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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

08-09-2016 , 03:26 PM
I like the idea of swapping double deuce with Mini million would make a lot more sense to start longer tourney earlier and turbo tourney bit later,
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-09-2016 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by rotisseur
give us a mini warmup 1 hour before actual warmup @ 0400pm CET , put the b22 back to 6pm CET where it already was, and set mini mill to 7pm CET ( 1hr before actual mill ) . none of these will suffer i promise, actually i believe some low-mid clickers in the americas might start their sunday session earlier therefore which would even have a positive impact on the b44/h33

fwiw , the double deuce would have made way more sense in the mini mill timeslot. fail to understand why a 22 major turbo should start earlier than two major 22 regspeeds
give this man a medal

PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-09-2016 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Originally Posted by GTXR1
Why is the Late Reg of the FL Omania High Roller only 3h (opposed to 3:45h in PL/NL)?

NL/PL games registration ends with ~8bb while FL ends with ~17bb (big blinds, not big bets). In Limit a shorter stack still gives you more options, plus the late reg shortstacking play is not as disruptive as in the PL/NL variants.
So the Late Reg period should rather be longer but definitely not shorter than in PL/NL games. This tournament misses out on late-/re-entries big time, which unfortunately affects the prize pool quite significantly.

Please fix.
Increased by 30 minutes. GL!
Thanks Luke, but... this is still not even close to the other Omania High Rollers:

PL/NL closes late reg with 400/800 (I forgot to substract the breaks in the post above). According to Pokerstars 8-game structure 1 big blind (PL/NL) equals 4 big bets (FL). To comply with this structure the Limit Omania High Roller should close its doors at 1200/2400 big bets (4x800).

This means late reg should be available for 4:15h (currently 3:30h only).
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-09-2016 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by rotisseur
give us a mini warmup 1 hour before actual warmup @ 0400pm CET , put the b22 back to 6pm CET where it already was, and set mini mill to 7pm CET ( 1hr before actual mill ) . none of these will suffer i promise, actually i believe some low-mid clickers in the americas might start their sunday session earlier therefore which would even have a positive impact on the b44/h33

fwiw , the double deuce would have made way more sense in the mini mill timeslot. fail to understand why a 22 major turbo should start earlier than two major 22 regspeeds
This just seems like a slamdunk. Mini WU would blowup, especially as the offering of low-midstakes MTTs between the B27 and B22 is pretty limited and especially noticeable on Sunday's.

Earlier starting time for the mini-milly would almost definitely increase participation. I've skipped it numerous times as I just don't wanna be stuck 1 tabling it for 8hrs, whereas if it starts a bit earlier, I skip it 0% and I imagine a lot of Europeans are in the same boat.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-09-2016 , 08:24 PM
Luke - please grow the mid stakes NL offerings. $22-$55 NL tourneys are very popular and have room to grow.

There is definitely room for a sizeable GTD tournament between the Big 22 and the Hot 55. The $22 4k GTD that starts 10 mins after the Big 55 would do well to have its guarantee increased. It always smashes the guarantee, it could easily be a 10k+ (probably 15-20k like the old schedules $22 that was around the same time) and thrive.

Also, the 11$ 5k that starts 45 minutes after the big 11 always smashes the guarantee as well. In the old schedule there was an 11$ 10k that did very well and this tourney could do very well as a 10k.

Thank you for considering these changes.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-10-2016 , 01:13 AM
I agree with possibly swapping the 22deuce and sunday mini milly, would make sense with the long reg on mini mil, i often sleep in and wakeup when deuce is almost done late reg making it not worth playing, whereas the mini mil i have to sometimes question if i want to play if my session has been a dud and i've busto'd a lot of the early normal tournies like storm / big 11 /etc
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-10-2016 , 06:05 AM
Could we please get an an 8max vanilla reg speed 5.50-16.50 in between 07:00 and 11:00 ET (11 probably works best), the old 16.50 8max was fun and an 11 8max there would be more successful then the old version.

From the early big 11 to the big 16.50/early mini blue is a great time for low stakes mtt players. I think we just need a little more in between the 06.00 ET and 11ET (big 7.50) to make it worth grinding a schedule from the early big 11 to the primetime big 11.

