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*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** *** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread ***

09-23-2015 , 09:37 AM
I've already posted my thoughts on it so I'll just give a quick +1 to T500 and consolidating some of the micro 90s/180s into on-demand games (as long as they keep the current 90/180 blind structure and they don't use the 45 player structure).
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-23-2015 , 10:21 AM
+1 to T500
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-23-2015 , 01:28 PM
+100000 to on demands!
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:17 PM
so we get rid off 180s and 90s turn into demands or how shall this gonna work? Are they capped at 180 or turned into real mtts?

Also why does a 18/27 man cost the same rake as a 9man?
Why does a 2m blind 500chip 1$ hyper 180man cost the same rake as a 1,5k chip 15m regspeed 1$ 180man?
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
so we get rid off 180s and 90s turn into demands or how shall this gonna work? Are they capped at 180 or turned into real mtts?
idk, maybe a cap would work at some stakes / speeds depending on traffic.

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
Also why does a 18/27 man cost the same rake as a 9man?
Why does a 2m blind 500chip 1$ hyper 180man cost the same rake as a 1,5k chip 15m regspeed 1$ 180man?
same reason an $82 deadline sat with what's effectively a hyper blind structure has $7 rake: because people are willing to pay it!
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-23-2015 , 06:13 PM
yeah because if we don't player are late regging more the big games instead of regging for a completely new one. then we get less games with bigger field sizes in the end. variance goes up. maybe more fish joins which will then lower the variance again due to higher ROI. who knows.

But I don't want to play a 120minutes+ game every session, 45mans 85 minutes are somewhat better suited for short sessions. Also they fire pretty quickly as they just need less players to fill up in a certain timeframe.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-25-2015 , 04:03 PM
Since I posted, traffic has improved. No on demands for peak time traffic. It might be too radical of a solution and have unforeseen consequences like the ones described by Uhrenknecht.

Yes to experimenting with them on off peak times with less popular buy ins.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-25-2015 , 04:22 PM
i would be interested in some on demand sngs for off peak. please don't screw around with 180s in peak time though.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-25-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
i would be interested in some on demand sngs for off peak. please don't screw around with 180s in peak time though.
I think there for sure needs to be another rebuy 180 like the $3r 180.

Now there is many Regs in 180 SnGs and there is not much edge to be had in a FO 180, but the $3r 180 have offered the deeper stack edge and every Reg has flocked to it.

There just isnt enough room for all the Regs in one rebuy 180 anymore and many are finding it difficult with it being mainly Reg on Reg and a few Recs here and there.

I think either the $15 or the $8 FO has to be removed for another rebuy with a higher buy in than the $3r!

Plus some marketing SnGs wouldnt go a miss like the golden SnGs + some other ideas instead of marketing Spin & Go's that will not last a year with cartels in them already!

Last edited by SCOOOOP23; 09-25-2015 at 05:37 PM.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-25-2015 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
whilst I agree that improving the structures would be great, MTTSNGs need a much more drastic fix than a 500 BB level. There are too many similar games with slightly different field sizes and buyins (especially at the lower stakes) that are cannibalising each other's traffic and it's time for a clear out.

On Demand would be perfect. It may sound drastic, but imagine removing all 27/45/90/180 SNGs at all buyins and speeds, and replacing them with 36-man On Demand SNGs with 20 mins of late registration. Just set a simple but comprehensive range of buyins, and offer turbo and regular speed variants. There would ALWAYS be a suitable game running or about to start whenever a recreational player sat down to play, whereas in the current climate one can wait around for 20 mins to get a single $8 turbo 180 running at the wrong time of day.

If Stars don't have the software functionality for On Demands yet, then I don't really know what to say. They bought FTP what, 3 years ago?
I wholeheartedly agree. Pokerstars offers way too many nichegames for way too many buy-in levels even though the traffic doesnt warrant it by any means.
Looking at the lobby unfiltered makes me wonder if you even like money Stars?!

