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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

01-26-2018 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by UPAY4DINNER
I get the feeling that the Late Registration for certain Omaha tournaments might be too long (Long enough to allow late reggers get ITM via stalling)

I was playing the $16.50 PKO Omaha that starts at 19:39 UK time and had a player join the table in the last minute and stall his way to a mincash! Happy days for him and his $2 profit!

I do not know if this is something similar to the situation in the Bigs a few months back but I guess it is something you could look into.
Why u are complaining about free chips and a guy whos risking 16.50 to get 2$ profit ?!?!?I was stalling last year in some zoom tourneys and omaha sometimes but omaha tourneys was not worth it for sure and zoom are allready with 10 min less registration period....
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-26-2018 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by Mimicry
Why u are complaining about free chips and a guy whos risking 16.50 to get 2$ profit ?!?!?I was stalling last year in some zoom tourneys and omaha sometimes but omaha tourneys was not worth it for sure and zoom are allready with 10 min less registration period....
To stop *******s like you from ruining the integrity of the games via stalling etc.

Pretty self-explanatory really.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-26-2018 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mimicry
Why u are complaining about free chips and a guy whos risking 16.50 to get 2$ profit ?!?!?I was stalling last year in some zoom tourneys and omaha sometimes but omaha tourneys was not worth it for sure and zoom are allready with 10 min less registration period....
These guys aren't doing it because it's -EV, they're taking money out of the prizepool. You should be upset.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Mimicry
Why u are complaining about free chips and a guy whos risking 16.50 to get 2$ profit ?!?!?I was stalling last year in some zoom tourneys and omaha sometimes but omaha tourneys was not worth it for sure and zoom are allready with 10 min less registration period....
Stop stalling for your own selfish gain. Especially in zoom tournaments ! Poker isn’t all about ur 2$ ev. Some people genuinely enjoy playing the game and stalling nits are continuing to ruin that experience online and live. That’s why he’s complaining.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Transcendence
Stop stalling for your own selfish gain. Especially in zoom tournaments ! Poker isn’t all about ur 2$ ev. Some people genuinely enjoy playing the game and stalling nits are continuing to ruin that experience online and live. That’s why he’s complaining.

Tell that to the winner of PCA.Also i always stall when im near the money as all people with brain DO if u watch twitch....And most of the time with late reg the people if they finish in the money get the minimum i have some FT on last sec late reg but it is very unlikely.Why u still talking zoom are fixed allready and isnt the players fault that they stalk,they will do whatever they want if it is in the rules.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 07:31 AM

The Steps STT's have totally disappeared?
Are there plans for them to return?

Please let me know as it determines how I use the tickets I have.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 08:12 AM
Stalling shold be seen as a legitimate tournament strategy and the shot clocks should be adjusted accordingly. Decrease the available time instead of critizing players that take advantage of the time allocated to them.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 11:14 AM
Since it doesnt look like Stars wants to merge the $7 45mans and the $8 180mans into Demands, thoughts on merging the 45mans and 18mans into 27mans?

- Traffic for the 45mans is really bad, even at peak times for the $7s especially

- I think 27mans would attract more players, i don't think players love having to play such a high ICM heavy game; having to fold all the way down to 2 big blinds all the time

- Players can win a more meaningful amount rather than just up to 6 buyins which would incentive them to play more

- They will have breaks every hour so which makes them more compatible with the overall online tournament experience thus should further increase volume
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Aces123123
Stalling shold be seen as a legitimate tournament strategy and the shot clocks should be adjusted accordingly. Decrease the available time instead of critizing players that take advantage of the time allocated to them.
Stalling is not the problem, or at least not the problem I was referring to. My issue is that one person purposely late registered the tournament with the sole intention stalling every decision until walking into a min-cash.

That is an option that should not be available.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by Danshiel350

The Steps STT's have totally disappeared?
Are there plans for them to return?

Please let me know as it determines how I use the tickets I have.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-27-2018 , 07:31 PM
dont kill 18man, dude
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-28-2018 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by UPAY4DINNER
Stalling is not the problem, or at least not the problem I was referring to. My issue is that one person purposely late registered the tournament with the sole intention stalling every decision until walking into a min-cash.

That is an option that should not be available.
Yeah I was replying to Transcendence but too lazy to use the reply button Still I think your problem should selfcorrect if it is a major problem. If late registering is a major moenymaker everyone will do it until only fishes register for the start of the tournament.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-28-2018 , 06:50 AM
I will also add that I am not an advocate for late registering at all. It is fine for the first 10 minutes, but no more. I think it detracts from the recs experience. Say that he doubles up early and see a couple of busts out. Maybe this time his stack will be enough for a min cash?