This post is from the perpective of a micro/low stakes mtt player, I live in australia and have grinded every timezone possible, i really think if this timezone was improved it would be a win win for everyone.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-10-2016 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Snake-glory
Luke, can you please replace $2.50 90 man reg speed MTSNG with something new like $3 90 or 180 man progressive knockout with the same blind structure? That $2.50 90 man is running very bad (1 or maximum 2 per session). PKO would be great. Also you can replace $1.50 90 man KO with $2 but PKO. PKO tournaments are much better than just KO.

But please, don't make them turbo.
+1 to replacing the $2.50 with a $3.00 knockout, either 90 or 180 person (KO, PSKO, all good to me).
- I wouldn't change the price of the $1.50, but I can support the idea of changing it from KO to PKO.
+1000 to not making them turbo. Definitely don't make them turbo. There are enough of those already.

I know I said I was going to respond to one of your posts Luke from a couple of weeks ago, but I've been really lazy lately, and haven't done a lot of things I told myself I would do. That being said, thank you for adding the two $2.20 tournaments between 19:00 and 21:00 (or was it 21:15?). I got to enjoy these last weekend (and it helped that I final tabled one of them ).

I think I may have said before that I don't like re-entry tournaments. I take that back. If I bust from one tourney and jump into another, what does it matter if it's the same tournament or a different tournament part way through late registration? I'm still starting a new tournament from a starting stack, so as long as I look at it as a new tournament, I'm alright with it.

However, I still think late-registration is way too long. I won't register to a tournament after about the first hour or so because the starting stack is too short. Another poster raised the point, and I completely agree, that the shortness of the starting stacks near the end of the late registration period ruins the "deep(ish) stack" aspect of the game for everyone that has been playing for over an hour to build a stack. Also, simply due to the duration of the late registration period, I've stopped (re-)registering for tournaments almost an hour earlier than usual. Before, I would register for tournaments until 22:30. Now, with the extra hour of registration, I stop registering at 21:15 (or if I really want to, I'll push that to the 21:30 bounty builder, but no later than that).

With less of a gap between tournaments, there is/would be less of a need for the longer late registration periods, especially for the non-BIG/Bounty Builder tournaments.

Lastly, why do you have late registration periods of 120, 130, and 140 minutes? Why not make it all a nice, rounded 120 minutes and leave it at that? Of course, in the long term, I would prefer the nice round number of 60 minutes .
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-10-2016 , 01:59 PM
Don`t change the 1.50$ 90 Players reg Speed, this tournaments are running good enough, a lot of Players love this!

But the 2.50$ 90 Players are running very bad, can`t understand why Pokerstars not change into 3$ with the same structure as the 1.50$.

I am sure they will run much better.....
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-10-2016 , 07:42 PM
25% PKO for a change?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-11-2016 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by RedBlue
Don`t change the 1.50$ 90 Players reg Speed, this tournaments are running good enough, a lot of Players love this!.
I don't think changing these from KO to PKO would hurt them, if anything I think it would help them even more. I do agree though that the total buy-in should stay the same and that the structure should not change, and I don't think anyone in this thread (at least in the last page or so) has commented otherwise.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-11-2016 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
While I’m not disputing COOP results, I don’t see any negative results for P/NLO8 in the new schedule. The average guarantee, total number of entries week to week, and total prize pools have gone up while offering fewer tournaments. The only way to know for sure if one is more popular than the other would be to flip the schedule on its head and only offer 8-max.

I’m not against offering a healthy mix of 6/8/9-max and most additions will likely aim to increase the variety of table sizes.
I would start changing some of the smaller field tourneys to 8/9-max, because a small number of entries coupled with long late reg means you basically play 4/5-handed throughout the whole tourney in a 6-max. Which is a bit meh.

I'm thinking especially about:
Daily 15:36 (ET) $55 PLO8
Daily 17:32 (ET) $55 NLO8 Turbo
Mo 15:00 (ET) $55 Monday PLO8
Fr 15:00 (ET) $55 Friday NLO8

edit: changing those to 8/9-max would also prevent tables breaking up constantly

Last edited by GTXR1; 08-11-2016 at 06:59 PM.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-11-2016 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by dondrew
Just in case anyone plays satellites like those to the sunday million, a lot of the Poland players play these and help one another. They shove very wide when a lot of poland players left to act to put pressure on the nonpole. Look at how many poland players strangely enough play these. Either a lot of them play it or almost none. Basically they call all ins if it would be 1 poland player vs nonpole to make it 2 on 1 like they typically do. They mostly idenfity themselves to other poles by either using PL in their username or most importantly having the Poland flag. Obviously other players from other countries won't pay attention to this. And of course they do very similarly in the 180 mans which was the main format they do this on.

