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**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** **NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)**

12-07-2024 , 08:36 AM
- Name: Matias Duco

- Country: Argentine
- emails: / /
- phone: +543586080055
- discord: litdukko

- nicks:
- - matizpoker (Winamax)
- - matizpoker (888)

Argentinian player took the BR to pay bills, claims they will return it, but so far nothing. The player owes the team $246.95.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-10-2024 , 12:33 PM
I staked Tiago Guerra from Portugal (Telegram username @DVSpkr / 2+2 username tgzwag / email for up to 10/20 PLO beginning in 2021. He accumulated more than $40k in makeup, and then he stopped playing, stopped studying, and broke multiple agreements he made in regards to the stake. After continuing to make more and more excuses for months, I finally told him he could pay me back $20k over time and we could call it even. He said he was grateful for that offer, and agreed.

Again he continued to make more excuses, apparently was involved in chip dumping on app games he was playing under a different agent, and still has not paid me back anything. Multiple times he has said he'd start making small monthly payments, but every time he has broken those promises as well. He claims to have been "looking for a job" for the past 2 years.

I am still hopeful to get some of these funds back, but it is not looking good, so I'm finally posting here as a warning to others.

TLDR: Do not stake or work with Tiago Guerra.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-11-2024 , 09:13 AM - SVSoldier
iPoker - Raiseorramon
PokerStars.ES - RaiseorRamon
PartyPoker(FR-ES) - RaiseorRamon

At first, this player wanted to leave of his own free will.
But then, when he found out that he needed to pay for makeup, he changed his mind. He handed over the fund’s balance very problematically, then added the fund to the blacklist. Makeup didn't pay.

Debt - 456.08$

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 12-15-2024 at 06:08 PM. Reason: No.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-12-2024 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by carlettju
- Name: Fernando Pires

- Country: Cape Verde
- emails: /
- phone: 925679223
- discord: cabverd

- nicks:
- - cabverd14 (psFRES)
- - cabverd14 (888)
- - jardineiro19 (WPN)

Player who was absent for 12 days due to work-related issues, then returned and went absent again, never responding afterward. We gave extra days for them to return, but they didn't, and they stole from the team. The player owes the team $140.56.
Update: player reappeared and paid everything he owed
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-12-2024 , 11:40 AM
- Name: Tiago Oliveira

- Emails: / //
- phone: 351913510179
- discord: tiago123oliv

- nicks:
- - TzapOliv (ps) / Th3Gr3nny (iPoker) / onehitpayme (Winamax, WPN, GG) / BlindsFrate (888)

The player had to return the bank and other outstanding debts. We created a payment plan, but after that he disappeared.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-12-2024 , 11:44 AM
- Name: Marcus Lima

- Emails:
- phone: 5581988298373
- discord: marcuslima89

- nicks:
- - Marcushc238 (ps) / MarcusLima89 (888, WPN)

The player had to return the bank and other outstanding debts. We created a payment plan, but after that he disappeared.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-29-2024 , 11:49 AM
Name: Lungu Ovidiu

phone: +40 743 553 707
Telegram: @jajai13
Discord: Ovidiush

GGNetwork: Hard Computer
PokerStars: Ovidiush
WPN: Richrich001 Chanceux113

Debt: 15657.46$

The player stopped communicating.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-29-2024 , 12:06 PM
Name: Callum Scott

phone: +447951770013
Discord: nutzinh0666
GGNetwork: Mys7
PokerStars: cpokerstar92
WPN: ****GTO
Party poker Mys7iK77 (PartyPoker(preMay2021))
wpn - mys7ik
Debt: 1275

The player stopped communicating and disappeared with the fund balance.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-29-2024 , 12:12 PM
name: Alexi RICCI
Alexi ricci
phone: +352661166033

Discord: raiseorramon SVSoldier
iPoker: Raiseorramon
PokerStars.ES: RaiseorRamon
Ник-PartyPoker: RaiseorRamon

Debt: 461.63$

The player decided to leave the fund of his own free will, but violated the terms of the contract and did not repay the make-up.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
12-29-2024 , 12:22 PM
name: Victor Felipe Whitehead Morales

phone: +5511959897214
Discord: victormorales
GGNetwork: Thomasheldon
PokerStars: viirto
WPN: 100mundialfc
iPoker: victorfwn
888Poker: victorr22
PokerStars.ES: victorfwn
Chico: victorr22
Betonline - tysir
Betsson - 4getxploded
Party poker - thomasheldon
Debt: 630$

The player disappeared and stopped communicating.
According to the last message, he promised to pay off the debt in April. While the debt is relevant.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-04-2025 , 01:31 PM
Name: Carlos Andres Forero
GGPoker: GOthiagoGO / RunnerTL
Winamax: Dr.Pancake
WPN: GOthiagoGO
Address: Bogota / Colombia
Discord: forest0368

We started working with Carlos Andres Forero on July 16, 2024.

