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PokerStars MTT Thread PokerStars MTT Thread

04-26-2016 , 03:56 PM
hyper full ring.

Originally Posted by DoGGz
OK. I do think there could be more games in the $5 to $10 range.

Go ahead and name a few tournaments you wish existed and place them on the schedule. Can't promise anything but ideas are most valuable.

PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:04 PM
wtf splash tornaments non sats structure is???
Come back from addon at 10k w 30k addon instead at t3k lol.
Good lucky making it work in 7r~4r
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Roc_Xel
Just one thing : If I remember correctly, the former big 162 at 10pm CET every day (guarantee of 60k) usually attracted some 500 players and lasted until 4.30 am or 5 am the next day, that is around 6.30 or 7 hours.

The big 109 I played yesterday night attracted 757 players and still had 4 players at the 7 hours mark (don't know how much longer it lasted, maybe 30 minutes).

So overall that seems pretty consistent no ? Not trying to defend the new structure, just wondering, as I don't seem to see huge differences, although it did feel like it was more turbo when playing it yesterday.
If you look at my previous posts, you'll see that I have written numerous times that structures are indeed a bit too quick now. But when someone posts some factual information instead of simply whining, no one ever responds to it. Look at my post I just quoted. The BIGS seem not too far away from before, just take my example. Note that I am only speaking about bigs with a buy-in of at least 50+ as I do not play the others. Still, i think the point is valid. 7h30 yesterday for a big - the only one I played - of 700 players is more than decent. The typical big of 162 scheduled every night at 10 pm CET time (london +1) was always running for 6-7 hours.

Not defending them, I do find it's too quick, but still funny how FACTS are completely disregarded, especially by people who do not give any factual comparison between before and now.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:15 PM
Luke you recently messaged me saying you appreciate the tone of my messages and I believe that that was genuine. I think you are a guy trying your best to make the most of the capabilities you have.
You also Obv know I am a high volume regular so Obv u understand that when the majority of posters here say that the bigs structure is too fast obviously my opinion is the same. I really hope you can fix this by adding two mins to all existing levels. This would solve literally 80% of the complaints itt. The other 20% is the non Holdem games which obviously need a bit of work. I am no expert on those so I will refrain from commenting but the people posting about them know what they are talking about and deserve to be heard.

Thank for the continued effort you have been putting into the schedule, I am still confident the additions and changes are good, it's just that those changes really need to be made.

Happy summer
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:18 PM
Luke, I want to focus on your stated reasoning behind the structure changes in the Daily Bigs. Here's your explanation as to why the Bounty Builders got VLTs and the Bigs were dropped to semi-turbo structures:
Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
I want our brands to have some different defining features. I think it would be a bit boring if the Bigs and Bounty Builders were completely the same aside from the progressive element. I wanted to give each brand some flavor where possible.
Firstly, this is silly. The BBs already have a clear defining feature in the PSKO element; there's no need to butcher the structures of the Bigs just for the sake of further difference. If you absolutely insist on having different structures for BBs and Bigs, then it would surely make more sense to have the BBs run with shorter effective stacks so as to bring the bounties (and the accompanying moronic graphics) into play sooner!

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Overall, I do think tournaments need to be shortened some amount. I've made the conversion from professional to recreational player and my single biggest consideration of if I play a tournament or not is its length. If I am going to play 4-5 hours, not make the money, and be exhausted for work, I'm not interested.
If I didn't know better I'd suspect you were being at least slightly dishonest here, as this does not sound like the reasoning of an intelligent man who crushed HSMTTs for a decade. But let's assume you're being completely straight here.

The fact that your personal playing preferences have changed so dramatically since you stopped playing professionally shouldn't have such a powerful influence on your decisions when you're tasked with making sweeping changes to the entire infrastructure of the online MTT world. You're just one guy.

Besides, if getting ITM as quickly and efficiently as possible is such a primary concern then how about reducing the late registration time? This would grant you much more control over the speed of the pre-bubble play, and allow plenty of room for slowing things down and allowing a little post-flop play once the big money is on the line. Offering 3 hours of late reg is not consistent with a desire to reduce tournament runtimes, at least not unless you're prepared to sacrifice the actual gameplay (which apparently is exactly what you're doing, so yeah).

As you're no doubt aware, I've personally quit Pokerstars in protest at what I believe to be underhand business practices. This is in no way directed at you personally as I know you to be a smart, hard-working, enthusiastic guy who's passionate about the game. I'd love to see you throw a bone to disillusioned long-term loyal customers such as myself (there are plenty of us, I'm sure you've noticed) by taking some of the major criticism on board and making an honest attempt to cater to serious players as well as "recreationals" so as to at least ease the transition a little before the inevitable happens and the site becomes nothing more than a glorified roulette table. As my grandfather once said to his proctologist "We both know where that finger's going, but you could at least hold my hand while you do it."
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:20 PM
this is like the worst joke ever,
new schd structures are just unplayable.