*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-28-2015 , 05:29 PM
Golden SNG was a blast. Games were so vivid the few days this ran. Maybe make the promo longer with less chance of hitting one? I don't know.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
09-30-2015 , 08:04 AM
If some formats of MTSNG disappear, any chance we'll get hyper MTSNGs? A 90man or a 9max double shootout would be awesome and I'm fairly sure it'd be a hit with recreational players too.
If, of course, it doesn't have a ridiculous rake like the 180man 1$
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-07-2015 , 02:13 PM
Hey, I think this was suggested before but please, consider this again:

Higher limit 90man PKOs
180PKOs (or making existing ones into KOs)
Higher limit 180 Rebuys

And in the MTT branch, it would be great to have more timebombs of different kind. Higher limits, 45minutes, KOs, PKOs, etc.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-07-2015 , 02:18 PM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-13-2015 , 09:06 AM
Solid work you've been doing lately Baard

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*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-13-2015 , 09:36 AM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-15-2015 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by I AmLegend11
We need T500 in all 180s. The blind jump from T400 to T600 in a short stacked game is just absurd! It is very surprising that not too many people are trying to push for this change to happen. We also need 15 second time banks to be added at all final tables in all 180s. If all regular scheduled mtts get the original time bank added again at the FT, why can't we get the same in 180s? 180s are also mtts....their is a reason they are offered at the top of mtt schedule!

I have been advocating for for change to happen in the mtt thread for some time now. It seems like the change isn't going to happen by posting over there??

How about we get as many people in here to push for these two changes in this thread!!

Who is with me??
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-15-2015 , 08:46 AM
iirc we were asking for t500 back when I was grinding 180s, 2-3 years ago. It's such an obvious change and ridiculous it still hasn't been added.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-16-2015 , 11:10 AM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-16-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
iirc we were asking for t500 back when I was grinding 180s, 2-3 years ago. It's such an obvious change and ridiculous it still hasn't been added.
Baard is busy.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-18-2015 , 01:08 AM
T500 and 15 second timebank added once FT is reached.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-18-2015 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by I AmLegend11
T500 and 15 second timebank added once FT is reached.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-19-2015 , 08:32 AM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-19-2015 , 12:07 PM
Does anyone from Star even read this thread any more? If people like some of my ideas please let me know and ill send them Stars and email directly

1) Make 18-Mans have a synchronized break every hour. It's pretty stupid to only have one every other hour when ALL the other multi-table games have them every hour. Also could you consider making the 18Mans only pay the top three places? This would make the games more like a traditional tournament which would involve more gambling which would lower the running time of the game slightly thus increase rake.

2) The $1 3X Turbo Rebuy" games are badly structured. The average stack is often no more than 15 big blinds which doesn't offer a lot of fun and excitement for recreational as well as professional players. Instead why don't you add more TWO X turbo rebuys to the schedule with a more balanced blind structure? This would offer more play for all players as well as increasing the rake you generate overall since there are not as many rebuys in a 2X compared to a 3X meaning that money could be spent and thus raked on other games, and this would easily happen if you added more micro stake Rebuy games, even more so if you replaced the $1 3X turbo which runs at 7pm and change that to a $1 or $2 TWO X Turbo Rebuy and then having another one of these tournaments at around 8-9pm for those that which to play the same format at the same time or those that busted out of the first one. This would also add to the Turbo games on offer around or after 9pm which I feel the schedule is lacking

3) Please consider adding more "Ultra Stack" events to your schedule as this will attract a lot of players who like to play with big stacks. This would NOT affect the rake generated negatively because the starting stacks of tournaments are somewhat superficial in their affect of the running time and rake generated. The running times of these ultra stack games would not be much longer than a regular stacked game because of the way the blinds work but would attract a lot more players to the site thus more rake. You could also run an "Ultra Stack Week" promotion akin to the one on Full Tilt Poker a while ago which seemed very successful to help promote the new format as well as bring new players to the site

