Hi, person rage post my personal info, name, adress, photo of my ID day after stacking me $50. Not only on your site.. but others.. Like I said in this post... This person post my personal info after
1 day !!!!!!!! on internet and said I scammed him. After that he try blackmailing me , that he will still posting my personal info, scan of my ID everywhere if I will not pay him stacked
$50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and $50 more...
I Asking you to delete this post or delete my personal info. Its unfair you have 0 protection from people who just post someone personal info on internet and calling him scammer. I am EU citizen and I asking you to respect my GDPR rights.
For serveral years I sending you mails.. and site 2+2 just ignoring me.
Yo udidnt even deleted img of my ID card... I had to contact hosting of that img.
Thank you
EDIT: Yeah I forgot.. In skype communication he told me that he will pay people to find me... ra*e my mother until I will pay him back and more...
In his post he didnt even say that he stake $50... and than lie that I didnt even play single game...
Last edited by Bobo Fett; 09-04-2021 at 10:19 PM.
Reason: Removed personal info from quoted post, and link to site with more personal info.