Not even single regspeed left. wtf srsly???????????????? what luke u think everyone is just so stupid here or what? nice 5k starting stacks. unreal.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:20 PM
I think now when player trafic(at least monday....) is up u should bring back Omania Plo/o8 9max and some other freezeout o8 9max and run those side by side with 6max tourneys.. So we propably get more players in those allso

Reading what other omaha8 players think im happy to see that they agree with me.. Just hope our voice is heard.. Sad if so fun form of poker is being killed by just 6max flip action..

Last edited by DickColt; 04-26-2016 at 04:47 PM.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:20 PM
I think it is the nut worst thing Stars has done to the community as a whole. I'm a recreational player, so supposedly one of they guys Stars is trying to help if you believe the rhetoric from late last year.

My schedule before this month would start around 14:00 UK time with the Big $5, and I'd be regging most normal speed tourneys between $2.20 and $13.50 until about 19:30, I would play the 2 2r's at 14:30 and 15:30 and the Hot $11, they were the only tourneys that weren't straight FO 10 min(+) blinds type tourneys. I would play the Big 5, 8 and 11 in that time, and play around 15-16 tourneys in total. So lets say that 25% of the tourneys I would play, were very big (3000+ runner) tourneys, with the rest being a lot smaller, lower variance affairs. It's nice to play the Bigs where I have a shot at hitting a very nice score, but I know that the bulk of my ROI comes from the normal, lower Gtd tourneys. I've just worked out what my Stars schedule is now. It's a maximum of 14 tourneys between 14:00 and 20:15, of those 14 5 are turbos, 4 are bigs, 3 are bounty builders. The other 2 are a $7.50 PSKO which will have a big field and a $5.50 deep stack. So now I'm in a position where 13 of the 14 tourneys I play, I will have to negotiate my way through 3000+ players to potentially win, and with the flatter payout structures they've brought in, run like an absolute god to make any decent profit.

I'm so annoyed about the whole thing. When Stars talk about doing things to help the recreational poker player they don't mean guys like me who manage their bankroll and play a couple of days a week, they mean guys who log in, deposit $200 and play 4 $50 tourneys or 2 $100 tourneys. I naively thought that when they made the changes last year that it would create opportunity for guys like me to progress up the ranks as some of the regs moved away from Stars and the game, but whats becoming clearer every day is that Stars don't want anyone to make money at the game, they just want them to lose it at a slower rate as that means more rake for them.

I'm going to take a look at the Party and 888 schedules to see what's worth playing there, even though I loathe their software. If I can't find much worth playing there that's lower variance, I might have to question if it's worth playing online at all. I doubt Stars will care or miss the rake I pay if I make that decision.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:41 PM
Why the hell did they cut all the turbos starting between 10PM and 12PM CET. Loved to fill up my tables at the end of the session. All that's available now are some 109s (3 of them on party, 1 every hour, such a troll).
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
This would solve literally 80% of the complaints itt. The other 20% is the non Holdem games which obviously need a bit of work.
not exactly. small stakes schedule got butchered pretty hard.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 04:54 PM
Congratz to Luke and Doggz and the others for spending 6 months on this peace of **** schedule. Good solid work guys, congratz again : - )
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:01 PM
I guess the new 7.50 6max turbos PKO are replacing the old 8.8$ 6max turbo which had 1k first. I reged the new one and had 1700$ for first without bounties(20k prize pool, 15k over the 5k GTD), it also had an avrage of 30bb in last 100. We need more of these!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:08 PM
the mini super tuesday that was cried upon and cried upon to be made, hit 1100 runners..... currently doing the ickey woods shuffle
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:09 PM
Shockingly bad structures!

Its becoming very hard to believe that this is an oversight as its all tweaked in ways to make it look 'better' on the surface - increasing the startstack while removing levels and accelerating the time per level.

Don't really know what to say as each change makes it much harder to believe that stars is making 'innocent mistakes' and looks more like the sky is falling (albeit slowly).
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:21 PM
Completely changing the schedule overnight has to be a massive error
Luke why didn't you experiment wit these structures earlier in the year
So much negative feedback- Hopefully your quick to resolve some of the issues
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:30 PM
You can add the following MTTs:

19:00 CET $3.30 Deep Stacks NLHE
20:00 CET $3.30 NLHE 6-max (with normal structures, like 10 min blinds etc.)
21:00 CET $4.40 Deep Stacks NLHE
22:00 CET $2.20 NLHE (10 min blinds)
23:00 CET $3.30 NLHE (10 min blinds)
00:00 CET $2.20 NLHE 6-max (10 min blinds)

Also you can add something major for micro players. Yes, we have $3.30 Saturday Micro and $3.30 Sunday 6-max, but they starting too early (14:00 CET and 16:15 CET accordingly). Add something like "Sunday Micro Million" $2.20 starting between 19:00-22:00 CET and "Saturday Micro" late edition starting between 21:00-00:00 CET (or another name). Just add some good majors for micro players, because we have only few and they starting too early.

