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*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** *** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread ***

03-21-2012 , 11:19 AM
Just no zoom mttsngs, it will take a lot from the 180s traffic
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 11:33 AM
They should at least survey via email all players who play decent amounts of MTT SNG's asking for their thoughts on Zoom.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 11:54 AM
keep in mind most most regs and casual players enjoy playing a game that allows for some thought not just mindlessly 20 tabling push folding nash equilibrium robots hence why the demand for rebuy 180 is >>> any hyperturbo zoom crap product
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 12:02 PM
give us ZOOM MTTSNG's <3 .. slow structure like in RUSH Thanks!
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Langerdang
They should at least survey via email all players who deposit decent amounts and play MTT SNG's asking for their thoughts on Zoom.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 04:28 PM
I think Stars should up the rake a little bit then add a higher 180r

$3.50 + $0.50
$7.00 + $1.00

Considering what the abi would be the rake would not be bad at all, plus ppl might like the fact that they can actually earn vpps in these which is pretty much not possible atm.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 04:58 PM
Really like this compromise. Also, a "pause the tournament to make a deal" button would be great for 180s. Calling a moderator (on that rare occasion you want to deal) is soooo tilting and difficult to sit out if using table ninja.

Originally Posted by ISmellToast
I think Stars should up the rake a little bit then add a higher 180r

$3.50 + $0.50
$7.00 + $1.00

Considering what the abi would be the rake would not be bad at all, plus ppl might like the fact that they can actually earn vpps in these which is pretty much not possible atm.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 07:27 PM
The 35 and 60 180 mans don't appear in the tourney lobby. The 15's, 8, 4.50 and 3 rebuys do. If they were included in the tourney lobby , it might improve the traffic on them.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by simsina
The 35 and 60 180 mans don't appear in the tourney lobby. The 15's, 8, 4.50 and 3 rebuys do. If they were included in the tourney lobby , it might improve the traffic on them.
It depends on what tab you're on. The 35/180s appear on Tourney > Regular but not Tourney > All. A lot of recreational players only ever use the Tourney > All tab and Stars needs to realise that the client is very confusing for a lot of players and some games aren't getting the traffic they would otherwise get because a lot of recreational players don't know what's on offer or how to find it.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 09:51 PM
A check box for deals is a good idea, fully behind it. FTP had it and it worked pretty nicely.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by FDSaussure
It depends on what tab you're on. The 35/180s appear on Tourney > Regular but not Tourney > All. A lot of recreational players only ever use the Tourney > All tab and Stars needs to realise that the client is very confusing for a lot of players and some games aren't getting the traffic they would otherwise get because a lot of recreational players don't know what's on offer or how to find it.
Yah, I didn't even realize that. I think it would improve traffic for those games if they were included in the All tab .
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-21-2012 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by simsina
Yah, I didn't even realize that. I think it would improve traffic for those games if they were included in the All tab .
the All tourney tab has so many "sticky" sngs/satties its pretty cluttered already but moving 1 more over ( the 35 180) couldnt hurt

what do you guys think about this idea: Scrapping the 15$ 180 and making it a 7r 180, then making the 8$ FO 180 back to the 11$ 180 we all love. if stars is concerned about game liquidity, but whats to make a higher rebuy 180, i think this might be the best option

2$ 180 FO - $123
4$ 180 FO non turbo - $221
3r 180 - $450-550
11$ 180 FO - $600
7r 180 - $1080 (ABI ~$20)
35 180 FO - $1700
60 180 FO - $3000

I'm noticing a bit of a gap between the prize pools of the $4 non turbo and the 3r, so if this needs to be addressed perhaps you could make the 3.50r a $4 rebuy, keep the $8 FO, and lose the 11.. idk

2$ 180 FO - $123
4$ 180 FO non turbo - $221
8$ 180 FO - $400
4r 180 - $500-600
7r 180 - $1080 (ABI ~$20)
35 180 FO - $1700
60 180 FO - $3000

^^^^ that looks really good to me

Last edited by burnJa; 03-21-2012 at 10:38 PM. Reason: one time!
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-22-2012 , 03:53 AM
dont erase 15s 180s pls.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-22-2012 , 07:44 AM
Or $8s. There's enough of a gap between them and the $2.50s as it is. Also, the non-turbos are a different thing altogether and kinda irrelevant to the structuring of the buyins for the turbos imo.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-22-2012 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by ISmellToast
I think Stars should up the rake a little bit then add a higher 180r

$3.50 + $0.50
$7.00 + $1.00

Considering what the abi would be the rake would not be bad at all, plus ppl might like the fact that they can actually earn vpps in these which is pretty much not possible atm.
Waaaaay too harsh on the fish/recreational players who'd one-bullet.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:44 AM
God no zoom mttsngs
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 05:04 AM
please add mtt sng zoom
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Wolfe
God no zoom mttsngs
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Vrilya
Perhaps you should start homegames with your grandparents if the fish get to hard for you. The players at PS have internet, you know?
If my grandparents were alive this would be an option, thanks for the feedback though.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 12:09 PM
I'm still a relatively new player at the 180s (been grinding them for the past 6 months) so my thoughts my be different to others. To start with zoom MTTs will inevitably become a major part of the 180s, however zoom has only just been released for cash and that's only a beta version. So it will be a long time before they get implemented into the MTTs.

There is a lot of talk about the somewhat harsh step up in buy in from $2.50 turbo 180 to $8 turbo 180 and I agree with this. Starting as a micro stakes grinder, stepping up to that next level you want it to be somewhere in the region of 2x your previous buy in. I know $4.50 non-turbo 180s exist, but these need to be treated as a separate entity, the volume isn't there and they play completely different to turbos. A buy in somewhere in the region of $4-5 turbo 180 would be an ideal addition.

I'm baffled as to why Stars have trialed a $7r 90man turbo instead of a 180man turbo. The customer base for 90 mans compared with 180s is pretty much non-existent. I would assume the majority of posts on this thread are from people who play 180s and yet nothing has been trialed for the 99% of people that have suggested ideas and changes.

I know Pokerstars staff have access to more data and stats than any of us and have experience in adding new tourneys in the past, but surely putting some additional turbo 180s in the lobby (where the majority of mtt customers play) can only help with their revenue? At the same time I do understand that they are a business and adding a rebuy reduces their income (longer game plus lower buy in). Plus I don't see the harm of trialing something for just a week? A small-medium change in the 180 game types for a week cant harm the revenue much.

In my personal opinion there would be more chance of a $4-5 180 turbo being added as the gap between that buy in range is way too large. I think this would be a great addition as it would be easier for players to step up, would definitely get the customer base to fill up regularly and be good for Stars profit as it would encourage some $2.50 players to move up.

I like the idea of a final table deal button as well, cannot see any harm in this; good for regs if they are 3/4 handed with other regs and good for fish as its a lot of money for them.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 01:24 PM
+ 1 to the deal button
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 02:00 PM
What do you guys think of these buy-ins? For small stakes players i think the jump from 3-6-12 is alot better than going 2.5-8-15, also if you are a mid-stakes player you would have 12s 30s 4r and 8r so they wouldn't exactly be left out either. Came up with these numbers in a few minutes so sorry if there is some glaring hole or problem with them that i did not see.

*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 02:02 PM
dont move buyins imho, im happy with 15s, 8s and 35s... just add a rebuy in any case but why would you guys want to reduce your abi?
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by vreju
please add mtt sng zoom
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:56 PM
9r zoom mttsng?
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