gonna guess there is a chance the Hound manages to survive.

Game of Thrones rules would say if you don't see someone important die on camera they aren't dead.

As such I feel he may reappear in some OMG moment down the road.

Maybe, ya never know.

Got a feeling the Hound makes it somehow. Probably a wanderer who helps him.
