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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

04-26-2016 , 06:01 PM
27 6max turbo 18:45 ET make it full ring, no point on beeing 6max and will increase participation as full ring
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by JohnCleese
In all fairness the new schedule is a hell of a lot of fun
Of course, in all fairness.

Except for low stakes players or any player that pushes/realizes their edge in the endgame of a well structured tournament. Screw them because yolo turbos!

I don't think too many people are protesting the actual flagship events. Issues are with destruction of low stakes games and the front loaded/lol endgame structures.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:16 PM
Speaking as a midstakes-highstakes player, I think it's certainly reasonable but by no means the finished article. The VLT are being completely butchered and are nothing like the ones we believed we'd be getting. Talk of 8 min > 10 min > 12 min >15 are really far of the mark. The last iteration of variable level times, I'm not sure it even realistically runs in the structure? Was on the final table of the Hot 55 and we were still several levels shy of having 6 mins. This badly needs fixing.

Another note on payouts, this has been unanimously been met with complete dissaproval. Can't you meet us half-way at least?

Big +1 to lostOstrich's post. Classy and well written.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by BMakk
Day 1, post nr. 1.

And then almost five months later
Overall, I do think tournaments need to be shortened some amount. I've made the conversion from professional to recreational player and my single biggest consideration of if I play a tournament or not is its length. If I am going to play 4-5 hours, not make the money, and be exhausted for work, I'm not interested. I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to our biggest weekly tournaments, but I think we need to draw a fine line in the daily schedule.

I'm asking, what has changed (think I know the answer but I would like one because this seems like a pretty big lie)?

Be honest please. You've been very selective in your answers so I'm going to be annoying and repeat this post every day until you answer.
I asked Luke about this earlier in this thread and he told me it wasn't ready yet fwiw.

PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:46 PM
Give bigs their old structures with 5k stacks.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by AllanPike
I think it is the nut worst thing Stars has done to the community as a whole. I'm a recreational player, so supposedly one of they guys Stars is trying to help if you believe the rhetoric from late last year.
No offense, but judging by the rest of your post you sound like a winning player, thus not the type they are willing to help no matter if they are recreational or not. So don't worry - they are consistent allright.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
I asked Luke about this earlier in this thread and he told me it wasn't ready yet fwiw.

Yup and I think that's true but the overall philosophy has changed dramatically. There is overwhelming data available and it would be quite easy to put a range on each big; have first x levels with 8 minute blinds, all the bigs are at the bubble stage (or were in the old system) at 400/800 level and change the time accordingly.

Again, I think he is in a impossible situation facing a pressure from up above. What I'm angry about is the reason behind the schedule change and Luke hasn't been truthful. The celebration of new exciting times when the reality is much more bleak.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:13 PM
Some of you guys are way out of line blaming Doggz for ****ty structures in which he probably had 0 involvement.

2nd day of playing with new schedule i noticed alot of MS-HS zoom frezeouts that are just pure garbage, same goes for 27 3-stacks. These games are just not popular why just not change them to vanilla Pko Sko or w/e other popular format?

Just got 4th in 44 bb (brag). Gotta say last 4 tables the structure felt good avg was around 50bb. Then all of a sudden we had around 25b avg stack on semifinal. Final table was even bigger disaster as we got down to 19b avg 5handed. busted on 70k bb. The levels were supposed to be 12m long starting on 200k bb and im pretty sure by that time they were in HU or the tourney was finished.

Buddy of mine shipped b215 yesterday and was saying the structure is horrible. last two tables avg 20-25bb final table 20-30bb.

Luke pls do something about it asap
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by gregz41
Another note on payouts, this has been unanimously been met with complete dissaproval. Can't you meet us half-way at least?
Yes, please fix the payouts.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by jaggalo1231
Some of you guys are way out of line blaming Doggz for ****ty structures in which he probably had 0 involvement.

