Originally Posted by PhatPots
GTO says this spot is an all-in if the player is in late position. It's a tough spot, because how often do players bet pot with complete air? But on the other hand if you just call, you are committed in this spot. There are so many bad turns and you are going to have less than a PSB left. If you just call the flop, and the turn comes a brick, are you going to c/f to a shove? Is either your K or J a diamond?
I think you need to make a read on this flop and go with it.
Out of BB, this a pure call at cEV off 20BB effective. With ICM we maybe jam this some small % of the time, but even then we're more inclined to shove Ax stuff than broadway hands because we're more likely to be dominated when we get called. In SB we'd be far more inclined to jam, and it might even be pure in most formations.
Flop to me is just a spot where we're destined to go broke, unless we have some read that villain never has worse Jx or bluffs for that sizing. Villain does go pot so maybe there's some universe where we can talk ourselves into thinking this is always AJ or better, but I'd have to be really confident in my reads to do that.