Feedback on the longterm deal made between mddgfc and the biggest Polish stable:
The deal was made on 30.03.2014. According to the agreement, mddgfc was about to play O8 tournaments. In accordance with his wishes, we have let him to sell (on the 2+2 forum) separate stakes covering the single sessions (on Wedsndays and Sundays). He was supposed to play for us on all the other days. His deal was therefore the best one we have ever given to anybody - noone had such a possibility so far.
His makeup began pretty quickly and the bigger it grew, the more problems started to appear. We'll discribe now some of those.
The first bigger issue occured when he suddenly sold the separate SCOOP stake, without consulting it with us at all. It wouldn't be that much of a problem, if the package he sold didn't contain the tournaments he was obliged to play for us. We've made an instant intervention (few hours after he opened the thread with this staking), but mddgfc has completely ignored our suggestions regarding the possible ways of fixing this situation.
The next problem was his schedule. At the beginning he played regular daily sessions with the full schedule, but as the makeup increased, he started to replace the regular schedule with only the three most expensive and high-variance tournaments ($109, $55, $25 HT). We asked him several times to play for us the full schedule, as initially agreed, but he prefered to stick with those three most HV mtts. Funny thing is that he played even as low as $2.2 tourneys in those seperate stakes, whilst for us he didn't want to play $16.5 or $22 games. Interesting fact is that he has instantly resumed the normal schedule right after we had terminated the cooperation with him. It clearly shows that he didn't intend to honestly grind back the makeup - his intention was either to bink, or to increase the makup. Most likely he just didn't care at that point anymore, as he prefered to earn on his daily stakes (btw - pretty absurd ones - we'll describe it later on), instead of working on his huge makeup.
Obviously we didn't leave him with his downswing on his own, especially that the swing started to look suspiciously large. Firstly, our PLO8 coach offered him hh review in order to catch the possible leaks, but mddgfc has strongly refused, saying that he don't want to be exploited by this coach in the future. We've repeated our offer several times (explaining that this coach already has enough stats and reads to potentially exploit him), but he refused.
As the makeup was getting bigger and bigger, we've asked him not to play the most HV games, like $56 HT sats, but he didn't even want to hear about it. His only proposition was to play the wednesday $530 (one of the most difficult o8 mtts in the network) for us. Again - go big or go home, prolly sth like "if I bink - problem solved, if they finally get rid of me - problem solved as well" attitude.
In the last days of our collaboration he didn't want to fulfill our deal so strong that he even prefered not to play O8 at all - instead, he just started to sell the mix-packages with NLHE and PLO-high games.
To make things clear - we don't grumble because we've catched an unexpectedly large makeup. We have horses with bigger makeupes but all of them try to work their way out of that (coachings, schedule changes, etc). mddgfc has proven not care about his makeup at all. Instead, most likely, at some point (or even earlier?) he has just decided to get the makeup up to the point where we won't be able to accept it anymore and simply let the guy go with no consequences. Sadly, that's exactly what happened.
Our coach has been railling mddgfc's game several times and he has catched a lot of serious leaks (that was one of the reasons of asking for his HH's). The truth is that mddgfc used to be a winning player some time ago, but since then a lot in the O8 envoirement has changed and the games got tougher. mddgfc seem not to work on his game at all - instead, he prefers to earn on his "autoprofit stakings" (we'll explain that below). On top of the leaks we've spotted, mddgfc doesn't seem to care about some basic concepts, like the ICM for instance.
Since we've mentioned this issue several times already, we owe you a short explanation. Let us describe the daily staking he sell on the 2+2 forum.
First and foremost, vast majority of the packages he sell are freerolls. For example, he sell a package with 1.25 markup and "buys" only 20% of shares, which makes him profitable even before he runs the session - after he does, he additionally gets 20cents from each dollar he ships. Therefore, he earns (your) money even if the session's result is below zero. All the risk is yours, of course.
Speaking of markup - it's definitely disproportionate to his skills. Most of his profit comes from the past years, and as I said before, the O8 games became much harder recently. Let's have a look at his results at the Hi/Lo Omaha games from this year:
When it comes to the no limit holdem tourneys it's even worse - his lifetime results are the following:
but it doesn't stop him from charging the NLHE-packages with a markup of 1.18.
Think twice before you buy any shares from this guy. In our opinion, he couldn't care less about the backers interests.