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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-22-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Last episode was fine. Normally after something BIG happens the next episode is a little slower.

One interesting thing nobody has really mentioned yet is that the Wildlings, Ygritte included, are pretty damn awful. When Jon was with them they seemed to resent being thought of as these ruthless, pillaging savages but that's exactly what they are.
I think their point was that Wildlings are no more savages than those south of the wall. Nothing we saw last episode showed them to be any different. I guess someone like Ned/Robb may balk at killing all the villagers to get the guard to leave their castle, but he's the exception, pretty much everyone else has done far worse.
04-22-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Michael888
I think Ramsey has catapulted himself to the top of the psychopath power ranking. Wonder what he does next. Not sure how he can top brainwash by torture and telling someone to run just so you can go hunt them down and have your dogs eat them.
last thing left to do to really push him over the top and get everyone against him would be to recast him apparently
04-22-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
I think their point was that Wildlings are no more savages than those south of the wall. Nothing we saw last episode showed them to be any different. I guess someone like Ned/Robb may balk at killing all the villagers to get the guard to leave their castle, but he's the exception, pretty much everyone else has done far worse.
A lot of bad **** has happened to a lot of people but telling a kid your going to eat his parents, the ones you just slaughtered in front of him, has to be number one.
04-22-2014 , 08:43 PM
Ha. That'd be an interesting list. Worst atrocities on screen so far. Letting a rat chew threw a living persons chest is pretty brutal, raping your sister on your dead sons body is probably up there too.
04-22-2014 , 08:50 PM
I think Renly turning down sex with Margery is the worst thing anyone has done
04-22-2014 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
I think Renly turning down sex with Margery is the worst thing anyone has done
04-22-2014 , 09:07 PM
Old Daario sucked, new Daario is just jarring because he's so different than the old one. Not saying I like the casting or anything, but I don't mind it so much as everyone else seems to.
04-22-2014 , 09:49 PM
I don't like losing the continuity of the characters. I had to google to find out about the recast. I guess I did really like old Dario, does anyone know what happened? Money or timing issues?
04-22-2014 , 09:52 PM
Got the lead role in the new transporter.
04-22-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
Apart from arranging for the murder of the Starks?
and ordering his son to rape his underage wife.

murdering all the targaryen kids and their mama (or ordering such).

pretty sure there were some other war crimes too at some point, but not gonna go back and check.

the thing about tywin is he is not pointlessly cruel. he is probably even decent most of the time when he doesn't have reason not to be. (e.g. ordering the prisoners put to work rather than tortured at harrenhal and making arya his cupbearer.) but he is a cold hearted bastard who will do literally anything to crush his enemies and secure his "legacy."

so he is not the worst character on the show by a long stretch. in terms of evil / nastiness i would put LF, walder frey, both boltons, locke, cersei and obviously joffrey ahead of him. jamie gives him a run for his money too, especially with the sister-raping and whatnot. (and yes, i know it's kind of weird to say walder frey is worse than tywin for participating in a plot that tywin organized, but, yanno, laughing while his wife gets her throat slashed and all.)

i think the question of how tywin is rigging the jury is a really interesting one. it's true that tyrion is in many ways his most viable offspring at this point for purposes of inheriting casterly rock and generally not being a moron or too obsessed with ****ing his moron sister to do anything useful. but he also (correctly) senses that tyrion thinks most of his family are pieces of **** and that he can't really trust him, and he really needs to be able to pin the joffrey murder on SOMEBODY.

that, plus the apparent bribing of witnesses makes it seem like they plan for him to really take the fall.

which means to me that tywin is in on the plot. maybe not the whole plot - i still like my theory of LF being the hidden partner for olenna in a future double-cross of the lannisters - but i think it was his plan all along to have joffrey killed and make tyrion stand trial. the way the wedding played out with joffrey giving him even more obvious motive & opportunity was just a bonus.

what i'm still struggling with is why anyone needs to bring LF into this. if we go with the theory of tyrells bringing him in as a double cross on tywin, what do they gain from his involvement? what does he do that they can't do on their own? the sansa extraction? or maybe something additional still to come?
04-22-2014 , 10:01 PM
nice ninja edit i was about to point the name out
04-22-2014 , 10:22 PM
Or LF fits if tywin is not involved and....

"leave it 2 father 2 never let a good family tragedy go 2 waste."

04-22-2014 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by armyof100
I don't like losing the continuity of the characters. I had to google to find out about the recast. I guess I did really like old Dario, does anyone know what happened? Money or timing issues?
From a career and money standpoint he probably had to. Lead in a movie, even a crappy reboot is a much bigger deal than bit character in an ensemble tv show. If you made a list of the 25 most important characters on the show he's not on it.
04-22-2014 , 11:43 PM
Well, the North is in utter chaos at the moment. Bolton and Frey are "in charge" but the land is in ruins from the war and appears to be under martial law, plus the general population probably hates both of them for the betrayal of the Starks. It's more like occupied terroritory with a puppet regime ruling.

That makes Sansa all the more valuable.

Little Finger was already granted Harrenhal, which is kind of near the Riverlands. If he "saves" Sansa from the Lannister capitivity and then marries her you gotta figure it would be a major PR coup and he could easily rally the enitre North populus to his side.
04-22-2014 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
I think Renly turning down sex with Margery is the worst thing anyone has done
Don't remember the scene.
04-22-2014 , 11:57 PM
Renly wanted only anal w Margery but she doesn't take it in the pooper.
04-23-2014 , 12:00 AM
Wrong. She offered anal and he didn't even want that.
04-23-2014 , 12:26 AM
Didn't she tell Joffrey she refused Rengleys anal advances?
04-23-2014 , 12:29 AM
Do you remember the scene in the first season at all? She turns around (while naked) and says something like 'you can stick it in my bum and pretend I'm my brother if it will help!'

Then she offers a threesome with Loras and he still declines
04-23-2014 , 12:42 AM
I think that was S2. No Tyrells outside of Loras in S1 iirc.
04-23-2014 , 12:44 AM
Oh right, my bad
04-23-2014 , 12:46 AM
It was still criminal to turn down that ass regardless of season. Smoke monster was right to execute him.
04-23-2014 , 12:47 AM
I just caught up with this via a hard core marathon session. For some reason, this was the first post that showed up on my phone when I opened this thread.

Originally Posted by Jakelamotta
You missed Sopranos? GoT isnt good because of its characters, though they are good, but because of its brutally honest storytelling which in return is thanks to GRRM. Stuff in GoT doesnt happen because that is the way he wants the story to go but because thats the natural way for the story to progress.
Wait, wat? I mean I get that you think that, and there have certainly been some "shocking" moments, but come on. Like just using this most recent episode, did you think there was *any* chance Darrio wasn't going to defeat the *champion* fighter of that slave city- and is there any background given to believe this is likely other than him killing his two renegade friends in their sleep because he had a hard-on for Daneyrus- after we see him turn and *wink* at her?

I like the show, but don't act like it's some organic story based on "real" characters and their "real" situations. It's a ****ing soap opera.
04-23-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
It was still criminal to turn down that ass regardless of season. Smoke monster was right to execute him.
High five straight brotha
04-23-2014 , 01:40 AM
So I'm really coming in raw....just marathoned 30 episodes, no book knowledge....I know this is jumping back to S1, but did Varys know Ned was going to be executed if he confessed?

Seems like a major question that may or may not have been answered yet.