Poland players typically do not rebuy much like when playing 180 mans. Yet at these satellites, they have no issue rebuying over and over again since they know their other fellow poland players are doing the same. They will not eliminate one another unless absolutely necessary to not make it look obvious as they do lot of cover play.

A lot of other players who played these satellites have confirmed this as well. Care you comment on this pokerstars luke? This isn't going to get swept under the rug where when other players all know about this. Most of these players all know one another and speak to each other via skype and their polish poker forum. And if one of them doesn't know the other guy, then they eventually will know through a fellow friend.

Pokerstars Luke care to comment on this? Few players i spoke to mentioned the same thing with the poland players softplaying satellites. This isn't going to get swept under the rug. If nonpoland players dont register to these satellites, none of these poland players will since they obviously dont like to play against their fellow polish comrades.

Over 20 poland players play these satelittes and helping one another. Yet the next ones that run either have none or maybe 1 max poland player?
Look at their timing when multiple poles at the table. They are using skype while playing these satellites in these.

Its time for you to clean up these satellites with these poland softplayers helping their fellow people.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 09:58 AM
When can I expect my SCOOP watches?
I mean I didnt even get an email yet and its 3 month over, is this what we can continue to expect from amayastars? is this how you treat your customers in the future?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 11:24 AM
Hey all,

Bubble Rush

Our new tournament format "Bubble Rush" will launch on August 22nd. These tournaments begin with hyper-turbo levels until the money then slow down to regular speed. When testing this format, it became obvious that Bubble Rush tournaments need at least a few hundred players to provide the ideal experience, so the additions to the schedule are primarily $0.55 to $33, with a $109 on Saturday and Sunday. They are a mix of majors (this is why some majors were recently moved to earlier time slots) and "regular" guaranteed tournaments.

EPT Barcelona

Medium and high stakes guarantees will be adjusted during Estrellas/EPT. This includes the Sunday Million allowing a single re-entry on August 21st and 28th.

Originally Posted by cold_smile
Just briefly wanna hop in here and say that the new structures at "Big" Final Tables are very well organized and now way off from any kinda crapshoot.

Well done - good job - and please don't ever think of changing it back.

Average was between 30~40bb all the time and I liked it a lot.

Thanks! I still plan on expanding this functionality to other tournaments and I've learned a lot through Bubble Rush testing.

Originally Posted by mashxx
thanks for recent improvements Luke. Ignoring low/midstakes players in regards to series is still outrageous to me (MM having too low buyins and then MiniWCOOP having basically the same, all of sudden micros got two series within 3 months period and midstakes has one per year) but frequent responses and some visible effects are definitely steps in good direction.
I'm not sure if Bubble Rush is your type of thing, but there will be mid-stakes tournaments at 12:25 and 15:30 ET. There's also an $11 and $16.50 planned during peak European time.

Originally Posted by keitho1986
I was also referring to the 3min clock for 90% of the field and ofc u could rebuy 5kchips at bb1600 iirc
These games be cool if they reduced the rake but we all know that's not goin to happen
Bubble Rush tournaments are not rebuys.

Originally Posted by broken_jia
This is very, very frustrating. When Bryan was responsible for the daily schedule, i spent a lot of effort posting to have him trial NLO8 hypers when there were only 3 or 4 on the schedule. Over time, he added a couple which proved successful and then he added like 7-8 to make them accessible around the clock. He was very pro-NLO8 and also very receptive to NLO8-hypers around the clock. Bryan is very proud of the growth he's made with the game of NLO8 and hypers are a big reason for this fast growth.

When you took over, it seems like we took a huge step back and I'm here posting the same things that I did to Bryan before he made the final round of additions.

I'm not saying I don't agree with your opinion of turbos and micro/low stakes hypers being more healthy/benefitial to the ecosystem, but I don't think my suggestions were that unreasonable and fairly balanced. Of the 9 suggestions, 5 of the 9 were $7.50 games, which would fit into your preferred micro/low stakes level. The other four midstakes suggestions were filling gaps which are quite empty atm during peak hours. I don't understand your reluctancy to make changes when the new schedule was done so last minute and without much player feedback.

Also, I think turbos are fun, but the time commitment of 2 hrs is a bit too long for a select group. There are times where I wake up at odd hours and would definitely play a hyper if they were available because it will last 1 hr and I can go back to sleep. I wouldn't otherwise fire a turbo unless it was near the end of late registration.