2nd day of playing with new schedule i noticed alot of MS-HS zoom frezeouts that are just pure garbage, same goes for 27 3-stacks. These games are just not popular why just not change them to vanilla Pko Sko or w/e other popular format?

Just got 4th in 44 bb (brag). Gotta say last 4 tables the structure felt good avg was around 50bb. Then all of a sudden we had around 25b avg stack on semifinal. Final table was even bigger disaster as we got down to 19b avg 5handed. busted on 70k bb. The levels were supposed to be 12m long starting on 200k bb and im pretty sure by that time they were in HU or the tourney was finished.

Buddy of mine shipped b215 yesterday and was saying the structure is horrible. last two tables avg 20-25bb final table 20-30bb.

Luke pls do something about it asap
yes this is real miserable part about how bad the structures are
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by |alextoon1|
Give bigs their old structures with 5k stacks.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by JohnCleese
In all fairness the new schedule is a hell of a lot of fun
I panicked this morning, but it was all good.
should've done better last sunday though, going to miss 8.8r and 8.8RA
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:00 PM
Small/micro rec player here. I play 1-2 nights a week. Deposit 1-2 times a month with a rare cash out but I've created an account with 888 and will be depositing there next week to see if I like them. I've always loved playing the 'big' tournies. I'm not a huge bounty builder fan but really enjoyed the structure. With the new structure you've lost me. Why change it when it was great? If people want a faster tournament let them play one that fits what they're looking for.

Also with the complete schedule change my session is basically ruined anyway. The only tournaments that interested me in a 3ish hour rego time were 3 bounty builders and a hot tournament. I used to have many tournaments I enjoyed playing in that timeframe.

One more session of stars tonight to empty the account then I'll see how I like 888

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:05 PM
2 things TurboStars fails to realise:

(1) Many players like me want to play skill poker. The reason I open the client is to play decent slow-speed skill tournaments. I'll fill in with a few turbos etc while I'm there coz I get bored playing just a couple of tables but I'm not turning up in the first place just to play a bunch of turbo crapshoots. So, now I can play SCOOP and a few other special events but that's about it.

(2) Yeah, when you make these various money-grabs the volumes hold up in the short term because you don't tell people the adverse changes you're making and most people will anyway blow off whatever they have deposited. BUT this won't hold together over time because (a) people are not totally stupid, (b) reputational damage gathers momentum and is hard to recover, (c) players will be more reluctant to reload when they're getting tubo-greed-raked to death and (d) you're killing the game itself.

I, for one, have lost faith in TurboGreedCasinoStars. I've reduced my volumes significantly in recent months and this is the first time in years I haven't gone to EPT Monte Carlo (just couldn't bring myself to support a stars event at a time like this).

Through numerous actions stars new values have become clear. My message to players is: THE ONLY WAY THIS TREND IS GOING TO STOP IS IF WE ACTUALLY SWITCH LARGE VOLUMES TO REAL POKER SITES. If you don't like the changes then make the switch. Yes, you. Otherwise, expect more of this in future.

My message to Party and 888 is: Come on, step up, here is your big chance. You now have much better structures than Stars - make it easy/attractive for players to switch.

My message to Turbostars is: Unprintable.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:09 PM
I have some suggestions too, based also on other peoples' comments:
- The 19:45EET 11$ Deep Stack. Full of recreational players and fun to play from time to time. Worth bringing back.
- The 20:45EET 6Max ProgKO should be either 9Max or regular speed. Preferably both.
- The 3$ 8Max @21:10EET should be back to the 3$ rebuy format that was previously @21:30EET. Would have a greater succes than this one.
- The HOT2,2@21:15EET could be increased to 7,5$ or a mini-version of the HOT55.
- The 16,5$@21:20EET should be 8Max at least. There are 4 6Max tourneys in the course of 1 hour and as I saw in previous comments, other people also think this to be exaggerated.
- The 22$3Stack @22:10EET should definitely be regular speed FO. You're beating a dead horse with this format.
- Between 22:10 and 23:EET maybe replace the ZOOM with a rebuy or regular speed KO 13,5$(pretty popular format and used to have massive fields in sundays with attractive 1st prize).
Again I want to add that there are too many 6mag Prog KO tourneys, even TURBO sometimes. I understand the appetite for such tourneys, but I personally believe they should be either turbo or 6Max. Also, having 10% rake to this format is insane. Its hard to multitable such formats and you will please a lot of regulars by making this minor change. But who cares about regulars, right? I actually feel they should pay no rake since their money seem to not be worth the same as anybody else.
I will come back with other suggestions.

