Stars: PrOKatana
Name: Ionut Alexandru Catana
Customer Id: 94027847 (Stars)
Basic gut-feeling I should have just went with - had a negative feedback on some romanian forum many years ago, but still fancied and still only had that had a bad gut feeling already - sometimes you shall actually got with your gut (especially in staking it seems). Shows, old-school-rule -> go with your gut!
Staked him for 300€ on Stars for O8 MTTs up to $11 /SNGs up to $5
Never updated properly, , played 10 games in 4 days despite saying he will do 500games/month.
Term is daily updates daily and the one day he played his numbers were also just made up)
Our last conversation:
PlzBeNice — heute um 00:30 Uhr
Mate sorry to ask this so early and I do not doubt you at all etc, but with new players I stake pls understand I am a little cautious
Would you mind sending me a screenshot of deposit of 300€ (on stars) and the roll on your stars account please?
Basically reason for me asking is for my own peace- you said 500Games/month and so far you played 10 games in 3 days, just for my own peace I'd appreciate that
If you had no time to play no worries at all, it's just obviously with new player I am obv. a little more catuious
Eg. if you could send ma one screenshot showing transaction history + roll (shown in lobby anyways) I will be very happy
PlzBeNice — heute um 02:09 Uhr
So you cannot show it to me or what is the problem? That you read the message can be seen
PlzBeNice — heute um 02:18 Uhr
I just mean if you ****ed up least you can do is be honest to me (this is at least my feeling) - you knew the terms and didnt report - first sign
500 games/month? you are so, so far from it
Then reading and ignoring my message, obv I cannot be anything else other than maybe paranoid
Next time your status changes (no matter if online or you go straight off, whatever) I will post it, jsut as notice, if there isnt an explaination (Bearbeitet)
PlzBeNice — heute um 02:27 Uhr
Tell me if I shall just post report, I have it all written already
I also know you read this already
Just a warning for now (I hope this clears up but I do not believe in it), DNS!!!!!
Also be cautious about if you stake anyone with Catana in surname ( I saw on FB there are loads, even in his city, so be aware)
Just goes to show staking people randomly over the internet (unless you are a stable, then you can afford the loss) outweights the gain). All you are left with is the disappointment in himanity, especially if the dude can't even come up with an excuse.
Last edited by ICrushSNGs22; 03-11-2022 at 09:48 PM.