Oh wait here comes 20 more player late registering..
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-28-2018 , 02:53 PM
+1 on the late reg in plo mtts, esp KO ones, it is significantly too long and makes for annoying experience. 11$ 5 card plo PKO from 19:04 sometimes even goes to bubble before end of late reg is reached (which ends late reg, but is still annoying)
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-28-2018 , 03:18 PM
Some of us have to late reg unless we want to start playing the mini marathon at 3:30am
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-28-2018 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
As discussed a couple times, we don't plan on altering the pink satellites or branded tournaments in the near term.

What do you think about Hyper-Turbo 6-Max Progressive Total KO as a part of the normal schedule?
I kinda like it, but most players I know dont, guess the mix 50/50(ko/prize) is the way to go
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-29-2018 , 03:49 AM
What happens to players that win subsequent sats into the SM anniversary? Do you get $T money or just tickets to future $215 events?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-29-2018 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by cleisonmp
I kinda like it, but most players I know dont, guess the mix 50/50(ko/prize) is the way to go
Either way more Hyper PKOs.. if 50/50 , 25/75 or 0/100.. just MOAR!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-29-2018 , 10:19 AM
Add more hyper KO 50/50 and regular hypers 1.1-5.5 range please they fill up and they are fun and recs like it .I think 11$ 8max hyper for night CET schedule will be very good and populated cuz we dont have like it theres only 16.5$ in the morning and midnight .....
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-29-2018 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerBot
Since it doesnt look like Stars wants to merge the $7 45mans and the $8 180mans into Demands, thoughts on merging the 45mans and 18mans into 27mans?

- Traffic for the 45mans is really bad, even at peak times for the $7s especially

- I think 27mans would attract more players, i don't think players love having to play such a high ICM heavy game; having to fold all the way down to 2 big blinds all the time

- Players can win a more meaningful amount rather than just up to 6 buyins which would incentive them to play more

- They will have breaks every hour so which makes them more compatible with the overall online tournament experience thus should further increase volume
Agree with everything.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-30-2018 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerBot
Since it doesnt look like Stars wants to merge the $7 45mans and the $8 180mans into Demands, thoughts on merging the 45mans and 18mans into 27mans?

- Traffic for the 45mans is really bad, even at peak times for the $7s especially

- I think 27mans would attract more players, i don't think players love having to play such a high ICM heavy game; having to fold all the way down to 2 big blinds all the time

- Players can win a more meaningful amount rather than just up to 6 buyins which would incentive them to play more

- They will have breaks every hour so which makes them more compatible with the overall online tournament experience thus should further increase volume
If you don't like this format-don't play it.Why do you want 18 man sng's dead?
15$ 27-180 have 16-17% paytable with 17-18$ mincash.(out of 80 13 people cash)
To be a good sng 9 or 10 must cash.
18 man SNG have enough traffic by themselves to be merged(killed) yet.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-31-2018 , 10:59 AM
- I understand what you are saying but i am kind of looking at the MT-SNGS as a whole

- Why players love 18mans ill never know; they suck IMO, with a severely capped ROI/Hourly playing them, only breaks every other hour etc. Where 27mans or even small filed On Demands (which they would be at off peak times) would only last around 30 minutes more, void the downsides of 18Mans why also giving plays a chance to win a meaningful amount. I don't think recreational players really like playing 18mans either; its just that there is nothing else running after 10pm so they have no choice, which is massively different than them liking them in the first place. And if they don't particularly like the format/style of game available then eventually they wont bother playing it at all which hurts us all

- The $15 Demands that run nicely at peak times become dead by 10pm or so as are the $3 180 Rebuys. 45 mans run very poorly even at peak times and after like 10pm the $7 are completely dead so i would love to see them merged into the $8 180mans Demands but that isnt happened which is why i suggested merging into 27Mans

- I just think we need to consolidate some of the games/buyins to ensure a consistent flow of games more or less around the clock (obviously 4am-2pm ROW time SNGS will be semi dead and there not much that can be done about that but if we merge some levels/games then we can make all hours outside of that time frame nice and busy instead of only thriving between exactly 6pm-10pm
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-31-2018 , 01:19 PM
Hey all,

Just grinding away, but wanted to remind you that both the Sunday Million AND Sunday Storm Anniversary tournaments are this Sunday! I miss playing on days like this...

Originally Posted by travisohc
not sure how the exact development is but the Big162 (around 2pm european time) is heavily struggling. On Monday it got cancelled and to be honest, a 8k guarantee wont change things. Add one 11$ Deep Sat with 5 Seats gtd or reduce its buyin to a Big82 15k gtd. Now its just not worth it.

