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Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!**

08-18-2014 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by jimbobwe00
I realize there are holes in the analogy but the point is being put in a tough spot and using someone else's money to get out of it, regardless of how wonderful of a guy you are or how respectfully you normally would have handled the money, you're a thief.
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:56 AM
There is not a doubt in my mind that if Tomas worked harder he could have seen the whole 4k. I can say for a fact had this thread never existed, and both parties used me as an arbitrator which I *know* Zach would have agreed to, I would have definitely tried to broker a deal where Tomas gets the whole 4k eventually regardless of tax burden. I just think this smear campaign just easily took 4k+ out of Zach's hyde, and Tomas now needs to settle for his pound of flesh as his payment.

There are people in this thread who want to contact Zach's employers, post his picture on the street as a scammer, parade our pictures and private information around for people to do god knows what with. I'm sorry, the debt has been paid.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Actually, he didn't steal anything. It was willingly sent to him by a rube. He just didn't pay the entire agreed upon amount. That is not theft. It may be dishonest. Breach of Contract possibly (if there was one and if nothing was written it can't survive the Statute of Frauds) Unjust Enrichment, maybe even conversion. But not theft.
So in the example above with the furniture it is not theft right? I'm not a lawyer so maybe legally it would not be charged as theft, but when I buy ftp I am paying my money now for the ownership of his ftp money. The money in his ftp account would now be mine so him not giving me MY money for whatever reason would constitute theft in my non-lawyer opinion and I don't think it's misrepresentative to call it theft.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
In a vacuum, what would you call a person who does that? We are making the assumption that the person in said vacuum is not somebody you feel the need to ruthlessly defend in the face of reason and years of standard protocol in a community?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:58 AM
kartinken best troll
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:02 AM
Okay, 200 Zach posters printed. They will be up in September

It says Zachary Parker is a scammer/thief, never trust him. Has his pic on it as well as my email in case anyone's interested in details.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:04 AM

Calm down.. Tomas just didn't work hard enough to get his money. just asking for the money owed to you is not good enough. You have to jump through hoops and contact his friend to broker a deal and then eventually you get your money with 0% interest.

this dude is just as scummy as his scamming best friend.

Sent from my SM-G900V using 2+2 Forums
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
I can say for a fact had this thread never existed, and both parties used me as an arbitrator which I *know* Zach would have agreed to, I would have definitely tried to broker a deal where Tomas gets the whole 4k eventually regardless of tax burden.
You can't actually be serious about this?
If you're serious I think you just destroyed the last perceived shred of ability to effectively reason and evaluate written word that anybody might have thought you possessed.

Do I need to directly quote all the instances where Tomas offered to take it to an arbitrator and Zach refused, using the term "non-negotiable"?

When you say you *know* Zach would have done something that he blatantly refused to do in writing, it discredits the rest of the **** you've written in this thread about how great of a guy and totally not a scammer/liar he is.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
So in the example above with the furniture it is not theft right? I'm not a lawyer so maybe legally it would not be charged as theft, but when I buy ftp I am paying my money now for the ownership of his ftp money. The money in his ftp account would now be mine so him not giving me MY money for whatever reason would constitute theft in my non-lawyer opinion and I don't think it's misrepresentative to call it theft.
Dude, I never said it wasn't wrong or dishonest. Just not theft.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:07 AM
Apparently Tomas did not satisfy the "work hard" clause to receive the money he's entitled to. This must have also been discussed at the same time when Tomas agreed that Zach could use his money to pay taxes.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by at051182
Apparently Tomas did not satisfy the "work hard" clause to receive the money he's entitled to. This must have also been discussed at the same time when Tomas agreed that Zach could use his money to pay taxes.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by jimbobwe00
In a vacuum, what would you call a person who does that? We are making the assumption that the person in said vacuum is not somebody you feel the need to ruthlessly defend in the face of reason and years of standard protocol in a community?
Tomas didn't have to look at it in a vacuum, he had plenty of other roads to take before this one. In his mind he wasn't getting the money back, so he did the most damaging thing he could feasibly do, and did out-of-line damage as though he were not getting the money. If Zach has to deal with the consequences levied for not paying, why should he then be expected to pay? It makes no sense to me. Tomas was owed 4k, and this is how he chose to settle it.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
He directed them to this thread, you car rest assured they will hear Tomas's side. I am friends with both of his bosses as well. They have known Zach since he was a child, as have I. There's no way you are going to turn a single person who knows Zach well against him. It's impossible. Zach is an amazingly wonderful person, and that's not a secret.