Should COOP data not count for something? The COOPs and daily schedule should.complement one another so that if Bryan made a 1k NLO8 6-max PKO event in WCOOP, someone would be able to improve their skills in a comparable MTT (daily 27 and weekly 82 exists in the schedule).

From the tone Bryan gave off in the WCOOP thread, it sounded like a 1k PLO8 8-max/9-max was likely. If that's the case, players wouldn't have the luxury of getting better at this game due to the lack of variety in the current schedule.

This isn't a fair test though. You're comparing the old schedule which had 0% re entry tournaments to the new one which is 80% re entry (pkos do not allow re entries atm). A large reason the new schedule has resulted in more entries and bigger prizepools is due to the re-entries.

I want to reiterate that I have nothing against 6-max tournaments for O8 games. I think they are fun, but 9-max is just as fun.

The only 9-max I've been able to play lately on Pokerstars are the $3.50 and $7 18-man SNGs which pay $23 and $46 for 1st. In the old schedule, there were Omanias that paid $800 and turbos that paid $400, both which were 9-max.

How and when do you plan on doing this? Would you consider converting existing tournaments rather than adding new ones? I honestly feel that having so many 6-max tournaments is overwhelming when you have 10+ tables. Adding new 8/9-max alongside the existing schedule wouldn't change this situation.
Beginning Monday, I've added:

10:08 $5.50 NLO8 (8-Max, Turbo), $750 Gtd
22:08 $22 NLO8 (8-Max, Hyper-Turbo), $750 Gtd

As far as WCOOP and main schedule synergy is concerned, COOPs can feature different formats that can succeed as an Event but not as main schedule fixtures. The most obvious example I can think of is shootouts.

Originally Posted by the sauce man

There are no more phase 1/2 11 euro buy ins into the Estrellas Barcelona phase 2 sat. Can you please bring them back in time to qualify for this weekend?
I checked with my colleague and he says that we had to stop offering Phase 1s because we ran out of hotel rooms.

Originally Posted by matteo85h

There is only one nlo8 hyper mtt under $11 bi, the $3.3 psko( and that one starting at non peak hours) and two plo8 hypers. I see two problem here, first there should be way more nlo8s hypers in that BI range, second you should be consisten and have more nlo8 hyper mtts than plo8 hypers as you have nlo8 hyper sng offering(with by far the biggest traffic among non holdem sngs) but no plo8.

Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll continue to tweak the non-hold'em offering in the coming months.

Originally Posted by RedBlue
Luke, i like the Re-Entrys in Tournaments but please make something as "last hand before Re-Entry ends". At the Time the end of the Re-Entry Period is to unpredictable.
I'll ask the team what they think of this idea, thanks.

Originally Posted by playr
hey Luke,
have an idea. why not make HOTs into bubble rush special edition just like the bountybuilders are 75% special KO's. you can do it any day but Saturday would be the best as it already a kind of special day with 75% bountys in the builders. prettys sure it would make them popular. and it would be the change regs and recs would like both a lot

i dont think it would cause confusion in players if we can have a bountybuilder special day i think we can have more special of any other red mtt. lets make saturday a very special day. maybe it woud make saturday a new sunday or another at least? lets figure out something for Bigs too
Depending on the success of Bubble Rush, I could foresee this (or something like it) as a possibility for the Hots. Important to remember that for Bubble Rush to work as intended, it requires a larger number of entrants than some Hots can attain.

Originally Posted by chillout85
Regarding the low minimum payouts, I spotted an example of the other extreme yesterday - the $320 6max had a mincash of $1255.09, almost 4x your buyin! That was paying 4 players of 37 entries so almost 11%.

It seems a bit extreme, I wonder how people who play that tournament feel about those payouts. Also how is it that we have such a huge difference between min payouts from 1.2x to 4x?
This will be very rare at this point, but there simply isn’t much flexibility in tournaments like these with very small fields.

Originally Posted by annelie90
Luke if u make the Million normal again plz have in in the tournament info somewhere like " NOT RE-ENTRY" i think you will make some guys a bit sad when they bust and didnt notice before that point.
I was curious to see if we'd receive any complaints about this over the weekend. Nothing has made its way to me yet...

