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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-18-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
(1) He sails on KL. We can assume the gold for Salador Saan means that he now has the pirates that Davos desperately wanted for the original assault. They can sail straight from Braavos for a surprise attack on KL. However, from a storytelling perspective, this is the same thing that happened two seasons ago, so it would have to have much different results in order to not be lame. This suggests that if Stannis sails on KL, he sacks it and takes the throne. If he got beat back again and licked his wounds in Dragonstone, we'd all be pretty pissed, rightfully so. That's terrible writing. However, sacking the city would be epic
Yeah this seems unlikely.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
But this leaves two problems: (1) it's Stannis. He's boring. The show cannot run with him on the throne for that long. He has no charisma. (2) The Lannisters are boss. They have all the charisma. The best part of GoT is the intrigue the Lannisters ruling King's Landing brings. If Stannis sails on KL and sacks it, that would necessarily mean he kills the Lannisters. This could happen. What I mean is that the overarching GoT story that appears to involve dragons, walkers, and a god that demands death by fire, the Lannisters can all die without tearing the fabric. It would make for a really crappy viewing experience though, since the Lannisters are so fun.
And yeah, this isn't going to happen imo. Sure, GoT throws curveballs, but they're not killing off the Lannisters now. They've sunk too much time into building the Lannister characters to kill them all off.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
This suggests that the only way for Stannis to sack KL would be if the Lannisters somehow aren't there. This appears unlikely except with the trial by combat development. If it was Mountain vs Oberyn, which I think it will be, it could mean that instead of sending a rider to go get Mountain wherever he's stationed, the court and company ride out to meet him and hold the trial outside of KL. This allows Stannis to glide into KL, sack it, take the throne, make us all scream epiiiiiiiiiic, while keeping the Lannisters alive. The Lannisters would obviously be counterattacking KL from outside. This could make for very exciting storytelling.
This technically seems like a possibility, if it wasn't for the absurdity of bringing the king and all of his entourage to The Mountain rather than just having him come to KL.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
Add to that a possibility that the burgeoning alliance with the Martels happens, and maybe we could get something like the Lannisters and Boltons attacking Stannis from the North while the Martels slide in from the South. I don't know where the Tyrells would be in this. I think the Reach is somewhere west of KL, so if they stay allied with the Lannisters, the Stannis would be getting hit from all sides. Part of me suspects that the Tyrells might doublecross the Lannisters though. That has something to do with the Iron Bank. Littlefinger worked with them a lot in the past and might now be in cahoots with them, which could mean the Tyrells also are. But that would mean that bringing Stannis into the fold was also the plan, and I don't like that. It's too convoluted
One of the problems I have speculating about this is I have no idea how big fleet and army Stannis has and how it compares to the Lannisters and whatever allies they have. Maybe Stannis could sack the city and the Lannisters flee to one of their allies (although that doesn't seem like a very Lannistery thing to do) and we have this scenario play out. Maybe ending with the Tyrells doublecrossing the Lannisters to tie it together with the KL story-line they've been building in s4. I'm not sure why you think the Tyrells have to be in cahoots with the Iron Bank. All I know is that LF borrowed money from them as master of coin, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's on good terms with them.

My prediction is that we'll see this Lannisters vs Olenna/LF situation play out before any involvement by Stannis.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
The second avenue I thought of for Stannis and his new army assumes the next most likely action he takes other than sailing on KL. Melisandre appears again convinces him what she told him at the end of s3: they have to go to the Wall. This could mean that instead of sailing on KL directly, Stannis wants to take Winterfell, and use that as a stronghold by which to amass a greater army by conquering the North, then using that power to march on KL from there while also sending troops to the Wall
That's possible. Melisandre seems more interested in the actual wall though, not having Winterfell as a stronghold.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
This is likely to happen since Mance has apparently been on the cusp of invasion since the end of s3. After he does, I can't see how the Wall doesn't fall, but I also don't think the Wall will fall because it's such a central part of the story. I suspect the Night's Watch will have to be up on the Wall to face the Walkers, which means that Mance shouldn't be able to conquer it. This suggests that the Wall may soon get a bunch of reinforcements that end up thwarting Mance's army

