2+2 - TomoDaK and ikillfatboys
skype - tomodak1
name - Thompson Sullivan, Tom Sullivan
nationality - American
Poker sns:
pokerstars - teh das
true poker (WPN) - k3lly cl4rks0n
black chip (WPN) - MononokeHime
intertops - TheHaunting
merge - TheFinalRiot
phone - (612) 875-0676 although doubt it is current or in service
facebook -
age - 27
address - believe he currently lives with his parents in Grand Marais, Minnesota. Formerly Edina or Minneapolis Minnesota.
kadomot@gmail.com and
Staked him for over 2 years. Communication and volume was never the best but he won some and figured he was trustworthy as have known him online for years and had some mutual friends. The past 6 months communication and volume became much worse than it had already been and there was always an excuse for each. Last heard from him almost 3 weeks ago (Jan 31). Sent numerous skype messages, called his phone a few times although i doubt it is still connected or in his name anymore. Has been seen on twitch a few times so I know hes not away from the computer etc.
MU is conveniently at an all time high + loans, the number is $11,508.94