Last edited by Bambookoo; 04-26-2016 at 08:14 PM.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by AllanPike
I think it is the nut worst thing Stars has done to the community as a whole. I'm a recreational player, so supposedly one of they guys Stars is trying to help if you believe the rhetoric from late last year.

My schedule before this month would start around 14:00 UK time with the Big $5, and I'd be regging most normal speed tourneys between $2.20 and $13.50 until about 19:30, I would play the 2 2r's at 14:30 and 15:30 and the Hot $11, they were the only tourneys that weren't straight FO 10 min(+) blinds type tourneys. I would play the Big 5, 8 and 11 in that time, and play around 15-16 tourneys in total. So lets say that 25% of the tourneys I would play, were very big (3000+ runner) tourneys, with the rest being a lot smaller, lower variance affairs. It's nice to play the Bigs where I have a shot at hitting a very nice score, but I know that the bulk of my ROI comes from the normal, lower Gtd tourneys. I've just worked out what my Stars schedule is now. It's a maximum of 14 tourneys between 14:00 and 20:15, of those 14 5 are turbos, 4 are bigs, 3 are bounty builders. The other 2 are a $7.50 PSKO which will have a big field and a $5.50 deep stack. So now I'm in a position where 13 of the 14 tourneys I play, I will have to negotiate my way through 3000+ players to potentially win, and with the flatter payout structures they've brought in, run like an absolute god to make any decent profit.

I'm so annoyed about the whole thing. When Stars talk about doing things to help the recreational poker player they don't mean guys like me who manage their bankroll and play a couple of days a week, they mean guys who log in, deposit $200 and play 4 $50 tourneys or 2 $100 tourneys. I naively thought that when they made the changes last year that it would create opportunity for guys like me to progress up the ranks as some of the regs moved away from Stars and the game, but whats becoming clearer every day is that Stars don't want anyone to make money at the game, they just want them to lose it at a slower rate as that means more rake for them.

I'm going to take a look at the Party and 888 schedules to see what's worth playing there, even though I loathe their software. If I can't find much worth playing there that's lower variance, I might have to question if it's worth playing online at all. I doubt Stars will care or miss the rake I pay if I make that decision.
No offence but your hardly a rec your a small stakes grinder. A true rec doesn't play 14 tables in one session.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:13 PM
Dont wory guys, in 3 years time when stars is nothing but a mediocre site, a remnant of the past, we will all look back and laugh at their stupidity.
-rename all bigs to "mega hot series" and add the supersonic structure to them
-remove all mtts under 30$, cause yolo
-add 15% withdraw fee, cause bazov is not rich enough
-special promo when 1 out of every 100 people's bankroll gets donated to charity each week, cause there is always room for charity.
That oughta excel the process. Thank you for considering my suggestions.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:14 PM
Hey i want to start of by saying that i played your omaha schedule almost as good as every day for the last 2 years and i have actively been requesting tournaments/addons, which always has been for the better (like the rebuy sattys for 82/215 weeklys) and i actually believe that this new one is better in the way of tournaments round the clock so i'm very pleased with that.

I played the first day of the new schedule and took today of to reflect what i thought of it. I have also gathered most the info i get from most regs i speak with we are around 50 ppl in a skype channel and we all agree at some points which i will raise in the end of my post.

I actually got some of the things i wanted and 5cplo/plo8 psko is very nice even if the buyin is 11 and 5 card play very well i totally agree with that.