Originally Posted by playr
hey Luke really liked the $8.88 saturday spider (hyper)

why not make a daily hyper major. something similar to the spider. lets make a daily bubble rush hyper major. would be so awesome
There will be more than one Bubble Rush major. The current schedule is:
  • 06:30 $22
  • 06:35 $2.20
  • 14:35 $109 (Sat & Sun only)
  • 15:30 $33
  • 15:35 $3.30
  • 20:30 $22
  • 20:35 $2.20

Originally Posted by anuj22
Today Stars will be running my own customized tourney at 14:30 ET. Its a 8-max hyper tourney with 25k starting stack, $4.40 buy in 75% bounty. I think you will like it. And the blind structure of that tourney is really good. There won't be any big blind jumps

Look for Anuj22's Progressive Ultra KO in the lobby.

Nice one

Originally Posted by anuj22
I had something more exciting in my mind but we can't send them our own customized blind structure. And I guess we can't choose variable level speed.

I hope they make this a permanent thing and reduce the cost of creating it. Would have been nice if it costed us 2500 star coins and $25 added by Stars. Also would have loved if there was a $25 bounty on the creator of the tourney.

PKO on rebuys is a dream for many regs haha
Variable level times are fine!

Originally Posted by probability1
10k payday phase II is not starting?
This happens when a Phase 1 hasn't completed. I will raise this issue with our developers to see if we can add a message so players are aware of what is happening. Thanks for pointing it out as I didn't catch it and nobody mentioned it to me.

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
So the 5k starcoins end up as added gtd, not gtd itself, ok.

Just had another idea; building on the popularity as Hot as a brand I thought it would be cool if the deep stack/slow blind structure tourneys would run under a own label. Maybe call on it for example The Cold 162$.
prolly need blakks approval
I appreciate the creativity but don't have any plans to add a new red brand. I really like playing off of Hot/Cold, Fire/Ice, etc. Nice one!

Originally Posted by Xize
Wouldn't it make sense to start the "mini" tournaments before the regular ones?
Like Mini-sunday million starting at 21:00 CET and sunday million starts at 20:00 CET, you know there will be more people playing the mini million if you start it before the regular one, for example at 19:00, and then possibly move sunday storm back to 19:30 CET (where it used to be some time ago if i remember correctly?)
This is not going to happen. No way, no how. Let it go, people!

Originally Posted by Rafe
Regarding the 2x-shootout satellites. Even just tweaking the structure a little but keeping them hyper would make them much more interesting. E.g. 1500 starting chips and starting at 10/20
I've passed this on to our SNG manager.

Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
mini warmup pretty much a nobrainer imo
The Double Deuce is the Warm-Up's spirit mini.

Originally Posted by schmette
I skip all minis as they take way to long, make them even earlier, latereg is so long open, that most players reg it anyway. More EU-Players would play, so maybe participation will even increase.
I'd rather speed up the structure than make them earlier.

Originally Posted by aariestiger
I have no MM replays in my client yet

when do they get released?
I see them in my client. If you're having trouble, PM me and I'll see what the issue is.

Originally Posted by davidv1213
Why is the final of EPT Barca 27 phase on aug 21st, 14 hours before the tournament starts and not this sunday? Basically impossible for people to play it, plus the lobby says phase 2 is on Aug 7th so now i regd it and cant play the phase 2 from spain
It has been moved to Thursday, August 18th. My colleague will be emailing the 14 currently enrolled players.

Originally Posted by Snake-glory
Luke, can you please replace $2.50 90 man reg speed MTSNG with something new like $3 90 or 180 man progressive knockout with the same blind structure? That $2.50 90 man is running very bad (1 or maximum 2 per session). PKO would be great. Also you can replace $1.50 90 man KO with $2 but PKO. PKO tournaments are much better than just KO.

But please, don't make them turbo.
I've passed this onto our SNG manager.

Originally Posted by GTXR1
Thanks Luke, but... this is still not even close to the other Omania High Rollers:

PL/NL closes late reg with 400/800 (I forgot to substract the breaks in the post above). According to Pokerstars 8-game structure 1 big blind (PL/NL) equals 4 big bets (FL). To comply with this structure the Limit Omania High Roller should close its doors at 1200/2400 big bets (4x800).

This means late reg should be available for 4:15h (currently 3:30h only).
Added another 15 minutes. I'm not going to increase it in larger chunks as I want to ensure there is a sufficient gap between late registration ending and reaching the bubble.

Originally Posted by the sauce man
Luke - please grow the mid stakes NL offerings. $22-$55 NL tourneys are very popular and have room to grow.