Honestly I don't know which of these is more likely. There is good foreshadowing for either. Regardless, something big has to happen with Stannis. I think we're so used to seeing him just moping around his castle that we forget he's just one army away from crushing some peeps. And now he has that army. He just doesn't feel like a major player to me though. I mean, he has the so-called king's blood and the LoL on his side, which has been demonstrated to be hyper powerful. But it's Stannis. He has the charisma of a bagel. In a way I could see him being a major player on the Wall, but not in KL. But on the flipside, the Iron Bank supposedly gave him money so he could take KL
This is a good point. I wouldn't totally write off Mance's chances of advancing past the wall though. I'm not even sure what Mance's game plan is, but it seems like he'd be interested in holding the wall because he's concerned about the white walkers as well. Maybe not.

Regardless, this is the theory I like best. Important to note what Stannis saw in the fire which made him believe in the Lord of Light and that he's the future king: "a great battle in the snow". This could mean he's at the wall or that he's in KL, at the time where both Dany and Bran have had visions of snow at the iron throne. I think all of those visions will prove to be correct, it's just hard to tell what exactly they're about.

Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
I just wanna see some **** go down. Stannis has to be pulled out of the weeds. And the Greyjoys should be drowned. The show could get rid of everything Greyjoy and the story would be the same. I have no freaking idea why the stupid Iron Islands even exist. Hey maybe Stannis sails on the Iron Islands first and wipes them out. That would be fun
I think Stannis storyline will gain steam now. And I already enjoy the Greyjoys, except for the botched scene this season where Yara tried to save Theon I think it's been top notch.

Prediction: Stannis will go north, book it!
05-18-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Also, I'm not sure what you mean about Davos now having the pirates he wanted. He had the pirates for his initial attack on KL. The money is mainly to buy a new mercenary army and rebuy the pirates he had.
Yeah I was thinking about this. He had 30 of their ships, not sure if he had the pirates themselves though.
05-18-2014 , 05:00 PM
Hmmm that changes things. Assuming Saan has approximately the same number of ships as he did then, 30 more to Stannis' army shouldn't be nearly enough for a surprise invasion of KL directly from Braavos. He's probably going to have to amass an army some other way. That could mean he goes to the North like my other idea, or it could mean something else like he ralllies people in Essos with Iron Bank money

Either way, if he kills the Greyjoys, I'll be happy. It's not like I think he will kill them, but god I hate them so much. I thought for sure there was some long game with Theon that will bring him into the thick of the overarching GoT story, but it just appears he's a sad sap and an inconsequential derail. That's all the Greyjoys have been: a waste of time
05-18-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Isn't Winterfell basically a burned out wasteland at this point? Or did Yara's army retake it?
Yara seemed to have very little interest in Winterfell so I'm guessing she didn't.
05-18-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
Hmmm that changes things. Assuming Saan has approximately the same number of ships as he did then, 30 more to Stannis' army shouldn't be nearly enough for a surprise invasion of KL directly from Braavos. He's probably going to have to amass an army some other way. That could mean he goes to the North like my other idea, or it could mean something else like he ralllies people in Essos with Iron Bank money

Either way, if he kills the Greyjoys, I'll be happy. It's not like I think he will kill them, but god I hate them so much. I thought for sure there was some long game with Theon that will bring him into the thick of the overarching GoT story, but it just appears he's a sad sap and an inconsequential derail. That's all the Greyjoys have been: a waste of time
Wouldn't it be glorious if Stannis became another Dany.
05-18-2014 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale

I think Stannis storyline will gain steam now. And I already enjoy the Greyjoys, except for the botched scene this season where Yara tried to save Theon I think it's been top notch.
For a while, Theon was one of my favorite characters. I saw great potential in developing his character from an entitled snob dickhead to something great. The torture helped fit into this by way of tearing down his ego, and he could rise out of those ashes into somebody looking to help others instead of act selfishly. But it's closing in on four seasons now and there's no sign of this arc