Carlos suddenly stopped communicating and after some investigation we realized that the player was lying about his account balances.

He continued ignoring all our messages.

Carlos Andre owes us $1k.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-06-2025 , 05:49 AM
Morgan Guyon

Winamax: Ris En Trail
phone number: +33781646808
date of birth: 1992-01-12
discord: apokerplayer
discord id: 520593394473369601

He was with us for like 2 months, then stopped answering. A bit later he answered a couple of times, apologizinig, saying he will send back the bankroll. Never did.
debt: ~€600
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-06-2025 , 05:59 AM
Maxime Cassard BolDePneu
Country: France
phone number: +33 6 03 28 56 92
date of birth: 2002-04-24
discord: bouclibus
discord id: 339491170486976512

After 1 month with us, he withdrew money from the account without approval. He apologized, said he had to do it because of financial situation (we talk about a couple of hundred), and we discussed how much he owes us, and he needs to send back that - including the bankroll. He said he will, never did then disappeared.

debt: ~ €290
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-06-2025 , 06:06 AM
Alexis Contard

Winamax: BMW M3 E92
hyperschool: Alexxen
Country: France
phone number: +33670732156
date of birth: 1994-11-24
discord: alexxen7
discord id: 175638446969192448

Was with us for around 3 months, first few was ok, even was promoted, but then in December, asked multiple bankroll, now it's clear that deliberately to steal it, then disappeared.

debt: ~ €6k
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-14-2025 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by pokernovi
Patrick Rolf Dieth is scammer

Patrick Dieth
born 12.04.1977
Bamberg Germany

emails used
Skrill USD

uses throwaway skype (patrick.r.dieth), throwaway facebook and others

Image with his ID held up

(have non-blurred version + proof of address available on request)

Seems to enjoy scamming as he was sending long messages to people.
Scammed around 5 of my friends for 2-3 digits amounts.

Patrick Rolf Dieth is scammer
Patrick Dieth is a scammer
Patrick Dieth ist ein Betrüger
Partirck Rolf Dieth ist ein Betrüger
blindrazzor is a scammer
I don't know if it's late, 10 years after this but he is scamming still but in the watch community. He scammed a lot of people (including me) and we can't find him.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-15-2025 , 10:13 AM
name: Frederico Cordeiro
Telegram: +351917410052
GGNetwork: LeSpaceman
WPN: LeSpaceman 04061985
888Poker: LeSpaceman
PokerStars.ES: Unlucky Czar
Chico: LeSpaceman
Debt: 909.36$

When an audit was requested, the player stopped communicating. Took the fund's balance. He deleted his discord account.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-17-2025 , 07:03 PM
Name: Franco Facundo Ezequiel Fuhrman
Pokerstars: Facusushi
GGPoker: Facu1983
Champion - Facu1983
Address: Buenos Aires / Argentina
Discord: facuf0500

We started working with Franco Facundo Ezequiel Fuhrman on November 23, 2024.

Within days of starting, Franco Facundo Ezequiel Fuhrman decided to ignore his allowed limits. We gave him several warnings which he continued to ignore.

We requested he return the funds that he was holding - which he sent - and we requested a refund for the most egregious misplayed buyins - about $500.

Franco Facundo Ezequiel refused to pay this.

We strongly discourage everyone from doing business with Franco Facundo Ezequiel Furhman.

Franco Facundo Ezequiel Fuhrman owes us $1.7k.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-21-2025 , 06:39 PM
Name: Elmar Salimzade
Phone: +994505217908
His nicknames on sites with open statistics: ElmarSal
Address: Baku Azerbaijan

He was my agent and stole 18500$
All story u can read here:
My contact in Telegram:
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-26-2025 , 05:06 PM
Name: Jaime Alberto Gonzales Beltran
GGPoker: Jaim[e]
Ipoker: Lokillo001
Address: Chimbote / Peru
Email: /
Discord: jashpoker

We started to work with Jaime Alberto Gonzales Beltran January 15, 2025.

Jaime disappeared when he received the first reload.

Jaime Alberto Gonzales Beltran owes us $1000
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
01-28-2025 , 01:16 PM
SCAMMER ALERT: Francesco Parasiliti Parracello

- 2+2 screen name: NverFold

- Contact info:
Telegram: Tut4Maphia_1
Facebook: Francesco Parasiliti Parracello
Discord: Latest account: youaremyroll (How ironic we were indeed your roll Francesco).
Other nicks he goes by : Upswing Poker (UPswing_poker) / Tuta Maphia (Tut4Maphia_1).
Previous accounts deleted but frequently creates new ones.
Phone number : +393204455346

- Summary of the scam:
After posting on TwoPlusTwo proposing stacking services, we were approached by Francesco Parasiliti Parracello, who submitted fabricated poker graphs and claimed to have a vouch from Beppe, the founder of "Top1%Academy," a reputable Italian poker stable. We later discovered Francesco had created a fake Discord account impersonating Beppe to vouch for himself.