Monday 215 6max sats keep struggling and especially the Deep ones get cancelled almost every week. Think you should consider making at least some of them in 9max format and see if attendence goes up. I never really understood why Sats have to be played out in the same format as the target event without exception.
Also increase gtd of the Mega and Deadline Sats
You're right about the Big $162. We'll take a look as soon as we can, likely after the launch of Turbo Series.

I'm of the opinion that Monday 6-Max sats will struggle no matter what we do, simply because they're early on a Monday. I don't think that changing them to 9-Max would be a solution and it would also cause some general confusion.

Originally Posted by 7OAD
Sounds good, I don't mind a longer tourny, but if you're barely playing for 100 BIs up top, it's just not worth it IMO, that or make the buyin bigger.

How have the tournies I suggested gone for you guys from your perspective, i.e:
The PLO PKO at 12
The rebuys in the 820 PKO zoom
HU at 930

From where I sit, they've done very very well so far and only been getting better, but I'd love to get someone's thoughts whose livelihood (although not directly tied to those tournaments per se) is effected by their performance.
If I'm being completely honest, when it comes to a handful of micro-stakes tournaments, my opinion of them won't be all that nuanced unless I think they're indicative of some other trend (growing or waning interest in the game). In this case, the numbers are going up, so the guarantees will follow.

Originally Posted by UPAY4DINNER
I get the feeling that the Late Registration for certain Omaha tournaments might be too long (Long enough to allow late reggers get ITM via stalling)

I was playing the $16.50 PKO Omaha that starts at 19:39 UK time and had a player join the table in the last minute and stall his way to a mincash! Happy days for him and his $2 profit!

I do not know if this is something similar to the situation in the Bigs a few months back but I guess it is something you could look into.
All PLO Progressive KO tournaments with two hours of late registration now have 1h45m of late registration. This was implemented Monday but not communicated here. If you think this is happening elsewhere, please let me know!

Originally Posted by Danshiel350

The Steps STT's have totally disappeared?
Are there plans for them to return?

Please let me know as it determines how I use the tickets I have.
Steps tournaments have indeed been removed and won't return. As for your tickets, they can be used in scheduled tournaments now, but any unused tickets will automatically be exchanged for T$ in the not so distant future. Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA for this.

Originally Posted by ThePokerBot
Since it doesnt look like Stars wants to merge the $7 45mans and the $8 180mans into Demands, thoughts on merging the 45mans and 18mans into 27mans?

- Traffic for the 45mans is really bad, even at peak times for the $7s especially

- I think 27mans would attract more players, i don't think players love having to play such a high ICM heavy game; having to fold all the way down to 2 big blinds all the time

- Players can win a more meaningful amount rather than just up to 6 buyins which would incentive them to play more

- They will have breaks every hour so which makes them more compatible with the overall online tournament experience thus should further increase volume
I've passed this feedback onto our Sit & Go manager, thanks.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
What happens to players that win subsequent sats into the SM anniversary? Do you get $T money or just tickets to future $215 events?
Multi-seat winners will be forced to play their first seat and will receive T$ for any subsequent wins.

Originally Posted by icho90
Either way more Hyper PKOs.. if 50/50 , 25/75 or 0/100.. just MOAR!
Feedback noted.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-31-2018 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ThePokerBot
- The $15 Demands that run nicely at peak times become dead by 10pm or so as are the $3 180 Rebuys. 45 mans run very poorly even at peak times and after like 10pm the $7 are completely dead so i would love to see them merged into the $8 180mans Demands but that isnt happened which is why i suggested merging into 27Mans

- I just think we need to consolidate some of the games/buyins to ensure a consistent flow of games more or less around the clock (obviously 4am-2pm ROW time SNGS will be semi dead and there not much that can be done about that but if we merge some levels/games then we can make all hours outside of that time frame nice and busy instead of only thriving between exactly 6pm-10pm
The question is if around the clock can be sustained. I dont know how the $15 demands are but in the $4.5 regular speed the amount of regs who make 1-3$/game since the beginning of 2017(all 4.5$ 180s included before on demands started) is huge. Stars might have more data but I dont think that recreational money lasts very long. You have regularly reg-only tables once you get down to the last 2-3 tables. Thats not what sites want to see nowadays.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
01-31-2018 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Hey all,

You're right about the Big $162. We'll take a look as soon as we can, likely after the launch of Turbo Series.
I like the idea of changing Big162 to Big82, but please don't remove early one.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
