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Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration

02-03-2014 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
It's your language that gives you away. An honest person wouldn't be making demands, they would be truly embarrassed having owed a debt this long. I understand that young people can get themselves in financial difficulties, but that does not mean that they can then expect everyone else around them to forget whats right.

Pay your debt, apologize and move on...
Tyler summed it up well 2 days ago. Most of this could have been avoided.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:20 AM
I still think RJ should be demodded, and I still consider her a friend. She's making pretty serious allegations about me about a small amount of money that I had of hers when BF happened. A lot of people just disappeared. The first thing RJ said to me was I was a scammer. She said that right after BF in fact, even before I got the check.

This just can't continue in your forum or it's just going to lose all credibility and no one will care about it anymore.

Her debt is good AFAIK, I might make a lump sum payment but I'll work out a min payment.

But, I'd like my sn back and market privileges back at the moment I make the first payment.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
I still think RJ should be demodded, and I still consider her a friend. She's making pretty serious allegations about me about a small amount of money that I had of hers when BF happened. A lot of people just disappeared. The first thing RJ said to me was I was a scammer. She said that right after BF in fact, even before I got the check.

This just can't continue in your forum or it's just going to lose all credibility and no one will care about it anymore.

Her debt is good AFAIK, I might make a lump sum payment but I'll work out a min payment.

But, I'd like my sn back and market privileges back at the moment I make the first payment.
i don't think it's reasonable you even have an account on this forum. you're a cancer
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:27 AM
But I can still go and be the best player at the table 99% of the time without this forum and you will lose another great player, just like most of the great players have gone out before me

and I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying that RJ is a tipping point in your forum, de mod her and get some good players to mod or it's not going to be relevant long
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
But I can still go and be the best player at the table 99% of the time without this forum and you will lose another great player, just like most of the great players have gone out before me

and I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying that RJ is a tipping point in your forum, de mod her and get some good players to mod or it's not going to be relevant long
ok cya

maybe we'll make a poll in a month asking how many people miss having unrealzeal on the forums and i bet it'll be decidedly against you
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by isuxatpokerbad
i don't think it's reasonable you even have an account on this forum. you're a cancer
do you want to take over responsibility for getting Sgt RJ paid if you take away a communication method for the two of them or insult jeff so that he flips and refuses to pay. Is it too much to hold your opinion until after full payment has been made.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
But RJ has a part in this too.

She never trusted me to pay her, even though after working with me, she should know I border on obsessive compulsive with the math. If it's one penny off it bothers me. There is no reason not to trust me because I'm not going anywhere and she knows it.

This is an unresolved issue, and she needs to trust me, and pass me on. I can't do biz in the poker community until her account is settled, so she should have let me play, and trust me to pay her.

She should always know my debts with her are good and take it for granted. I still think it's irresponsible to post me as a thief bc she knows me well enough to know I don't give a **** about the money.

I feel like this issue is holding me hostage from playing.
Now that you understand the money part of this, try, for once, to put yourself in her shoes. You've owed her over $900 for almost 3 years, or however long it's been. She certainly doesn't know that you're not going anywhere, or that she can trust you. You need to build that trust again.

As for "she should have let you play"; how's she stopping you? If you mean you need her to give you some kind of unequivocally positive reference, there's no way that could or should happen. But I bet if you set up a payment schedule and started to follow through, she'd be happy to tell prospective backers that you've done so.

I'm being pretty kind here - really, the thought that while all of this was outstanding, that she should have automatically trusted you to pay her is way beyond ridiculous. How could she trust you to pay her when you didn't do it for all this time, and refused to believe that you even owed the money. As I type this and think about it more, I'm increasingly flabbergasted at what you've said and am going to stop now before I say something...less complimentary.

Just get this looked after. You're not going to clean up your reputation overnight, but you've got to start somewhere. And of course it's the right thing to do.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
I still think RJ should be demodded, and I still consider her a friend. She's making pretty serious allegations about me about a small amount of money that I had of hers when BF happened. A lot of people just disappeared. The first thing RJ said to me was I was a scammer. She said that right after BF in fact, even before I got the check.

This just can't continue in your forum or it's just going to lose all credibility and no one will care about it anymore.

Her debt is good AFAIK, I might make a lump sum payment but I'll work out a min payment.

But, I'd like my sn back and market privileges back at the moment I make the first payment.
I er, um, wow. I typed my last post before I saw this. I'm...speechless. The audacity here is simply amazing.