Your new MTTs $11 Mini Battle Royale early edition and late edition (12:00 and 02:00 CET) starting too early and too late for me and others from EU.
And your $11 Mini Saturday KO early and late edition too (12:00 and 02:00 CET),
$11 Mini Sunday Starter (12:00 CET), $11 Mini Sunday Kickoff (15:00 CET),
$11 Mini Sunday Wrap-Up (02:00 CET).
Mini Thursday Thrill early and late edition (12:00 and 02:00 CET)
Sunday Marathon 13:15 CET (btw you can make something like this for micro players. Mini Sunday Marathon $4.40 starting at 19:00 or 20:00 CET).
As you can see they all starting too early or too late, so can you add the same tournaments at that time zone? (19:00-00:00 CET)

I think a lot of players would like to play saturday and sunday micro majors. Sunday Deep Stacks would be great (19:00-00:00 CET)
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:31 PM
Day 1, post nr. 1.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
Hi all,

[*]The implementation of dynamic structures. I am seriously excited about the implications of this functionality! Imagine a typical freezeout but the levels are eight minutes in length, then 10 minutes once the money is reached, 12 minutes at the final three tables, and 15 minutes at the final table. The ability to lengthen the excitement of going deep in a tournament in a dynamic way has a lot of potential.
And then almost five months later
Overall, I do think tournaments need to be shortened some amount. I've made the conversion from professional to recreational player and my single biggest consideration of if I play a tournament or not is its length. If I am going to play 4-5 hours, not make the money, and be exhausted for work, I'm not interested. I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to our biggest weekly tournaments, but I think we need to draw a fine line in the daily schedule.

I'm asking, what has changed (think I know the answer but I would like one because this seems like a pretty big lie)?

Be honest please. You've been very selective in your answers so I'm going to be annoying and repeat this post every day until you answer.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:33 PM
Quoting the absolute run time of tourneys is a misleading statistic. It does nothing to address how the structure plays throughout different stages of the tournament. You can't just say both structures have similar run times, thus the new structure is just as good!

The FACTS are stars front-loaded the new structures so that there's more worthless play at the beginning, and less play at the end where all the regs make their money.

Like the idea of adding Deeps for players who still want to play poker.
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:37 PM
recreational player here. i love the new schedule! i used to play a few tables starting from 11pm: 7.50 turbo, hot 7.50, 11$ turbo, 11$ progressive ko, 16.50 turbo and a satellite to hot 44. Now all of these tournaments are gone or moved so i can only play hot 7.50 thanks PokerStars for making sure i have no way to lose my bankroll!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:48 PM
Some of you guys are redic lol, dog was/is just trying to help. He doesnt own pokerstars , hes just trying to make improvements.

1. fix the structures
2. fix the payouts
3. make more/better micro low stakes tournaments so you dont kill the dream you got to start somehwere , thsi seems kinda no brainer
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:48 PM
Why did you remove bb27, and $22 PKO 6max (19:45 cet)?
Bring them back, pls
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by BMakk
Day 1, post nr. 1.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Luke
[*]The implementation of dynamic structures. I am seriously excited about the implications of this functionality! Imagine a typical freezeout but the levels are eight minutes in length, then 10 minutes once the money is reached, 12 minutes at the final three tables, and 15 minutes at the final table. The ability to lengthen the excitement of going deep in a tournament in a dynamic way has a lot of potential.
And then almost five months later
Overall, I do think tournaments need to be shortened some amount. I've made the conversion from professional to recreational player and my single biggest consideration of if I play a tournament or not is its length. If I am going to play 4-5 hours, not make the money, and be exhausted for work, I'm not interested. I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to our biggest weekly tournaments, but I think we need to draw a fine line in the daily schedule.

I'm asking, what has changed (think I know the answer but I would like one because this seems like a pretty big lie)?

Be honest please. You've been very selective in your answers so I'm going to be annoying and repeat this post every day until you answer.

Last edited by CoronalDischarge; 04-26-2016 at 05:51 PM. Reason: no exclamation marks in the second quote so you know he had a gun to his head :(
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BMakk
Day 1, post nr. 1.

And then almost five months later
Overall, I do think tournaments need to be shortened some amount. I've made the conversion from professional to recreational player and my single biggest consideration of if I play a tournament or not is its length. If I am going to play 4-5 hours, not make the money, and be exhausted for work, I'm not interested. I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to our biggest weekly tournaments, but I think we need to draw a fine line in the daily schedule.

I'm asking, what has changed (think I know the answer but I would like one because this seems like a pretty big lie)?

Be honest please. You've been very selective in your answers so I'm going to be annoying and repeat this post every day until you answer.
This is just great!
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by JimyJamonas
Its becoming very hard to believe that this is an oversight
Is there seriously any reg that believes this?
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
04-26-2016 , 05:56 PM
In all fairness the new schedule is a hell of a lot of fun
PokerStars MTT Thread Quote