Also the small hypers are something i requested so pleased with it, i also dont mind the reentrys i more money in pool.

The Omanias i guess it just a question to adapt but i dont like that you took a level away it's fast enough 6 max.

320 is very nice addon i like it very much and all 3 formats get a tourney on i belived it was abit quick even for a 10k start but smashing prize pool like that i have not seen in a weeky since? god knows.. 139 buyins in total is just sick for a 320 plo8 since it's the least played omaha format and the 530 had like 60 tops only more when events ran. This is for sure a winner.

I also like the "Special Omanias" on Saturday that's going to be awsome to grind! im really looking forward to that. but i would really like to see some other options then 4 stack.

Also the special buyin on the mixed games is nice i really like that but you forgot about stud08/Razz which is sad whose should be added as well.

All these things are for sure very good addons.

But of course some of the changes made really made me wonder how much time you thought about this.

First of all Omaha is played 9 max as well as 6 max to make every single tournament 6 max is just a no brainer. Change tournaments doing very well as 9 max to 6 max is terrible for ppl trying to multi table. (so you make more money) I really dont enjoy playing ONLY six max with zero options to even get a single 9 handed. With the amount of turbos the schedule is not possible to play 6 handed simply takes way to much focus and plays to fast to "PLAY" omaha instead of just clicking. I know i will be cutting my max tables with at least half and i know more ppl will to(which makes you loose money) i truly hope and recommend you speak with some regs before making these huge change. Just like NLHE plo/plo/nlo8 is PLAYED 9 MAX its actually a fantastic format there is not a singel motivation to force 6max only this need to change fast. NLHE cash game is also dominated with 6 max but what would you think the NLHE community would say if you make every NLHE tournament 6 max with that motivation?

The splats tournaments are not totally unplayable 2 3 levels before addon a rebuy is not a blind, 6 max this is a satty format and its useless.
The addon is barely 3bb its like playing a super hyper hyper should be named "flip" not splat. Got to come back to old blind level.

The late 3+r plo with 2k rebuys is also gone same thing there just a big WHY.

And there is no slow plo8 rebuys at all the only one we had which was alot of ppl favorite tourney 11+r aka 5+r is gone but you keep the rebuy plo?
There are several way to make this tournament good just extend the rebuy period with 2 3 levels and make the 7.50 and put a 2k gtd. From your new rake rebuy perspective removing a rebuy tournament cant be a profit move. This was a tournament which we built our late shift on and i hope we can make it comeback. I even kept playing it even since i would rake over 1k extra on a year same with most regs.

My biggest concern is really the weekly's why would you take away the 55/82/215 where you made money, both from sattys and from the buyins. You dont need to have the gtds over 10k put them all on 8k if your loosing that much money that you haft to remove them?. Those got to comeback those where with out no doubt the highlight for us.This is just like killing us of and it does not make you more money most likely less? This is the biggest drawback for the 4 card community i think most ppl agree with that.

We really need to make some changes here to make this playable for profit:

1. Bring back weeklys 55/82/215 with all the sattys for them.

2. At least 50% of the tournaments needs to be 9max you really need to consult a reg or two here.

3. Rebuy tournaments for 320 3+r 3xturbo should be 3 4 for each format. (with the nlo8 NOT having the splat format but the plo8 format with antes)

4. Get rid of the NLO/NLO5 card tournaments make one PLO8 and one PLO this format is dead you first killed of the freeze outs (22/11) and kept the nlo 5card 2.20+r with a 500 gtd which had overlay just let the format die.

5. Bring back the level you removed in omanias it's fast enough 6 max.

6. 9max rebuy plo8 must comeback.

7. The late omania plo8 11 does not meet the GTD make it 16.50 and problem solved with 2k gtd.

8. Bring back the old payouts EU lunch omania use to be atleast 650 up top and 27 top at start of itm Now it payed 515 and first ITM 43 not a great.