Initially, Francesco showed good results and was allowed frequent cashouts as an act of goodwill because he needed the money. However, his real (terrible) skill level became apparent as he went on a downswing. After several reloads, we demoted him to NL50. He agreed but soon after disappeared with our bankroll and the makeup he had accrued.

When contacted, Francesco first ghosted us. Later, he returned, admitted to losing our funds playing unauthorized stakes, apologized, and begged for a second chance. Against our better judgment, we gave him another opportunity. He quickly dropped more money, violated agreed-upon staking rules again, and then sent a final message saying he was quitting poker but would "pay back what he owed."

Shortly after, we found him soliciting new staking deals on TwoPlusTwo under a different pseudonym with the same fake graphs. When confronted, his attitude changed entirely. He admitted to the scam, stated he wouldn't repay anything, and threatened legal action if his picture was shared publicly.

We later contacted the real Beppe from "Top1%Academy," who confirmed that Francesco had been impersonating him. We apologize to Beppe and his team for having their reputation used in such a malicious way.

Amount scammed: $5116.
Full Name: Francesco Parasiliti Parracello
Nationality: Italian
Date of Birth: September 10, 1992 (Catania, Italy).
ID Number: CA68003NM

Here's an imgur with all the conversation's where he impersonates Beppe (and him finally admitting he did):

We implore you to NEVER WORK WITH FRANCESCO PARASILITI PARRACELLO. He is actively seeking staking opportunities and scamming new victims.

Non lavorate mai con FRANCESCO PARASILITI PARRACELLO. Sta attivamente cercando opportunità di staking e truffando nuove vittime. È un truffatore e un ladro.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 02-01-2025 at 10:23 PM. Reason: No IDs.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
02-01-2025 , 10:24 AM
* Name: Edson Arostegui

* Social Networks:
- Emails: /
- Phone: +51 953192614

* Other Nicknames: fishtankhero01 (GG)

* Discord: aec01012000
* Motivation: Peruvian player who took the entire bankroll and spent it in a casino. He said he would pay it back and even made a payment plan, but so far, no payments have been made.

* Amount scammed: $193.41

Last edited by carlettju; 02-01-2025 at 10:31 AM.
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
02-01-2025 , 10:27 AM
* Name: Danilo Santos

* PokerStars Nick: BandOficial

*Social Networks:
- Email:
- Phone: +55 73 99101-3728

* Other Nicknames: BandOficial (PartyPoker, WPN, 888), AllInLight (iPoker), BandBR (WPN)

* Discord: danilo_henrique
* Motivation: Brazilian player who, after finishing the contract and negotiating the payment plan, disappeared. He no longer responds to anyone and has not returned the bankroll.

* Amount Scammed: $927.14
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
02-02-2025 , 11:47 AM
Name: Charbel Kanterjian
Pokerstars: king bait
888: king_blade
Party Poker: IAMJACKKINGOFF / trickyequation
GGPoker: cry on the river / ben.dover / BAAAAAAAAAIT
Address: Canada
Skype: charbel.kanterjian1

We have worked with Charbel Kanterjian for over 8 years.

Charbel is Canadian, in 2022 he played some WSOP events in the US and had taxes withheld. We agreed that once the taxes were reimbursed by the IRS he'd pay us our share.

In March 2024 he finally got reimbursed by the IRS and paid us the majority of what he owed.

He claimed that our numbers were mistaken and offered to pay us $15,755 USD + $6,579 CAD, which we accepted.

9 months later he's only sent us $15,755 USD + $4,579 CAD

There's still $2k CAD that he owes us.

When we got in touch with him about this remaining $2k CAD he said:

"I have a clear conscience over are relationship I paid you a large amount of money and feel its time we both went our separate ways."

Charbel Kanterjian owes us CAD$2,000
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
02-02-2025 , 11:50 AM
Name: Moncef Karoui
Country: France

We started working with Moncef Karoui in October 2024.

After he won a event in Rozvadov, Moncef Karoui was asked to send funds back. He claimed that King's casino only allows withdrawals once a week.

He tried this excuse for 2 weeks and then Moncef Karoui disappeared and no longer responds to our attempts to contact him.

Additionally, Moncef Karoui was also seen playing roulette presumably with our funds.

Moncef Karoui misused €7,049.25 and owes us €21.1k with penalties.

We would strongly advise anyone from lending him any money, staking him or working with him in any way as he likely has a severe gambling problem
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
02-05-2025 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by TataSV
Name: Lungu Ovidiu

phone: +40 743 553 707
Telegram: @jajai13
Discord: Ovidiush

GGNetwork: Hard Computer
PokerStars: Ovidiush
WPN: Richrich001 Chanceux113

Debt: 15657.46$

The player stopped communicating.
The player returned the base balance.

For more information, please contact us on discord.
Discord: svsupport
**NEGATIVE Feedback Thread (for Marketplace and all Subforums)** Quote
