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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

03-28-2016 , 07:58 AM
afaik this blog post is the only place Stars announced the rake increases. If there was a post by a Stars rep anywhere on 2+2 with more detail, I missed it. I'm aware that some players received an email, but I certainly didn't.

The blog post makes no mention of an increase in SNG rake. Many if not all of the rake increases have been deceptively slipped in under the radar and the vast majority of players will be unaware of the changes. The sneaky trick with the $5.10 hypers is a particularly egregious example, and there's a good chance the regulator will be unhappy with such underhand methods of "communicating" their price rises.

I'm going to fire off an email to outlining my concerns about misleading pricing information. It'll take me a while to gather info so if anyone has any useful screenshots or links please feel free to PM me.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:15 AM
Besides that blog, this is all we knew until today:

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Hey all,

I'd like to provide a bit more information regarding the upcoming changes.

On Monday the 28th, we'll begin raking all rebuy tournaments.
  • All hyper-turbo rebuys will be raked at 5%.
  • All regular speed rebuys will be raked at 10% until the $33 level. At that point a small discount is applied.
  • All turbo speed rebuys will be raked at 10% until the $22 level. At that point a small discount is applied.

On Monday the 28th, hyper-turbo rake will be increased to 5%. At the same time, we'll be introducing new structures to our scheduled hyper-turbo tournaments. These structures will provide a bit more play than our current offering. As stated above, they will start on the 28th, but will be in the lobby beginning Friday or Saturday.

New pay table
The new pay table has been introduced into all Big/Hot tournaments and many other daily tournaments. In the future, we'll be creating and implementing more pay tables. The goal is and has been from the start to lower the disparity in payouts at the final table, pay more players, and reduce the overall amount of money at the final table by a nominal amount.

It is worth noting that the overall implementation will be more nuanced than this first iteration. A 6-max $1,050 tournament will not have a 16.6% pay table. Many pay tables will be created to suit different player bases.

We believe this change is a way to maintain our current guarantees and prize pools, in part by encouraging recreational players to play more scheduled tournaments because they will win more often. This is a long-term play and will be rolled out over the coming months.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:13 AM
This is just absolutely unbelievable.

Increasing rake in extra games without giving any notice to players is just daylight robbery. I never got the original email stating the rake had been increased in other games let alone this increase in the 180s. I spoke to a couple of friends with PokerStars accounts who also never got an email.

Luke, why wasn't the 180s rake increase addressed in your original post, the companies corporate blog address et al? Why didn't I, or my friends receive an email about the original rake increases in both rebuy tournaments and Hyper Turbo tournaments? Why have you been in hiding in the last few weeks? If you are going to be a representative of PokerStars you need to be able to do your job in good times and in bad times.

Time to pull up those big boy pants now, don't you think?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
afaik this blog post is the only place Stars announced the rake increases. If there was a post by a Stars rep anywhere on 2+2 with more detail, I missed it. I'm aware that some players received an email, but I certainly didn't.

The blog post makes no mention of an increase in SNG rake. Many if not all of the rake increases have been deceptively slipped in under the radar and the vast majority of players will be unaware of the changes. The sneaky trick with the $5.10 hypers is a particularly egregious example, and there's a good chance the regulator will be unhappy with such underhand methods of "communicating" their price rises.

I'm going to fire off an email to outlining my concerns about misleading pricing information. It'll take me a while to gather info so if anyone has any useful screenshots or links please feel free to PM me.
Hey bud,

Once you written said email can you please leave the template here so that I and others can send the same message across. Might have more of an affect with numbers behind....
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
afaik this blog post is the only place Stars announced the rake increases. If there was a post by a Stars rep anywhere on 2+2 with more detail, I missed it. I'm aware that some players received an email, but I certainly didn't.

The blog post makes no mention of an increase in SNG rake. Many if not all of the rake increases have been deceptively slipped in under the radar and the vast majority of players will be unaware of the changes. The sneaky trick with the $5.10 hypers is a particularly egregious example, and there's a good chance the regulator will be unhappy with such underhand methods of "communicating" their price rises.

I'm going to fire off an email to outlining my concerns about misleading pricing information. It'll take me a while to gather info so if anyone has any useful screenshots or links please feel free to PM me.
Yeah honestly, the increase in rake didn't annoy me at all. I just moved my money onto other sites and will play less on stars.

The way it has been done is pretty shady and likely something that the gambling commision will be concerned about. I never received an email, the only reason I know is because of 2+2. I think they are in danger of just pissing off a lot of rec players, who likely have no idea of the price increase.

Also would be good idea like the other poster said, to post the template so more people can send the email.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:37 AM
PokerStars has taken a sample of one million ring game hands that were played on PokerStars from January 8, 2016 to March 7, 2016, and applied the rake schedule of several online poker operators to that selection of real data.

The above chart demonstrates the comparative level of rake that would be taken by PokerStars if we used the cash game rake structures of other sites (instead of our own).
how does this graph even work lol. what is up with the x axis being labelled as "stakes (0.02/0.05)-($5/$10)" but all that is displayed on the x-axis is a bunch of competitors?

All I can think of is that the 1 million hands were all played at these exact stakes, but it sure is a strange way to display that.