He ****ed up in this situation (as did Tomas, only Tomas ****ed it up worse and certainly did the scummiest single action of the whole scenario), but there was no malicious intent at any point. Someone ****ing up does not warrant this response, but this response warrants completely cutting off communication with this person who initiated it.
I have been around poker for awhile and seen a lot of people hit highs and lows. The common variable is how they act when they have money. When people have money they are all the most generous wonderful awesome [insert more praise adjectives] people. What shows true character is how they act when they're broke.

Zach was clearly not trying to outright scam, he would have just sent nothing, but he still thought it was OK to hold someone else's money hostage because he was broke (and potentially in debt). Just this simple fact means this thread was necessary.

As you saw from the "post of the thread", legal action in the poker world is not usually feasible. So we have to rely on policing ourselves. While you are correct it is important to not go on witch hunts, I don't believe this is such an example. The op clearly laid out the facts and if I am going to judge Zachary parker I am going to read the entire thread which includes his and your responses. If you truly think Zach is in the right you should work with Zach and the op to find unbiased arbitration and escrow 4k to them. This would almost certainly be acceptable to the op which proves you characterizing it a witch hunt is completely false. But barring that, this will never see a jury of Zach's peers and since it is Zach that is preventing that from happening, this thread is acceptable. I know he is the type of person that will use my money for other debts and I know that if I attempt to collect publicly, his friends will convince him that this means he can keep my money for good. And that is why this thread is important and should remain up for all to see. Not for the sake of the op, but for the sake of future people who may have dealings with Zachary Parker so they know what could potentially happen to them.

Edit: the arbitration would consider whether this thread was enough damage for nonpayment as well
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by jimbobwe00
You can't actually be serious about this?
If you're serious I think you just destroyed the last perceived shred of ability to effectively reason and evaluate written word that anybody might have thought you possessed.

Do I need to directly quote all the instances where Tomas offered to take it to an arbitrator and Zach refused, using the term "non-negotiable"?

When you say you *know* Zach would have done something that he blatantly refused to do in writing, it discredits the rest of the **** you've written in this thread about how great of a guy and totally not a scammer/liar he is.
There are people Zach would have listened to on this issue. Tomas claims he went to several and they didn't want to get involved, but I have no specifics on that. I am close to Zach's crew from Thailand, and lived there myself for 4 months. Had Tomas contacted me and presented me with this, I absolutely would have and could have gotten negotiations going. Is that a lot of work to settle a misunderstanding? Yes. It still doesn't mean it's ok for him to instead go this route. He had to know the results of posting this.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
Tomas didn't have to look at it in a vacuum, he had plenty of other roads to take before this one. In his mind he wasn't getting the money back, so he did the most damaging thing he could feasibly do, and did out-of-line damage as though he were not getting the money. If Zach has to deal with the consequences levied for not paying, why should he then be expected to pay? It makes no sense to me. Tomas was owed 4k, and this is how he chose to settle it.
1. What were/are the "roads" he had to recover his money?
2. Wasn't it reasonable for him to assume he wasn't getting his money back considering the "non-negotiable" terminology Zach used and the fact that he said he was blocking all contact with him immediately after Tomas asserted his expectation that he would get the agreed upon amount?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:15 AM
solid post zachvac +1
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:16 AM
We all know what happened and no amount of bs in this thread will change that.
Zach made a mistake. He forgot/ignored that he owed taxes. All he could think about was getting some value for his frozen FTP account balance. I'm sure, when he made the deal, he fully intended to pay the whole 16k.
When the payout time came, he was broke and on top of that he hadn't paid his taxes and was in arrears.
He saw OP as an easy target. The thought of 16k passing through his broke hands was too much and the 4k would get get him out of a hole. To hell with OP, he thought.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:17 AM
kartinken, you make no sense, sorry. Hard to believe you're not just trolling.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by
Started reading this thread and just couldn't stop. So let me get this straight, you (Tomas Somal) bought $16,000.00 from an account that could possibly yield $0.00 for $8,500.00, got $12,000.00 out of the deal, and are now claiming you got scammed. Let’s take a look at this scam for a minute. You move to Thailand, you have a person you barely know who not only gives you his real name and actually lives with you for a minute, but he also lets you know where he’s living back in the States when he leaves Thailand. And he gives you $12,000.00 outright. That’s what we like to call the long con, bold move from the scammer there. I especially like that your contract is made up of Facebook posts, the first one actually addressing this sale sent from you, soliciting the scammer for his account. He must be good, Bernie Madoff good, Nigerian Prince good. Best be on the lookout folks.