Just stop. Pay her the money.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:39 AM
Wasn't expecting OP to admit his debts, that was a srs Shyamalan twist there.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:55 AM
I feel it best that I, for the most part, refrain from comment reference Jeff's recent....interesting ideas.

So I'll limit myself to these:

Words are wind.

With friends like these, who needs enemies.

I decline to participate in your version of reality.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
I think a very real consideration here has to be mental illness, seriously.
Jeff, you need help. If for nothing else to address your wild mood swings from aggression to contrition and back.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Jeff, you need help. If for nothing else to address your wild mood swings from aggression to contrition and back.
To infinity and beyond.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
But RJ has a part in this too.

She never trusted me to pay her, even though after working with me, she should know I border on obsessive compulsive with the math. If it's one penny off it bothers me. There is no reason not to trust me because I'm not going anywhere and she knows it.

This is an unresolved issue, and she needs to trust me, and pass me on. I can't do biz in the poker community until her account is settled, so she should have let me play, and trust me to pay her.

She should always know my debts with her are good and take it for granted. I still think it's irresponsible to post me as a thief bc she knows me well enough to know I don't give a **** about the money.

I feel like this issue is holding me hostage from playing.
Actions speak louder than words bro, and your needed actions to correct this are LONG overdue. Time to act and make it correct. The sooner you do, the sooner your reputation can be cleaned up.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by KeithMM
do you want to take over responsibility for getting Sgt RJ paid if you take away a communication method for the two of them or insult jeff so that he flips and refuses to pay. Is it too much to hold your opinion until after full payment has been made.
jeff will pay. jeff certainly doesn't deserve a way to get staked through this forum though after these shenanigans.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:43 PM
Another fine result to a creditor/debtor relationship.

Why don't people just play with their own money? If you must lend, get some collateral.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:53 PM
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:51 PM
I've told Nicole this and I'll tell you.

I have a screen shot of the original thread title and have saved every page of the thread.

If this thread isn't deleted by 12:00 midnight ET, I will be contacting a lawyer and will hold xx personally responsible for slander.

This is the last time I will log on as long as she is a mod.

Last edited by orange; 02-03-2014 at 06:59 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:12 PM
I don't know who the bigger nut is. Jeff or anyone who stakes him after this.

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-03-2014 at 04:12 PM. Reason: By the way, I think you mean libel.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
I don't know who the bigger nut is. .
Me n her are both nuts

just delete it

get new mods

im not in poker for the money

make me a mod for the marketplace, i got the mind for it, monetize it, get losers like RJ out who don't understand the math and stuff, hold them liable for what they say, adhere to protocols, it win-win
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:19 PM
There is no way this goes away just because you've agreed to pay. Nor should it go away just because you successfully make one or two payments. That's not how this works, imo.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:21 PM
your MP just needs more credibility and it's the only place to go, f these NVGtards,

just think I told bobo to take btc donations when they were 6 bux

MP is monetized by donation, it's win-win

you can keep your modship rusty don't worry, who cares about strat
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
make me a mod for the marketplace, i got the mind for it, monetize it, get losers like RJ out who don't understand the math and stuff, hold them liable for what they say, adhere to protocols, it win-win
Wait, what???

You claim for a couple of days that RJ doesn't understand the math and that you owe her nothing. Then you come to the understanding that actually you were wrong and she was right the entire time, but she sucks at math?

If you're trolling, go away. If you have a mental illness, seek some help. I'd like to present a third possibility, but for the life of me I have no idea what it would be.

Pay RJ the money and stop trolling.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
Me n her are both nuts

just delete it

get new mods

im not in poker for the money

make me a mod for the marketplace, i got the mind for it, monetize it, get losers like RJ out who don't understand the math and stuff, hold them liable for what they say, adhere to protocols, it win-win
So she's a loser? Was that before or after you asked to borrow money from her?

You, sir, are a boil on the butt of 2plus2.

Last edited by Doc T River; 02-03-2014 at 04:27 PM. Reason: The attorney should tell you that truth is the ultimate defense in a slander or libel case.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:32 PM
just think I told bobo to take btc donations when they were 6 bux
just before I got nuked by a non mod

but you are the only game in town so lets start dealing bobo, you are supposed to be the money man and make money

here is what I think about 2p2

it inherited it's position by sheer luck and nepotism and is now run solely by bad players, it starts at the top

but it still is the only game in town, so do if you want it to die you want poker to die,

this could be the #1 exchange, but why do it for nothing?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Jeff, you need help. If for nothing else to address your wild mood swings from aggression to contrition and back.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