4) The "slow" games on Poker Stars are... TOO slow! They can often run for 12 hours for such a small payday, relative to the buyin. These games are great to have as part of your schedule as they attract a certain type of player who likes a slow blind structure. Removing them entirely would not be wise since these players would then move to a different site who offers a "slow" structure. What I suggest is making them SLIGHTLY faster i.e. 15 minute blinds all the way instead of 15 minutes and then 20 minutes. This would make these games more economically viable by attracting more players to them since they won't be such long marathons but will also keep the original player base happy to continue to play them

5) Have you considered making a different type of tournament for each of your Majors? For example with "The Big $11", you have "The Hot $11" but could also add "The Ultra Stack $11", "The Big Rebuy $11", "The Big Knockout $11" etc. This would surely increase the amount of active players on the site because whatever buyins they play there would be multiple different formats that they can choose from. All most all Regs would play all the different formats from the given buy in level. Most recreational players would play at least a few of them. And then some other recreational players (those that deposit a small amount every few months or whatever) would now be more inclined to deposit and play more regularly since there is a "Major" tournament in the specific forma that they like whether that be Ultra Stack or Turbo etc.

6) Have you considered FPP tournaments and bring back tournament dollars in a major way? I feel it would be a great way for players to buy into these On-demand FPP events with their points and then win tournament dollars. What this should achieve is that players who had little to no funds on their account could potentially win something which would in turn allow them to play more games and consequently generate more rake

7) The 180-Man and 90-Man games have died down in recent times. Perhaps you should consider consolidating the games you have on offer so that the games you choose to run, run far more often which is what both Regulars and Recreational players really want. The 90-Man knockouts seem fairly popular; perhaps you could turn these into a new 180-Man format? Personally I feel the 45Mans are quite poor in terms of traffic as such what about removing them from the schedule? The players who play them could then move to 18Mans and/or 90 Mans. Firstly the difference between a 45man and an 18man or a 45man and a 90 man are quite small so customer dissatisfaction would not be a major issue. Secondly this would dramatically increase traffic in the 18Mans and the 90mans, the 90 mans really do need it, so much so that maybe you should remove the 90Mans as well as the 45 Mans? Also worthy of note is that the 45Man as a whole do not generate that much rake because they don't run all that often, compared to other formats or after consolidating the formats, also because the buyin is capped at $30. Surely you want formats that you can have buyins from $1 or whatever all the way up to $50, $75 etc. By consolidating the 45Mans and/or 90Mans etc you would then be able to offer higher buyin games thus produce more rake over all and both recreational as well as professional players really want the choice of what stakes to play

8) I used to love the 180 Rebuys since they offers low rake and deeper stacks but now they are COMPLETELY Reg filled, I actually find they have more Regs in them than the $15! I know ill step on some toes hear but what do people think about removing the Rebuys and changing the 180 buyins to like $2.5, $6, $15, $30, $50. For sure the $8 and $15 games are close enough together that they should be merged IMO. You could avoid the outcry of removing the 180 Rebuys by giving us 3000 stacking stacks with a slightly slower blind structure across all the other 180 mans? Another solution which is like drastic is to simply remove say the $15 FO and add a higher buyin 180 Rebuy which i would prefer also.The golden SNG promotion worked really well and you could run this at the start of the new structure. Or if you completely remove the 180s and have On Demand games as others have suggested then having a 10 minute late Reg feature should ensure that the tournament size doesn't go too high

9) All your SNGS have very little starting stacks at 1500 with antes from the start; though it seems that the faster the games run the more rake you generate I don't believe that this is the case. In the SHORT term yes this would be correct but from a player perspective whether Regular or Recreational they want "bang for their buck"; by giving players more play for their money this would entice them to play and deposit more often because their money goes further. If Stars continue to try to make things go faster and faster than players would simply move to other sites that offer slower games or even other means of recreation that offer more value for their time and money

10) The color coding restrictions you have recently implemented are literally ridiculous. This feature in tracking software does not offer an "unfair" advantage over other players and is simply used to help Regulars in a way that has very small tangible benefits, because of this please consider changing this back
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
10-21-2015 , 05:43 AM
45 man run little? at what buy ins?
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