There is definitely room for a sizeable GTD tournament between the Big 22 and the Hot 55. The $22 4k GTD that starts 10 mins after the Big 55 would do well to have its guarantee increased. It always smashes the guarantee, it could easily be a 10k+ (probably 15-20k like the old schedules $22 that was around the same time) and thrive.

Also, the 11$ 5k that starts 45 minutes after the big 11 always smashes the guarantee as well. In the old schedule there was an 11$ 10k that did very well and this tourney could do very well as a 10k.

Thank you for considering these changes.
And thanks for writing out a thoughtful post! There will be a $22 Bubble Rush @ 12:25 ET and an $11 @ 14:25. I'm hoping they'll be successful additions.

Originally Posted by 26sk8er
Could we please get an an 8max vanilla reg speed 5.50-16.50 in between 07:00 and 11:00 ET (11 probably works best), the old 16.50 8max was fun and an 11 8max there would be more successful then the old version.

From the early big 11 to the big 16.50/early mini blue is a great time for low stakes mtt players. I think we just need a little more in between the 06.00 ET and 11ET (big 7.50) to make it worth grinding a schedule from the early big 11 to the primetime big 11.

This post is from the perpective of a micro/low stakes mtt player, I live in australia and have grinded every timezone possible, i really think if this timezone was improved it would be a win win for everyone.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm always looking for ways to improve region-specific time slots.

Originally Posted by krazykarter
+1 to replacing the $2.50 with a $3.00 knockout, either 90 or 180 person (KO, PSKO, all good to me).
- I wouldn't change the price of the $1.50, but I can support the idea of changing it from KO to PKO.
+1000 to not making them turbo. Definitely don't make them turbo. There are enough of those already.

I know I said I was going to respond to one of your posts Luke from a couple of weeks ago, but I've been really lazy lately, and haven't done a lot of things I told myself I would do. That being said, thank you for adding the two $2.20 tournaments between 19:00 and 21:00 (or was it 21:15?). I got to enjoy these last weekend (and it helped that I final tabled one of them ).

I think I may have said before that I don't like re-entry tournaments. I take that back. If I bust from one tourney and jump into another, what does it matter if it's the same tournament or a different tournament part way through late registration? I'm still starting a new tournament from a starting stack, so as long as I look at it as a new tournament, I'm alright with it.

However, I still think late-registration is way too long. I won't register to a tournament after about the first hour or so because the starting stack is too short. Another poster raised the point, and I completely agree, that the shortness of the starting stacks near the end of the late registration period ruins the "deep(ish) stack" aspect of the game for everyone that has been playing for over an hour to build a stack. Also, simply due to the duration of the late registration period, I've stopped (re-)registering for tournaments almost an hour earlier than usual. Before, I would register for tournaments until 22:30. Now, with the extra hour of registration, I stop registering at 21:15 (or if I really want to, I'll push that to the 21:30 bounty builder, but no later than that).

With less of a gap between tournaments, there is/would be less of a need for the longer late registration periods, especially for the non-BIG/Bounty Builder tournaments.

Lastly, why do you have late registration periods of 120, 130, and 140 minutes? Why not make it all a nice, rounded 120 minutes and leave it at that? Of course, in the long term, I would prefer the nice round number of 60 minutes .
Why not 200?

Thanks for the comments, as always.

Originally Posted by GTXR1
I would start changing some of the smaller field tourneys to 8/9-max, because a small number of entries coupled with long late reg means you basically play 4/5-handed throughout the whole tourney in a 6-max. Which is a bit meh.

I'm thinking especially about:
Daily 15:36 (ET) $55 PLO8
Daily 17:32 (ET) $55 NLO8 Turbo
Mo 15:00 (ET) $55 Monday PLO8
Fr 15:00 (ET) $55 Friday NLO8

edit: changing those to 8/9-max would also prevent tables breaking up constantly
From my perspective, this is a strong argument for converting some existing games. I've added it to my list but I have a strong suspicion I won't be able to get to it before my holiday.

Originally Posted by dondrew
Pokerstars Luke care to comment on this? Few players i spoke to mentioned the same thing with the poland players softplaying satellites. This isn't going to get swept under the rug. If nonpoland players dont register to these satellites, none of these poland players will since they obviously dont like to play against their fellow polish comrades.