He tells you he’s going to hold on to $4,000.00 of the $16,000.00 to pay taxes, but he’ll give you the remainder as long as you wait for the end of 2014 tax season to collect. You respond by calling him out by name on a website of his peers before that event occurs. You don’t even wait to see how much you will get after 2014 taxes, but instead wisely attack his character and threaten legal action in a public forum. Way to get the promised money first and then go on the offensive - shrewd. “I assume Zachary Parker scammed me after i bought his FTP funds,” but I haven’t actually waited long enough to find out… Well played sir. Brilliant on all counts. If he wasn't going to give you the money before (which you'll now never know), he's definitely going to give it to you now... If an actual con-artist reads this thread, I hope for your sake they don’t target you. You’ll be left with nothing but the shirt on your back, living in a van, down by the river. Thank god the poker community has threads like this to learn all of the scams that are out there, I bet this exact same scenario is occurring to unsuspecting marks throughout the world. You’ve really shined a light on the seedy underworld of Thailand, congratulations.

Now, to get to the legal aspects concerning this ridiculousness. It seems, judging from what you’ve had to say combined with all of the other posted comments, that there isn’t a lawyer in the mix. First off, you’re surprised that an attorney wouldn’t take this case on a contingency basis??? Personal injury cases are taken on a contingency basis. Construction defect cases are taken on a contingency basis. Contract cases for $4,000.00, when there is almost no possible means of collecting, will NEVER be taken on a contingency basis. I really and truly mean never. You might be able to get hourly with a minimum $2,000.00 retainer, you might be able to get flat rate for minimum $2,000.00, you will never get an attorney stupid enough to take this on a contingency basis. And anybody offering you the hourly or flat rate is not doing it because they think they can get you your money back, it’s because they think they can make $2,000.00 off of you.

Let me explain why. First off, you have the jurisdiction issue. Somebody mentioned in an earlier thread “where would it be? The events took place in Thailand, right?” Sure, but how on Earth are you going to domesticate a Thai judgment back in the States? Spoiler alert, you’re not. Alright, so that means you have to bring the case back in the States, allegedly Marietta, Georgia. Yeah, you have to file where the defendant resides… Then you have to serve him with the summons and complaint. If he doesn’t get served, the case gets thrown out.

So pay $80.00 to file the case (if you go Magistrate’s Court, $150.00 for Court of Common Pleas), pay $200.00 for a private investigator to track him down, assuming you find him - get ready for the kicker - shell out well over a grand to fly down from Thailand for the final hearing. Yeah, if you’re not physically there, you can’t get any of that fantastic evidence submitted. So not only would there be no testimony from you, additionally all of the Facebook posts “proving” that you had a contract would not be admissible, and then what do you have? Absolutely nothing. Meaning the money you’ve shelled out for filing fees, service fees, a lawyer, a plane ticket, and whatever else may have come up - will possibly win you $4,000.00. Word to the wise, you will never get those fees back. The only way to get lawyer’s fees etc. in a ruling is if it was stipulated per contract (laughable) or by statute (which doesn’t exist for this cause of action). I hope you’re following here…

Now here’s the real kicker. Let’s say that you make ALL of this happen somehow: you’re willing to spend the time and money to get it done, and then you magically pull out a win, in spite of his defenses, with your breach of contract claim. That’s when you end up with a judgment in your favor. A judgment is essentially a piece of paper that says, “this guy should pay this guy X amount.” BUT, there isn’t really any way to collect on that judgment. It’s a civil case, not criminal. He can’t go to jail. He can’t be held in contempt of court. Debtor’s prisons are a thing of the long-ago past here in America. So how do you actually get the money? You have to pay a lawyer even more money to attempt to garnish his wages. Which can be challenged. And then it’s time to hire a new lawyer, because the last one already took your money and is ready to move on with his life. And if you do manage to get a court order to garnish his wages, it would most likely be around 15% of what he’s pulling in per paycheck. Not exactly quick money. So if you’re curious as to why you can’t get anybody in the legal community to talk to you about your lucrative case, look no further.


