As mentioned before, the contract that is void from day one, should indeed be looked at as a set of rules that function in a system of honour and trust.
In my previous post I wrote down some lawarticles in simple english, why the contract is void.
This is determined by European law. Which means anything agreed in the contract can not be enforced by law.
If pocarr still feels the contract IS legal (which I ensure u it is not) pocarr should take legal action against Marcin. Pocarr can do this to reach out to a lawyer that is specialized in backees local / european law, instead of blackmailing him with certain websites. The place where the trial would be held is in backees nearest court.
The websites are actually a completely different topic, and a violation of the law in each form weve seen. BOTH PARTIES DONT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE WEBSITE AND BREACHING THE (void) CONTRACT TERMS ARE TWO SEPERATE THINGS.
The website is a violation of the law in different ways:
- copying facebook images to use them outside of facebook and without permission of 1: the person in the picture and 2: the person who took the picture is a violation of backees portrait rights
- leaking personal details is strictly forbidden by European 'protection of personal data'- law and
Claiming that you didnt write anything untrue does not matter at all.
If backee has not been found guilty to 'stealing' or anything alike, you can't say such a thing about backee. Even if you commit murder on national television, you cant just call someone a murderer if he has not been condemned yet.
The trial will be solely based on facts:
- a contract is void, hasnt met legal terms and therefore has not existed
- certain sites have been made which leak private information with the
purpose of blackmailing
- the sites claim to be made by pocarr, and alex even says in this topic he
made it.
My opinion:
I dont think Marcin should walk away from this 24k make up like this, though there is no legal contract that binds him to pay anything.
Though i think Marcin and Pocarr should reach a reasonable amount to be payed in a reasonable timeframe. Marcin prob invested all his money in a house or something and cant pay all that money at once.
These sites are UNACCEPTABLE, even if backee did steal I find such a site unacceptable. Law clearly states you can't just leak his privacy data.
If marcin was a thief and found guilty to be a thief during a trial, leaking privacy data will still be forbidden.
If a site like this will not be taken down asap, I would look for a lawyer that will work on a NO CURE NO PAY term.
You can actually get a LOAD of money from wealthy people who did this. Getting a lawyer to do his job for a certain % of the money you might get.
No-one will take legal steps cause no-one of you knows how to do it. Parties are on the other side of the world and dont know which law applies.