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*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** *** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread ***

07-15-2015 , 11:04 PM
Is there a reason the site can't put more than one 3.5r, 8, 15s running at a time? That way more tables could get registered? I think the most 15s i ever had going at once was probably 8 table max?

Whats wrong with showing 8s and 15s where theres more than 1 registering at a time? The 3.50s always get lot of games going quickly but the 8s and 15s dont as much.

Also is there a reason why so many players reg the 3.5r as oppose to the 8s or 15s?
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07-16-2015 , 03:16 AM
Pauly, every thread on 2+2 isn't the "dumb questions" thread
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
07-18-2015 , 03:11 PM
Why do yous keep $6 45man regspeed? It barely plays twice a day!
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07-18-2015 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by ramabranch
Why do yous keep $6 45man regspeed? It barely plays twice a day!
There's a $6 45 man?

*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
07-19-2015 , 02:14 PM
There are still regspeed SNGs?

*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-01-2015 , 05:26 AM
Now after eliminating 15$-180 in offpeak hours neither 15$-45pl don`t run, really?
Introduce more and more Spins and just call yourself GambleStars cause you are killing poker day by day.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-01-2015 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by cr1s5t1
Now after eliminating 15$-180 in offpeak hours neither 15$-45pl don`t run, really?
Introduce more and more Spins and just call yourself GambleStars cause you are killing poker day by day.
couple of days ago i remember playing like 4-6 of these 15$ 45men during off peak time. Unlike 180s these did actually run frequently.... At least 90men GAMBOL KO remain in the sng lobby this is so ridic

Give them another month or so and they will remove 3r 180s for good i betcha
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08-01-2015 , 06:55 AM
I know they run pretty good because i was playing them too since they removed the 15-180. From now i don`t see the point to play in off peak hours cause 3r and 8-180 fill hard in the morning and i won`t play 3-4 tables.
Good job again Amaya!
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08-03-2015 , 08:25 PM
Wait when they took the 15 180s out of the lobby during off peak times have 15 45s run less? I don't get why that would happen thats so weird
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08-10-2015 , 10:35 PM
I dont know if this is the correct place to post but i would love to see some hyper steps
As full tilt used to have
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08-14-2015 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Also is there a reason why so many players reg the 3.5r as oppose to the 8s or 15s?
Because of the structure. The rebuys are a lot better setup with the antes and blind levels and that makes them a lot more fun. Baard refuses to adjust the blind levels jumps as he did in other SnG formats so it's still broken in the 180mans except it plays decently well with the average 3K starting stacks.

I think PokerStars should toss all 180 man freezeouts if they refuse to alter the blind level jumps and just replace them with a higher buyin rebuy 180 man.
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08-18-2015 , 09:22 PM
Any chances for reg speeds 180's with buy ins higher than $4.50 to return?

Why were they actually removed?
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08-18-2015 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by jk88
Any chances for reg speeds 180's with buy ins higher than $4.50 to return?

Why were they actually removed?
They would almost never load up at all
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-20-2015 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by oldskool87
They would almost never load up at all
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-27-2015 , 11:31 AM
Is there a reason why there isn't more than 1 game registering for each stake of 3.50r, 8s and 15s? That way more games can be loaded at once? Whats the most amount of 15s going on at once at the peakest of all times? I would take a guess and say 12 maybe? However, no player would be playing in 12 of these games because they would have busted in a few of them so i would say the most $15 games a player probably is playing at once is probably 8 at the very most?

I know with sngs, back then there was no limit so if a player registered say 50 sngs at a certain stake, let just say a 20 dollar one, well you would see that person in registered 1/9 etc and then stars made the most games you can be registered at once at a certain stake in sngs is 4 right? If thats the case, why not do the same with the 180 mans? That way players can play more of these. I assume everyone would like to see this right? That way you could see 150/180 registered of 15s, 100/180 registered of 15s etc.

Is there a reason stars doesn't do this?
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08-27-2015 , 01:02 PM
How would enabling players to register for more than one $15 180 at a time increase the number of $15 180s that run per day?
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08-27-2015 , 01:08 PM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-27-2015 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
How would enabling players to register for more than one $15 180 at a time increase the number of $15 180s that run per day?

How would it not? If they do this, more $15, $8 can go. It takes a long time for $15 180 man to start up. So if you had few of them, then you could have more games loaded faster at the $15. If you look at the $15 180 mans, very few games run early and later in the day. Who wouldn't be opposed to this. Seems like very easy thing to do if one wants to play more than one of these.
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08-28-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Is there a reason why there isn't more than 1 game registering for each stake of 3.50r, 8s and 15s? That way more games can be loaded at once? Whats the most amount of 15s going on at once at the peakest of all times? I would take a guess and say 12 maybe? However, no player would be playing in 12 of these games because they would have busted in a few of them so i would say the most $15 games a player probably is playing at once is probably 8 at the very most?

I know with sngs, back then there was no limit so if a player registered say 50 sngs at a certain stake, let just say a 20 dollar one, well you would see that person in registered 1/9 etc and then stars made the most games you can be registered at once at a certain stake in sngs is 4 right? If thats the case, why not do the same with the 180 mans? That way players can play more of these. I assume everyone would like to see this right? That way you could see 150/180 registered of 15s, 100/180 registered of 15s etc.

Is there a reason stars doesn't do this?
Yes, it would take longer to get them started. Imagine you have 190 unique players divided among two tournaments, obviously some people registered in both - a tournament still doesn't start whereas if they are forced to register for the same one then it starts.

I do see the problem you are talking about though. The current solution is is that every time a new one opens you go to top-left and choose "register for similar tournament". What would be better though would be to have a lobby similar to like they have for spin n goes, where you just choose "register me for the next 5 as they come up".
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08-28-2015 , 04:46 AM
Ctrl + S
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08-28-2015 , 06:50 PM
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-28-2015 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
How would it not? If they do this, more $15, $8 can go. It takes a long time for $15 180 man to start up. So if you had few of them, then you could have more games loaded faster at the $15. If you look at the $15 180 mans, very few games run early and later in the day.
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08-29-2015 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
How would it not? If they do this, more $15, $8 can go. It takes a long time for $15 180 man to start up. So if you had few of them, then you could have more games loaded faster at the $15. If you look at the $15 180 mans, very few games run early and later in the day. Who wouldn't be opposed to this. Seems like very easy thing to do if one wants to play more than one of these.
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08-29-2015 , 04:41 PM
it doesn't work like that pauly.
*** OFFICIAL PokerStars MTTSNG Suggestion Thread *** Quote
08-31-2015 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
it would indeed be awesome if the Favourites tab could include SNGs and MTTs without having to switch between tabs. I miss so many games by forgetting to switch back.
Any update on this?

Would be nice to not have to switch back and forth between tabs all day, esp because my mtt lobby likes to lag on me if i stay in the sng tab for too long.

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