You’re welcome. I have now provided you (Tomas Somal) with the legal information, NOT legal advice, to fill that void. I could go into more depth about all of this, but it ‘s truly not worth my time. Please, if you can get one on the phone, speak with another attorney to fact-check here. BTW, earlier in the thread you asked for legal input, I responded with this post, and feel as though we have entered into a legally binding contract (offer and acceptance bud). Prepare for me to fly to Thailand to collect my fee, apparently it’s worth it. Thanks for the entertainment; hopefully this was a learning experience.
Not to mention even after Tomas goes through everything and potentially wins his civil suit; Zach can simply appeal after the verdict and they will have to do it all over again. Often in a higher and more expensive court.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:27 AM
A positive side effect of posts like this is that it outs other associated scumbags and not just the original one referred to by the op.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by ItsMeMaiX
Since when I asked for my money he wrote: You get this much take it or leave it. Basically saying '' If you do not agree you might as well get nothing.'' Then after he send me the money and I asked where is the rest he said I am harassing him, and that he is blocking communication with me. I am sure he did not intend to scam me from the beginning. But as the time of the payment came he decided he don't want to pay his own taxes and want me to do it for him. And that's where the scam came from. We did the deal both with clear mind about the deal. The agreement is not lax or hard to understand. Its very simple. After the agreement I offered to pay part of his taxes because I felt sorry for him. He refused. There was no other way to handle this since he blocked communication with me, and his friends refused to talk to him.

So you agreed with him to settle at 12k and immediately after being paid you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing the last 4k?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by kartinken
There is not a doubt in my mind that if Tomas worked harder he could have seen the whole 4k. I can say for a fact had this thread never existed, and both parties used me as an arbitrator which I *know* Zach would have agreed to, I would have definitely tried to broker a deal where Tomas gets the whole 4k eventually regardless of tax burden. I just think this smear campaign just easily took 4k+ out of Zach's hyde, and Tomas now needs to settle for his pound of flesh as his payment.

There are people in this thread who want to contact Zach's employers, post his picture on the street as a scammer, parade our pictures and private information around for people to do god knows what with. I'm sorry, the debt has been paid.
It is odd that you could ever consider your statements and Zach's actions anything but high handed and wrong. Thomas ships money to Zach. He sits through all the FTP drama, probably thinking several times he's getting zero. Then DOJ pays out, and he's getting his money. Except your buddy refused to pay out $4k of what he owed, and as the undisputed communication says he refused arbitration and says it is "not negotiable". Since he has the check, he has all the power. OK, Thomas looks into legal action and then goes to 2+2. You consider this wrong and conveniently get to decide what the price is for his wrong actions. What price? Exactly the $4k Zach refused to pay.

It leads to a few questions. You think Thomas should have tried harder. The hardest I've ever had to work to get money from an honest person was to send a receipt. Your buddy's statement that he was done talking was a negotiation? An ethical person doesn't do this with money owed.

Why do you get to penalize Thomas? In your world you just get to decide how much he should pay? Also, why is it the victim's job to shut up. You said that Zach would have paid out, but clearly he needed some push. If not public shaming, then what. Again, Zach has or had all of Thomas's money. What options did Thomas have to avoid unilateral action from your side. His OP was really polite and left the door open to say "no, I was wrong. He's paying monthly."

You've already stated that Zach's employers have been informed and won't care. You claim his reputation is already damaged, and he's already charged Thomas a $4k penalty for outing the situation. Why are you mad at this point? You discounted the forums in your first post.

Every scammer we've seen has threatened the victim, claimed his continued nonpayment is retribution for shaming, and has thrown up various smoke screen stuff (these other nvg trolls actions now excuse my nonpayment). You think Zach isn't a scammer or thief? He seems to be wrong with the facts. The statements you're making on his behalf follow the classic patterns. Don't trust my take? Talk to Schneids.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
So you agreed with him to settle at 12k and immediately after being paid you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing the last 4k?
So when he had the gun to your head you agreed to give him your wallet but after your life was spared you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing your wallet back?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
So you agreed with him to settle at 12k and immediately after being paid you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing the last 4k?
New post of the thread.
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
So when he had the gun to your head you agreed to give him your wallet but after your life was spared you reneged on that agreement and continued pursuing your wallet back?
So Tomas's extenuating circumstances matter, but Zach's don't?
Scammed me after i bought FTP funds - **MOD EDIT: RESOLVED!** Quote