Over 20 poland players play these satelittes and helping one another. Yet the next ones that run either have none or maybe 1 max poland player?
Look at their timing when multiple poles at the table. They are using skype while playing these satellites in these.

Its time for you to clean up these satellites with these poland softplayers helping their fellow people.
I've asked a colleague in Game Integrity and he says they're looking into it. Thanks for bringing it up.

Originally Posted by Kranke_EinZ
When can I expect my SCOOP watches?
I mean I didnt even get an email yet and its 3 month over, is this what we can continue to expect from amayastars? is this how you treat your customers in the future?
I apologize for the lack of communication. I've asked my colleague and he says they're now in the VIP Store and available to be ordered.

As a reminder, I'll be on holiday from next Friday for a few weeks. There will be radio silence until I get back, but I'm sure you'll be preparing for WCOOP anyways!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 11:44 AM
Solid work luke thanks for the good communications lately
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke

Bubble Rush tournaments are not rebuys.
Well they were during micro millions which is what I was referring to
Bubble rush is just another scummy rake trap- I'm sure plenty of degens will still play them.
Best of luck
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 12:46 PM
Thanks Luke
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 01:29 PM
Thank you Luke for the response and good job on adding two 8-max o8 mtts.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Hey all,

Bubble Rush

Our new tournament format "Bubble Rush" will launch on August 22nd. These tournaments begin with hyper-turbo levels until the money then slow down to regular speed.

Thanks! I still plan on expanding this functionality to other tournaments and I've learned a lot through Bubble Rush testing.
I'd like to see a bubble rush tourney with 3-6-9 time level. 3 mins before bubble and then 6 mins and finally 9 mins when final 2 tables are remaining.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Thanks for the feedback, I'll continue to tweak the non-hold'em offering in the coming months.
Luke, we need some low/mid-stake games for Badugi, Triple Draw and other games as well. And we need some turbo tourneys too!

Originally Posted by RedBlue
Luke, i like the Re-Entrys in Tournaments but please make something as "last hand before Re-Entry ends". At the Time the end of the Re-Entry Period is to unpredictable.
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
I'll ask the team what they think of this idea, thanks.
This has been asked many times before. Please make this happen!

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Nice one
Thanks I got told by many players that they loved that format. Any chance of making that tourney a special/major tourney on weekends? $7.50 hyper pko at 13:25 ET imo is perfect. Make this special on weekends and give it 25k stack and 75% bounty on saturdays and 50% on sundays and use the same structure which was used in my tourney. Throughout the tourney avg stack was 19-20bb.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
I appreciate the creativity but don't have any plans to add a new red brand.
Does that mean you won't be bringing back red mixed games?

Also, Luke when will you be adding Friday major 3-max zoom pko tourney?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by rotisseur
give us a mini warmup 1 hour before actual warmup @ 0400pm CET , put the b22 back to 6pm CET where it already was, and set mini mill to 7pm CET ( 1hr before actual mill ) . none of these will suffer i promise, actually i believe some low-mid clickers in the americas might start their sunday session earlier therefore which would even have a positive impact on the b44/h33

fwiw , the double deuce would have made way more sense in the mini mill timeslot. fail to understand why a 22 major turbo should start earlier than two major 22 regspeeds
Great post, agree with all points made.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-12-2016 , 05:20 PM
yeah, +1 anuj, 3max zoom ko was vvv popular during SCOOP. we need it in the regular schedule
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-13-2016 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by ZFSB
yeah, +1 anuj, 3max zoom ko was vvv popular during SCOOP. we need it in the regular schedule

+1 zoom 3m psko ftw (turb and non) pls
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-13-2016 , 06:40 AM
if some of you save up 5k coins we can run our own 2+2 series, every player gets an event date where he can create his tournament.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
08-13-2016 , 10:28 AM
Just looking at some lowstakes reg speed vanilla freezeo00uts in the primetime slot just after big 11 we have

14:00 Big 11 40k
14:45 11 5k
15:45 7.50 2.5k
16:00 11 8max 3.5k
16:15 11 3.5k
17:00 11 3k

perhaps you could swap the 11 at 16.15 with either the 11 6max or 11 4max that run at 18:10 and 19:40 respectively. Just seems to be too many similar tournaments in a row and they are probably canabalising each other.

I think a better option would be however to change the one at 16.15 into a 13.50 ko (just like the old 13.50 ko). And perhaps make the 7.50 a 1r1a.

I just feel like a little bit more variety around that slot would keep people a bit more excited.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