It's also made very clear in the title of the graph that these 1 million hands include an undisclosed ratio of NLHE and PLO hands. you could easily manipulate this sample by changing that ratio.

also why is "pokerstars old" intentionally left off the graph? probably because it would appear so low on the graph we would all vomit.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:44 AM
warning to all: $2 and $8 180s seem to have higher rake today which was not advertised anywhere
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:51 AM
lloool new lows being set everyday
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:51 AM
wow this ****ing insane
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 09:54 AM
end is nigh
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:01 AM
Clearly this is just a poorly run business. They show pathetic graphs and dont even understand what information they are portraying. The funny thing is they tried this before. They think because x players play this game if we raise the rake x amount they will make x amount more but what they dont understand is they are clearly going to destroy certain games, so the amount they would of raked is actaully at stone 0. The amount of deception is so unreal disgusting. They try to spin it off they care about the ecosystem and actually care about poker when thats far from the truth. Wow.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:03 AM
sorry to say it, but leaving buy-ins identical on these formats(2s, 8s) and increasing the rake relative to buy-in without any notice, while simultaneously doing the exact same change to a bunch of other games (rebuys, hypers) with crappy 1 week notice.

it's entering scam territory for me.

not sure how else to say it.

anybody who registers these games with increased rake that was not warned about it being increased is being scammed.

Last edited by Asjbaaaf; 03-28-2016 at 10:27 AM. Reason: aimed @ stars , not @ luke
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:06 AM
lol what a joke
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
sorry to say it, but leaving buy-ins identical on these formats(2s, 8s) and increasing the rake relative to buy-in without any notice, while simultaneously doing the exact same change to a bunch of other games (rebuys, hypers) with crappy 1 week notice.

it's entering scam territory for me. not sure how else to say it.

everybody who registers these games with increased rake that was not warned about it being increased is being scammed.
98% of players didn't receive any kind of notice.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:10 AM
jep, 7$ 45s and 8$ 180s raked differently, without any public notice or eMail to grinders, in the lobby they are still marked as 7s and 8s without notice of rake/buy in relation. (like in hypers f.e.)
for stakes below I don't know the previous rake.

***** joke amaya.

"we are poker"

e: 10k games 45/180s, no notice
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
sorry to say it, but leaving buy-ins identical on these formats(2s, 8s) and increasing the rake relative to buy-in without any notice, while simultaneously doing the exact same change to a bunch of other games (rebuys, hypers) with crappy 1 week notice.

it's entering scam territory for me. not sure how else to say it.

everybody who registers these games with increased rake that was not warned about it being increased is being scammed.
At the very least Stars have communicated the rake increases poorly, and I believe it's reasonable to argue that they've displayed misleading information, which is good grounds for a complaint to the UKGC.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:13 AM
i really do hope you were serious about this

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
I'm going to fire off an email to outlining my concerns about misleading pricing information. It'll take me a while to gather info so if anyone has any useful screenshots or links please feel free to PM me.
edit: do it

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
At the very least Stars have communicated the rake increases poorly, and I believe it's reasonable to argue that they've displayed misleading information, which is good grounds for a complaint to the UKGC.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
i really do hope you were serious about this

edit: do it
yeah absolutely. I'm a little busy over the next few days but I will find time to draft a complaint with basic information. My main concerns are the failure to communicate the increases clearly to all customers, and the deceptive nature of containing the increased rake within the same total buyins displayed in the lobby, eg the $5.10 hypers and the $4.50 SNGs.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:20 AM
for some reason, people are still firing up rebuys and hypers and 180mans, and i`m referring to guys who probably read this thread...
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Hi all,

I’ll be using this thread in 2016 to primarily discuss our main tournament schedule, but also anything else PokerStars tournament related you’d like to kick around.
Well, the rake is surely related to us customers. You've declined to discuss the rake but you're former grinder and must understand that these developments have consequences for the general customer of Pokerstars.

At least, can you tell us which Pokerstars employee we can have a conversation about rake in general.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:37 AM
Just an FYI I don't know how you guys could possibility be this upset or shocked or saying its borderline scam.

They outright stole 1+ year of work from hundreds. Revoking SNE is 100000x more theft then not posting about rake changesor pricings. Theylitterly outright stole from people there.

I just don't see how u guys are more suprised or even wasting breath over this with an email about that. You should be emailing for SNE because that was actually a scam.

Them not posting about rakechanges and being idiots with their schedule is just bad business and running a company very poorly.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:47 AM
only reason im going to Fire 2 buck 180s all night long is too kill the ecosystem

Last edited by 26sk8er; 03-28-2016 at 10:49 AM. Reason: im kinda joking but yeah its all **** now, who cares really, lets just rape the Fish while it lasts
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:50 AM
8max center seat for feck's sake

it's the least you can do
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:04 AM
$5 and $10 90man PKO sngs rake has been increased as well

nice touch keeping the lobby looking the same to not ruffle any feathers. $5 hypers are still $5.1 but instead of 5 + .1 its 4.86 + .24
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Rx_
nice touch keeping the lobby looking the same to not ruffle any feathers. $5 hypers are still $5.1 but instead of 5 + .1 its 4.86 + .24
I mean, this is just indefensible.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
