A big selling point for me switching would be if I actually think a stubborn old slow learner like can learn to beat 3/6 or 5/10 in any reasonable timeframe.
This is very interesting to me. I've been playing 6 max for just over a year and the transition/learning for me has been at times painfully slow - and I'm older than the avg. poster. I've often wondered if that was a factor, but have no way to measure it other than to know that for me learning has taken or is taking longer than say FD or Manchild. Microbet has made the transition much quicker and he is older, but also less emotional about his game and probably smarter than I am.
Last month was sort of a revelation for me. I learned TO APPLY some basic concepts that should have been evident to me from the beginning regarding aggression, hud integration and a few other things that I knew, but like I said, wasn't applying to my game. I think its frustrating to my coach to the point where he has pretty much given up on me (not his fault
), which in turn is very frustrating to me because with a few more tweaks to my game I think I'm about there. "There" being a solid player up to 200nl maybe 400nl, not quite as good as FD but almost - at least in my mind.
Finally my goal a year ago was to work my way up to 3-6 or 5-10. Now its just to be solid at 1-2, and I've never been one to settle for second best etc. Meh, ranting.