The Greyjoys seem more like something that was a good idea at first, but when all the pieces come together, they're pointless. The rebellion of the five kings or whatever it was didn't even feel like Balon was one of them
05-18-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Team Joffrey
For a while, Theon was one of my favorite characters. I saw great potential in developing his character from an entitled snob dickhead to something great. The torture helped fit into this by way of tearing down his ego, and he could rise out of those ashes into somebody looking to help others instead of act selfishly. But it's closing in on four seasons now and there's no sign of this arc

The Greyjoys seem more like something that was a good idea at first, but when all the pieces come together, they're pointless. The rebellion of the five kings or whatever it was didn't even feel like Balon was one of them
I think the Greyjoys were great in s2 and I loved the Theon/Ramsey storyline in s3 but I agree I don't see where it's going from here. They could all be killed off right now and I'd still be happy with their part in the series.

I'm still a little excited to see what kind of mission Ramsey is about to send Theon.
05-18-2014 , 05:21 PM
As per Melisandres prediction Arya is lock to live long enough to kill off at least a few people on her list btw.

Also, it seems this season is based on book 4 and book 5. Does that mean the next season will be the first where the TV show will be ahead of the books?

It's also a bit weird that this is the first season based on two books considering it's the slowest season imo.
05-18-2014 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Also, it seems this season is based on book 4 and book 5. Does that mean the next season will be the first where the TV show will be ahead of the books?

It's also a bit weird that this is the first season based on two books considering it's the slowest season imo.
05-18-2014 , 06:10 PM
I read an article that said that the show will be finished before the books because otherwise we'd have to wait until 2020 or something for the final season.
05-18-2014 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
So how would you guys have handled the Karstark situation if you were Robb?
Killed both Cat and Karstark.

Originally Posted by therealsaltydog
I would have let him kill the Lannister kids. They are of no value and you need the Karstarks. Especially after you didn't punish your mother for letting Jaime go.
Then you're no better than the Lannisters etc.
05-18-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Killed both Cat and Karstark.

Then you're no better than the Lannisters etc.
Do you want to fight with honor or do you want to win?

Ned fought with honor and he's dead. Robb needed Karstark and his men, so you can't kill him. It's as simple as that.
05-18-2014 , 07:34 PM
Re: Karstark

I would have locked him in the dungeon for the duration of the war and still killed the men who were with him.

Re: Talisa

Why couldn't Robb tell Walder and the Freys that he still hasn't betrayed them? His promise was to marry a Frey girl of his choosing when the fighting was over. Well, Talisa aside, he still has plenty of time to fulfill his obligation. I'm not sure why he didn't raise that point. Sure, it looks rotten to Talisa (unless she's in on some kind of trick), but Grandpa Frey would need to accept it, no?
05-18-2014 , 09:53 PM
#TeamLittlefinger gonna need to add some roster space!
05-18-2014 , 09:54 PM
GOAT episode
05-18-2014 , 09:54 PM
Little Finger!
05-18-2014 , 09:55 PM
No episode next week? Booo
05-18-2014 , 09:56 PM
Memorial Day, makes sense. People are traveling
05-18-2014 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by VTChess
GOAT episode
Wow, back to back great episodes.

BOOM, jumped out of my chair when Oberlyn entered that cell.

Sansa finally getting it, and Peter is cleaning house!!!
05-18-2014 , 10:03 PM
It's OBERYN jfc

Dany having sex with that dude was terrible storytelling

At least we got to see LF make the crazy lady fly
05-18-2014 , 10:03 PM
Wow really? I thought that was pretty weak
05-18-2014 , 10:05 PM
Anyone who's responsible for the deaths of Joffrey and Lysa can't be all bad in my book.
05-18-2014 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
Wow really? I thought that was pretty weak
It was far from weak.
05-18-2014 , 10:11 PM
That was a great scene in tyrion cell between he and Oberyn. Both actors really brought it all. Fantastic
05-18-2014 , 10:15 PM
Oberyn's story about meeting Tyrion as a baby was really great. Showed how deep cersei's hatred for Tyrion is. And now we know she's grabbed both of her brothers' *****.