Suggestions for Omanias on Saturdays is to make it the same format as the 320's to make more people use to it and since they are more expensive. Or a 2 stack wit 2x5k stack would also work you could also extend the late reg with 30 mins and after late reg have 12/15 min blinds to give it more value it's fast enough six max instead of 9 max.

I know i speak for a lot of ppl when im saying Saturdays with large Omanias and weekly's would be a dream for us and you would make more money that's a win win situation keep the weeklys 9 max and omanias 6 max.

With these changes you have a fantastic and playable schedule.

but big big thanks for the refresh! Just need a little tweaking the changes shows that you play very little or not play omaha tournaments and please let ut help you. ( no offence ) i

Last edited by sattla; 04-26-2016 at 08:26 PM.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Luke you recently messaged me saying you appreciate the tone of my messages and I believe that that was genuine. I think you are a guy trying your best to make the most of the capabilities you have.
You also Obv know I am a high volume regular so Obv u understand that when the majority of posters here say that the bigs structure is too fast obviously my opinion is the same. I really hope you can fix this by adding two mins to all existing levels. This would solve literally 80% of the complaints itt. The other 20% is the non Holdem games which obviously need a bit of work. I am no expert on those so I will refrain from commenting but the people posting about them know what they are talking about and deserve to be heard.

Thank for the continued effort you have been putting into the schedule, I am still confident the additions and changes are good, it's just that those changes really need to be made.

Happy summer
Well said.

This and return the weekly 55/82/215 non holdem games for the weekend and you'll have resolved a huge proportion of the issues being raised; no need to wait until Monday to do this!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:20 PM
+1, add some full ring hypers please.

Originally Posted by Kelvin Kerber
27 6max turbo 18:45 ET make it full ring, no point on beeing 6max and will increase participation as full ring
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:31 PM
The 320 ST starts way too late for most peak grinders, who are ending there session around this time. Perhaps switch the Fat Tuesday (turbo) with this, so you actually get more peak guys regging
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by imluckbox
The 320 ST starts way too late for most peak grinders, who are ending there session around this time. Perhaps switch the Fat Tuesday (turbo) with this, so you actually get more peak guys regging
I think the point of these mtts were to offer something to every market.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 09:01 PM
yea theres a lot of stuff on the schedule inaccessible to non-euros with the recent changes. offpeak doesnt need to be all turbos

man VLT is such a slap in the face. in 215bb today the last increment wouldve hit when there were < 10bb total in play. i mean why even bother

please tweak the structures a tad, at least within the realm of feasible playability

could also do with less 6max during peak, but im fine having less stars during peak so whatever, people probably love it
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 09:29 PM
1. Way too many hypers, its really absurd
2. Not enough DECENT turbos to register to get enough tables
3. Not enough good tournaments to register overall
4. Very poor structures, ruining the playing experience on your site for everyone
5. One positive thing is that the increase in stacksize is getting a lot more recs attention and regs are going crazy too. Very nice!
6. Agree with less 6 max its impossible to play 5 6 max tables at once... come on
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by sattla
1. Bring back weeklys 55/82/215 with all the sattys for them.
2. At least 50% of the tournaments needs to be 9max you really need to consult a reg or two here.

5. Bring back the level you removed in omanias it's fast enough 6 max.
6. 9max rebuy plo8 must comeback.
7. The late omania plo8 11 does not meet the GTD make it 16.50 and problem solved with 2k gtd.
not true!!it surpassed the guarantee yesterday

8. Bring back the old payouts EU lunch omania use to be atleast 650 up top and 27 top at start of itm Now it payed 515 and first ITM 43 not a great.

I know i speak for a lot of ppl when im saying Saturdays with large Omanias and weekly's would be a dream for us and you would make more money that's a win win situation keep the weeklys 9 max and omanias 6 max.

With these changes you have a fantastic and playable schedule.

plus my thoughts:
6 max wont be liked by many beginners and the better players will slaughter nonregs pretty fast in them.
fix the payouts in the omania!!why 6th and 7th place get the same $$ even so 6th is on the FT i canīt understand...
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
