Originally Posted by dipandglide
We apologized for what he said, handled the situation internally, and deleted the politics chat after you made us aware of his comments. We all agreed he was wrong.
You did not apologize. Brian (BHO) apologized, and then both him and the other Brian (Bollywood/Boliver) walked it back within minutes. Then all three of you came on here, did not even acknowledge the blatant,
malicious racism and targeting (other than saying "he needled you") and proceeded to smear me and blame me, time and again.
A) BHO walking it back within minutes and blaming me. B) BHo claiming im looking for an argument. C) BHO claiming this were my decision. Yes it was my decision, AFTER, I spent countless hours dealing with a racist, who
maliciously targeted me and prevented me from playing (earning money for myself and for you guys). You even acknowledge that I came to you SEVERAL times about Jeremy. D) Bolly making excuses. E) I took the onus for my part.
But as bosses it was your choice to CONTINUALLY ignore what I was saying in favor of your friend. I tried to move forward. He did not.
Bolly Quote, "While I feel the need to defend Jeremy against your slander and attacks of calling him a Nazi, racist, and accusing him of stolen valor
- this would be posting more screenshots of you being completely out of line and downright mean. Just give it up man, and move on."
https://gyazo.com/047f41e04affde62cf30bed2e1af8bce **
Why do you feel the "need" to defend Jeremy, when it is obvious he is a racist and he thinks some people are, and I quote "Of lower IQ and have **** hygeine" and he
hopes sarcastically that this doesnt happen??:
And yet, I am the one who is, "downright mean." Cmon now, I think you guys should give it up.
Rama quoted "2) Racist comments: Yes, the accountant (Jeremy) it's known for his racist comments/jokes."
"The last year has been quite a weird year for many especially those still living in the US. No issues outside of this situation was brought to our attention
,but it’s very plausible that other things are taking place right now in Jesse’s life and we respect that."
Chance's first post, which 1. Shared my full name, knowingly violating 2p2's terms that anonymity is required and a post to crime that I did not even committ, while claiming
I did, to sway everyone's opinion.
Originally Posted by dipandglide
You yourself seemed rational once you got control of your emotions
With all the lies you have told, am I the irrational one? You guys were tilted and you came on here to smear me. I am not smearing you. I am exposing you for how you treat people.
https://gyazo.com/52c7afd3941261bc7e3a4a5289e203ca (Bolly quote about how he thinks some people have stupid genes) From within another posts where he blames me for being "mean," and calims he "feels the need" to defend his friend from "slander"
They are not being slandered here. I am.
Originally Posted by dipandglide
Fast forward one day later to the Christmas message you left Jeremy. Is this your idea of professionalism? I see an antagonizer.
Blame blame blame. Deflect deflect deflect.
Originally Posted by dipandglide
Here you are a couple of days later FINALLY trying to put a period on this. You even apologize for your dealings in the situation and admit wrongdoings.
As stated previously, within this own thread, I apologized to keep things moving along, to keep things professional, so that the guy wouldn't hold things against me. You and him and others
can make excuse after excuse for him, but does anyone honestly believe that someone who thinks that immigrants are this, really buy into the fact that he was professional at ANY time?
https://gyazo.com/047f41e04affde62cf30bed2e1af8bce ** (Same screen as asteriks above)
Originally Posted by dipandglide
Jesse, you conveniently got topped up right before you left our chats and posted this smear campaign.
Originally Posted by dipandglide
We would like our money to be paid back asap.
A) Oh wow, what an indictment! I finally got topped up, after not playing for a couple weeks. 1. Due to it being a Christmas vacation and 2. Due to avoiding the Nazi who liked to play games, made it an extremely
uncomfortable situation in my many dealings with him, and prevented me from playing.
B) And they wished to sweep this under the rug so many times, they were even willing to do the wrong thing and lie about it, time and again. So, they came on here and wished to get as many people as possible with them to smear me, erroneously, and in any fashion they saw fit, to get this done and over with and get "their" money back asap.
This is why they apologized to me, but
onlyafter I told them I was going public, while disregarding my
repetitive attempts. But then, they came on here and not once has there been an apology. There has been blame, hate, and tilt filled raged at me for telling the truth.
Originally Posted by dipandglide
Chapter closed in my book.
I don't think so. There are some things you need to do, and unfortunately I believe it is too late for that, because:
1. You have not come out here and publicly apoligized
2. Instead, you came out here and actually "smeared" me, by
A) Claiming I was lying about going to prison and making fun of a crime I didn't even committ, by falsely claiming I did committ it. (Do you guys see the games these guys play?)
B) Blamed me
C) Avoided all talk about the obvious racism and unscrupulous connections you have with him.
Rama quoted, "In this case, instead of focusing on the things that Jeremy and I disagree on, I choose to keep the chat light and focus on the stuff we do share, such as music, movies or TV Shows."
Which, is exactly what I do and did as a libertarian, but it was only up until the point where it:
https://gyazo.com/e0a97df6f3fb572428db8563f93ec828 Quote from myself, in my message to the bosses around Dec 23rd. And this is the crux of the situation. Jeremy infringed upon my time and earning potential.
And I repetitively told the bosses about this. They have even acknowledged this here, even if they want to lie about it later.
I even made excuses for the man, coming from a military family and understanding people
who are TRULY racists have issues, with which needed to be dealt. However, there came a point in time where too much time had been wasted, too much disrespect for myself (and for themselves) had happened, and enough was enough.
Quote/SS from "derp" who sees through your deflection. "It is truly astonishing the number of 2p2'ers criticizing OP for theft, while completely ignoring the racist hate coming from that stable . Just another reason I find myself visiting 2p2 less and less."
Does anyone who is reading this, now see how my time was wasted and why I am charging the Nazi gang for my time? As much as I do like to make Ayn Rand proud up in Heaven, (Bless her soul) and like to set reality straight,
I do not like to deal with negative people or negative topics ad nauseum. I'd much rather spend my time doing other things.
With that being said; I have issued my demands, stipulations, offers, (whatever you would like to call them), but I highly doubt they will be accepted. They are as follows:
1. Each of you will issue an apology on YouTube and it will be linked here and on Reddit and Craiglist or any other forum I see fit to post. I will word the content for you. You do not have to show your faces,
and I will even allow you to stay anonymous.
2. Each of you will do 10 hours of community service in your communities. BHO can do his in, whichever way he sees fit, as well as Rama. Bollywood, Chance, and Jeremy will both do theirs in the hispanic communities
of their choosing. But videos will need to be uploaded, as proof. Jeremy will do 20 hours. Additionally, he will donate a months worth of food to 3 families in Tijuana.
3. Then he can continue working with you guys, after this has been done.
4. You will pay me for my time and earning potential, which you have wasted. If you do this, then all makeup will be paid, IF I continue to play poker or WHEN I continue to play poker.
5. I will make donations to communities for all races and I will upload SS's and videos to serve as proof.
**Forgot this one:
6. You will ask for all the posts blaming me and smearing me to be deleted. Additionally, you will not continue your smear campaign at any time or makeup money will not be sent back to you and will instead be donated within my community, or any community I happen to be in.
This will close the chapter for you and clear you of your wrong doing.
Last edited by mamelas; 01-13-2021 at 06:54 PM.
Reason: General editing and mixed up links and I forgot 1 thing